The RNLI are cunts.
A charity for lifeboats? My arse.
These cunts are migrant smugglers, and this picture has them caught in the act. These bastards will never get another penny from me, and if they are not fit for purpose, the RNLI should be defunded and shut down. Utter fucking cunts.
Nominated by: Norman
According to AlBeeb, donations have increased since this story emerged.
I detect a whiff of bullshit and questionable accounting here.
I thought it was the other way round? BBC excelling themselves with lies.
I’m sure the bbc are happy to reinforce someone else’s lie if it fits they’re agenda.
The Mail had the story saying donations were drying up because of their new found role as uber for illegals, and other issues like it spending money overseas on burkinis and other shit.
Part of the problem, not the solution.
How often do we see big charities going beyond their remit? Usually a sign of surplus cash.
Apparently when the news broke about the RNLI shipping migrants to UK shores they saw a massive decline in charity donations, and rightly so, charities are all money making businesses first and foremost, so very little of what you donate even gets to the intended recipients, but to spend time and money bringing this wave of shit to the UK so they can leach of the system that we already pay for makes me want to fucking puke.
So fuck the RNLI on the surface a worthy cause, but in reality a bunch of cunts,if they took the migrants back to France they would see charity donations go up im sure….
RNLI are charged with saving lives at sea.
Fair enough – save them but dump them either back in France or in a UK holding facility pending deportation.
I’d just let the fuckers drown, but then I’m not as Noble as the RNLI.
Why doesn’t HMG keep track of the illegal migrants ‘rescued ‘by the RNLI and send them the bill for every single penny spent on them prior to their mandatory expulsion from the U.K.
With my ‘Sensible’ head, I see they have no choice but to rescue the cunts, as, what are they supposed to do, let them drown? That does go against the whole ethos of what the RNLI is all about. I’m in a similar situation. What do I do if I get called to an asylum seeker in cardiac arrest? Just stand by and do nothing? Ain’t going to happen, whether I agree with their circumstances or not. It’s hard to understand, if you don’t work in this field, or, volunteer, in the RNLI’s case.
Now, with my ‘Cunt’ head on, tow the cunts back to France and ‘Yes’, in that order!
No, obviously don’t just stand there and do nothing. Smother the cunts and get back to your beat.
Whilst I agree with treating them for an heart attack if they are here. Treat in and deport them. RNLI is encouraging people trafficking.
I went to a huge party thrown by the RNLI, an absolutely brilliant night.
Those blokes really know how to push the boat out….
Look at that nom pic. Like an illustration from Enid Blyton’s “Ten Woligog’s Go Sailing”.
The boat seems to be heavily listing on the Woligog side. Looks like it’s about to capsize.
Got to stop calling these cunts migrants. Do you call some uninvited cult in your house a visitor?
RNLI exist to save people in trouble at sea and they don’t do it based on nationality or citizenship status. Turning bile on them just diverts attention from the government who perpetuate the problem by either not wanting to resolve it or not having the balls to do anything meaningful.
When the common method of illegal entry was stowing away in the back of a lorry they fined the lorry drivers. It was the drivers fault that the EU failed to control their borders. The french do fuck all to stop these crossings so it’s left to us to deal with the problem.
It’s a failure of policy causing the problem. Are we really so fucking stupid that we are going to kick the fuck out of the RNLI for doing their job? If Our resident paramedic assists an illegal in a medical emergency is he a cunt or is he just doing his job?
Two words of advice to the RNLI, which will be ignored – men, women and children:
No ifs, not buts – and if you are Tom Daley or a Labour poofter – no butts
What would the RNLI do if there were 50 migrants stuck on a dinghy, or 2 Brits in trouble in a canoe – both in the English Channel.
If the RNLI boat was only big enough for 50 would they go for the Brits first and 48 migrants; or go for 50 migrants first and leave the Brits till later?
Answers on a postcard to fat cunt Patel!
Could it be that some of the charidee donations are from traffickers, who are keen to keep their lucrative smuggling service going, and now can give assurances to these illegals that they will be in safe hands with the RNLI picking them up?
Stands to reason. I bet Al Ja Beeba wouldn’t even contemplate that possibility.
I can’t really cunt the RNLI on the face of it. They should not be entering French waters for the pickups – Priti Lime Pickle Pappadom needs to put a stop to this.
The RNLI is dependent on charity donations; and yet the government give them next to fuck all (correct me if I’m wrong). Yet the government don’t mind handing over almost £60m to the French to stop this dinghy shite – and failing dismally!
What the fuck is going on here?
Good point, Masky. The smugglers have been the outright winners in this and must now have transported the whole of what was the Calais Jungle over here (Lily Allen’s cock-hunting territory). If these Albanian/Romanian People-smugglers contributed just a few quid each, the Romainain Nationals Leeches Institute would be flush.
I just cannot see why we cannot just treat the dingy cunts as undocumented French people and deported them back to France. Why is everything so fucking complicated.
That would be, procedurally, the correct way to go, but it would involve Priti Pappadom going up against the micro-cocked, cheese-eating, granny-fucker or her counterpart.
No chance.
Human rights lawyers
All the migrant charities
Some ‘ancient’ laws about refugees.
The UK government should be taking the Frogs to court over failing to control migrants in their country and get a ruling that anyone arriving in Britain from France without permission will be immediately returned.
It’s the only way to stop the cunts coming.
The 60 million would have been better spent on building secure holding prior to deportation because the French authorities don’t give a shit.
Patel and the government are a disgrace.
We have an immigration process already, but these dingy crews are simply pushing in, which is something we in the UK have never put up with.
Do not process them on our shores. Fly them to the back of the queue in a Syrian Refugee Camp where they can wait their turn. And to save on costs, they could buy an onboard parachute before being dropped off
I assume the RNLI only operate in UK waters and if they get a call they have to respond, can’t blame them really but it doesn’t look good when you see pictures of them ferrying migrants to the UK.
The majority of people in the UK are pissed off with these cunts (not asylum) arriving day after day, the vast majority young men, maybe they are decent people but one thing is for sure there will be many here for the free ride and some who are coming here to fuel or commit terrorist acts. When that happens ‘lessons will be learned’ (again).
I unfortunately read a Twatter feed about this scandal last week and Lineker was there tweeting 3 clapping emojis in support of the RNLI.
That in a nutshell is why I don’t use Twatter.
The fucking jug eared cunt.
Top nom well cunted.
Maybe a prayer to the Gods of the sea for a permanent 30 ft swell and Gail force winds in the Dover straight. ?
A bit of thunder and lighting for effect.
Gale not Gail
Although Gail from Coronation st, is pretty scary ?
I haven’t donated to the cunts since I found out they were funding this shit:
They can fuck right off, us Brits give to the RNLI as we’re thinking they are solely for our benefit. I’m utterly pissed off with foreign fucks taking and then taking more from us.
Whatever party is in power imports immigrants. I remember Labour didn’t do anything about it then we find some cunt said he’s going to rub the rights face in it, it looks like the right are going to rub our faces in it. The country is fucked who voted for this lot of cunts of all hues. No wonder why I drink to excess ffs
I think we should distinguish between the blokes who are actually on the boats and doing their duty,as it were, (and risking their fucking lives) and the pen pushing wokie bastards who are running the show.
Besides this cuntery they send large amounts of dough in foreign aid to bongo bongo land. Also remember the case a couple of years ago when they sacked three crew members for having pin ups on their lockers? ( naked women not Tom Daley)
The wokies are everywhere, but more importantly they are in the British fucking government and the Civil Service. Fuck me one of them is shagging the PM and dropping posh brats all over the shop!!
The RNLI won’t get another fucking penny from me and I wish I could say the same about the government. But i’m not Gary fucking Taxdodger am I ?
Develop a secret weapon that could generate a huge wave and take them out. Would look like mother nature did it.
What do you do with floating shite?
Flush it.
Im happy to watch immigrants drowning, fuck em.
And if that means the RNLI going broke?
Well fuck them too.
Ill sit making sand castles and watch the cunts wash ashore like jellyfish.
Don’t mince your words MNC, but I agree with you.
It’s Uncle Adolf that I feel sorry for…all that time wasted planning Operation Sea Lion when he could have just loaded up a few pedalos and rung the Royal Navy to come and tow them across the Channel…not sure the Wehrmacht would have been any more destructive than the endless stream of young men photographed “seeking asylum” these days.
PS…..I used to have a lot of respect for the RNLI and still do for the crews.
I don’t feel sorry for him one bit. The guy was a complete loon who caused national destruction with his globalist ambitions. Killed millions of children who potentially could have changed the world for the better, just because he didn’t like um. Wrecked beautiful buildings and not to forget killed millions of fathers and decent human beings with their lives in front of them.
Good olde diplomacy wasn’t good enough was it. That doesn’t mean I dislike white people or feel sorry for the German people having to put up with a stain like that on their history. But that doesn’t mean they need to be so pro human rights it ends up in destruction of their own country (Klergi Prize – this is what is happening here and why I voted brexit and the fact that the population is growing to a point we won’t be able to sustain food production for our own) and it’s happening with the EU. Nick Clegg says won’t be a EU Army bla bla doesn’t want to make NATO Contributions etc, it’s see through! They have ambitions to destroy people who don’t agree with them. That’s wrong.
I can’t stand all these cunts who come over here and benefit scrounge and take everything out the system and put nothing in, however if they are genuinely fleeing war there does need a system to be in place where all countries in peaceful state take their fair share and once the country is returned to peace or functioning democracy they are returned to their ancestral lands. This can only be done by co operation.
We don’t reward for leadership and honestly anymore, we need to seriously get a grip. It’s this woke shit I can’t stand, can’t call someone a name like a paki because it’s racist. Bollocks is it, they are from Pakistan. I’m not going round beating them up or chucking them in the river. It’s just a fucking name, sticks and stones. I’m sorry their own country is a fucking cow dung based economy doesn’t mean we got to have thousands of them living here. However they are not at war are they? We should be training our own as Gordon Brown said, British Jobs for British People. What happened to that then?
I don’t want to ever speak German if I did I’d learn it and move to Germany. It’s not about race it’s about remaining a sovereign nation.
Fucking brilliant – comment of the year^
Tony Abbot sorted out ‘irregular migration’, adopting a policy of tow-backs or turning boats around and processing irregulars off mainland Australia; even then anyone who got refugee status didn’t get to stay in Australia, so I just read. This is exactly what that useless fat-arse Priti should organise; instead all she does is spout enough hot air to melt the ice caps and cause a global rise in sea levels all by herself.
I can’t blame the RNLI; they are only doing their job. Its Priti’s and Bojo’s fault. If they ordered naval boats into the Channel to tow the queue jumpers back, and that is exactly what they are, then the RNLI could go back to saving fishermen and leisure sailors etc.
I would be in no doubt that the RNLI is helped by sizable donations from the likes of George Soros and the “Open Societies Foundation”
No doubt this philanthropist piece of billionaire shit is behind the funding of vessels that ferry these cunts across the Med from Africa in the first place.
This is an invasion but due to the wokey cokey happy clappy world we live in, it can’t be called out for what it is and what’s more, there doesn’t appear to be any political will to fight against it.
For every one of these cunts who is given an RLNI taxi ride to a four star hotel in the UK, another young white female is placed in future danger.
A tangible fact which must be ignored in the name of tolerance.
Fuck off!
It’s a fucking travesty.
Not about the RNLI but the whole system.
French happily letting these cunts sail towards the UK.
As soon as they hit shore they claim asylum, given legal aid or some woke fucking human rights charity pay for them to fight deportation.
It’s not just this government, this goes back many years.
I would have zero tolerance.
If you are a legitimate asylum seeker or you want to emigrate to this country then you should go through the proper process.
Anyone turns up on the back of a lorry or a dinghy, instant deportation to the country of origin and forfeit any rights to claim asylum.
I saw some of these so called asylum seekers on TV the other. Poor persecuted people with iPhones and designer trainers.
Paying 20k to get in the country. I’d be so lucky to have twenty fucking grand.
Ever look at a functioning peaceful civilization and say this place could use more *iggers and muzzies?!
I’m just saying… I’ve been saying this for years all these ngo organizations are all run by Soros and globalhomo they pay off politicians left or right doesn’t make a fuck of a difference! They can be bought for a price
Solution is easy.
Treat them as invaders. It is what they are. Potential enemy combatants.
Fire a warning shot and in English and umbongo say over loudspeakers, “Turn around immediately or we will shoot. You have 2 minutes to start your return to France.”
Then, bomb the cunts.
You won’t see a single boatload of shit after that, guaranteed.
Fuck off.
In response to Nigel Farage’s perfectly correct and accurate comments, the voice of fairness and reason- David Mr Lammy had the following to say
“We don’t ask our paramedics to pick and choose who they pick up if you’ve just had a heart attack or a stroke.
“We don’t ask them to check ‘what’s your status, are you allowed to use the NHS’.
In response to Mr Lammy- most if not all attended to by the NHS paramedics are not committing an illegal act. Illegal immigrants,the clue is in the name.
The RNLI are guilty of aiding an abetting this criminal act.
Regards to iOS comment “we don’t check their status with regards to if allowed to use the NHS”- one of the contributing reasons for the dire state of the NHS is that absolutely any fuckers can use it free of charge, whether they have a legal right to be here or not.
David Lammy, you are a nasty racist trouble making piece of shit.
Right on mate the Paramedics I know spend little time if any dragging illegals out of the channel, Lammy is a wart on his Satanic majesty’s arsehole. Lammy fuck off for the 100th time you slag.
This used to boil my piss but not anymore. Whoever is in charge in Government is not fit to run a whelk barrow never mind the country. I’ve gone past caring.
What’s the odds on one of these illegals being a terrorist? Probably quite high with the numbers where letting in. A terrorist act will occur, then the ‘lessons will be learnt’ bullshit and lighting candles crap will begin in earnest.
This country is a full blown basket case which is the laughing stock of the world.
I stopped contributing to the RNLI as soon as I found out what they were spending the money on.
I would remove tax exemption status from “charities” – they are just corporate thieves.
Want more money?
Half the fkin CEO’s salary.
Charity importing people against the national interest. Aka people smuggling. Cunts. This is what a coastguard is for not some jumped up do-gooders who want to feel good about themselves.
The Conservatives are in power. How long is it now? What difference has it made? Who do we have to vote for to get something done about this farcical situation?
Well I voted Reform and before that a member of UKIP. No one can say how you want to vote but im sick of the lot of them and the media who is on the side of what they like to hear, vote for these and manipulating the masses just to get in power and don’t fucking do it.
I want to read a decent manifesto and all that party vote for these issues shown in the manifesto in the way it’s been presented and all vote the same way as opposed to people joining a party they disagree when it comes to vote time then side with labour and just get this flip flopping, fine on matters outside the manifesto promises. It’s just a game to career politicians, they will end up the richest man in the graveyard they know it but they feather the families nest or do a King of Spain and fuck off elsewhere.
Nigel Farage the best statesman we’ve never had because the media has flagged him off as some sort of fascist when he is just right.
Face it – the only sensible voting option is “none of the wankers listed above”!