The Fake Conservatives, Big Brother, BRINO and – as ever – the E fucking U!
Just seen this: EU Car Speed Limiter Law
Yet another piece of Big Brother legislation penned by the EU and about to be published by the Fake Conservatives who gave us BRINO four years after we voted to dump the interfering cabal of cunts!
About the only hope I have left is that Doris is being chauffeured in a brand new car installed with this EU Directive and it accidentally pulls out in front of a large truck, the chauffeur puts his foot down to escape but the EU Directive says “fuck off and die speeding is illegal”, and the truck rolls on squishing both of the cunts!
Nominated by: mikdys
The only answer is not to buy a new car after 2021.
Devices like this are an infringement on a drivers control and are more likely to cause accidents by limiting the drivers ability to accelerate out of a situation. Ok – you can press the accelerator hard to override it, but I bet there will be a delay until the override kicks in.
I shall be hanging on to my old cars. New cars are computers on wheels.
Anyway, I already have a speed limit controller in my car – my wife.
“New cars are computers on wheels”
New every fucking thing are computers on stilts. Some cunt, probably Chinese, has decided that everything has to be digitally controlled, including us. Allegedly, this saves us time and effort (for doing what, exactly? Watching the propaganda box?), but if you have ever spent an hour or two fruitlessly googling that gadget for some hint not in Chinese as to how it is supposed to work, and which app actually works with it, you will know that that is a barefaced lie.
I’d guess that, rather than increasing journey times and congestion by making speed limiters compulsory, a better ™ digital ™ tech ™ solution to vehicle accident statistics would involve a modified electric fence circuit to shock the dozy driver awake when he starts to nod off.
And ban pushbikes.
Il vote for any party willing to stop the invasion by force and kick Thunderpants in the cunt. Ps Speed limiters are easily disabled .
No matter what they do, you’ll still have the self-righteous motherfucking cunt doing about five to ten miles per hour under the speed limit, anyway.
“It’s a limit, not a target”
Yeah? You’re pushing my patience to it, too.
So true. And how will this stop the 70 in a 20 innits? I guess they wont be 80 in a 20 innits 🙂
Isn’t designed to reduced engine power, so they can’t speed? And uses smart technology to determine the speed limit?
Apparently, you can ” kick down” to override, but as everyone on my estate drives vehicles of dubious provenance, that’s not going to stop them doing up to 100mph in a 20 zone.
One day, they’re going to kill a child & it’ll be like Kristelnacht round here.
One of these pricks took me off my motorbike once. Fucking cunt.
Maybe if we bung the EU another £39 billion they might let us make cars to our own specifications, it worked when we paid the Frogs £55 million to stop sending us their illegals, didn’t it? Oh, wait a minute… ?
Since the extra bung the numbers have increased, maybe the money was to buy more migrant boats and extra French coast guard patrols to escort them to UK waters.
Disable the fucking thing. These cunts never stop ‘ looking after ‘ us or being concerned.
Another example of control being dressd up as concern.
It truly confounds me, you lot used to own this planet, royally ploughed those that crossed you into the dust. Now you’ve become Byzantines. As they paid tribute to the Ostrogoths and Turks your government is cuckolded to the Boche
Jesus wept!
Owning the planet is a cunt. We just want to own ourselves, our property, have our natural liberties and be left alone by ivory tower psychopaths.
I’m too drunk to be in charge of any sort of vehicle.
But I would like to state that anything at all to do with those cunts in Brussels should be completely ignored.
Oven the fucking vermin.
i thought we were no longer in the eu,i thought Brexit meant Brexit, apart from all the snowflakes blaming everything wrong with the world on Brexit i dont think anything has really changed therefore dont have to conform to anymore of this stupid shit, fuck em i say why on, whats the point in all this crap here, im starting to think its all the extra people arriving from everywhere is our biggest concern….
I hope they have a German female voice giving zee warnings
The now sadly departed Sabine Schmidt doing the car voice.
In the last Bond film that actually tried to be fun…
P.S. Daniel Craig is a cunt ?
Overcrowded hospitals
Polish vermin everywhere
Housing problems
Albanian vermin selling drugs
Roads chockablock
Romaniam vermin burglaring
Bearded children arrive by dinghy
Drunks screeching in Dooshka
Complying with shitty EU directives
…and copious Iron Curtains claiming dole/housing whilst working cash jobs earning loads.
? Vote Leave to take back control
600- 800 illegals arriving on our shores every day
The police painting their cars rainbow colours at £750 a pop in a pathetic attempt to stop hate crime
Extinction Rebellion being allowed to run amok wherever they please
Judges letting criminals off with a slap on wrist or suspended sentences
Police focusing on hate crimes rather than physical crimes
Giving £70m of taxpayers money to France for fucking nothing
MP’s breaching their own Covid rules by not wearing masks in Parliament
This government doesn’t give a flying fuck about the indigenous population of this country, about immigration, about Covid, about crime, law and order or about wasting taxpayers money.
The incompetent fuckers in government simply are not interested in what happens to anyone outside of their cushy and privileged lives and as a result aren’t in control of anything. Other than their salaries, perks, expenses and holidays obviously.
I hate politicians and can only hope they get their comeuppance on some form or another.
Point of order: wearing masks in Parliament (like elsewhere) is no longer mandatory.
Perhaps Ruff Tuff however the last government directive to my knowledge states the following:
“There is no legal requirement to wear a face covering in enclosed public spaces, but the government says it “expects and recommends” people wear them in crowded areas”.
Such as a ram packed House of Commons?
Anyway, it’s the usual case of Do as I say rather than do as I do.
Fuck the government and its recommendations.
Besides, it’s overwhelmingly Labour/SNP/LibDumb MPs who are submissively wearing masks.
Encouraging to see so many Tory MPs setting a good example.
Whats this shite?
Change would be a fine thing.
Motorways clogged with traffic,
50mph for next 20miles.
Fuck off.
Motorways are the arteries of industry,
Get them flowing you bent cunts!
Speeding isn’t bad on a motorway!!
Maybe in a cul de sac with kids at play but not on a motorway!
Should be 100 miles a hour not 70mph.
These euro bandits and our Westminster duckys are cut from the same cloth.
Shitcaked velvet.
They hate cars and driving fast because thryre s bunch of tarts.
Stop fuckin about and lets get stuff moving you soft twats.
The 70mph limit was introduced in the days of Morris Minors and Ford Populars with drum brakes all round and sidevalve engines…
Exactly my point – these EU Directives really boil my p1ss and we’re still adhering to them and, as far as I know, we haven’t got rid of a single one of the old ones yet.
Everytime I get hassled by a bleeding cookie notice on a website I wonder why the fuck I bothered voting for Brexit. Like you say, nothing has changed, apart from we are probably paying the cunts more money.
My Japanese wife changed jobs two and a half years ago and was required under EU directives to obtain a Biometric Residence Visa before being allowed to work. Cost on the region of £300.
This is despite have indefinite leave to remain (and work) in the UK since 2004 which she has done.
Which we had to fucking prove dating back to 2004 with paperwork.
A fucking disgrace, needless to say this was not required from our Eastern European friends.
Boris and his mates are fucking wankers and were elected on a series of lies.
Hope he rots in hell.
It’s made no difference to me, I was skint before the referendum and I’m still skint now that we are still in the EU. Somebody let me know when (if?) we actually do leave. I doubt I will live that long.
From the article: “This is because the UK has retained most EU laws for new cars as it helps standardise manufacturing practices”, so you can manage to put the steering wheel on the correct side of the car but not optionally remove Her Hitler from the accelerator? They are taking us for a bunch of cunts, fuck you Doris you sack of shit.
If given the choice again I would probably vote remain. It’s seems that all that happened was that the eastern European lot that worked fucked off back and we were left with all the spongers, the criminals and the lame.
Also those in power have decided that there is even more room and funds for every displaced person/economic migrant who can make it here, by fair means or foul.
Id still vote leave.
Its the only slap we have given them in the fight.
And it brought tears to their eyes.
Watching people in my office have a meltdown that morning, the tears of James OBrien and the cocknose liberals at the BBC, all treasured memories.
Being threatened with the IRA by some paddy cunt was my highlight.
I near pissed myself laughing.
Wow, really, Gutstick? Leaving the EU is the only truly great political event I’ve ever experienced. Nigel Farage saved the UK from a degenerated dungeon filled with psychopaths. He called the bluff of that sniveling shitbag David Cameron brilliantly and enough switched-on Brits voted “FUCK YOU, EU!”. We are now in the aftermath of the liberation which is always a mixed bag of struggle, but being out of the EU was a great step towards Britain becoming a better place. But we need a better party to come along and oust the phonies like Boris.
Leave/Remain doesn’t bother me any more. I voted leave on the belief that the EU would inevitably get absorbed into an international body at some point, aka the NWO, and we don’t want that.
Now that they’re attempting it without the bureaucratic route, via their groomed political stooges and a health emergency, really it makes no difference anymore.
It’ll still collapse anyway and it was still worth voting against.
Try to be optimistic or you’ll get ulcers! I’m not entirely joking. If you constantly think doomy thoughts, then it manifests in the body or in your life. Optimists live longer and healthier lives, statistically.
These self-appointed “elite” cunts are dumber than a bag of hammers. You can’t go against nature as hard as they have been doing for the past 100 years (larger periods of time are valid) and not have it all end badly for them. It’s like a serial killer – eventually those cunts get caught and are vanquished, no matter how smart they think they are and how many times they evade the cops. The “elite” can own all the money, weapons, tech, information, etc but they lack the one thing that really matters: being integrated into nature and being essential to it. Once we turn out backs on them, they are finished. But that may take another 100 years, but maybe sooner…
Sounds to me like this thing will also be able to track you as well.
Just what they want. Of course the pikeys, criminals and Parking Stanley child groomers will find a way around it. Only law abiding tax payers will be the target. We are the enemy.
All the parties were against leaving as well as all the cockless civil servants so it comes as no surprise we’ve been fucked over. They will never let a vote like this happen again. Bunch of cunts.
If ever a government was elected under false pretences it’s this shower of shit. Ok, we don’t expect them to keep all their lying promises but this lot have done a complete about face. Where did all this green bollocks come from? The Tories need to dump that Jellyfish before it’s too late. Fuck knows who would take his place though. Westminster is one big puddle of shite.
Vote Brexit get Monster Raving Looney Green Bollox and our collective tongues stapled to the EU’s arse!
I’d like to see Marine Le Pen elected as French President. I reckon her volte face would be sublime – pretend to be more establishment to get elected and then kick EU arse. Difference is if she is in power and helps France kick out the EU it will really happen.
Yes, we have our own “swamp” to drain. Did you know that Washington was built on an actual swamp? It took forever to drain it in the age before electric pumps, obviously. For some reason, they just HAD to build the capitol there. Some say it is to do with that area of Earth being a sacred place geographically. It’s a real rabbit hole…
ALL of the centres of power in the world are built using sacred geometry.
Too true, Freddie.
The more time passes, the more I fail to understand how the Tories elected the jellyfish as leader.
He must have shedloads of dirt on a few half-decent candidates.
We have a Prime Minister who can’t answer the question, “How many children do you have?” with a number, ie. 7 so it’s more than 7. Even Wikipedia has to awkwardly say, “at least 6”. Eh? It’s at least 7 or is it 8?. I’m confusing myself now. So he has at least ONE kid who we don’t know about, a kid he must then surely not talk to.
I have this horrible feeling that he has more illegitimate kids than is even speculated and that is the real DIRT on Boris that keeps in place and following the fucked-up agendas.
This will make Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes, Maserati and Lamborghini ownership somewhat redundant.
They really haven’t thought this one through.
I’m guessing it’ll only apply to those of us below a certain income bracket, multi millionaires will no doubt be exempt.
Like they are from most other rules and laws…
Owning a car is a cunt. One of the great unsung scams of life. Everything about it: learning to drive, first car, DVLA letters, maintenance, cleaning, MOT, insurance and over 1000 quid per year to run it from house to work/shops/dogging site.
And none of you noticed this?
With us in weeks – no choice. An extra 5% bunny juice gives you 3% less mileage, while that other 90% is still added to net CO2 emissions. Greenwashing. Qui bono?
Ethanol has been present in UK fuel, at a lesser concentration admittedly, for years. Even small amounts are bad for older cars, garden machinery, boat engines etc:
Growing wheat to make ethanol for fuel is also pushing up the price of wheat used for food:
The good news is that, in the UK except in the West Country, BP Ultimate doesn’t have any of this shit added to it. I’m hoping this will stay the same after E10 is rolled out so I’m going to go to a BP garage shortly after the roll out to test a sample, before stocking up with some. Testing is easy. Mark a line 1/4 way up a jam jar and fill with water to this line. Fill the rest with the petrol and then give it a good shake. Let it settle and make sure the “separation line” hasn’t moved up (Ethanol combines readily with water and gets sucked out of the fuel). I’ve been using BP Ultimate for years and it’s always been ethanol free up to now (and they’ll sell boatloads more in the future if they keep up the good work?).
After the energy cost of hydrolysis, fermentation, distillation and purification is taken into account, I very much doubt if there is any carbon advantage at all.
Looks as if the premium fuel you are paying more for will from September contain ethanol, just like peasant-grade now. BP Ultimate Unleaded 97 octane may continue to contain 3%, as it apparently does now….
At that level, I rather doubt your separation line would move much.
So far it definitely doesn’t have ethanol in it. Not only does it test OK (as a control ordinary fuel moves the line up noticeably) but it doesn’t “go off” when stored. I first came across this years back when my “weekend car” couldn’t keep up with my friend’s (same car). He told me about this and I ran the tank out and replaced with Ultimate. Never had the problem since (due to ethanol evaporating off and lowering the octane). Same power even when running months old fuel. Also use it in the lawnmower – starts first time next year with last years fuel in it!
BTW BP obviously don’t confirm this but, it is a thing?
Ant vehicular activity that terminates the planetary existence of any politician would indeed be gratefully appreciated.. All Politicians are cunts by nature, and I live in hope of a Guido chappie blowing the fuck out of a full House sitting.!
In the meantime, we have to endure the presence of a Parliament of Turds.
Just wait until compulsory scrappage gets going. Got to get rid of anything that doesn’t comply with Fourth Reich dictats.
If they include motorcycles I hope it results in war…
Everything will be electric.
It will make going off-grid and other luxuries of freedom ever more challenging. All about control, nothing to do with being green what so ever.
Totally agree Chunky. The “more regulated world” that Grandpa Corbyn was always wanking on about…
Fucking hate the way the world is turning out. I want a time machine and go back to the 80’s.
Me too, Fonty. Singable music, newspapers, decent TV, hardly any smellies from Paxtan, cheap booze, ciggies were ciggies, Kinnock versys Fatcher, the Liverpool wonder years, blackjacks, cola cubes, and fruitsalads, and normal-looking girls bereft of tattooes who didn’t stink of fast food and who had huge, blonde hair and quims fresh as newly-plucked mint.
Love your trip down memory lane Captain.
Terry’s Waifa biscuits, Victory Vs when they still had magic ingredient ether in them, and proper old riding macs that kept the weather out!! So popular they spread far beyo d the equine crowd, before waxes moved in…
So, so glad I don’t drive anymore.
Which is a good thing, as I was an appalling driver.
Now I can drink to excess, no worries.
They all want throwing in a bin