The BBC and Just a Minute.
With the death of the seemingly immortal Nicholas Parsons, that classic radio show, Just A Minute, is bereft of a host.
Who better to take on the reins than Giles Brandeth. For a long time he’s been a star player on the show. He’s funny and very quick. He’s intelligent and well educated, articulate with a broad cultural sensibility. Yes, he’s a bit of a pompous ass, but likable for all that. He’s also one of the funniest after dinner speakers I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. He was the favourite and the natural successor to Parsons.
So what did the BBC do? They appointed that dreary, unfunny, talentless woke lesbo gobshite, Sue Perkins.
It’s clear why Brandreth didn’t get the job. He’s a straight white male and, horror of horrors, a former Conservative MP.
My guess is that Just a Minute is primarily listened to by people over 40. It’s probably a favourite of 50 to 80 year olds who remember the days when BBC radio comedy was good. In trying to appeal to a younger woke audience through that talentless non-entity and ocean going cunt Perkins, I suspect Just a Minute’s days are numbered. I’m certainly not going to bother any more.
If the BBC can’t respond to its core audience isn’t it time we defunded it? The BBC is still about jobs for the old boys. It’s just that the definition of old boys has changed. They are no longer old or boys. Now it’s jobs for gays and/or effniks. No one else need apply.
There. I said it all without hesitations, repetitions or pauses. Just one thing more to add – cunts!
Nominated by – MMCM
to slightly misquote from Hamlet I emitted ‘a sigh that would end my being’ at hearing this news.
He wrote a shit book about Churchill . It didn’t get a Nobel prize for literature, unlike Churchill. What a twat he’s turned out to be. I wonder if the twat will get a prize from “ population matters” like Halfwitt for his 7 brats, while he destroys the economy with green bullshit
That was supposed to be for Vern fox
Bojo is the biggest cunt ever to have skid-marked this country
Woy Jenkin’s book on Churchill was good, IIRC.
Soup Erkins is out of the same cracked mould as that venomous old toad Brand.
Mel G defo worth a fap or three.
Time JAM was given a decent burial after 55 years, ditto News Quiz (44) I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue (49) Now Show (Christ knows how old, seems about 70 years), instead of which they give JAM to the four eyed lessie. I am just surprised they didn’t find a black lesbian somewhere.
To appease Ms Sarpong they at least should make Neil Nuness the announcer Idis am de BBC now Just A MInute. Innit”
I became bored with all of the above over 10 years ago. The wife still listens to them, and The Archers (ugh!).
Only Radio4 I bother with nowadays is Any Questions/Answers (Saturday repeat) plus an hour of the Today Programme in the morning, only cos I don’t have a digital radio in the bedroom.
Fuck them.
I enjoy AQ usually RTC – but not this week – we have half caste Clive Lewis on it. He is such a cocky little fucker. I listen to Brain of Britain at 1500 hrs on Mondays – that’s an old show, but no celebrities on it.
Obviously a cunt, so why did voluptous big-titted hornmonster Anna Richardson turn into a bean-flicker over her?
Come on into the back seat of my dented 15 year old shit car, Anna and allow my tassel to innoculate your womb with my anti-lezzer vaccine.
Anna Richardson, even at 50 is eminently fuckable. She looks extremely comfortable for an afternoon of pleasure.
It baffles me too, Thomas. Why a piece like Anna would hook up with a titless tuppence flicker who looks like a cross between Elvis Costello and Mark Lamaar in lipstick.
She’s getting a divorce, one of ems left and they’re done. So the lezzing experiment has finished. Damaged goods? But the stories – fisting for England?
As there’s no need to even bother establishing this Vic Reeves lookalike’s cunt status, one is lead to wondering the cunt level of her “comedy” partner, Mel Giedroyc…she seems a little annoying, but that’s about it.
Unless she’s actually a bloke in a frock, of course.
No particular offence meant, but in the header pic, Mel looks a little “Downs-ey”…
Hmm – DA
Speaking for the Downs community, we took no offense.
We had a dog called Syndrome once. I was embarrassing every time he jumped up at some one and we yelled ”down syndrome”
Sue Perkins is every bit as talented as Boris Johnson.
The ruination of our history, identity and culture continues apace.
Sue Perkins has sealion breath?
A boy named Sue!
Johnny Cash warned us.
Just a minute luv , put the fucking kettle on.
I would give Mel a portion of Cunty-Jizz even now. Horn raising minx.
There’s something about her CM, can’t quite put my finger on it.
Put your finger in it.
She is ok for fucking bake off, or better still fuck off.
Another waste of space on the BBC
The last time I listened to Just A Minute probably three decades ago the rules were: “no hesitation, repetition, or deviation”. I think you meant “deviation” when you say “pauses”.
Whilst it’s not entirely clear how you can meaningfully have a “hesitation” in written prose – and overlooking the above tautology – I would have challenged you less than 10 seconds in with your repetition of “show”. You then, perhaps predictably, went on to repeat “woke”, “audience” (inter alia) and it all fell apart in the penultimate paragraph with repetition of “old” and “boys” in short order.
Arguably the pleonasm (I don’t want to be tautologous – again) of your usage of “pauses” was a “deviation” within the rules also.
I do agree, however, that Sue Perkins will most likely be insufferable, not that I care a toss. Did I mention I’ve not listened to the programme in thirty years?
That’s why I would not be a good contestant on the show ?
Well, the audience enjoyed your challenge so much, Les I’ll give you a bonus point, but the subject stays with MMCM as he didn’t really deviate from the subject on the card.
Oops accidentally clicked the delete button. Several times. Clumsy me – DA
Slow day in the coffee shop, barista?
Understood DA, it was a mercy killing.
Another example of repetition, DA, but happily no hesitation. A definite bonus point there – well done!
“Another example of repetition,”
Not unlike you getting banned and re-registering, then.
Are you “registered” DCI? What as, I wonder – a proctologist?
Perhaps you’re a week early; open season for grouse is next Thursday.
If I was a proctologist, barista, I’d be perfect for you.
Dear life
You are Walter Mitty and I claim my £5.
Are you the ‘old’ household scourer?
Sorry to say this but JAM is IMHO a load of cunt, the template for radio cunt, and overstayed its welcome by about 45 years. It seems to have been sustained on the basis of Mrs Trellis from Weybridge writing to the DG every week to tell him how much she adored it. In BBC terms, it’s iconic (ie crap. See also The Archers, etc, etc).
But with any luck Perkins will euthanase it, as I cannot imagine anyone under 70 – with their, quote, “outdated” take on reality – listening to it any longer. The audience only hung on in the hope that Nicholas “National Treasure” Parsons would die before they did, or because they forgot to turn the radio off after the news…we’ve all done it.
Don’t want to be a know-it-all, Komodo, but Mrs. Trellis is the sole joke of I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue, with Jack Dee trying to pretend he is the late Humphrey Lyttleton. I’d rather Humph was pretending to be Jack Dee, late or otherwise.
TY WCB, I used the name intentionally, hoping it would resonate with Humph fans*. When he died, the sun got a little dimmer…however, Dee has coped well with the dead man’s shoes, and is in much the same mould.
* Weybridge was a guess, though – wasn’t it usually somewhere in Wales?
Dee is ok generally and ok on SIHAC.
He was good in ‘Lead Balloon’ too, if memory serves.
I rarely watch or listen to the BBC but I am aware of Perkins, Lineker and Fry and have to wonder if their incredible smugness got them their jobs or does the BBC send new recruits on smugness courses.
I couldn’t stand Mel and Sue back in the day. Only those two horse faced slags, Trinny and Susanna were bigger and smugger cunts.
I believe Perkins used to host a show called Thronecast. Which was basically pimple ravaged gimps and sad cunts wanking over that blood and jailbait fest, Game of Thrones. Nice to know she’s still aiming high and doing the same old vacuous crap.
I’d fuck the shit out of Trina and Susannah. Probably the fat ugly one the most.
I’d never fuck Sue, or even Mel. Not in the 90’s either.
Only cunts listen to BBC radio. And who the fuck is Sue Perkins?
Sue Perkins is about as funny as an MOT failure.
Never listened to it, I did like Nicolas parsons though he was a class act that no longer exists.
A class act as you rightly say LB.
One of his very last interviews. Well worth a watch.
That picture. The only time you will see Steptoe & Son’s two horses together. Hercules and Delilah.
Perkins being Hercules, of course…?
Remember the days when the bbc could spot talent a mile off? Des Lynam, Richie Benaud, Keith Floyd, Robin Day, Morecambe & Wise, Spike Milligan etc etc etc. Those days are gone sadly. As this revolting, unfunny lezza and the likes of Alex Scott prove, it’s not what you’ve got but who you are/represent, along with a rudimentary ability to read an autocue. In the long run, these ancient shows will wither and die because of this jiggery wokerey. They’ll probably blame it on Brexit, racism and homophobia when it happens.
Once upon a time the BBC had wonderful cricket commentators, John Arlott, Brian Johnson, Tom Graveney et al. These gentlemen knew and loved the game; their observations were invariably perceptive. We are now stuck with a collection of under achievers with annoying voices.
Johnners and Richie Benaud. Those were the days. When cricket really was cricket and the BBC was the best. Many years ago now, sadly.
I even miss Motty and Jimmy Hill on Match of the Day. Alex Scott?! How much lower can the BBC sink?!
I don’t think I’d even fuck Alex Scott. Usually like the black ones but she’s bog-eyed, and that’s before we get onto her talking utter shit about football. Remember her trying to take the piss out of Martin Keown the other week, as if he wasn’t good on the ball. As if it was one pro to another banter.
Shut he fuck up, get back in the kitchen and get your knickers down (I will shag you actually).
Keown should have told Scott to shut the fuck up. Personally, I would love to see Alex Scott engage in ‘fellow pro banter’ with Martin Buchan. He’d run fucking rings around her and make her look like the inept imbecile that she is.
Martin Buchan? Man United and Scotland captain in the 70s and the best one on one defender ever. Not even fully fit, when he had an in his prime Kevin Keegan in his pocket for the 1977 FA Cup Final. Martin is also a dry and witty bastard, and far too intelligent for both Scott and the modern game on TV. Alex Scott? Errr… She played for Harsenal Wimmins Team, innit? Say no more…
Never liked JAM. Ever. Wasnt that odious cunt Freud on it? And Parsons was only any good as Arthur Hain’s straight man. When I were a lad in Cwmscwt. The cunt.
Isnt it now starring that oh so funny cunt Merson? Fuck me Perkins has a rival for cuntitude.
Mel does give me the horn but that’s off the point.
Yes Clement Freud was in it: “We present Kenneth Williams, Derek Nimmo, Peter Jones and Clement Freud in Just A Minute, and, as the minute waltz fades away, here to tell you about it is our chairman, Nicholas Parsons!”
Said many, many times from the late 60s to the late 80s, when Merton was either at school or on the dole. He’d still be at either establishment if I had my way.
By the way, CC, here is a treat for you:
Kenneth Williams was brilliant on JAM.
Arthur Haynes was cool, hur hur.
Lady Isobel Barnett was a favourite of mine when I was a shaver. Sounded like a proper schoolmarm. Handy with a cane too I wouldn’t wonder. Definitely not a lesbian like the Perkins harridan. But her Ladyship was never on JAM, to my knowledge, ‘Any Questions’ was more her bag. Long dead, of course.
Also dead are Kenneth Williams, Willie Rushton, Derek Nimmo, Clement Freud, and Nicholas Parsons. No point in carrying on with the show, kill it off. Although, reboot of ‘The Clitheroe Kid’ without that midget cunt Clitheroe might be an improvement.
PS The BBC are fucking cunts.
Mention of Derek Nimmo brings this to mind.
Lady Barnett was a great favourite of mine, when genuine ladies were on the BBC and not lesbians and scrubbers like today. I must confess I was really depressed when she died in October 1980 – a woman of refinement like that, and I went home to the, even then, morbidly obese Mrs. Boggs.
Isobel Barnett was a thief.
No doubt Perkins and all the other BBC cunts will be wanking with glee, at the news that a new daily record has been set, for illegal immigrant filth crossing the Channel.
The fifty odd million, that we’ve just given the French Cunts, is obviously being put to good use.
This country is fucking useless.
Absolutely fucking useless.
If there were medals for being fucking useless, this country would win gold, silver and bronze.
Giles Brandreth is a great after dinner speaker – I had the pleasure of listening to one of his speeches at the Institute of Civil Engineers. Giles is also the father-in-law of a good friend of mine.
Once upon a time, the oafish John Prescott thought he’d get one over on Giles, by repeating, ad nauseum, “wooly jumper” in reference to the colourful apparel that Giles was sporting.
After the boorish Prescott repeated the phrase an annoying number of times, Giles responded with “At least with a wooly jumper I can take it off, but with a wooly mind you are stuck with it for life”.
Prescott didn’t know how to respond to that corker.
What a prat. Time he was dead.
That isn’t very charitable, RTC.
The old Clement Freuds aren’t playing you up today?
Being only 51yrs old I don’t listen to radio,
And thrown out all my 78rpm wax cylinders.
But if I did?
I wouldn’t be listening to either the fish supper a boy named Sue or that dreary knitwear model Gyles Dandruff.
Both are beyond the pale.
Id listen to the grand ole opry and dance on my porch.
Afternoon Paul.
Mercifully I am blessed with a Clement Freud free rusty sheriff’s badge.
Thing is, I very rarely feel charitable where 2 Jags is concerned.
Totally with you Miserable.
Wouldn’t listen to BBC Radio if you paid me.
Seems they found a formula in the 1940s or 50’s, and being the lazy and unimaginative cunts they are, thought they would stick with it forever more.
Bit like their TV “comedy shows/stars” like Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Lenny Henry, Steve Coogan. Not funny then, not funny now.
The licence fee payers deserve far better than the minority freak shows they put out now.
Apologies Ruffers, I thought you may have been referring to Giles.
I heartily agree with your sentiments regarding 2 Jags. I’m only suprised no-one has since thrown something at him a little more effective than an egg. For example, a live hand grenade.
That would be nice… if CS will allow me to use that word.
Nicholas Soames (uber posh and fat) used to click his fingers and shout Garcon whenever Prescott hoved into view in any of the Parliamentary bars as he knew it really got to 2 jags with his prior life serving as a steward on a ship. Prescott was good entertainment value though “John is John” from Blair after he smacked a member of the public for throwing an egg at him. And like Timmy Hancock got caught shagging his aid in the office.
This fucker has been milking it as a comedienne for over 20 years.
And not once has she made me or anyone I know, laugh just once. Once!
She ticks two boxes though, so guaranteed gravy train for her for life.
But then again, she stops disgustingly racist stuff by being on the telly instead of white oppressors, as witnessed by a friend many years ago at Bernard Manning’s ‘World Famous Embassy Club’. Bernard spotted a black gentleman in the from row. Here is a paraphrased recreation of this disgusting exchange:
Manning: Aye up lads. We’ve got a dark key in! (Crowd goes ‘Waaayyy!)
No come on lads , no need for that. Ere’ what’s your name son?
Black gentleman: Robert
Manning: Robert eh? Are you having a good night, Robert?
Black gentleman: Yes.
Manning: Out with friends having a few drinks are we?
Black gentleman: Yes
Manning: Are you enjoyin’ yersel?
Black gentleman: Yes
Manning: Beats swinging through fucking trees dunnit?
Appalling. Thank goodness we now have safe comediennes like Ms. Perkins.
Without hesitation, repetition or deviation, the first thing I do is switch the fucking radio off, and go for a walk or anything else!!!
Personally I don’t mind Sue Perkins but clearly GB should have been offered the job.
The BBC are total fucking cunts in every respect and I hate them for what they have become.
Radio was better when ‘Educating Archie’ was on.
A fucking ventriloquist on the radio ffs. Even worse it was widely listened to. Never saw his lips move though.
When Nicholas Parsons died, something changed in the world. He had a beautiful voice and was wonderful on JAM. Alas, it will never be the same.
Seems ironic to me that a show where deviation is not allowed is to be hosted by a dyke.
“Tune in the next time we play Just A Minute!……
And as the annoying diike fades away” (Hopefully).
BBC radio has been heading down the shitter for years.
This latest appointment illustrates how far Radio Four are willing scrape the barrel in order to appease a minority.
No talent?……No problem at the Beeb.
Thick as pig shit?……Don’t worry, – read on.
Are you ANYTHING other than a straight, white, English male?
If so we may have a job for you.
If you didn’t get your suntan off the beach at Skegness, – we really would like to hear from you.
If after sifting any white males remain, any job offer would be subject to an inspection of your sphincter for any signs of abuse / puckering. If we find substantial damage and / or signs of seepage, you are guaranteed the job.
Plus Ryan Clarke Neil’s personal phone number as a welcoming gift.
*Buzzer* repitition. The word ‘boys’ twice in the penultimate paragraph in the nomination.
*Runs away before sister Dolly bans me for one week without cake.*.
p.s. I can’t stand that Soup Erkins.