Sky (12) orders the EPL to take the Knee (Again!)

A 999, CAT 1 cunting for the Premier League, please, as the dull cunts have decided the players are STILL going to ‘Take the knee’, despite the obvious contempt by the fans at the ‘Gesture’.

Utter, total wankers.

Knee Bending to continue for another EPL Season

EPL Players continue to take the knee

Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt 


And this from Freddie the Frog

The Dumb World of Rich Football Cunts

So all 20 Premier League teams have agreed to “take the knee” before every game. Translation…….Sky have told them to do it and they are the cunts with the fat wallet who are making the decisions.

Don’t like your team kicking off at 12.30 or 5.30 on a Saturday? Fuck you.

Don’t like playing on a Sunday?
Fuck you.

Don’t like playing on a Monday night?
Fuck you.

Can’t get trains home after all these ridiculous kick off times?
Fuck you.

Don’t like players constantly virtue signalling about social justice while living the life of multi millionaires and bragging about it?
Fuck you.

Don’t like being called a raaaay-sist and to “get educated “ by BBC p*nces?
Fuck you.

I just wish I had a Sky subscription so I could cancel it and tell those cunts why. That’s the key… money is what it’s all about. They don’t give a fuck about the cunts in the ground…..they are just wankers there to be fleeced as far as they are concerned.
I’m fucking finished with football. They stole it from us and fucked it up so now they can keep it.

67 thoughts on “Sky (12) orders the EPL to take the Knee (Again!)

  1. Just for 8 games that said when Derek Chauvin hurt his knee.

    I said at the time to some libtards that it would never end as no cunt would want to be the first to stop doing it.

    It’ll be going on still 20 years from now. But no cunt will be paying to watch it by then, apart from a few Marxists and weirdos.

    I know Im not paying a fucking penny anymore to these cunts. Arsenal, my former team as far as supporting goes, open the season tomorrow night. Usually, I would be really excited about this.

    Now? Couldn’t give a fuck.

    Many feel the same. They’ve made their bed now they can fucking lie in it. New fans won’t have the same loyalty, once they get a really shit team and maybe drop out of the top flight.

  2. It’s Sky. It’s football. I don’t watch it, pay for it or give a fuck about it. The only way they will learn is when the ‘fans’ stop giving them money.

    • With vax pass to get in to games too, stadiums will soon only be filled with boring trendy middleclass corporate hivemind cunts.

      Football will be sanitised completely and become just another boring corporate profit generator.


      • The sort of cunts who attend football matches are unlikely to be put off by having to obtain Covid passports. Not that they’re likely to be introduced anyway.

      • Chelsea and Man U I’ve seen are asking for it, or a lat test.. but as we can see happening in other countries the testing will soon not be free and inevitably dropped altogether.

        Drip. Drip. Drip.

    • Apparently even the Ipswich Town FC (in the old division league 3 players took the knee on a Tuesday (against Newport, old division league 4) in a cup game.

      Not only did Ipswich lose (cunts) the fans also applauded the taking of the knee (even bigger cunts).

      Gave up with the game years back, couldn’t give a flying fuck any more about most sports. It’s all about the money and nothing else.

  3. People are soon going to get so sick of the social justice warriors and virtue signallers there will soon be a big revolt against team – and so they should be.

    Rather than boo the idiots, just laugh in their faces – a boo makes them look brave, a laugh will really humiliate them

    • 100% with you. Ridicule is the only answer. Not hard: they’re fucking ridiculous.

      Does kneeling in shorts on astroturf say ‘bravery’ or ‘mouldbreaking’? It does not. It says ‘possibly infected abrasion’. Hilarious cunts playing sillybuggers, the lot of them

  4. Gotta love the Daily Fail – eradicate racism.

    Hmmm, let me think… Bit like the Taliban looking to eradicate the infidel – ain’t gonna happen matey…

    • The Daily Fail (AKA the Daily Wail) has gone from being a newspaper for the wives of Conservative businessmen to a Graun sister paper.

      It is utter shit and not even fit for wiping massive clods of dogshit off your boots.

    • Soccer is gayer, but not as gay as rugby.😜
      And before you all cajole me I realise the terminal gayness of AFL.

  5. Remember folks, it’s not for BLM, you need educating lol.

    Knee taking was synonymous with disrespecting your national anthem at first. Adapted by BLM and a black power salute or was two added after Chiggun G croaked. We know what that group stands for, cheers. They had ‘Black lives matter’ on the back of every shirt at one point. Still, sky and BT and PL grounds flash up the BLM banner. We know what taking the fucking knee stands for.

    It stands for ‘A black death, even if he was a cunt, only matters if a honky is perhaps responsible.’

    It stands for anti white racism as honkies are much more likely to be killed by dark keys. That is a fucking fact.

    Get educated? Off these thick cunts?

    Yeah right.

    • Cuntybollocks@ – The US wimminz soccerball team had BLM on their outfits at the Olympics – and got their well tongued arses handed to them.
      The same Olympics which is shouldering an eye watering loss due to viewing figures being halfed.
      I used to enjoy sport BECAUSE there was no politics, just people doing their best.
      But as long as nuggets hand over their forty quid a month to get lectured and called racist it will continue.

      • Even better, the yanks got knocked out by Canada.

        Canada’s team had a bloke in it (tranny).

        Hoisted by their own fucking petard.

      • Now I am really confused, this Canadian one is a bird who thinks it’s a bloke, so can play for the women’s team because it was born a female but now identifies as transgender, so thinks it’s got meat and two veg….

        The world has gone mad 😂

      • The Canadian one was born male. It’s a bloke that thinks it’s a bird. But likes birds and has short hair like a bloke.

        Yes, it’s mental.

  6. “Abu Dhabi holdings announce 100 million purchase of mobile dogmeat, some get excited.
    US tax dodgers PLC announce 60% black league of millionaires take knee to protest about perceived inequality to black people and dead criminals in least racist Country in world.
    Guardian readers applaud stunning and brave stance.
    Real football supporters say “fuck this”.
    They are stealing, hijacking and twisting every single thing that gives Mr average pleasure – I don’t see any knee taking before polo matches though.

  7. I am sure there are many premier league players who this this going down on one knee is a load of bollocks but are too scared to say so, one exception was Wilfried Zaha, no one will criticise him cos he is black init.

    I have no idea what the silly cunts think they can achieve, if someone is racist it’s their choice, the laws are in place to prevent ‘racial hatred’ so as long as racist don’t vocalise the racism it their fucking business.

    The fans booing is their choice, it isn’t racist, the connection between the ‘knee’ and BLM is clear and people don’t fucking like it.

    If the Premier League can do whatever they fucking like then so can the fans.


    • As you rightly say. If fans boo, it’s they’re choice, but I reckon we’ll see clubs banning people and the cops trying to make it appear criminal. It’ll be interesting to see how the magistrates approach it. Freedom’s fucking great isn’t it?

  8. Fuck footie. The little wankers all think they are politicians and role models. Well, they are not. They are cunts.

  9. I’m not in the UK any more. Used to go to football all the time, carried on watching it when I left the UK, still loved it until last year even though I thought VAR was shit and some of the players were cunts.

    Well, now I think they are ALL cunts and watching English coverage of Euro 2020 was the final straw for me. The stupid tarts talking rubbish and then us getting told that Emma Hayes/Alex Scott and that had taken commentary to a fucking new level (of shitness, yeah). Fuck that. They play at well below Sunday league level and don’t know shit. And women just can’t talk about football, like Americans can’t
    So fuck off. I wouldn’t mind if they made their own game. Go on, build it yourself like men did. Building stadiums, inventing the game, growing it. Fuck off and do it yourself and put the fucking dinner on while you’re at it.

    Southgate is a cunt who threw the final away because his mind was on his fucking narrative. The kneeling before games. Rashford, Mings, Henderson. Fuck off.

    • Rashford is a a fucking cunt and I despise the little gobshite. He is not fit to clean Denis Law’s boots* and he can stick his knee and his black fascist fist salute right up his ol’ man river arse.

      And he can’t take a fucking penalty. The inept cunt.

      * Or Mark Hughes, Stuart Pearson, Jimmy Greenhoff, Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Eric Cantona and so on….

      • And if he wants to feed all these starving kids, he can feed them all by frying that massive chip on his shoulder.

    • A bit like Starmer The Farmer who will forever be remembered for that photograph looking uncomfortable and constipated in his shiny, blue suit.. However, I bet even he wouldn’t kneel down for George of the Jungle and the BLM turds anymore.

      • CM@ – Whether Dame Keir Twanky does or does not the fact remains that he did.
        And it will never, ever be forgotten.
        Quisling Starmer, friend of none.

  10. Yet they are going to the world Cup in a racist peaceful cuntry that still uses slave labour. Hypocritical sshit heads.

  11. Made me laugh when the bbc claimed that there were a few boo’s at the Community Shield match when they took the knee, but they were swiftly drowned out by applause. That’s not what I heard from a couple of people who were there. Like they’re bbc counterparts, Sky’s sound men are going to have their work cut out this season. Wembley full of corporate ticket holders is a far cry from a packed partisan crowd at a club ground. Sky are utter cunts, but still thrive on the cash of dumb arse punters who won’t make a stand. Like the BBC, defund the cunts. That’ll put a stop to the madness.

    • Lots of booing from around where I was. Got a (cough) black look from a clappy women near me. No response as I shouted ‘ Marxists’!

    • FMC@ – The booing was deafening but the BBC used canned applause and cheers from the 2018/2019 EPL season to drown them out.

      • Was very naive as a child and believed in Santa Claus and BBC impartiality. Fucking wrong on both counts. Think I was about 10 when I saw a programme on the Nazis (the german ones) triangulating French resistance radio transmissions. BBC license detector van adverts were on the box around the same time. Wondered how a single van could locate a device which only received rather than broadcast a signal. Dad told me the BBC were lying cunts and never to trust them. We should demand reparations for all the trauma inflicted upon us by this evil lefty propoganda outlet. And they falsified the winner of sports cunt of the year at least once, because the voters got it wrong. Cunts.

  12. Taking the knee makes me want to vomit, all for that scummy peice of dog shit criminal scumbag…..fuck off

  13. Another season of kneeling – what a surprise.

    That beacon of society – St George Floyd will never be forgotten thanks to the super intelligent millionaire footballers and corporate monsters such as Sky who will continue to try and raise awareness of the evils of the white fans who support them and pay millions of pounds in subscriptions which contributes to their incomes.

    It was obvious after the Wokegate penalty debacle in the recent European Championship final and the overblown allegations of racism (from about 3 people in the UK wow what a racist country we are) that it would be used as the perfect excuse to carry on with the virtue signalling crap.

    They can fuck off.

    If the paying fans don’t get up and all walk out in organised protest then this woke bollocks will never ever stop.

  14. I only take a knee for my Queen, her two eldest kids and my clan laird. Fuck some dead junkie menacer of pregnant women.

  15. Whacking up the volume of the music was tried at many EFL games last week even though not all teams and all players were doing the knee bollocks. I expect them to pull this trick in the Prem this weekend. What matters is what comes across on live tv . Highlights can have the sound edited but live booing needs to be covered up. I’m sure there are ways of doing it to make it come across as all happy clappy.
    Sky cunts. BBC commie bastards.

    • Live booing can easily be covered up by putting the microphone near a prerecorded tape of crowds cheering and clapping. Piece of piss, the BBC has hours of such material in its archives.

  16. Kneel if you’re getting knighted or proposing marriage.

    I wonder what their parents think about all this.

    • If ever in doubt about anything,
      What moral stance to take,
      I always think,
      What would wealthy footballers do?
      Theyre the cornerstone of civilization.
      Geniuses and upstanding guardians of the century.
      Some might think theyre a bunch of mard, overprivileged, simpletons with no taste or original thought of theyre own.
      But not me.
      I idolise them!
      Specially the brown ones!

  17. Don’t pay, watch it go away. Booing does fuck all, they still have your money and get to call you thick racist cunts for the pleasure.
    Fuck sports.

  18. Sky also has the rights to broadcast football in other countries, Italy and Germany come to mind.
    The players from those countries do not get on their knees before a game.

    Sky are cunts, there is no doubt about that, but the British clubs and the FA are complicit.
    They don’t give a fuck about the fans.

    I get the impression that no club wants to be the first not to ‘take the knee’ for fear of being called racist.

  19. Capitalist enterprises supporting Marxist/Maoist organisations = turkeys voting for Christmas.

    I’m just glad I cancelled sky several years ago.

  20. The players should play in loincloths, barefoot in heavy iron ankle-chains with the referee whipping them to make their point about racism.

    BBC and Sky should be boycotted. All TV should be boycotted until the world becomes less fucked up. It will always be fucked up, but the levels we are approaching are apocalyptic.

  21. Glad to see that Luton Town football club a proper club are not taking the knee.
    Fuck the fa and the football league
    We are the famous Luton Town
    They tried to kill us off
    We’re not soft
    We are the famous Luton Town .

  22. I need to cancel as I never watch the shit, this is only way for these woke corporations to learn, go woke go broke.

  23. I lost interest in football a while back but this racist knee taking has proved to me that the once great sport has sunk lower than the Titanic, cheating to the point that it’s embarrassing and the shallow armband (respect) gesture which couldn’t be further from the truth, overpaid under skilled Bum’s.!!

  24. it should be interesting to see if the BBC, Sky etc make any reference to the poor unfortunates who died building the stadiums when theyre all out on a nice freebie in Qatar. Maybe they’ll boycott it altogether eh?

    • You won’t hear a fucking word from the cunts about it because it doesn’t fit their narrative.
      If they could somehow twist it and blame ethnic Europeans then we’d never hear the fucking last of it.

      Watch this space.


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