Sinn Fein and Michelle O’Neill

In 1980, ten IRA terrorists deliberately starved themselves to death in the Maze prison in order to pressurise the British Government into recognising their crimes as political. These scum are regarded by modern day republicans and Sinn Fein as martyrs of the ‘armed struggle’ to end British rule in Ireland. Sinn Fein’s veneration of these thugs knows no restraints of decency or taste.

On Twatter, Michelle O’Neill, the leader of Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland, duly commemorated IRA thug, Thomas McElwee, one of the hunger strikers. Ms O’Neill tweeted, in Irish, that McElwee had ‘died for Irish freedom’.

There no mention that McElwee, who was able chose the timing and manner of his own death, did not extend the same dignity to Yvonne Dunlop. Ms Dunlop, 27, a mother of three was burnt alive in her father’s shop when an incendiary bomb planted by McElwee detonated without warning. McElwee was sentenced to life for the murder.

And yet, poor Yvonne Dunlop’s name has all been ignored by Sinn Fein. They are only interested in tastlessly fostering a cult of forgetting about the victims of the IRA and recasting perpetrators of some of the most depraved crimes imaginable as heroes involved in a struggle for human rights.

This is not an error on the part of Sinn Feinn. It’s deliberate. When challenged on the party’s airbrushing of Ms Dunlop, a Sinn Fein official and election candidate tweeted that unlike ‘natives’, Unionists don’t deserve to be listened to. Yet many of those Unionists have roots in Northern Ireland which go back to before the arrival of whites in North America.

How many were killed in Northern Ireland and mainland Britain by Irish Republican thugs and gangsters posing as “freedom fighters” ? Isn’t it about time they were commemorated rather than the scum that killed them ? Forget about the victims is Sinn Féin’s approach.

McElwee was not a freedom fighter. He was a thug, a criminal and a murderer. A totally irredeemable cunt.

A heartless and cruel pile of cunt from some of the biggest cunts on the planet.

Nominated by: MMCM

57 thoughts on “Sinn Fein and Michelle O’Neill

  1. As Bernard Manning said many years ago, “What are they fucking fighting about? They’re all white. All Christians. Chuck a million park keys into the middle of fucking Belfast, then they might stop killing each other.”

      • Manning also said:

        Woman in a pub goes to get them in. Bloke at the bar say, “I’d like to fill your cunt up with Guinness and drink it all up.”

        She goes back to her husband and says, “Do you know what that man over there just said to me? He said he wants to fill my cunt up with Guinness and drink it all up. What are you going to do about it?”

        Husband says, “If you think I’m fighting a fella who can handle twenty-seven pints of Guinness you can fuck off.”

  2. We had so much fun at the expense of the IRA hunger strikers, they were a comedy goldmine. Any skinny starving looking fucker was labelled one, and as for Bobby Sands and his interior decorating, the question was, how if he’s on hunger strike did he do enough shit to cover his walls? Did he get shit from other inmates?
    We need answers…

    • “Do you want a chicken supper, Bobby Sands

      Do you want a chicken supper, Bobby Sands

      Do you want a chicken supper, you IRA fucker

      Do you want a chicken supper, Bobby Sands”!!

      I ‘Heard’ was sung to him…

      • I bet there is some cunt out there who’s set up a painting and decorating business and his name happens to be Bobby Sands.

        He’ll be sitting there every day thinking ‘Why does no cunt want to have their homes decorated by ‘Bobby Sands Painting and Decorating?’

      • Although Bobby Sands ended overnight, that 70s craze in garish swirly artex painting and decorating.

        His death wasn’t totally in vain then?

  3. She epitomises the cold hard look of an Oirish Pikey. A total lack of empathy.
    You wouldn’t turn your back on her for one second

  4. Was there ever an investigation into yanks funding the IRA cunts? If not why not? Fucking ‘freedom fighters’ hypocritical cunts.

  5. Max Hastings once recalled a memorable quip from a journalist colleague when coming into land at Belfast airport. “We are on our final approach to Belfast city airport. Please remember to wind your watches back 300 years”. I’ve got no time for the faux religious gripes of these backward fuckers. All of those involved in the violence were born thugs and would happily have killed for another cause.

  6. Plastic American/Canadian Paddy’s.

    Used to work with one, an insufferable cunt. Always going about “Guinness” “The Bar” (why do they all love such shitty bars?and the Yank Paddy’s can’t drink for shit).

    Would come out talking about himself with stuff like “the luck of the Oirish” and about being his family being “Oirish”. Was always drawing attention to his ginger hair as well. What an annoying cunt he was. Was 40 and had never even been to Ireland but loved using it as his prop. Fuck off.

  7. Little known fact.

    The Irish military have their own elite unit within the naval special warfare group.

    Seal Team Micks….

  8. Heaney
    Seamus Heaney

    “Whatever You Say,
    Say Nothing”

    I’m writing just after an encounter
    With an English journalist in search of ‘views
    On the Irish thing’. I’m back in winter
    Quarters where bad news is no longer news,
    Where media-men and stringers sniff and point,
    Where zoom lenses, recorders and coiled leads
    Litter the hotels. The times are out of joint
    But I incline as much to rosary beads

    As to the jottings and analyses
    Of politicians and newspapermen
    Who’ve scribbled down the long campaign from gas
    And protest to gelignite and Sten,

    Who proved upon their pulses ‘escalate’,
    ‘Backlash’ and ‘crack down’, ‘the provisional wing’,
    ‘Polarization’ and ‘long-standing hate’.
    Yet I live here, I live here too, I sing,

    Expertly civil-tongued with civil neighbours
    On the high wires of first wireless reports,
    Sucking the fake taste, the stony flavours
    Of those sanctioned, old, elaborate retorts:

    ‘Oh, it’s disgraceful, surely, I agree.’
    ‘Where’s it going to end?’ ‘It’s getting worse.’
    ‘They’re murderers.’ ‘Internment, understandably …’
    The ‘voice of sanity’ is getting hoarse.

    “Religion’s never mentioned here”, of course.
    “You know them by their eyes,” and hold your tongue.
    “One side’s as bad as the other,” never worse.
    Christ, it’s near time that some small leak was sprung

    In the great dykes the Dutchman made
    To dam the dangerous tide that followed Seamus.
    Yet for all this art and sedentary trade
    I am incapable. The famous

    Northern reticence, the tight gag of place
    And times: yes, yes. Of the “wee six” I sing
    Where to be saved you only must save face
    And whatever you say, you say nothing.

    Smoke-signals are loud-mouthed compared with us:
    Manoeuvrings to find out name and school,
    Subtle discrimination by addresses
    With hardly an exception to the rule

    That Norman, Ken and Sidney signalled Prod
    And Seamus (call me Sean) was sure-fire Pape.
    O land of password, handgrip, wink and nod,
    Of open minds as open as a trap,

    Where tongues lie coiled, as under flames lie wicks,
    Where half of us, as in a wooden horse
    Were cabin’d and confined like wily Greeks,
    Besieged within the siege, whispering morse.

    This morning from a dewy motorway
    I saw the new camp for the internees:
    A bomb had left a crater of fresh clay
    In the roadside, and over in the trees

    Machine-gun posts defined a real stockade.
    There was that white mist you get on a low ground
    And it was déjà-vu, some film made
    Of Stalag 17, a bad dream with no sound.

    Is there a life before death? That’s chalked up
    In Ballymurphy. Competence with pain,
    Coherent miseries, a bite and sup,
    We hug our little destiny again.

  9. It looks rough as a bears arse, when it takes the make up off it is a bears arse.

    Her Sinn Fein mate, can’t remember her name but used to be co leader of what ever shit show they ran, now she was even uglier than this one, hard to believe but true.

  10. Brings back memories of a very sick but hilarious joke of the time.
    “Where was Mike Hailwood going when he was killed? To fetch Bobby Sands fish and chips.”

  11. Some decent films emerged from the troubles.
    In the name of the father.
    and one of my favourites Fifty dead men walking.

  12. Blair surrendered to the IRA. The winners get the spoils of war. Just like the Taliban.

  13. These Fenian Fucks should get piss all. McElwee and Sands were the enemy and total scum. And the celebrity knobheads who ‘supported’ these murdering filth are also sacks of shit. Cunts like Mickey Rourke, Sinead O’ Baldie, Rose MacGowan, and those radical chic twats, John Lennon and Yoko Fucking Ono.

    Satan Blair and Prince Charles were spineless cunts. Shaking hands and being civil to those pieces of garbage, Adams and McGuinness. Maggie fought these cunts for years and the Fenian shite were on the ropes in the early 90s. Then that cunt Blair dropped his keks and gave them the lot. I despise the cunt.

    And Michelle O’ Neill is an ugly cunt. A block of lard with lipstick.

    • Norman@ – Yep, Blair sold us out to the enemy with his usual unctuous shit eating grin, as Corbyn – who has clearly never lifted the burnt decapitated corpse of a kid – gave the IRA his full support.
      No innocents on any side in Ireland, but the IRA were far and away the worst.

  14. I think it was Churchill or some cunt that called the Oirish the Ni***s of Europe because their so tribal.

  15. The IRA were funded by Noraid, the fund raising wing, (As well as Libya, and violent extortion of the locals) and Sinn Fein, the political wing, were invited to the White House every St Patricks day – cunts walking up and down with buckets with “give a Dollar to kill a Brit soldier” on them – that stopped very sharp after 9/11 – the yanks had a taste of what we had suffered for forty years and their romantic delusion of oppressed freedom fighters was exposed to reality.
    Out kid was on tour, in a checkpoint building, went outside for a barrier check, heard a bang, went inside and where he had been sitting 60 second before was a headless squaddie with an RPG round stuck unexploded in the wall, had that popped it would have been a massacre – the next job ended up with the involvement of UKSF and a lot of dead IRA laid in the road as an example – they clearly preferred Armalites to “stakeknives”..
    Sinn Fein are the IRA in suits, O’Neill is no different but and I do not shed a tear for the black and tans and IRA my Family have “stopped from being dangerous”. (it is no wonder farmland in Ireland is so fertile!).
    Ireland? Ignore the fake charm – hates everything about us but our money – where have I heard that before?
    Oh, and never forget a significant part of Ireland was officially “neutral” in WW2 but in reality were nazi collaborators who cost thousands of British deaths.

  16. For me, those cunts were responsible for one of those ‘do you remember where you were when’ moments.
    I’m a Brummie, so I’ll always remember where I was when I heard the news of the Brum pub bombings.
    There’s no love lost on my part…

    • Same here Ron. We had been married three months and were staying with the mother-in-law just off the Birchfield road while we were organising our first house. We were regularly in the city centre of an evening but by chance that evening I was ill and went to bed early leaving my wife and her mother watching the atrocity unfold on the television. We could easily have been in the Mulberry Bush that night.

    • #Metoo Ron,
      I was sitting in traffic about 75M from the Mulberry Bush waiting to get around that big traffic island. Heard and felt a big “Woomf ” and saw a big cloud fly across the road. Every one got out of their cars and wondered WTF was that. Then heard the screaming….I’ll never forget it. Managed a three point turn and slowly fucked off back the wrong way towards Bristol Road. Got flagged down by a couple of off duty nurses who asked me to take them to the Accident Hospital. Makes me cold just recalling it all.

  17. Tony Bliar sold out and gave these cunts political respectability. McGuiness, Adams et al sitting in seats of power? The only chairs they should have had were electric ones hooked up to the mains. Spray them with salt water and turn the switch on.

  18. Jolene Bunting regularly calls Sinn Fein out for their lies and hypocrisy.
    They are trying to get this duly elected official stopped from holding any position in politics.

  19. The “troubles” had little to do with either politics or religion, which were merely used as a front for drug dealing, extortion and smuggling and to keep the country lawless so that the CUNTS could enrich themselves without being impeded.

  20. NI was filled to the brim with hatred
    It’s easing gradually nowadays ,the pain that is ,for everyone that’s been afflicted
    Every side hated the atrocities
    It still is used for political shit stirring but by and large most people want a quiet life
    The criminals of both sides have interests in other areas today (vice)
    They will always be thugs
    Let the past Rest In Peace and spare a thought for the innocent victims from everywhere , as they were caught up in events not of their making

    • Norman , you are right of course , we are going to be outnumbered in a relatively short period as our population is not large enough to absorb another million people from wherever
      That is the current target by 2025 by our great political leaders or whore mongers ( same thing )
      Of course we will loose in the breeding stakes race as we have two that we can afford while they will have six that we pay for-and on it goes
      Surely this policy will have to be reviewed
      The landscape has changed by the fact that just like a building developer that applies for permission for 500 apartments and gets refused ,he then resubmits for 250 apartments and receives the go ahead and that is all he ever wanted in the first place
      I despise politicians for their manipulations and lack of spine

  21. I went to Dublin once ( a weekend gift) never again.
    They fucking hate the English and no fucker is going to convince me otherwise.
    A funny story though ….
    In the queue for the Guinness factory tour a woman asked what the tour was?
    She was told it was a trip through the manufacturing area followed by a pint.
    She said “I’m not really bothered about the tour, is there anywhere else that sells Guinness?”

    • Infidelgastro, I don’t like Dublin either but it is a modern thing with social welfare dependency by to many shits in the public areas and amenities.
      It is not the Dublin of old that I witness anymore that had charm , wit and humor but it is still there in many parts
      You just witnessed thick cunts, skangers , muppets and general
      fucktards as it was probably your first time.
      Alas many of the youth today are not happy as they scramble their brain with a smart phone, but it’s like that everywhere

      • I take your point but can only say I went there open-minded and came across 3 incidents of anti English (not anti British) which seemed to me too many in such a short time. I went to a catlick school with a full-on English surname so maybe my views were predetermined. It’s hard to shake off, it really is.

      • I used to like Dublin the 80s and 90s. Now, it’s like here and swamped with Dooshkas. Gangs of scum have also taken over Limerick and Galway.

    • the Catholic thing never leaves Infidel
      Mabye you misunderstood there version of English??
      As there is cunts up there that no one understands including the natives?

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