Racist Sniffer Dogs

The hairy bastards.

According to the Sunday Times, 1st Aug: –

An American (natch) study has found detection dogs can be influenced by their handler’s beliefs and expectations. Which of course means they are racist, because all police and customs officers are racist, innit.

They are therefore more likely to sniff darker hued suspects. The cunts.

How this explains the drugs found on these innocent darker hued suspects isnt explained. Colonialism I expect.

Dogs are Racists

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

71 thoughts on “Racist Sniffer Dogs

  1. My old westie used to bark at people colour on the TV. Daughter blamed me, totally innocent honest!

  2. Cecil and Ian are definitely racist, the are both RR and the darker the hue the worst they get, I cant think where they get this attitude from!

      • He was a bit of an evil cunt – but a lovable one.

        My dad had a few Irish friends. One of these was always taunting and enraging the cat until one day he flew at his face with his claws out. After that, whenever he heard an Irish voice, it triggered him.

      • We have a part Siamese and I can confirm that she’s fucking mental (and loud as fuck). But hilarious at times. Thinks she’s a dog.

  3. Judging by how badly a person with an all-year-tan smells on the London underground, that weird musk they all seem to have, the sniffer dogs can hardly be blamed for singling them out.
    It must be torture for the poor woofers’ noses, having to endure that stink all day.

    • Maybe it comes naturally to the bow wow’s. Their used to smelling piss, shit and other dogs arseholes, which is pretty much the aroma of the average park key,

  4. Racist sniffer dogs?
    Do they live in misogynistic kennels?
    Looking up joyfully at white supremacist clouds?
    If black people committed less crime they wouldn’t be arrested as often.
    Rex the Alsatian was approached for comment, but was too busy trying on his new SS uniform..

      • Oddly enough, the Nazis set about “disinfecting” Alsatians that had white fur, on the grounds they were defective…

  5. I someone sat somewhere thinking of things to declare racist? Why is this shite in the media?

  6. I remember when ‘N**ger’ was a common name for black dogs. My Auntie Annie had a dog with that name and so did a neighbour we had. Nobody batted an eyelid in those days, we had bigger things to think and worry about. But now people are so obsessed with racism and so afraid of being labeled as racist it has reached absurd levels.

    Claiming sniffer dogs are racist? That’s a corker. A chippy Terry and June will now pull the race card when a dog finds drugs on them and say the dog doesn’t like sambeaus? That is fucking hilarious.?

      • WWill we hear holy butt plugs Batman, or what a gay day or oohh you are awful, but I like you.

        Jesus wept, why have they got to put bumfuckery in everything now?

      • To be honest Norman always something about Robin that set off warning signs.
        Hot pants and easy to tie up,
        Something about his mannerisms?
        Robin? More like Ducky boy.

      • True Norm Jason Todd aka Nightwing was a revised robin pissed at batman for being too methodical and lacking emotions as his mentor. After the vote to kill him off he has been turned into redhood a antihero villain basically

  7. Racist dogs (fuck me?) are just the start, and I dare say it will get even more ridiculous. Next Winter, when the dark hued personages from the Congo find it too cold, there will be allegations that the weather and therefore nature itself is racist. Would it surprise you? They’ll have a go at snow for being white for a kick off…

    ‘Yers freezin’ me cos I black! Snow is racist!’

    • I’m sure I read somewhere that a dark key suggested that covid is racist coz effniks suffer worse than whiteys. Is it our fault that we are genetically better? Cunt on a stick!

  8. I miss my late GS,Wolfgang, with no specific training he’d go apeshit at subcontinentals, natives and Schnauzers. He was otherwise freindly with all other breeds of people and dogs.

  9. If these dogs are being influenced by their racist handlers then the answer is simple……..make all the handlers black! Because we all know only whitey is raaaay-sist don’t we? Alternatively just let all the BAMES do what the fuck they like then you wouldn’t need these dogs in the first place.
    I think I may have a role in a future government, Home Secretary possibly? Don’t worry I won’t be needing your vote cunts.

  10. How is this a bad thing? Guide dogs should be trained to attack as well so that blind people can have some fun too.

  11. My cat doesn’t like black cats, he gets along with the other neighbourhood cats except one.

    It’s not just human nature ?

    • The family cat during my childhood was a black cat called ‘Sooty’.

      They’d arrest you know for calling your cat something like that.

  12. I’m sure most dogs are intelligent enough to know when a cunt is a cunt. Equally, they’re savvy enough to relate certain people with certain things, like drugginess and stabbyness amongst certain communities.

  13. Well racist dogs, where can I buy one. The Mills and Boons round this way are growing in number.
    Can I have one with an SS uniform?

  14. not trying to sound waaaaaysist here but do you think there is the slightest possibility [yeah im gonna say it] that the majority of people who require sniffing by our 4 legged friends are more often than not dazzling urbanites, i remeber when a gang where steaming through Notting Hill festeval [that means a gang of guys, in this case every single one was of the darker vaiety, mugging, groping, assaulting people in the crowd} this same bunch of cunts were then calling the police and sniffer dogs racist when they were caught.
    So to the the people that reported them, the police, the dogs that fount the weed and crack were all waaaaysist….

    • Notting Hill ‘Carnival’ was always a stabfesty pile of cunt. ‘Revellers’ are largely druggie scum and whitey virtue signallers ie an admixture of fucking cunts.

  15. Had a rescue dog of dubious background. She had been named Taz. Very well balanced hated everything. She did seem to have a special dislike of peacefuls and Somali’s. She was a right handful bloody dangerous in truth if a fuckwit had been her owner. Loyal to us 100%, in today’s woke universe a dog like her could not exist.

  16. Weird. Always thought dogs were colourblind. Not quite, though. They are sensitive to shades of grey, therefore inherently racist.

    I knew a spaniel whose owner was a flat-earther. It was completely demented*, which proves dogs are influenced by the beliefs of their owners. Yes.

    * like all spaniels. This week there was some cunt whinging at length in his Times Supplement thinkpiece, about how demented and untrainable his spaniel is. The only solution to this is to shoot the fucking spaniel and get a Lab.

    • Chances are it’s nowt to do with colour. Dogs can smell cancer, so as sure as eggs is eggs they can smell dark keys.

    • I was as is sometimes the case – though it can be hard to spot this sometimes – trying to be funny, RTC. I am very well aware that dogs are not wholly dependent on their rather poor eyesight. I’d imagine curry ™ BO would be a dead giveaway for a dog…indeed, who needs the dog?

  17. Well you can’t blame dogs for been reactionary to certain race
    I mean there considered delicious in certain countries
    Dog chop soy stew ,anyone

    • All our dogs have been racist.
      Every one.
      Didn’t have to teach them!
      Picked it up on their own!
      Very clever dogs are.
      I encourage it.
      If one of the kids showed a interest or aptitude for something I encouraged them,
      Same with dogs.
      My Akita hates a big fat Romanian beeg issue seller and regularly chases her away from the car park at Aldi.
      I endorse this and offer words of motivation.

      “Gyppo!! Go on girl!
      Fuckin have it!”

      The dog gets exercise as does the gyppo.
      Everyone’s a winner..

      • Afternoon MNC, I remember dogs of old going ballistic at certain postmen and certain oil delivery men as soon as the gate opened.
        They have a sense of bad cunt about them , that’s normal dogs not the vicious cunts that the owner doesn’t give a fuck about them, those dogs type of dogs never had a chance to begin with

      • Evening Mecuntry.
        Massive fan of dogs, they truly are mans best friend.
        When mine goes the pet shop it casually walks into the Office at the back of the shop to say hello to the owners,
        Then goes on the dog aisle and pushes with her nose what she wants.
        Offer her a treat she hasn’t picked out?
        Pushes it away.
        I have to check the bed at night because it hides bones in the bed!
        Like Jeffery Dahmers house or something!

      • She hides those bones in your bed MNC cause she knows you’ll look after them ( even the evidence)

  18. A feller I worked with when I first left school used to beat his German Shepherd puppy over the head with a big Gollyw*g his Nan knitted. Needless to say, it grew to be very selective when I came to attacking members of the general public!

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