Quinn – Transgender Non-Binary and a Pilau Rice please

A Julian Clary-esque do the cleaning in a maids outfit with a wig on cunting please for “Quinn”.


Another day, another Tranny all over t’news.


This thing doesn’t even have a first name or surname, its so special it only needs one, hence “Quinn”. (According to Wiki she was born Rebecca Catherine Quinn – Day Admin)

Typically the woketastic Al-Beebira are all over this like a cheap rash on a cottagers arse, fawning over the “bravery” of coming out, how “inspiring” the story is etc etc.

“That was one of the reasons why I came out publicly, it’s because I want to be visible and I think the Olympics is a massive platform to have that visibility,” Quinn said.

Says it all really. Look at ME ME ME ME look how incredible i am!

Fuck right off with your one name bullshit you gigantic cunt.

Nominated by: GeneralZod

(More here – Day Admin Quinn (Soccer Person) )


And there’s this from Cuntybollocks


One name, you’ve only got one name.

Didn’t do Zico, Ronaldo and Pele any harm, but who the fuck is this cunt?

Well, Quinn plays football for the ladies ‘sakker’ team. Born a bloke. Olympic gold medalist I believe.

Obviously not unfair in any way, having a bloke on the ladies’ team. She/he/they/them/whatever the fuck says it’s crucial we refer to ‘they’ (I’d say ‘he’) and trannies as their correct pronouns and new name if they have one.

Get fucked. I am NEVER using ‘they’ to describe one person. Never. Fuck off.

And isn’t it a complete coincidence that we see a lot of male to female athletes but I’ve yet to see a female to male one? Why is this? Fucking obvious isn’t it?

At least his team has knocked out the yanks. The yanks were turning away from their flag, kneeling and refusing to sing their national anthem. A fucking disgrace seeing as they were representing their country. A lot of money was invested in them to swan off to Japan to take part in an event no cunt will watch, because it’s shit. It’s just woke bullshit.

I feel a bit sorry for the Japs. I remember the huge street celebrations when they won the Olympic bid. Billions invested, no cunts in the stadiums and woke nonsense all over the place.

Fuck off Quinn and fuck off all sport in general at the moment, although somewhat poetic justice that the woke idiots at team USA were hoisted by their own petard somewhat here – so maybe not a complete cunt then?


60 thoughts on “Quinn – Transgender Non-Binary and a Pilau Rice please

  1. Manfred Mann even wrote a song about it. Hang on Mann? Cancel these evil non-progressive bastards.

    • ‘The Mighty Quinn’ was actually written by Bob Dylan.

      Full title, ‘Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)’ recorded with The Band during the Basement Tapes sessions in 1967, subsequently recorded by Manfred Mann in 1968.

      • I believe he wrote it for Jess Phillips: “come on without, come on withim, you ain’t seen nothing, till you’ve seen her quim”

        Well, it was either her or AnalEase

      • Mr Bogg’s your getting confused.

        Pretty Flamingo was inspired by Jess Phillips, and Anal Ease inspired the writing of The Ragamuffin Man.

    • I have watched the Manfreds (Manfred Mann without the founder) a couple of years ago at Pontardawe Arts Centre. Paul Jones was lead singer and he did the Mighty Quin but the original was Mike D’ Abo as Jones had shagged off by then to pursue a solo career.
      It was a bloody good evening even though the average age of the band was well over 70.
      If Quin is transgender and born a woman how come she is not playing in the male version of the game? I wonder how she gets on in the showers.

  2. I’m also never going to use “they” when addressing somebody. If I don’t know if they are a man or a woman, I will use “Dear Sir”, as is correct. I’m looking forward to some silly cunt sending me an email with their “preferred pronoun” – fuck right off.

  3. Soon it will be law that you have to use the persons preferred pronoun or it will be a hate crime with the victim left ‘broken’ by the whole experience.

    • If some cunt needs to tell me how they would like to be addressed I can’t even imagine why I would want to talk to him/her/them/it.

      • Reminds me of a joke when I was at school.

        Question: How do you address a nîgger with a machine gun?
        Answer: Sir

  4. ‘you aint seen nothing like the Mighty Quinn..”
    Sang Manfred Mann.
    Although now its wiki page says Transfred Trann.
    Quimm is a sports deviant.
    Can decide if shes a Arthur or a Martha but can still do PE.
    Tell you what Quimm,
    Why don’t you grease up your starfish with a big handful of vaseline and shove that fuckin medal up there?
    I dont give a fuck whether your a man/woman/they/alien.
    To me your just a fuckin mencap.

  5. Quinn? A footballer? It’s not that fat scouser Mickey Quinn is it?
    No, another fucking Wokelympics fucking freak. Fucking stupid bitch wants to be a bloke……mental cow.
    Speaking of the Wokelympics I came across a story I missed yesterday. Apparently in a final of the Karate or Tai Kwonchopsticks or whatever, some bloke kicked this cunt in the mush and knocked him spark out. So he’s walking around celebrating while the poor cunt on his back doesn’t know where he is.
    But it doesn’t end there. The “winner” gets disqualified for being “too forceful” and they give the gold to the other cunt.
    What the fuck? What the fucking fuck?

    I’ve never seen such poofery in all my life!!

  6. What is it? Seriously it’s a mystery to me. Identified as female at birth and now plays for a ladies football team, not a massive leap is it?

    Do I give a flying fuck? Should any of us give a flying fuck?

    They, them? It doesn’t matter to me.

    Fucking sick of non stories about minorities managing to put one foot in front of the other. Girl plays football in girls football team is not fucking news.

    As far as I can discern it’s still biologically and physically female, it’s only non binary it it’s head?

  7. The Wiki entry under personal life

    In 2020, Quinn came out as non-binary and transgender (using gender-neutral pronouns) and changed their name by adopting their prior surname as a mononym.[66] They were permitted to continue playing professional women’s soccer on the basis of their sex assigned at birth, rather than gender identity.[67] They have expressed disappointment with media using their birth name when they came out, stating “it’s crucial to write about trans people using their name & pronouns.”[68] In July 2021, Quinn became the first out non-binary transgender athlete to compete and become an Olympic Champion at an Olympic Games.[69][70]

    WTF, why not just write, Quinn is a Tomboy ???

  8. If this bird think she’s a bloke will she be playing men’s football in the future? It’s unlikely as she’ll be made to look a right cunt by 12 year olds.
    Another fucking attention seeker who can fuck right off.

  9. More of this fuckwittery from Scotland (it’s in today’s Daily Telegraph, but there is a paywall.

    That shit in a geebive hairdo, Nicola Krankie is decreeing that 4 year olds will be able to transition without parental consent:

    How long before she has her cunt whipped off repaced by balls and a dick?:


    • Just waiting for Disney to weigh in and ban him selling their shit merchandise.

  10. I just had a look at some pics from a few years back when ‘they’ had long hair, looks quite fuckable ?

  11. One to be added to the “hopefully they’ll commit suicide very soon” pile, as all these trans freaks are.

  12. If you put preferred pronouns on your email signature it becomes “cunt” by default in my mind

  13. I’m confused as fuck now. I thought it was a geezer bird.

    What is it then?

    Born a bird but identifies as whatever the fuck?

    Fuck this my head hurts.

  14. Does it know whether to put pants on or a dress before it starts talking like a half baked professor that also kicks a ball to other women.?
    More importantly who gives a fuck?

    I wish they would send these mentally retarded degenerates to the Congo.

  15. So he/she was born a female but says she/he’s male but he/she can play for a women’s team even though he/she identifies as a he in real life but reverts to a she to play football.
    Applying this logic to the game. At the toss heads or tail? But one Captain could say the head identfies as a tail and dispute the result. The tail a head. (The head eating the tail as it were). Maybe the other Captain throwing her arms in the air would say ‘I cannot make head nor tail of this. And the game would never start.

    • Funny analogy Miles.??
      To identify an known object or life form as something it is not , should have one seeking the help of the mental health services.
      Clearly not where these people are concerned. They are embraced by the wokey dopey brigades.
      So people with mental health issues are seen as brave , courageous and a model to younger generations.
      I’ll have to have an identity crisis or I just won’t be accepted.
      ‘When all else fails, we can whip the horses eyes and make them sleep and cry’
      Descent into madness ( Nietzches marking of his first hour of his madness from the syphillis

  16. I see Zico was mentioned in this nom. Zico was phenomenal, what a player.
    That side: Zico, Junior, Socrates, Eder, Falcao…. They should have won the World Cup in 82.

    I am sick of the ‘Trannymania’ that has engulfed the media. If it isn’t cunts like Ru Paul, then it’s twats like this ‘Quinn’ knobhead. These cunts (see you, BBC) who promote these freaks are trying to make the abnormal normal.

    On the bright side, I see Megain Hunny Child Markle’s dad is slagging her off on the TV. He’s telling all and sundry what a cunt she is. Lovely stuff.

  17. This Quim thing sounds like a gigantic cheat and self obsessed millennial.

    Flush it down the toilet.

  18. Given the broadness of the Woke it will be interesting how lezzers, gays, bis, straights, and of course the black community will react to all of this!
    The BLM wokes could suggest he/she/they is white privilege even though she/he/they is part of the oppressed woke.
    Lesbian and Gay wokes might also suggest the trans wokes are getting an unfair advantage.
    But the trans wokes will call all of the above trans bigots!

    Meanwhile the straights can now sit back and watch these cunts fight it out among themselves, pop corn at the ready.

  19. ‘…why I came out publicly, I want to be visible…’.
    (yawn) we ain’t bothered. Fuck off.

  20. I can see a situation in the not too distant future where blokes looking to hitch up with some birds on a Friday/Saturday night down at the local boozer/night club, will first need to ask the person for proof that they’re all woman! (and vice versa)

    • Doubtful judging by the trannies you see. The NZ weightlifter seems about the norm.

  21. If you are born a woman, you stay a woman for the rest of your life.

    If you are born a man, you stay a man for the rest of your life.

    You can ‘identify’ to be whatever you want, – it changes the square root of nothing.

    It is that fucking simple.

    Now that’s that sorted, can we move on please?

    No more of this ‘gender-bendar’ nonsense clogging up column inches.

    Thanking you in advance.

    • The only people who are genuine mixed up at birth (Intersex) are an extreme rarity and with counseling and medical procedures go on to be either normal men or women in Adult life, but these cases are very very rare. Otherwise everyone else 99.99999999999% is either born with XX genes or XY and therefore are defined as either Male or Female and nothing can change that for the rest of your life no matter what you chop off or staple on to your body. Anything else is a mental delusion and should not be encouraged.

  22. Fucking wierdo,s the world is truly fucked, this is what happens now bullying is banned, it wasnt all bad, it kept cunts like this, Tom Daly and millions of other, shirt loifter, arse stabbers, trannies, rug munchers, and general cuntery confined to dressing up, mincing ect to be done in the privacy of their own bed rooms…

    • Agree, nothing wrong with shame, its what stops the fatties, lazy cunts and twats in general doing things they know is wrong, shaming is societies mechanism for order and balance. Anyone who disagrees can fuck off.

  23. With the Taliban returning to power with all that entails, its refreshing that the Beeb are highlighting instead this attention seeking twats boring as fuck story. I will sleep better tonight.
    I digress, but the Afghanistan situation is a disgrace. The servicemen and women killed and maimed. For what?? We should not have gone into Iraq, Afghanistan was the one and only issue. Tony Blair, Bush and the rest of the incompetents in power have royally fucked this one up. Predict a resurgent Al Qeada and IS will now make a mark there again.

    • Crikey – triple ticky points today

      “…We should not have gone into Iraq,”

      Correct but neither we, nor Bush for that matter had any say in the matter. All part of the post Sykes Picot ‘Agreement’ Yinon Plan Bob, a foul, insidious and treacherous tale of misdirection and double dealing, a good 9 page summary – http://ibaness.org/bnejss/2017_03_03/07_Fildi%C5%9F.pdf – still current policy, nothing has changed. Nor will it.

      • The reason we went into Iraq was because Saddam said nasty things about Dubbya’s daddy and Bliar gambled on it being his Falklands moment. Worked out well…

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