Muhammad “Bilal” Khan

He’s cumming for you.

Muhammed Bilal Khan and the legal system that let him off.

The plague of the Home islands that has infected Shitneystan like bat flu is now besieging Melbourne. 40 year old Mu has been found guilty of wanking onto 3 women and groping a 4th, he received a sentence of community service and counselling, fuck a duck what a shower.

He was arrested for the groping and linked to the wanking through DNA evidence. How many other ladies never noticed or didn’t wish to go through the rigmarole of an investigation and trail. This cunt needs the hotbox with horny rats before throwing to the crocs.

Hello ladies

Nominated by – Shackledragger cunt

40 thoughts on “Muhammad “Bilal” Khan

    • I prefer “Lebensunwertes Leben”- life unworthy of life. It was a category deemed even more subhuman than the untermenschen.

  1. I wonder what his namesake would think?
    On reflection he’d probably be OK with it as he saw women as possessions.

  2. I’d like to see this rat put into an Iron Maiden then burnt at the stake.
    The offended ladies could piss on his carcass if it helped bring an end to the disgraceful episode.
    Might also be wise to horsewhip the judge that let him walk free as well.

  3. He must be able to spurt a fair distance. If he’s another Peter North he could get a job in porno films.

  4. He probably got so used to it as part of Taharrush, and just kept doing it when he turned up in Oz. Its perfectly normal behaviour in North Africa (but only to non muslims). Hes on a jihadi wankathon.

    • When they said, “Yee, chuck another prawn on the baaarbie, moite” he must’ve heard, “Yee, shoot yer diseased man porridge on the sheila’s dress like a faackin’ baarbarian, moite”.

    • He needs the attention of the specially-adjusted Austro-German ECT machine, with problems like that…

  5. Reminds me of the assaults outside Cologne train station by Syrian ‘Migrants’ on women. Merkle’s catchphrase when saying she was to let in one million of them into Germany was “We can do it”. Do what exactly? And what’s this ‘We’ business? The woman is a fucking loon. No wonder ordinary Germans are fucked off and are voting for AfD.

    • I thought the Frumpenfuhrer let in 3 million. Of course it wasn’t just to Germany it was to the EU of which we were a part at the time. One of the reasons I voted Brexit was because I was not sure we wanted the German fuhrer to be setting UK immigration policy.

  6. When I was younger and staying with my grandparents I walked into my nan’s bedroom and caught her having a good old strum.
    The worst fifteen minutes of my life….

    • Tokyo subway is fucking insane. I’ve been on trains where people are literally shoving others in to get on. You can’t move, literally there are so many people crammed in you’re standing in the aisle and cannot move an inch no matter if it’s going or suddenly stops.

      • My next door neighbour’s Jap missus says it’s common for preverts to spunk on the rears of young women and schoolgirls travelling on the subway.

      • Or at a particularly raunchy and sexy funeral at a crematorium. Your wank (stood on top of the coffin) has to be completed in the time it takes for the dearly departed to trundle through the curtains and into the flames. Assuming the relatives don’t beat you to death first.

    • MNC@ – It used to be regarded as a compliment – but these days?
      “Put some clothes on in the garden, stop stealing from washing lines, stop knocking gals over so you can see their undergarments, put the axe down – we’ve got tazers” etc..
      Unfortunately can’t order the “Happy Fondler False Arms” as I have already blagged a pair from Father Ted! (That episode still makes me cry with laughter!) ?

  7. A matter of time before this is taken out of the hands of a legal system which is a joke.
    And when the inevitable happens I imagine the police will have difficulty finding witnesses..

  8. Sounds like a typical old time deviant to me, akin to willy watchers in public bogs, and the geezers that liked following young women up to the top deck of the bus so they could examine the underwear. Some of those colourful characters did progress to raping persons of both sexes but they were a small minority. The hometown of this cunt should be mighty pleased he and his mates are not raping children like the fucking scum cunts here. If, in fact they are involved in mass n****** let us pray that their filthy actions are not covered up for years by well paid with good pension “public” servants.

    • Yeah, at least they caught the cunt. Over here, the coppers wouldn’t have bothered once they heard the description and realised they were dealing with a son of a bus driver.

      • Mr Khan had come to me id advise him to invest in one of my patent fake arms for the deviant about town.
        Hes obviously a entry level deviant rather than a seasoned pro like most of us!
        For the bargain price of £80 mr Khan could be in any social gathering and cop a feel or shoot his beans without anyone blaming him!
        Now with action man gripping rubber hands my fake arm will,
        Hold a cup of coffee, a cocktail for the la-di-das amongst us,
        Even a pint of bitter!
        First cum first served.

  9. He’ll be on his way here – claiming racial discrimination as it is his right to wank over women.

  10. Almost reminds me of the time there was a raffle at work. One of the draughtsman had cut a hole in the bottom of the box that held the tickets, and then put his cock through. He then asked a secretary (all birds back in the day) to pick the winner.

  11. I have no sympathy with the Aussies. If you import this trash you are getting guaranteed trouble of every kind. They should have learned the lesson from ourselves and the other mugs in Europe.

  12. Just been reading about a Catholic priest murdered by an immigrant in Western France. The priest had taken him in and cared for him.
    That is it seems the thanks you get; murdered. Oh we…
    But wait! Theres more! It is the same refugee that confessed to setting Nante Cathedral on fire destoyng a prized 16th organ and other artifacts in 2930.. Once again he was being looked after by the cathedral authorities during his time there.
    He doesnt seem very grateful this fella.
    But wait! There’s more! He was arrested and almost immediately set free. He has been free almost since the fire happened!
    Marine Le Pen has said; ‘you can be an illegal migrant, set fire to a cathedral, not be expelled and then reoffend by murdering a priest”.
    What it is the soft liberal conception that these are good people fleeing oppresion and are innocent and benign when we all know that many ard ill- educated and prepared to be violent having coming as they do from war- torn countries.
    No doubt he has got ‘mental issues’. But surely he was psychologically assessed and pronounced dangerous.
    Once again you just get the feeling that because he was an immigrant the authorities didnt want to come down too harshly on him.

    But what will it take next time ? Burning down Thd Louvres (wigh the Mona Lisa in it) , blowing up the Effeil Tower.

    Yeah mabe blowing up the icon of the Parisian skyline.
    Might just get him deported.

  13. Another day, another shitehawk named Khan. It’s the name you khan’t avoid.

    Hoo-ee, what a cunt.

  14. Ah yes the Porkistani male. Perverted prick that should be castrated with a blowtorch

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