One has to wonder how wearing a burqa, looking like a Poundshop dalek with ugly footwear encourages. Embracing diversity”?
Given the current situation, which any moron could see coming a mile away, that was a bit ill timed, Lily dear.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
(We were tempted to bin this nom due to being only a couple of sentences (Point 3 of our nom rules). But we let it through purely for the stupidity of the bint in question – Day Admin)
Quite frankly, the Berk-er has had a few good cuntings:
You can say what you like against this comedy Halloween costume but it’s a fucking good disguise if you’re an Illegal or when smuggling semtex around town.
I approve.
If youve a malformed head like Lily anything that softens the shape is good.
Looks a bit like ET when hes in the basket on Elliott’s bike.
Sometimes when virtue signalling it can bite you in the arse, always best to have a modicum of a idea of what your posturing about.
Shes no muslim anyway.
They dont accept anorexics.
Forcing women to wear a black sack in a desert comes from the mind of a sadist. Meesojinee is the last thing this cunt should be worrying about. Blocking out the sun gives women no vitamin d , rickets and a host of other problems. Its a cunts blanket. Diversity is bollox.
Rickets?..hahaha, good!
A jaunty walk under the Darth Vader costume.
Looks good with the scouser tash muslim women wear too.
I hope all those bedsheets don’t get caught in the blades of the helicopter taking this lovely lady to her next very important modelling display.
That’s a tragedy I don’t think I could bear.
I wonder if this silly woman thought that anyone would take her seriously; even a megawoke must have thought that she was bonkers.
Freaky looking ginger mongs virtue signalling will likely backfire in a big way with the Alan’s snack bar camel botherers. Stupid cunt
Of course she hasn’t read the fucking news, I doubt this bug eyed cunt can find Afghanistan on map. She and her family won’t be receiving the benefits of cultural enrichment by having a family living next door, or being told sorry the local school is oversubscribed with mini peacefuls, fighting for dentist and doctors appointments, cancelled operations and job interviews.
Good Afternoon LL
I am not sure that is going to be the case, every picture I saw of the evacuees appeared to be top-heavy with young fit blokes. What is for certain that with all the weaponry that was left behind the increase in terrorist attacks will be tenfold.
Afternoon Wanksock.
Its crazy isn’t it. I saw something that said they have more helicopters than most NATO members, I don’t think they can fly the things but what is stopping them from selling hardware onto Iran or Saudi Arabia to finance terror plots in the west? Or even these Isis-K cunts getting their hands heavy weapons.
Dunkirk was a lesson in ‘ if you cannot bring the stuff home ,destroy it’. I know thatevents happened rather more rapidly than the alleged experts thought but surely someone on the ground had the common sense to blow up as much as they could.
Hopefully some enterprising GI will have loosened a couple of the ‘Jesus nuts’ that hold the rotors on and the will flutter back to earth minus them.
Leaving that stuff is criminal, however I doubt they will get any spares for the fuckers, so within a year they will be left to rot.
They were playing a victory speech from some filthy Talliban cunt on radio four, where they warned the rest of the world not to fuck with them, or they will get defeated like they beat America. What a great strategy! Why the fuck didwe do that in WW2? Wait until the occupying force gets fed up and goes home and claim victory!
I doubt that they would have a similar experience with the Chinese. We spent billions developing pinpoint munitions, some that can take out a single room in a house and leave the rest pretty much untouched, there’s even a missile you can fire at a car and it will kill a specific occupant! Occasionally these go wrong, or duff intel means innocents get whacked, but the intent to harm only combatants is inherent in western military policy. I don’t think the Chinese will be playing those games, why develop those type of weapons when you don’t give a fuck?
The Yanks left $85 billion worth of weapons and equipment for the Talibannies. As you say, criminal.
What a absolute fuck up.
Theyll live to regret that.
Three east African looking types waiting outside my local dentist. I doubt very much they have paid fuck all into the system, and won’t be paying for any treatment. Any useless immigrant cunt like that has won the fucking lottery getting into the UK. Free education, free healthcare – free fucking everything.
Everyday some white western libtard pushes the bounds of cuntishness ever further outwards. We should salut such endeavour with a bloody good sjamboking.
‘let’s embrace diversity at every level’.
Let’s not.
Mind you, she does look a bit weird, so it’s an improvement in her case.
If this gormless twat and her ilk keep pushing their agenda they will have to get used to this garb on a permanent basis.
Her caption read: “Let’s embrace diversity on every level – biodiversity; cultural diversity; diversity of thinking; diversity of voices; diversity of ideas.”
Afghan or P Stan, no difference, all cunts.
Maybe she’ll get terminal diverticulitis.
She apologised ( oh, well, that’s OK) and said she ” hadn’t been following the news”
We’ll, that’s because you live on Planet Me, Me, Me, isn’t it?
Cultural appropriation at it’s most cuntish. Is she going to get her clitoris cut out with a dirty blade to complete the gesture?
Thought not.
Never heard of this mongy looking undernourished bitch so I suppose jumping on the wokie bandwagon has achieved its purpose. But of course like all bandwagon jumpers she hasn’t got the bottle to stand by her newly acquired principles. If you don a set of bedsheets and start spouting this diversity shit what has the Taliban business got to do with it? They’re the bad Peacefuls aren’t they? The ones with mental elf problems? We all know 99.999 % of Peacefuls are angels. If you had any bollocks that’s what you would say, not shit yourself because a few cunts slagged you off on Facefuck. Typical bandwagon jumping wokie sleb fake.
I can imagine her saying to her agent…”well that was a fucking good idea you dozy cunt. How many books am I going to sell now?”
She lacks a brain.Dozy trout
A saw the name Lily and I though of Allen. Probably something she’d do as well the stupid cunt.
Lily Cole?This titless goldfish faced fuck is another absolute nutter. Yet another pro EU and migrant loving head the ball tosspot. This is also the very same daft bitch who encouraged kiddie fiddling and creeps. A while back, Cole posed in the Bunny Mag in pigtails and with lollipop and teddy bear in full Lolitia and jailbait mode. The only thing she was missing was a baby’s dummy. Absolutely sick, so she can stick her fake moralising up her boney pointless arse.
Am somewhat puzzled, DA. The rules I’m seeing for noms don’t seem to refer to how long a nom should be.
Just spelling, punctuation, accuracy, suitable link where appropriate.
Perhaps you could enlighten me & other IsACs
[3] Too short (less than 5 lines) or too long (more than 50 lines) qualifies it for ?️.
Thank you kindly, RTCP.
You’re welcome.
Very classy and tasteful, that old Carp Features should pull a stunt like this near the anniversary of September 11tth. Daft fucking stick insect slag.
Funny Cole should suck up to peacefuls though. Because she’s a dead ringer for Admiral Ackbar.
Anyone have Lee Scratch Perry in the dead pool?
It would be hypocritical of me to cunt her as I like to visit the local bachi bazi, indoctrination and carpet emporium dressed as King Richard on a horse. ????????
Wow that backfired spectacularly! Another one jumping on a bandwagon for £££ and saying sorry but I was only trying to xyz, so not really sorry.
Describes herself as a model. Cunt.
The burka improves her a bit, the fucking MUNTER. However, no excuses, any non-peaceful defending that medieval clobber wants their head mending.
She looks like the result of Mick Hucknall hate fucking ET.
… and then twatting the baby with his ugly stick.
A beautiful bit of invective there.
Notwithstanding that she is an idiot, why is she apologising? As an “activist” she is absolutely clueless, apart from the usual virtue-signalling, look how good I am, mantras.
She would have been better respected had she publicly BURNED the cloth coffin as the symbol of Islamic misogyny that it is, and told anyone who complained to bog off.
How anyone can genuinely be “offended” by her wearing this symbol of oppression and showing her face while wearing this fabric prison, the lefties, Islamo-panderers and shariah-fanatics, immediately casts doubts on THEIR sanity.
And lets not have any of that “woke” nonsense about “repect, diversity and inclusivity” when the burka and Islamic misogyny fail on all three of those weasel words.