Laurel Hubbard

In light of the big fat bloke being knocked out of the women’s weightlifting, i’d like to nominate the trans debate.

To anyone with a basic understanding of biology, there isnt one.

If you produce eggs, you are female.
(What if you’ve had a hysterectomy? – NA)

If you produce sperm.
You’re a male.

That’s it.

If you’re a worm you produce both, but we aren’t worried about the rights of worms here. (Worms Lives Matter – NA)

Link to story.

(Just read the first paragraph for the wording alone. You couldn’t make it up – NA)

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime

67 thoughts on “Laurel Hubbard

  1. A rectal prolapse risk in the making. Perhaps Laurel should instead stick to kittens, knitting, dresses and other laydee’s things.

  2. Laurel being a mental should be strong anyway, nutters usually are strong especially when spazzing out.
    Glad hes failed, as I bet are the real wimmen in the competition.
    Cant even beat a bunch of birds!!
    Useless bastard.
    Find a career thats suitable Laurel,
    Draught excluder?
    Door wedge?

    • MNC@ – I have to admit I was very pleased to see this cheating monster lose – to a bunch of Women! ????
      The GB weightlifter gal did very well, proud of her ?

  3. No doubt the wokies were hoping this mental case would win so they could gush about his “courage” and “bravery”. Sadly the useless cunt couldn’t even do the basics. Fuck me, you’re supposed to be a weightlifter and you couldn’t even beat a bunch of birds?
    He must be some kind of poof or something.

      • MMCM – Just approach Ardern with an apple in the palm of a flat hand and she should be OK..

      • Even better, present the apple on a tennis racquet- she can eat it right through the strings. true!

  4. The winner in his category was an ugly, obese Chinese woman who lifted an impressive 180 kilos in the ‘clean & jerk’.

    I have read that the most that Mother Hubbard has ever lifted is 145 kilos.

    He was therefore uncompetitive with no hope of winning a medal.

    New Zealand entered him for political reasons and nothing else.
    If he had won the competition then there would have been an enquiry as to whether to allow he-she’s into the Olympics in the future.

    As it stands, the door is now wide open for more of these nut cases.

    • Very much the thin edge of the wedge. In the next Olympic Games we’ll have a creature that makes Fiddler look like Audrey Hepburn claiming to be female competing in the weightlifting. When doubts are raised , the thing will claim that a precedent has been set.

  5. Transgender athletes are cunts and cheats.

    Those that are born men are quick to demand respect for their new female status but have no respect for the physical limitations of biological women.

    But the biggest cunts of all are the politicians that have allowed this absurd state of affairs to come about. None of them have the guts to push back against it.

    Betrayers of mankind (and womankind).

    • This thing above has the unenviable look of both the lorry driver AND the prostitute he murdered.

    • MMCM – Agreed – Larry Hubbard is nothing more than a cowardly cheat.
      This beast stole the place, dreams and hard graft of a Woman who should have been there.
      Pretty damn disgraceful in my opinion.

  6. I wonder how many ISAC reprobates have got the horn over this vision of loveliness.

    She would make Eddie Izzard a lovely little wife – and when he stepped out of line he would be chinned by the missus.

    I bet you wouldn’t catch her by the poolside knitting!

    Seriously with “wimminz” like this and AnalEase, Jess Phillips, Kerry Katona, Sarah Ferguson, Dawn Butler etc we are going to produce more and more homosexuals. Come to think of it, back in the early 1960s, if I had known Mrs. Boggs would turn into the horror she has become, I might have turned bent myself.

  7. You vile haters should get educated…I have every respect for Laurel..there can’t be many obese,hairy men with the balls necessary to enter a women’s weightlifting competition.
    Still,at least she’ll always have the willy-warmer that Tom Daley knitted for her as a reminder of her bravery….although after failing to lift a single weight,I do worry that she may lack the physical strength to lift her humungus cock into Auntie Tom’s kind gift

    • Called Laurel but looks like Hardy?..puzzler.
      Being new territory tranny atheles should have some leeway granted,
      If his trainer/carer had put his finger up Laurels arse as he squatted,
      I bet Laurel would have made a clean lift?!

    • Morning Mr F…as all p00fs are degenerates, I’d not be in the least bit surprised if little Tom was the meat in a manwich twixt Laurel and Lance.
      Eeuurggh…I’ve put myself off my breakfast!

  8. And then you get the height (see what I did there?) of wokieness with two high jumpers fucking SHARING the gold medal. What the fuck is this?…..a primary school sports day where every cunt gets a medal just for turning up? It’s a fucking joke and naturally the BBC is all over it like a fucking rash. Apparently the TV ratings in Yankland have crashed and burned and advertisers are demanding refunds of their dough. Tough shit, go woke go broke, wankers.

    • I saw that. The media were raving about it.

      I thought they must be arse buddies or something. It was there to win outright, but he declined his final jump so him and his mate could share the prize. Fair enough in genuine dead heats, but that?

      Fuck off! I thought they were going to start bumming the way they were carrying on.

      Nobody won in my eyes. Both losers. Get to fuck.

      • If he was a real competitor, he would’ve jumped a cm higher on his last jump, then ran over to the eye tie and jumped around in his face. Then kept kissing his gold medal in front of him grinning.

        Imagine if Coe and Ovett decided to cross the line together in every race because ‘fwiends’? No cunt would’ve bothered watching the cunts.

        Fuck off.

      • Just another example of how the West has lost its survival instinct.

        Traditionally a losing athlete accepted his loss with good grace. The better man/woman won – but there’s always the next time.

        Now athletes are having mental breakdowns if they lose or win. They are so weak they can’t bear the thought of asserting superiority by winning – in case it might be racist or sexist or something of that ilk.

        The 21st century has witnessed the rise of a race of snowflake imbeciles fit only for extinction.

      • Talking of winning when you loose, the woke wanker Louis Hamilton came in 9th in Sunday’s Grand Prix, but was already ranked no 3, but since Vettel was disqualified little Louis was upgraded to 2nd place – can’t let Max the white man win can we, that would be racist and little Louis would cry and cry and cry till he made himself sick (amd apparently the poor little poof is already sick with Long Covid, he says……

    • Is that because of wokeism or the fact that their standards have slipped?
      I suspect a bit of both.
      You ess A you ess A.

  9. Normally when a bloke competes against wimminz, he annihilates them (see transbumder cyclist Veronica Ivy/a bloke called Rhys McKinnon), so this weighlifter guy ought to commit suicide because of his pathetic failure.
    All biological wimminz should simply stand still at the start of the competition and refuse to compete against these mentally deranged, self important freaks.

  10. And presumably some female in New Zealand didn’t go to Wokyo because this sack of shit took her place. I wonder how she’s feeling today? Speaking of New Zealand, calling a team the All Blacks when there are whiteys in it has got to be systematically raaaaay-sist surely?

  11. Fucking useless. Pointless exercise, better off as a bloke. Can’t lift weights, definitely never getting shagged. Stick it on a bin round.

  12. From my sporting delight I watched this final and it quickly became apparent the ladies had done a lot of lifting.
    Pies into their faces.
    I’m not against a big lass personally but these buggers looked like fucking walruses.
    As for the Deranged Freak,aircraft hangar sized oven.
    What a fucking mess.

  13. It’s as if we have magically reverted to the middle ages, before medical advancement identified chromosomes and how a person will be female with XX chromosomes and male with XY chromosomes.

    All that has now been consigned to the history books in the warn, unicorned, touchy-feely, non-competitive 21st Century. Isn’t it just fucking wonderful?

  14. It’s a pity the cunt didn’t get a double hernia. I can’t do links, too old and thick, try this site cunters New York Nadia. She only does short videos very succinct, I like her.

  15. ?Laurel came from Miami, F.L.A.
    Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
    Plucked her eyebrows on the way
    Shaved her legs and then he was a she
    She says, “Hey, babe
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    Said, “Hey, honey
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    Candy came from out on the Island
    In the back room she was everybody’s darling
    But she never lost her head
    Even when she was giving head
    She says, “Hey, babe
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    Said, “Hey, babe
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    And the colored girls go
    “Doo do doo do doo do do doo…”
    Little Joe never once gave it away
    Everybody had to pay and pay
    A hustle here and a hustle there
    New York City’s the place
    Where they said, “Hey, babe
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    I said, “Hey, Joe
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the streets
    Looking for soul food and a place to eat
    Went to the Apollo
    You should’ve seen them go, go, go
    They said, “Hey, sugar
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    I said, “Hey, babe
    Take a walk on the wild side”, alright
    Jackie is just speeding away
    Thought she was James Dean for a day
    Then I guess she had to crash
    Valium would have helped that bash
    She said, “Hey, babe
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    I said, “Hey, honey
    Take a walk on the wild side”
    And the colored girls say
    “Doo do doo do doo do do doo…”?

    • That’s RAAAACIST!!!

      Needs to be added to the Readers Digest “Songs You Didn’t Know were Racist” list.


  16. Where are all the women , who have cut their tits off ,in the men’s weight lifting competition?

  17. I’ll have you know as a prominent lawyer in the worm community that they are very upset with your speciesism, and demand an apology at once.

    (We have an inkling it might be something do with your apostrophe, maybe – Day Admin)

    • Earthworms get my utmost respect.
      They help keep the soil fertile.

      A bit like the neglected meat and two veg of trans athletes – dumped in a skip and tipped onto landfill.

  18. Women’s rugby seems to have told the degenerates to fuck off. Sport in general should follow suit.

  19. Makes you proud to be British, we have the ugliest butchest fucking tranny in the world, in a womens category for weight lifting wtf, then we have a fucking raving iron knitting cardies for his faggot other half, when he,s not competing in what should be a ladies sport, we have strong ladies quitting because they didnt do well for the sake of their weak arsed,fragile state of mind.
    We havnt had a drug fail yet or as far as im aware any other embarrassment but im sure it wont be long.
    How much money does the UK plough into this farce, in fact im dont even want to know what this freak show has cost…….cunts

      • Sorry Infidel, it was that pathetic i assumed a Brit, im sure we have an equally crap substitute, what about Dina Asha Smiths and her excuses, maybe she should cut down on the yogurt with little sweets in it, she would be quicker, also BMX freestyle, great as it is/was in the 80,s do we really want to see 20 year olds doing it now……i dont think so, next it will be synchronised Iphone charging, or flower arranging, claranette polishing step forward Tom Daly… all get the gist, that was gist not jizz, sit down Tom…..carry on knitting your woolen willy warmer…..

  20. Listening to Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio yesterday.
    I’m sure she mentioned that this abomination still has it’s wedding tackle intact.?
    Fucking glad I have more years behind me than in front. This loonacy is only going to get worse.

  21. The woke media are still banging on about the ‘sweet’ pictures of Tom knitting, maybe Laurel should take it up, weightlifting seems to be a bit of a challenge, shirt lifting knitting competition for the next Olympics.

    • I think this weak as shit tranny cunt couldn’t even lift a knitting needle.

  22. If there had been some kind of crime scene in the locker rooms, what would the forensic team conclude.
    Well, they’d either be looking for a male or a female culprit.
    Wardrobe contents or sexual preferences / deviances wouldn’t register with the scientific data.
    Send in the white-coats. If that isn’t too rascist…
    Wokyo has given rise to a new species; Homowokians – the first invertebrate humanoid.

  23. I thought Stan Ogden was dead.
    I fucking hate the olympics, but this has to be the worst ever. It’s usually the fawning bbc coverage, the holier than thou attitude of some of the athletes and the inevitable unearned knighthoods and mbe’s that put me off. But this kind of shit along with the wokeness and politics have proper fucked it up this time.

  24. As an aside… God Bless! When you look out at the joyless, soulless, humourless, senseless sheer wanking cuntery that is the world today, praise the Lord that there is this little haven of sanity, reason and good sense. Some truly outstanding comments in this thread! “You’ve all done very well!” as Young Mr Grace used to say.

  25. Lo he was smitteth mightily for going against nature, and mocked by the multitudes for being a cunt. Therefore he departed unto the land of the long cloud and great was his woe, he did beat his non breasts and cried in a loud voice, fail why? when woke is the way and has to be. Why this torment why can I not receive the just rewards of my ideology? There came a roaring wind followed by a loud majestic voice these are the words spoken. “You are a pathetic excuse for a man, you are not and never will be a women. Grow up you pathetic cunt and join the real World”. Heeding the advice to join the real World he/she/it/they/them is now living in housing of the social in Islington London. Here endeth the lesson and the death of reason and logic

  26. Having had a shocking past few days due to illness and having to work 12+ hours a day to catch up to a deadline I can say that hearing this ugly bloke came last cheered me up.

  27. I bet the wokes are glad he lost. If he ran away with the gold it would have ignited a shit storm. This way it looks like there is no problem as long as certain hormones etc are being taken. I see them being relieved that he lost. Better for the cause really.

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