Katherine Rowley (2) – Cocking a deaf ‘un

A nomination for Katie Rowley for being a money grabbing cunt.

This woman is deaf and has selectively been distressed and marginalised because of two out of one hundred and seventy Downing Street Covid briefings didn’t have a signing interpreter.

She started a compo claim and the high court have found in her favour, this stinks of the ambulance chasing mentality, oh and she couldn’t follow the subtitles because she is dyslexic.

Maybe she could have just had a look on any online news channel because every briefing was scrutinised, commented on and done to fucking death.

This lady was pregnant at the time (fuck knows who would have, she is a tub of fucking lard) so was stressed that she couldn’t see the information, any one with any common sense can see this is just a fucking opportunist gotcha!!

What a cunt!


Maybe I should start a claim for the 168 briefings with a hand waving cunt because it was distracting.

Nominated by: Sick of it

68 thoughts on “Katherine Rowley (2) – Cocking a deaf ‘un

    • She would hear the fucking bag rustle like a sleeping dog and be at your feet drooling before your hand entered the bag.

    • Is it about time a law was passed to deal with this type of obesity to “save our NHS”. This cross between an Oompa Lumpa, Mick Hucknall and Mr Blobby is only going to spend this money on more fucking pies and cakes and all the fucking colds she catches, diabetes, back aches, fucking whatever else must cost a bomb. The fat knacker must spend half her life in the Doctors.

  1. Surely a death person learns to lip read. I’ve a deaf aunty.
    She taught me many a rude word. 😀

    Afternoonings, Sicky. 🙂

    Afternoonings all. 🙂

    • I worked in an extremely noisy manufacturing environment years ago where ear protection was a must. We used to talk to each other across the lines of manufacturing equipment and after about a year in these work conditions, most became rather good at lip reading without even realising it.

      I actually caused quite a stir when I caught another guest at a noisy wedding function bitching about my wife to their partner and they were sitting about 25/30 feet away. The cunt really shit themselves when I confronted them and quoted their comment word perfect. The persons most surprised though was my wife and myself for actually realising this skill outside the workplace.

  2. Fucking hell – you mean somebody has actually attempted to sit through 170 Downing Street covid briefings?

    Ten out of ten for patience but unfortunately it’s zero out of ten for ability to detect bullshit.

    • I saw the first one and that was it. Heard another 4 or 5 audible only on talk radio though I usually switched to an Absolute music station when the cunts came on.

      I’m in Scotland so there were daily briefings I think were meant to over rule Westminster, however I have to date never saw or listened to the Krankie once nor the clowns she appointed as CMO’s. The fact the best experts she could rustle up was gynaecologist Calderwood (she begrudgingly sacked) then replaced with a dentist cunt Leitch told anyone with a brain it was a clown show.

      If the people of Scotland actually dug into that cunt leitch they’d see he’s less of a dentist and more of a white saviour cunt dabbling in overseas charity operations ‘saving the vulnerable’ then they would ignore these shysters.

      There is a serious want about cunts using overseas visits to access vulnerable people under the guise of humanitarian / disaster & charidees duties when the likes of Thomas Cook can fly them to the likes of Thailand. Suppose these disaster areas have less camera welding tourists who might capture a picture or two.

      • My guess is she watched just one, and it was her good luck it happened to be one of the few which were not signed.

        Next slide please……

  3. Lots of deaf people are cunts, even going so far as wanting deaf children. They are mostly very angry that the rest of us are not deaf. I wouldnt recommend the bogs at the Royal national institute for the deaf. They cannot hear themselves going for a shit and its a deafening shower of shit.

    • “In heaven, I shall hear” (Ludwig von Beethoven) – they should have given the old tart that done in pokerwork rather than the money.

      • WCB@ – “Well how the fuck did I know you’d been knocking for ten minutes”?
        (Ludwig Van Beethoven)

    • “Lots of deaf people are cunts, even going so far as wanting deaf children.”
      That seems to be true SC.
      Watched the Repair Shop the other week. Some woman brought her piece of crap in to be fixed and her daughter who was born deaf too but had some sort of gizmo shoved in her head so she could hear.
      Fucking selfish cunt the Mother, knowing she would give birth to a deaf kid.
      Should be sterilised.

    • Cuntologist@ – Nobody available unfortunately – Boris is still in bed (not sure who with), Priti is wedged in a doorway and Carrie Antoinette has gone shopping for diamonds and human blood.

  4. This is the type of cunt that has modern society fucked
    Pandering to nothing ,as if she gave a shit about politics or even has grasp
    The legal system is one cunt of a lemon that undermines the maturity of society
    Everyfuckingcunt is entitled or a victim, when in fact some have the mind of an infant
    Fucking fantasy land represented by money grabbing cunts without scruples

      • RTC@ – I can’t see the telly when I am looking the other way – where the deuce is my compensation?
        Outrageous discrimination..

      • Que? Pardon my ignorance Vern, but what the fuck are you on abaaaht? Please elucidate.

      • Me and the missus watched back to back films last night.
        Unfortunately I was the one facing the wall.

        Apologies if it’s been said before.

    • My first thought on spying that abomination was that it was some sort of transbumda.
      The bird in the Maltesers ad (boyfriend’s dog swallow hearing aid…) gives me a throbbing horn.

  5. I read about this cunt. I can’t believe any judge was stupid enough to allow the old whore to trouser a shedload of money for so piss poor a reason. It was only SOME of the broadcasts that didn’t have whatever it was she wanted, not all of them.

    What a shit the od bag is.

  6. No other fucker took any notice of the Downing Street briefings, so what’s this fat ugly moron complaining about. They did the bitch a favour.
    And whoever put her up the duff must have been deaf and blind

    • Reminds me of the media cunt who interviewed the leader in the Amish community and asked why they had no virus outbreaks / victims which he replied ‘Virus? we don’t have television here’

    • Attention-seeking opportunistic money-grabbing fat bastard. Bet the cunt who stuffed her isn’t going to own up to it. No matter, us tax payers will provide all the benefits she needs.

  7. I was managing this American feminist mental bitch recently. She got a guy sacked for “sexist comments”, which were not made to her and which she only brought up 6 months later. I think all he’d done was say one of the customers was worth a shag, and he was fucking right.

    Anyway this mental hag was also well into what language you should/shouldn’t used about disabled people (or is “persons with disabilities”?) and tried to get everyone onto the idea that if someone was deaf/blind you should refer to that as “deaf gain”, or “blind gain” etc etc. As if a car accident would be a potential “paraplegia gain”.

    It wasn’t that we had any people/customers who we’d need to talk about having deaf gains but she fucking insisted on this training session. This shit always ends up getting “mainstreamed” in he UK too. I imagine it already has been. Thank fuck I’m not there anymore.

    • She can probably distinguish it from the local dust cart just by sniffing the fumes that drift in the open window of her home… Yippee, I can smell Johnny’s Ices old oil burner transit coming. If Johnny is ever forced to get an electric van, he will need to expel some other form of pollution for her to detect

    • Those sign language cunts dancing like Bez from the Happy Mondays are distracting!
      Pander to every mutant in this country.
      Sooties, dummies, nutters, fairies, all wrapped up in a nice blanket an breastfed by the Westminster crowd.
      Oi!! Talking to you! you mutton cunt!
      No such thing.
      Excuses, an I’m fuckin dyslexic!
      My dad beat it out of me,
      But it made me deaf.

      You. Pisstakng little cunt

  8. “What do we want..?”


    “When do we want them..?”


  9. It’s impossible to cater for every minority in every way all the time.

    This woman could only think of herself in the middle of a pandemic, fuck the NHS, fuck the elderly locked in care homes and fuck the dead and dying, it’s all about me. Normally I avoid cunting people with disabilities but this woman demands equality no matter the situation so I feel liberated from normal protocol in this case.

    Katie you are in deed a self obsessed cunt.

  10. That’s 3 wimminz on the bounce this morning. Are the admins trying to tell us summat? If so, for gawd’s sake put some good looking tart up next. Only the really depraved among us would be anywhere near “horned” at what we’ve seen this morning!

    • It’s almost like watching telly…
      Especially adverts.

      And I don’t watch telly any more

  11. My neighbour has been deaf since birth, and is now a highly paid psychologist, so it’s not a question of being a victim, it’s called making an effort, this sofa surfer should take note!!!

    • I’m always reminded of Mrs Richards off Fawlty Towers when i think of deaf people

      • Ah, the actress that also played Miss Ewell in Please, Sir! Fucking brilliant. If I ever move back to Switzerland, I’ll be buying shed loads of videos before I go.

  12. ‘The high court has found in her favour.’

    Therein lies the problem.

    • Yep. And by contrast a drunk driver in our area who wrecked 3 cars and gave life changing injuries to 4 people gets a prison sentence of just 28 months. I need not point out that the guilty party was an import from Eastern Europe. Seems there is a reward system in the UK for stupidity and a tickle of the knuckles for severe wrong doing.

  13. Oi, listen up Katie, anyone with any sense changed channel when those briefings came on…or turned DOWN the volume. No cunt in their right mind listened to that insufferable bollocks after the first two weeks ‘to flatten the curve’. From then on it was lies, bullshit, bullshit, lies….

    She’s clearly got the sniff of stacks of 50 squid notes….I’m sure if someone whispered from 20 metres away here’s a crate of Gregg’s pasties and doughnuts, she would fucking hear that clearly.

  14. It’s not as if a single subsequent broadcast has contained any new information as the first.

    And the main message being signed at all of them is “this bureaucrat/politician is a twatt/cunt”

  15. Now if she donated her damages award to a deaf charity then I would doff my hat to her.

    I’ll be watching.

    • PM@ – Methinks she will be donating the majority of the money to McDonalds.
      It is unnatural that the weak prevail.

  16. Fucking bitch whore knew very well that some soft, libtard judge would find in her favour and the BBC would be licking her fat bastard arse. Dyslexic ……fuck off. Have you noticed that Dyslexia is the one word those cunts always spell correctly? So soon we’ll have cunts up in court complaining that there was no translation in Urdu or Arabic or fucking Polish. How many different language groups are floating across the Channel every day with pound signs in their greedy freeloading eyes?
    But they’ll understand this conniving fat cow when she’s phoning through her order to the local takeaways. I hope, when she gets her hands on my money, she uses it to eat herself to death the lardarse sack of shit.

  17. Hasn’t this twonk not noticed that there is a sub titles button on the tv remote.
    Fucking fat chancer.

    • They say they can’t read words, And the signing substitutes. Well I challenge them to decide what the signers is really communicating.
      Something like “Run spot run, see spot run”.

  18. Being deaf as a post the ugly cunt didn’t understand what her doctor said. Instead of “go on a diet you obese tub of lard” she heard “you’re pregnant, congratulations.”
    Probably so thick she doesn’t know you have to get some retard to shoot his beans up you to get up the duff.

  19. If you were to conjure up an image of a munter, she would be it.
    You’d need to be 18 to look at her.

  20. If this Rowley cunt does get some compo, she could get some plastic surgery.
    Let’s face it, she fucking needs it.

  21. If you think she’s ugly imagine what the cunt who was desperate enough to ram his winkle up her must look like?
    Not only that but he’s going to be the father of a baby hippo.
    Poor bastard.

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