‘It’s Raining THEM’

(Header pic is Mila Jam apparently – Day Admin)

Remember the good old days down the pub, when some bird off her tits on tart fuel would grab the karaoke mic, and start bawling ‘It’s Raining Men’ at the top of her voice?.

Well that was then, and this is now. I’m sure that IsAC stalwarts will be delighted to learn that the 80s disco classic has been appropriated by the Wokerati, and ‘re-imagined’ for today’s snowflake generation.

From now on (altogether now) it’s ‘hallelujah, it’s raining THEM’. Yes, the lyrics have been adjusted to soothe the easily bruised sensibilities of those of the ‘gender fluid’ persuasion; for example the reference to ‘mother nature’ being ‘a single woman’ has been amended to ‘they’re a single person’.

I shit you not. This delightful ditty has been released by some American (natch) non-entity by the name of Mila Jam, a self-styled ‘transgender singer and gay rights activist’.

No, me neither.

At least there’s the potential for a laugh here. I reckon that the regulars on here will look forward eagerly to the chance to give their favourites from yesteryear a woke makeover.

I’ll kick off with my suggestion for another disco classic; ‘I’m Every Woman’ must now become ‘I’m Every Non-binary’ (I would have gone for ‘I’m Every Gender Non-specific’ but it won’t scan to the melody). (It would be interesting how the wimminz Feminazis would put up with that! – Day Admin)

Meanwhile, have a little look at this, and enjoooooooooy…

Raining Them

Nominated by: Ron Knee

73 thoughts on “‘It’s Raining THEM’

  1. A wimminz body with a blokes head plonked on the shoulders.
    Burn the fucking freak and throw the ashes in the river.

  2. I’m going to go for Lola by the Kinks.
    No need to change the lyrics. It was way ahead of its time and banned from some radio stations because of its “controversial subject matter”.
    I bet Ray Davies never thought it would become the norm.

  3. Milky Jam? Means chimp spunk betcha.
    What a abomination.
    Hated this song anyway.
    Firstly it was a anthem for dumped slags and divorced frumps.
    Then for the Ducky boys.
    Now hermaphrodites.
    Whos it for next?
    People who shag corpses?

    Its a race to the bottom.

    Hehee, bottom!?

  4. How about “walk on the wild side” by Lou Reed?

    “Holly came from Miami, F-L-A
    Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
    Plucked her eyebrows on the way.
    Shaved her legs and then he was a she.
    She says, “Hey, babe,
    Take a walk on the wild side.”
    Said, “Hey, honey,
    Take a walk on the wild side.”

  5. Sex Pistols…..”God Save the Queens.”

    “I’m a Lazy Sodomite”

    “The Great Cock and Balls Swindle”

  6. Did you watch the clip?

    Mother of Dog, what are they? It’s like a whole new species was farted from the bowels of the earth!


  7. In the photo the cunt is wearing something that says “stop killing us.” Who the fuck is killing the freaks, you get arrested just for taking the piss.
    I’d like to see the cunt mincing down Kabul High Street dressed like that.

  8. Andy Williams – Music To Watch They By
    Sailor – They They They
    Spencer Davis Group – I’m A They
    Rolling Stones – They’s A Rainbow
    Beatles – They Loves You

  9. You have to agree with the reasoning of the lyrics, judging by the amount of exposure they get you’d be forgiven for thinking it is raining them.

  10. ‘I was born under a wandering gender identity’ – Lee Marvin.
    ‘All the single trannies’ – Beyonce
    ‘Barbie Queer’ – Aqua

  11. Actually Hung Like Hanratty (great band btw) have a song called “Danny is a Tranny.”
    I’ve got a feeling Mr Jam wouldn’t be too keen on it.

  12. You’ll always find me in the tranny at parties -Jonah Lewie
    Tranny’s just wanna have bum – Cyndi Lauper
    Gonna make you a non-binary – David Essex
    Mx Blue Sky – ELO
    West End Non-binaries- Pet Shop Non-binaries
    Fat bottomed non-binaries – Queen

    When will the madness stop ?

  13. ‘Hey, did you happen to see/ the most non-binary freak/ in the world?’

    Charlie/Charlotte Rich

  14. They are a firestarter?
    They’re So Lonely Tonight?

    Yes! Write your own lyrics and music, you fucking pirates!

  15. “Mama just killed a they
    Put a gun against Theys head
    Pulled my trigger now Theys dead
    Sometimes i wish Theys were never born at all
    Carry on carry on cause nothing really matters ,to Theys “

  16. Them,they ect etc is as bollox as astrology. Its amazing how many mongs there are from one generation to another.

  17. If you remember the Hendrix album “Electric Ladyland” it’s now called “Solar Panel Trannyland.”
    They didn’t have to change the cover, those birds looked like trannies anyway.

  18. I’m astonished they/them haven’t hijacked ” Somewhere, Over the Rainbow”
    After all, being a friend of Judy….

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