Francis Fukuyama and “The End of History”.

This is an interesting read actually.

This Cunting is not so much for Fukuyama but his inane theory of the “End of History (EOH) and what it represents.

After the collapse of the USSR Fukuyama, in his very influential book “The End of History”, predicted the triumph of Western Liberalism. Fukuyama’s argument was that, with the collapse of communism, the last ideological alternative to liberalism had gone. Fascism had been killed off in ww2, and now Communism was defeated.

In Communist states, like China, political and economic reforms were heading in the direction of a liberalism. Fukuyama saw history as the process by which liberal institutions and democracy become universal. Fukuyama said history had therefore reached its goal. Cue collective backslapping amongst the Western elites who now rested on their laurels and pushed dangerous idea of global corporatism and multi-national institutions like the EU without restraint.

How shortsighted was this? Fukuyama missed completely the suppression of the pro-democracy movement in China which culminated in Tiananmen Square. Since then it’s gone from bad to worse in China which has not embraced Liberalism but rather state capitalism, which has emboldened it and made it just as oppressive as before.

And Russia has not embraced Liberalism but kleptocracy. Putin, with a stack of nukes inherited from the USSR and an even bigger chip on his shoulder, is making dangerous mischief around the world. At least the old Soviet leaders were statesmen. Putin is just a chippy little cunt. And it also seems that the nation state refuses to die, as Brexit and tensions in the EU demonstrate.

So it seems that history hasn’t ended and that it’s got a few more tricks up it’s sleeve.

Fukuyama, to do him credit, now realises this. He also blames woke identity politics because he says these demands can never be satisfied and racial grievances and self-flagellation by the woke elite, will never be sated It’s an endless cycle. Fukuyama has realised that people are not rational and, until they are, history will not end.

If liberalism is to be saved it has to be freed from this end of history nonsense. People need to stand up and defend it against the Chinese, the Russians and woke post-modernism. People have to realise what freedom is and defend it. Fukuyama has made the West sit on its laurels and take its eye of the ball. Has anyone got the guts to do it? Perhaps then we will see not so much the end of history but at least the end of cunts.

So what’s this Cunting for? Stupid, idealistic theories that are removed from reality, I suppose.

Thanks for bearing with me.


Nominated by – MMCM

58 thoughts on “Francis Fukuyama and “The End of History”.

  1. He seems to have missed out the middle east and other areas that are run by the same religious ideals. Perhaps he didn’t think they were important enough.

    • Absolutely! The enduring theocracies of the middle east are a massive challenge to both communism and self-destructive western liberalism. The cunting is well deserved on this basis.

  2. Western liberalism died on the 9th November 1989, we now have globalist communism, problem is some folks haven’t realised it yet!

  3. Amazes me when intellectuals make sweeping statements or more so write books and papers that totally ignore the unexpected or unintended consequences.

    The world is too dynamic to attempt prophecy based on what you think you know.

    I’ve heard tell the Americans have a super computer in which they want a digital version of everyone so they can stress test different outcomes of different scenarios and find out how best to manipulate populations.

    That will end well.

    Mind you it’s interesting to consider we are trying to create a simulation of our reality when some physicists believe we are already living in a simulation.

    Some fucked up shit I can’t be doing with that is.

    • “Shall we play a game?”.

      And later…
      “Is this a game or is it real”

      “What’s the difference?”

      Have they/we learned anything?

  4. I get what he means. That everyone knows the goal is Western liberal democracy. The Churchill quote….forgot…bur the best we can hope for or the best system of a bad bunch. That’s all he’s saying. Just a daring way of saying it-‘The end of history’.

    • The Churchill quote: “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”

      • And the stupid Neocons thought ‘Hell yeah he’s right why dont we just go into these backward countries and hasten their travel towards Liberal Democracy…’

        Result carnage that we’ve seen recently.

  5. Fucking Eggheads.

    They should get proper jobs and do something useful with their lives instead of just waffling a load of shite.

    • Trouble is there’s an always full trough of taxpayer’s money to pay these cunts to produce their useless waffling.

      There is no sensible alternative to vote for; there is no longer any point in voting. The only hope is revolt or revolution to take our country back, like the yellow vests aspire to do in France. We won’t do anything about it though, just sit on our hands and moan on the Internet about it (until such time as free thought is fully eradicated and sites like this are shut down by the State).

      I ain’t gonna be voting for any cunt in future – join me and at least let them know beyond doubt that the only cunts they represent are themselves. It won’t change anything, it will just be the difference between meekly looking at your executioner or spitting in the cunt’s face?

  6. I’ve noticed a few raghead bastards, armed to the teeth, on the telly recently who don’t appear too keen on Western liberalism. Oh…..and there’s 3.5 million of the fuckers over here with more arriving every day.
    Western liberalism’s answer is to get down on one knee in a gesture of supplication.
    This smart arse Fuckyamamma cunt didn’t see that coming did he?

  7. The liberal West is eating itself with identity, race and victiim bullshit. Treason against ther ideals of the state is rampant in the UK and the USA. And then there is climate hysteria.
    These fads, if unchecked, will deliver us to the CCP, the Russians and Islam.
    He didnt seem to see this at the time but does seem to have woken up to it.

  8. When I lived abroad, I fucked a Japanese girl for a month called Junko Fukuyama.. She claimed to not be a virgin but I could only manage to enter the tip of the magnanimous trunchron and she’d be squealing with excitement. Lovely body, cute pigtails, and endless hours of rutting but her kitchen stank like the Sainsbury’s fish counter and eventually I had to say Sayonara.

    I wonder if she’s related.

      • Yegad, Sir Ruffers, you have to lower the tone. No, her kitchen was where she cooked, a seemingly endless diet of fish, even for breakfast. I wasn’t referring to her mackerel pocket/cod purse/clam dangle/squid glove/trout mitten/tuna dungeon.

        Have some decorum.

      • I saw the actual kitchen thing straight away, japs love eating fish.

        She’d be making sushi and sashimi and various other pescadorial treats day and night to fuel her for these sessions with the Captain.

        And Cap’n, now you’ve named the girl can you post her address and perhaps a phone number?

      • I thought “kitchen” was a euphemism too, it just sort of fits the story.

        Did you ask her to slide down the bannister?
        See if she was a true Japanese.

    • Did a threesome with her mother whilst indulging in illicit drugs not cross your mind, Capⁿ?

      This fishy chick’s real name was probably Misaki Suzuki (or some such) but she was trying to drop you a heavy hint.

  9. The idea that western democracy can fit every country is dangerous and should be dismissed. Some places simply don´t want it while others will actively oppose or exploit it, so why impose it? The democratic system is also full of holes. For example, is the first past the post system in the UK fair or should there be proportional representation? Should the monarch have the right to sign an act of parliament for it to become law? No monarch has exercised this veto power but a future king or queen could do so. Should the House of Lords, which is an unelected body, have any right to influence legislation? Should the American presidential voting system, which elects a president by an electoral college and not a majority of voters, be altered? And, of course, should multinational bodies like the European Commission be able to overturn the laws of individual nations? Finally, what about referendums? Surely they are the best examples of genuine democracy? Yet we know referendums can be manipulated or even overturned if vested interests don´t like the result.

  10. After the fall of Communism, the last ideological alternative to Western liberalism was gone?

    Was he having a laugh when he wrote that or was he just completely oblivious to the threat of a certain religion of peace?

    Maybe when he wrote it, mass uncontrolled immigration from the 3rd world into Western democracies wasn’t so in vogue as what it has been for the last 20 odd years. (and getting worse by the week)

    After the watching this shit show gradually unfold, the idea of Western liberalism is a decaying corpse in my opinion.

    • Yeah, totalitarianism of one sort or another is on its way. The lesson of history Mr Fuckyamamma missed is……if you are weak, cunts walk all over you. To be fair he’s not the first soppy cunt to be so blind but he may well be among the last.

  11. He looks tired in that photo.
    Tired but happy.
    One eyes completely shut.
    Like a eastern Colombo.
    Bet his missus took that photo.
    Always taking photos arent they?
    Franks a funny name for a jap bloke?
    Probably after Sinatra.

  12. His little theory took a knock when those planes flew into the WTC.
    The sad thing is I still meet his thralls who think post-cold war liberal democracy is the current state of the world (or should be) when it’s going the other way.
    The EU-worshipping globohomos at Glasto are the ones now living in the past.
    Liberalism is over. Big Vlad said so.

  13. Id like to know who will be held responsible when terrorism, never seen or imagined before, inflicts Europe using American military weapons abandoned in Afghanistan. Can we put a bounty on Bidens head “dead or alive” when the killing starts ,as it will, as sure as night follows day.

    • Maybe the Yanks left behind some candles we could use in the endless “Don’t Look Back in Anger” vigils? I’m sure the Peacefuls won’t mind handing them over.

    • Just wait until all the American troops are out, he is kissing Taliban arse at the moment to try to keep some order while they are evacuating, once they are out we might see a few air strikes.

      Nuke the whole shit show, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan!

    • Was that a pun, Willie? The Amputee Discus is my favourite event! Saudi Arabia for Gold again, I reckon!

    • Whatever you do don’t turn the volume down during the freestyle swimming and play the theme to Flipper on your phone.

    • Well there is that para-tranny who has just broken the women’s wheelchair pole vault record, now he’s sorry she’s leading the wheelie steeplechase

  14. He wasn’t wholly wrong about what “the end of history” would look like, though.

    The end of history will be a very sad time. The struggle for recognition, the willingness to risk one’s life for a purely abstract goal, the worldwide ideological struggle – that called forth daring, courage, imagination, and idealism, will be replaced by economic calculation, the endless solving of technical problems, environmental concerns, and the satisfaction of sophisticated consumer demands.

    On the button, I’d say, as far as the West is concerned. Just that history hasn’t ended, and the West hasn’t realised yet…

    • Yes those words resonate
      The west as in its citizens, have lost the appetite for confrontation
      hence every small time groups and activists as such sense the weakness
      We’re been fucked from within
      Ideology has no room to breathe as it might cause offence to minorities
      Mediocrity know runs the Western World
      We won’t hear from anybody important but maybe the shout when it’s too late to fix

      • I’ll have a gander later Led Zep thanks
        My battery is now going to terminate in 10 9 8 7 and so i, please send help , I dunno can I last this long between charges
        I hope I can survive

      • Damn good read. Recommended. In spite of it being in the Groaniad.

        I’ve seen it said, though, that Thatcher wasn’t a fan, because the Fukuyama future looked suspiciously like the EU….

    • ‘the worldwide ideological struggle – that called forth daring, courage, imagination, and idealism, will be replaced by economic calculation’.

      That is what the establishment thought before Brexit.

      As for technical problems and environmental concerns, nothing is really happening on that front unless more attention is given to nuclear power.

  15. The last 6,000 years has been a sort of his-story of various male characters doing crazy fucked up shit and in the last few chapters the story has became incomprehensible gobbledegook and needs some sort of grand conclusion before we go on to to the Next Volume of the Human Saga. We’ve reached some sort of apotheosis with the psychotic cunts who are writing the book now and floundering caricatures like Biden, Harris, Boris, Macron, Merkel, TV news gimps, sniveling shitbag social just-us warriors, knee-taking knuckle-dragging multi-millionaire mongs, brainwashed believers of every counterfeit cult and the general NPC mouth-breathers getting in the way if the self-actualized mentally healthy people who just want to be live a simple, rewarding life and then leave this matrix to something a little more challenging.

    But right now, are in a maelstrom of madness that will go on for years, even decades before the natural order of life reasserts itself.

      • It really feels like some sort of sinister force finally took over the world in the last twenty years after trying to do so for centuries. It won’t end well for that evil force, I think that the Bible gets that right. I think that we are actually in the Apocalypse (unveiling) or Kali Yuga (Hindu end times) right now. So don’t despair at the world, only the evil cunts should despair, not us!

    • I blame the smart phone (inter web)
      Too many cunts can’t help themselves from the attention ,so easy to paint pictures
      Now that it’s in full swing, people of Normal disposition are wittiness to complete fuckwits because it sells
      The picture that’s been sold however is not real but maybe that was the case throughout history
      The more you give the more,,wanted
      The west’s pictures have-been shit for the new millennium

  16. Interesting nomination, MMCM makes some good points, but it’s all actually irrelevant because everything is an illusion. Physicists know this, but they get up in a morning, get dressed, eat their breakfast and go to work every day just the same as everyone else, because there’s no alternative, they’re part of the game. The only way of opting out is to die.
    Just an observation that we should try not to take all these political machinations too seriously.

    • We are definitely in some sort of construct, an imitation of a “real world” outside of this one, projecting itself into this dimension. And it makes more sense that such a simulation would be simple and elegant and not the nonsensical chaos (not Cosmos) that NASA presents us with. Why would a vast intelligence create billions of humongous balls of hydrogen that serve no purpose? Planets with no life? Huge stretches of empty space? It makes more sense that we are in the centre of the Cosmos with higher planes of existence above us (Heaven) and below us (Hell). But that thought experiment stirs a fury in many people for some reason! I find it fascinating.

    • Agree Allan but the incremental steps taken in the last number of years are anything but
      We have been subjected to everything but freedom
      Sign up to for lifetime subscription, for the new world orders
      I don’t subscribe
      There are still little gems to discover in life, simple pleasures maybe but at least the exploitative haven’t got around to them yet
      It will only be a matter of time though
      My business was approached by bigger interests before
      They made out I’d be mad not to sign up
      I ran em out the door (well the phone actually)
      There might not be such an opportunity for up and coming young as each of the cunt organizations battle to nullify and enslave
      There is no one immune to this organized bullying

  17. I’m sure it made a snappy title for his book.
    He’s talking out of his arse anyway.

  18. It’s all about cunts and money. That’s the conclusion I came up with.

    The cunts who say ‘Saying you don’t see race is racism’ are the biggest problem. It means ‘Let’s blame whitey for everything forever’ and creates division.

    The likes of the BBC, SKY, the education system, employers and politicians seem to push this narrative too.

    What you end up with is a whole ‘industry’ of cunts who are completely useless to society, but can have long successful careers by race baiting (what fucking use is someone like Kehinde Andrews, Sasha Johnson or David Lammy, for example?)

    All these cunts managed, was to make people who’d never bothered about race (like me) go truth seeking. And guess what? The truths are incredibly ‘racist’ when looking at violent crime by race and IQ. And it gives me a much better understanding of why certain crimes happen more in certain parts of the country/world.

    But if you were ever to use these arguments (facts) , during say, a ‘be less white’ course at work, as you sit there getting annoyed at some dark key being really racist towards white people, you’d be reported and lose your job, no doubt. Maybe get arrested even.

    This is where we are now. And although Adolf was an absolute cunt, I can see why otherwise normal people might consider voting for such a nutter nowadays.

    Certainly, it needs some cunt who really would ‘drain the swamp’ and get the commies and race baiters out of our institutions.

    If we don’t, I would not like to say on here where I think all this will end.

  19. History ends when humans are killed off entirely so what’s he wanging on abhaat?Just saying something outrageous for money which makes him exactly like Liz Hurley in her black pin dress or Gemma Collins in a bikini if you prefer.

    • I prefer Liz but that was along time ago
      It was a hoist the Jolly Rodger moment when she wore that
      ripped up dress ??

  20. A Japanese man walked into the currency exchange in New York City with 2000 yen and walked out with $72.
    The following week, he walked in with another 2000 yen, and was handed $66.
    He asked the teller why he got less money that week than the previous week.
    The teller said, “Fluctuations.”
    The Japanese man stormed out, and just before slamming the door, turned around and shouted, “Fluc you Amelicans, too!

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