I’ve just happened upon an appalling homophobic video from a Ugandan pastor at a local residents’ meeting of sorts.
I’m sure other esteemed cunters will be just as appalled as I was. I know we like a good laugh on here at times, but sometimes something like this appears and needs exposing as the appalling standpoint that it is.
Watch the video you don’t get to see poo poo being eaten, don’t worry.
Shocking stuff for all of us progressive types on here.
or this one https://dai.ly/x2uug1b
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Looks like a Labour Party conference.
Africunts and other monkeys hate gay people.
Asians and that lovely Taliban hate gays.
But the left dont call them out on it.
Look at their feet mumble something about
‘cultural differences blah blah”…
Look a bit evasive.
They only call it if its seen as right-wing being homophobic.
The chimps and carpet kissers cant do no wrong.
While im admittedly a tad racist im not homophobic.
I like anyones money!
But in my job, gay people pay up, make good customers.
The sooties and ragheads don’t.
So im on the ducky bandits side.
Just reread this, and itd get me a life sentence!?
Long live free speech
Long live ISAC!
Seconded. ?
You’re a man after my own heart, Miserable.
N.I.A.G.W.Y.U. ?
Agreed MNC.
Gay people are good customers on the whole.
Peacefuls and sooties on the other hand are the worst by a country mile.
Especially peacefuls.
They treat you like a criminal just for entering their houses.
My piss is boiling just thinking about dealing with the time wasting, penny pinching, paranoid, stinking cunts.
First one blocked in UK?? Second one, is that Lammy?
I see that the video is provided by” Daily Motion “ hehee.
Uganda has witch doctors, Mutu slaying and believes that AIDS can be cured by r*ping a virgin child.
Backwards, barbaric, superstitious fuckwits.
Sir Arthur Harris would have known what to do..
Fucking hell. You learn something every day. His point would have been better made if he used glove puppets. Cunt.
Uganda was more enlightened under that nice General Amen.
show me on the sooty puppet where he puts his hand, and how far up you he shoved his hand. By sooty, I mean the much loved glove puppet from my childhood
I thought that said “Barrack Obama fuck off” in the background rather than “back off”. The bloke was quite enthusiastic and seemed to have done his research on fisting and rimming etc and even threw in a few demos. 7/10 for effort, bravo.
Only cunts like fascist African regimes, Gulf State dictators, camelshagging nutters, and Mills & Boons like Saint Stormzy are allowed to be homophobic. Like so many things, it’s only ‘OK’ when ‘they do it’.
But, if Tommy Robbo calls out Peaceful rapists, or Katie Hopkins tells it like it is about migrants, or Liam Gallagher (cunt though he is) calls someone a batty boy, they are all committing ‘hate crimes’ and are all going to Hell. That’s the lunacy and hypocrisy of the psychotic left.
Spot on. What is going to happen as we allow more of these Neanderthal creatures real influence in HMG?
I’d like to be able to say ‘ Get the beer and popcorn in; sit back and enjoy the show.’but I feel that whatever happens it will be the poor old taxpayer who foots the bill.
Will definitely be the taxpayer paying for that shit. Like it always is.
The spear throwers despise gays. Thr irony is alot of gay people had BLM on their profile the retards
I feel a bit sorry for the gays.
They profess loyalty to the left wing (well some do) and have to rub shoulders with people who hate them,
Would in all honesty, kill them.
Same with jews.
Most jews are fairly moderate,
Have a history with the Labour party.
But loads in the Labour party hate them.
Bit weird isnt it?
Its like a prostitute fan club for Peter Sutcliffe,
Or some black American setting up a ‘friends of the klan’ club.
Or Gary Glitter running Barnardo’s.
So fucking true. Once one jewish head comes off, id nuke the lot of um.
Gays wanna eat da poo poo, fucking hilarious.
I think they have clicked on a ‘special website’
Owen Jones ‘do you eat da poo poo’
Pastor Doctor Martin Sempa is “me brudda from a Sooty momma”…a visionary who has done his research and is not afraid to speak the truth.
If he wasn’t a Co0n,I’d invite him to one of my dinner-parties.
Obviously a legacy of colon(ialism)
Some people will only eat shit if it comes in a red wine sauce.
Kak au vin….
Is it a party?
Is Eltons John invited?
What about that knitting swimmer?
They should definitely go.
It’s a pool party, and michael barrymore is invited. wwater wings recommended
… Cliff Richard running beside the pool saying “Would you like me to sing Congratulations now, duckie?
Barbaric backward savages. And this is the type of creature Doris et al want to import from Africa and Asia. Cheers Bunter you are your predecessors have really advanced our country,enlightened it and made it a safer place.
Bunter. That brings back memories.
And it’s Boris’ new nickname…
“Yaroo!! You beast…”
The fat useless bloater…
How glad I am to be away from cunts like this now, they can practice whatever third world shit they want, the Chinese won’t be so accommodating!!!
Oh they love taking the piss the chinese. They infect everything under the guise of rascism. They infect more software than you know.
Reassuring to know these are some of the types of lives that English football clubs kneel all kneel en masse for and the likes of Sky Sports are happy to promote.
Very enriching.
This video was an internet sensation back in the day. I think it’s from around 2008/09. Very funny stuff, beyond parody. The idea that all gay men are coprophagiacs was hilarious to all gay men. It’s the guy’s animated incredulity is amazing. I wonder how he came upon a scat film in Africa?
There’s also this classic from Uganda with a “transgendah lesbian”…
I’m guessing that Orange is the New Black is not on Uganda Netflix yet.
Longer version (6 mins) of the transgendah/gay/lesbian interview…
I might not like homosexuality (though in the RN I was well aware of it – non-participating may I add), but the incredible ignorance of these nig-nogs is terrifying, also their revolting obsession with penetration. No wonder they are so short of food if they fiddle about with vegetables in that way.
Some roguish cad did an A to Z alphabet with Dr Ssempah.
It’s a highly amusing 2 mins or so –
Anol leeking”. “Dey leek laak ass cream”. “Feesting”.
Hats off to the guy, doing the Rod Hull Emu beak action inside “dee udder mun’s anus”
The Sooties here are making a valid point.
Some people, (not all), “like to eat the poo poo”.
Maybe this is more prevalent in homosexuality, – that I’m not sure?
People should be able to what they want in the confines of their own home. That is their business, not mine.
However, I believe that homosexuality should never have been legalised. It always went on pre-1967, but it was much more discrete, as it had to be.
It has been a slippery slope ever since,- to the point we have now ‘normalised’ gayness.
It is not normal.
Homosexuality should be tolerated but not celebrated,- and certainly not revered.
Exactly what I was thinking of saying but had to delete my own thoughts because of fear of being called a nasty homophobic cunt. This pastor I assume is a Christian who has a right to freedom of speech ? Something we lost a long time ago. This was probably when conversation started with “no offence” pal, mate, love, Abdul. Who are the biggest cunts, people who say what they are thinking or people who are hypocrites ? There are a lot of hypocrites about these days.
Indeed, even this Sooty is entitled to his free speech.
I remember before homosexuality was legalised. You never heard anything about it, no one talked about it.
It was just better kept out of the public domain in my opinion.
Probably cos it was against the law.
Mercifully they didn’t make “spilling your seed on the ground” a criminal offence, or I’d have been in trouble big time!
Are you some kind of gardener, Charles?
Years old that video, somewhere in Hackney I think?
Gay people are bringing it upon theirselves to constantly rant about their gayness. Had enough of it. Met plenty of gay people, they ain’t ponces they hate um. If they like a good bumming all for it enjoy.
Just dont make me spew over my t thinkking about it. I knew i wasnt gay when i thought about a penis going up my butthole. That and the fanactic debulcurary. Im sick of the flags, they’re rights are enshired in law so why make a big deal about it?
I’m completely with Mr Umbongo here, the man is a fucking genius! Instead of employing benders and trannies to brainwash children in our primary schools we should get Mr Umbongo to unleash the fear of da poo poo on them. That would sort the little cunts out.
We have thousands of Umbongos over here on the bennies so let’s get them doing something useful. And I would make one of them Director General of the BBC. We could even have Da Poo Poo studies at our most prestigious universities.
You know it makes sense.
We could even get Umbongo on a daytime chat show.
Or on This Morning with Schofield?
“Phillip, do you eat da poo-poo?”
I would pay good money to see ‘da poo poo man ranting at Schofield.
“You do what with gerbils?”.
“Feeleeep, do you have da feest in your anos?”
“Feeleeep do you leek anudda man’s anos like ass cream?”
Methinks Umbongo is confusing homosexuality with coprophilia.
Fancy words Mr Creampuff? You’re not a long distance driver on the chocolate motorway are you?
If it were a fit young bird smoking a tab, wearing glasses with black plastic frames, I’d not be averse to ramming it up her poop chute.
Same shit different day.
Thank you RTC, I thought I might have to explain coprophilia, but just thinking about it makes me gag.
Did you know you can buy pills and chews that, somehow, stops dogs eating shit? I have no idea how it works but I think our politicians should be allowed to claim them on expenses.
Ok….i’ll get to the point, they should be forced to swallow them the cunts.
Perhaps they could take the medication in the form of a vaccination? Then they would have to show their “vaccination passport” before they could stand as a candidate? See how they like that.
The Reverend Sempa is I suspect our very own Sir Dick Fiddler in blackface.
UK to ‘ welcome ‘ 20,000 Afghans in resettlement scheme.
Get To Fuck.
In the coming days, I expect more footage the MSM use will try and shame us into accepting even more ”refugees,” so the same people can profit even more off the misery they continue to engineer.
It’ll be a million.
CB@. We’ll never know, you can be sure of that.
‘However many we take you can be sure it wont be enough for Dame Keir and his poo-poo eaters like Chris Bryantl. Sure, there will be a few suicide bombers amongst them, but just as long as they only kill white men, and no wimminz or kiddies that will be OK.
Only 20,000? I fear the virtue signallers won’t be satisfied with that. I might invest a bit of dosh in the candle manufacturing business. Well, I would if I didn’t already know that the Chinkies will undercut us.
Add a couple of noughts to the end of that figure and double.
At least eating da poo poo they won’t go hungry in de Africa