Distorting History to Suit the Woke Agenda

Looks like Scotland to me…

I know this topic has been covered before but I am getting fed up with the distortion of historical events to fit the woke agenda.

I´m currently watching “Mary Queen of Scots” in which the English ambassador to Scotland is coal black, Rizzio (Mary´s Italian favorite) is a bearded gay who is caught screwing Mary´s second husband, Darnley. Instead of having Rizzio´s head lopped off, Mary tells him she understands his “nature” and is not annoyed. Darnley can get a boner with fellow gays but is impotent with her so Mary gets him to give her a good fanny licking.

Meanwhile His Excellency is behaving very undiplomatically by trying to screw one of Mary´s handmaids who, going by her rapturous smile, is obviously a member of the Black Cocks Matter movement.

This part particularly annoyed me as I recall being taught the beautiful Scots song “The Four Marys” at school and still remember it all these years later.

Soft porn and political correctness come together to present history. It may not matter a damn because it´s a lousy film anyway but lots of people will think it is factually correct.

Nominated by – Mr Polly

84 thoughts on “Distorting History to Suit the Woke Agenda

  1. Im thinking of making a woke film about the demise of bummer Edward II, who had a red hot poker stuffed up his arse.

  2. The younger generations will assume that what they are shown is at least somewhat factual when it couldn’t be more wrong. Blackwashing of history.

    • Lest we not forget all the shite Hollywood rewrites like braveheart, the patriot and that one about the enigma machine that replaced the British with yanks.

      • Don’t forget Ben Affleck almost single-handedly winning the Battle of Britain in ‘Pearl Harbor’ (sic)

  3. This is a particular bugbear of mine.

    The insertion of random anachronistic dark-keys into history where they have no business being and the distortion of history to suit contemporary woke pieties is an abomination.

    Does anyone really think Henry VIII would have married a dark-key? He might have shagged her once up the poop shoot for novelty value then put her to work in the kitchen.


    • I believe they refer to it as ‘colour-blind casting’ MM. Like everyone else on here, I’ll believe it when I see Benedict Cumbercunt cast as M L King…

      • He was cast as Khan in the horrific Wrath of Khan remake.

        ‘Would you like ham with your salad, Mr Cumberbatch?’

  4. I feel that we are approaching a situation where viewers will have be given information at the start of the programme rather like’ This programme contains distressing scenes’. Possibly the message should be ‘ In reality all the characters were white but we have thrown in a few darkies, gays, trannies and other undesirables in an effort to pollute your minds’.

  5. We should be protecting our history and heritage against this barrage of fake news and half truths by the woke.
    Did not Admiral Nelson Mandela say “snog me Hardy”
    Did not our leader in the darkest hour Winston Churchill
    “Rasssclat dat hitler Babylon,
    Easy now!!”
    Did not king Alfred live in a eco home in the fens happily baking/burning cakes so the norsemen wouldn’t win Bakeoff?
    Shake spear was a zulu warrior who dabbled in playwriting,
    And tuppence icon butch Boudicca fought against Italian male Chauvinism in these isles.
    The truth will out.

  6. Nelson Mandela played by Chuck Norris
    Robert Mugabe played by Danny DeVito
    Martin Luther King played by Jon Voight
    No, why not???

    that would be Waayyyciiiissstttt!!!

  7. The sooties are always trying to shoehorn themselves into other peoples history, particularly European history. Is their own history so lacking in important and historical figures and achievements or anything that doesn’t mention slavery, that they have to turn up in everything from the court of Henry VIII to the British Raj like a turd in a swimming pool?

    • Thet have no fucking history. No means to record it and no architecture or culture to outlive it.

  8. This reminds me of the series I’m watching at the moment, The Man in the High Castle. History being re-written. The wokes have one intention and that is to rule the world and nothing will get in their way including the truth. Dangerous times indeed.

    • I sometimes think Philip K Dick could actually see the future. Er, Through A Glass Darkly, maybe but he was definitely aware where we were going.

  9. Don’t bother with Bridgeton, either. The whole premise is based on a debunked myth about Queen Charlotte being a bit dusky, therefore Regency London is now more like Atlanta, but without the crunk.

  10. Being fair…having Sooties playing civilised people is no worse than having The Gays playing normal people….I suppose casting directors don’t really have a choice due to the fact that 99% of actors are The Gays and there just aren’t enough non-fruity male actors to go around.

    • Your mention of ‘Sooties’ makes me think there is a way out of this awful mess. Yes a resurgence in glove puppetry or something like it is the only answer. I mean that’s all our forefathers had to make do with for their dramatic entertainment. ( Well not yours of course Mr Fiddler they could afford the expense of going to the theatre)(they probably had a box). But I mean for poor folk That’s all they had to vusualise a human story before film and television.

      Or the Toy Theatre beloved of Chesterton. These home made entertainment’ will have to make a come back if we are to somehow satisfy our need for for the Dramatic. We’re not going to get it anymore from the ‘idiot lantern’.

      Yes lets turn the ‘idiot lantern’ off and revive the ‘magic lantern’ of the Victorians. That was great entertainment. The whole family involved.

      Or dress up ourselves and act out some historical narrative. As GKC pointed out there is great fun to be had with these old fasioned ‘parlou games’

      We certainly not going to get on the telly or at the consul or on our phones or at the cinema. Those media are lost to the likes of me and you.

      Suddenly I am only half kidding.

      • The works of the immortal Bard brought you by Jim Henson’s Muppets, Miles?

        Its time to put on makeup
        Its time to ligh the lights
        Its time to get things started
        At the Royal Shakespeare company tonight!

      • Half kidding Miles,
        If you want to put on a show or an experience,the last thing you need is cunts discussing it on phones and social medja
        It would nearly be impossible today to do anything that’s an alternative,unless you do it on your own and on your own you will be
        I like that way nowadays being on my own
        No shower of cunts to put up with and if it rains I can always tell God what a fucker he is and I’ve offended no one ,but my spirit
        I wan a getaway I wan a fly away

  11. Historical Films and TV these days have all the accuracy of the Carry On series. Of course they were played for laughs and nobody believed that Henry V111 really behaved like Sid James or the British Raj was run by a raving iron like Kenneth Williams. But cunts are so dumb these days they can easily be manipulated. You control the past you control the present…..and the future.

    • Tbh, I’ve got most of my history knowledge from the Carry On films and Blackadder. Just the other day I was telling my union rep about Carry On At Your Convenience. Blinding response to 1970s blighty.

  12. We wuz kings n shiet isn’t just a meme…. I think many of them actually believe it.

  13. Black History Month, ok if we need a whole month for Black History why do the cunts have to steal (white) ours ?

  14. Mary Queen of spooks, my arse, raving irons running around, being accepting of gays, Mary as a woman of colour, I have to say none of this would have been tolerated in those times and like as not would have got you hung, drawn and quartered.
    These woke film makers are cunts, if your going to do history at least make some effort to get it right you snowflake weedy cunts, if we have to pander to all this bollocks at least our ancestors didn’t, if you teach kids incorrect history with a woke slant, what do you think they are going to think when they find out the not so Rose tinted reality, all the bollocks going on now would have got the woke, extinction rebelion and all the other tree huggers linched and I’m not sure that was such a bad thing…

    • “Queen of spooks” I pissed myself and dropped my beer laughing and at that you cunt.?

  15. I have written a drama series for the BBC set in the Industrial Revolution. It is basically a conflict between nasty, money grabbing industrialists and Victorian eco warriors who can see the damage being done to the planet and what it means for the future. Naturally all the goodie characters are silveries, Peacefuls, gays, lezzas and trannies. There’s a part for Greta Thunderbirds as an under age housemaid being sexually exploited by George Stephenson who shares her round with his wicked whitey mates. In series 2 i’m planning a sub plot where a Jewish Jack the Ripper is caught by a black detective, played by that Idris geezer….that cunt is in everything.
    It’s been approved by the BBC but they want me to write a part for June Umbongo.

    • Thanks Freddie, I have learnt a new piece of CRS. They were Jam Spoons when I worked in Hackney.

  16. Colour-blind casting is a rotten-haddock-reeking cunt. If actors have to play lets-pretend, is it too much to ask that they do it convincingly?

    There may have been a number of black effnics in Elizabethan London. Some, then as until comparatively recently*, were musicians. There was much more contact with the Ottoman Empire than with Nigeria, though.

    Queen Elizabeth I had something to say on that:

    Early Modern England wasn’t a beacon of tolerance, necessarily. Jews were still banned from the kingdom under Elizabeth I, and in the 1590s she sought the removal of “blackmoors brought into this realm, of which kind of people there are already here too many… Her majesty’s pleasure therefore is that those kind of people should be sent forth of the land.”


    * Until the invention of rap, to be precise.

  17. I’m trashed. I just wanted to say I love this fucking site.

    I salute you all.

    And you are all cunts.

  18. The cunts complained about 1917 not being diverse enough? They wanted the trenches filled with wobbly heads and dark keys ffs. What did they think the Belgian trenches in WW2 looked like? A scene from fucking Zulu by the sounds of it.

    I’ve said it before (and was laughed at for it in a pub) but give it a few years and we’ll have a dark key with a multi cultural London accent playing Winston Churchill.

    “We will faaight dem on da beach innit bruv. We will neva srendah fam. Mash up time bro.”

    • That’s after the yoot of the day have discovered Churchill wasn’t a dog selling car insurance.

    • Yeh, ‘Battle of Britain’ was pretty white, as well; Michael Caine, Larry, Chris Plummer, Robert Shaw, Edward Fox…
      An insult to all those brave effnick pilots that, er, weren’t actually there…

      • Battle of Britain? Yeah they were right raaaaay-sist back then.
        Err….when was it again? That was when Thatcher was the Queen innit?

      • My grandparents had a dog called Nîgger. We’ve got his gravestone in our back garden, makes a great talking point with visiting cunts. ?

      • You should tell them it marks the spot where an Africunt stowaway fell out of a plane and splattered all over your garden.
        Now THAT would be a talking point.

      • Be interesting to see what would happen if I moved it to the front garden…

      • Have placed my reply arseways ,not for the first time
        Anyway I repeat
        You RTC would face the full, ah you get it

      • I have indeed had the day off RTC
        Gin however is not my flavor
        A lovely beer is all I want and very occasionally a wee drop of green spot
        It’s a very smooth trip I take these days

    • Funny how they never get to play the Germans/Nazis, yet no one complains about that!

      • Yes, let do a WW2 film ( or fillum, if you’d prefer) with Adolph as a gentleman of coloured persuasion.

        Who do you think will be going in the showers?

      • I can’t type in blue, but please look up Hitler to Ghandi on you tube, it’s hilarious and Indian Eva Braun is a worthwhile wank.

  19. Can’t disagree.

    After that abortion of an historical drama ” Anne Boylen” my blood pressure has been up to high doe!

  20. The world is going mad and these WOKE cunts are increasing in numbers. Freedom of speech is being eroded to point that you can’t speak your mind if it upsets someone. Fuck off and man up. Cunts the lot of them.

  21. Being very talented and highly intellectual,
    Ive written a screen play.
    Its about a skinhead in the 70s
    Whos drawn into far right politics and attacks on migrants.
    He has his life saved by a somalian immigrant bloke and reavaluates his views, going through shame,guilt, joy, and finally love for his fellow man.
    The lady at the BBC actually cried while reading it!
    “This is a masterpiece, its the best story of redemption ive ever read.
    It has the authenticity of working class white anger, youll go on to be a lauded script writer”.

    Its a shame she never read the last two chapters where the bloke finds the somalian raping his dog and kills him in anger thereby casting off his brainfog and joining the BNP.
    She’ll love it!!

    Also writing a multicultural kids book ‘the adventures of dinghy lips”.

  22. We can joke about it but I saw a clip on YouTube the other day from “The Muppet Babies” aimed at 3-5 year olds. Gonzo confesses to being trannie and he is ashamed. Naturally his mates gather round and tell him how brave and courageous he is and “you are what you are”. I’m not making this shit up, trust me. I can imagine some wokie mother watching it with her brat and then discussing the ishooos with the poor cunt. Then she goes on Facefuck and brags about how hip and right on she is. This is pure fucking n*ncery and nobody can convince me otherwise. How long before Kermit is eating da poo poo.

    • As a kid I never knew if Big Bird was male or female?
      Feel sorry for Gonzo though.
      As well as being gender confused hes also a sado masochist who enjoys pain.
      Banker for the Deadpool.
      Crying celebrities, benefit concert, books.
      Gonzo a genius, a muppets muppet.
      Then allegations about Jim Henson fondling him.

      • Dr Goebbels would be embarrassed by the total lack of subtlety in this piece of propaganda. Mind you, he may have been a massive Jew hating cunt but he wasn’t a fucking N*NCE and that’s for sure.
        It makes you wonder what kids are watching, with their parents blissfully unaware that they are being brainwashed by kiddy fiddlers. It also makes you wonder what is going on in schools with some of the stories you hear. Expecting politicians to take an interest and fucking doing something about it is just pissing in the wind as far as I can see.

  23. I wonder if any cunts under the age of 25 think Game of Thrones is actual history. Wouldn’t surprise me.

  24. A quick History lesson, Black people come from Africa and from about the 1700’s they were transported as Slaves, if not they would still be living in mud huts and using primitive tools, stop shoehorning them into our history.!

  25. I was in shitholes
    I learned one thing
    Simple are some ,just by the nature ,from where they come
    I hate the people who exploit them, but it’s usually their own people
    Nothing will save them from their own

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