Cruelty To Animals

Cruelty To Animals is a cunt, isn’t it.

Fuck the cunts who cut fins off sharks to make soup.
Fuck the mooks who farm chickens that live in cages.
Fuck the lowlife who own a dog and neither exercise it nor treat it well.

Fuck the Gyppôs who work in circuses that keep animals in cages most of their lives. Animals forced into submission, whipped, chained, and denied contact with their own species, because to investigate the circus-owners would be poikey-phobic.

Fuck the world champions of animal cruelty, Asian cuntries, specifically China. Nonetheless, it exists everywhere. The RSPCA has a cruelty hotline which operates 24 hours a day. This receives a million animal abuse reports each year.

It doesn’t matter if you’re punching a horse at the Olympics, slaughtering cows for a living, putting cats in bins, or burning dogs’ paws with a cheap lighter, if you practise this, you’re a scummy, worthless individual at the bottom of the hierarchy of humans. Do the world a favour.

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

90 thoughts on “Cruelty To Animals

  1. The kind of cunt that can harm an animal is the same kind of cunt who will gladly take out their inadequacies on women and kids.

    I love animals and find the whole natural world of flora and fauna a constant source of amazement.

    Not a great fan of people to be perfectly honest.

    As Perry Farrell once sang. ‘If you want a friend, feed any animal’.

    • Well said Odin. Others have also made the point on here that there is a huge amount of evidence that these low lifes move on to women and children.

    • I too love a good steak.

      I am also fascinated by cows. Those big bovine eyes, the sandpaper tongue and the look of delight when you give their back a scratch with a stick.

      Yummy. ?

  2. I suspect the Nominator believes he is right at the very top of-‘the heirarchy of humans’.

    • This Pen Farthing fella. Is his first name Penny?
      I think they were more deserving cases to be air-lifted out than a load of cats and dogs.

      • Sorry Miles. Going to have disagree there.

        Unless the evacuees in question were British citizens to begin with or had greatly assisted our forces.

      • ‘slaughtering cows for a living’

        The cow is sacred in India. Why doesnt he fuck off over there with his maudling sentimentalism.

      • No Miles, his name is Paul, and he served in the marines for some years, but since then, in the mid 2000s he has devoted his life and money to animal welfare. He PAID for the charter flight to bring his dogs and cats to Britain. At least we can guarantee that not one of those animals, or Mr. Farthing will become a suicide bomber. Can Ben Wallace or Tom Tugenhadt say the same thing about their vaccues?

        Some of the press have got upset because they are reporting one of Mr Wallace’s “advisers”, some pen-pushing toady, no doubt, got a rude, expletive-laden email from Mr Farthing, so they have turned against him. Here is a typical one:

        In my opinion Mr t is a bloody sight braver than Wallace and his sanctimonious self importance, and his for his cry-baby civil servant – he is a cunt.

      • From The Sun on Saturday-

        ‘His friend Dominic Dyer confirmed on Sunday morning: “Pen Farthing, his dogs and cats will shortly be landing at Heathrow, where they will be met by a team of vets, Nowzad staff and specialists who will be caring for the animals that he’s brought home from Kabul.”

        His evacuation has received widespread public support, though officials have accused him of of putting animals’ lives above humans, and of “bully” tactics amid clashes over the evacuation.

        As his flight took off, The Sunday Times published a voicemail recording, sent to an aide of Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, in which Mr Farthing vows to “spend the rest of my time f*****g destroying you on social media and every other f*****g platform I can find”.

        He added: “So here’s the deal, buddy. You either get me that f*****g Isaf number and you get me permission to get onto that f*****g airfield, or tomorrow morning I’m going to turn on you and the whole f*****g country, and everybody else who’s invested in this rescue, is going to know it’s you – you – blocking this f*****g move. Alright?”

      • I think Paul “Pen” Farthing seems a bit of an attention seeking, woke cunt, his name being the first reason. I think British citizens should have been on that plane before any animals.

        I couldn’t give a flying one about Afghans though. Why are they entitled to a life of free housing, benefits and whatever else outside of Afghanistan?

      • Pen is clearly not a happy man Miles, and who can blame him? He gets my vote.

      • Why doesnt he fuck off over there with his maudling sentimentalism.

        Reginald Maudling, Miles? Now there’s a “blast from the past”! I do agree about the cats and dogs, however.

        More interestingly (for me), I recently contacted Fiona (Laurie Bristow’s² wife). I knew them both rather well when Laurie was HOPS in Ankara twenty plus years ago. We didn’t subsequently keep in touch, but I thought it appropriate to send my good wishes at this time.

        ¹ even, as here, for a rhetorical question “?” is correct usage (& not “.”)

        ² HMA Kabul since end June 2021 and much in the press recently

        Another new name? why not stick to one? – DA

      • “Another new name? why not stick to one? – DA”

        Why, indeed.

        He’s basically inverse Vernon Fox (currently licking his wounds, but he’ll be back) – DA

      • From The Iindependent –

        ‘A prominent Tory MP questioned why UK soldiers had been helping to rescue animals ahead of people, while defence secretary Ben Wallace complained that some of Mr Farthing’s vocal supporters had “taken up too much time” of senior commanders.

        “We’ve just used a lot of troops to get in 200 dogs, meanwhile my interpreter’s family are likely to be killed,” said Tom Tugendhat, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

        More than 1,000 former staff of UK agencies have been left behind in Kabul as the UK ends its evacuation mission on Saturday.

        The rescue of Nowzad’s animals while Afghan refugees were left behind was reported to have caused anger in Whitehall.’

        What a cunt.

      • DA The Les Dawson email can be any of these “names”: Nose Bleed, Led Zeppelins, Leidseplein, Neck Boil, Les Dawsin, Les Datsun, Les Dorking, or (obviously) Les Dawson. The email-generated Gravatar rather “gives the game away”. Whatever the “game” might be.

        I think we all know what the ‘game’ is at this point. – DA

      • I prefer animals to humans.

        If it’s a choice between Afghan cunts or dogs for example then it’s no contest in the slightest.

        If that makes me a cunt then so be it.

        Get fucked

      • Pen Farthing is a Cunt….bringing a bunch of stray animals, which apparently could still be destroyed because of disease, instead of British citizens and people who have worked for British forces is inconscionable.
        I’m fond of my Hounds but at the end of the day,they’re animals…I wouldn’t choose to rescue them while leaving people to whom we owe a debt to be be butchered….and I’m right Cunt.

      • Should be “I’m A right Cunt” afore anyone thinks I’m having a go at them.

      • I’d also add that I can’t see many natives queuing up to help us on our next ill-considered foreign adventure if they hear that we’ll leave them to stew in their own juices when the shit hits the fan while “rescuing” cats and dogs,

    • I think we all know what the ‘game’ is at this point. – DA
      Do we? You’re doing better than I am, then! Do you also know the meaning of the lyrics of Aqualung (1971) by Jethro Tull, I wonder?

      By the way, what happened to “Vernon Fox”? Licking his wounds some kind of euphemism? I hadn’t noticed his “demise”; I skim over the comments of the majority of contributors (Vernon being one).

      Also, I’m curious to know in what way you think I am any “kind of inverse” of him. [Not very curious, admittedly, but feel free to elucidate if you’re at a loose end.]


      You’re both stuck in loops or phases. History repeats time and time again.

      • “Loops and phases”? Sounds rather mystical to me. “History repeats time and time again”. Not really, but human nature doesn’t change much, if that’s what you mean.

        In any case, if we’re both “stuck in loops and phases” it sounds like we are the same and not an “inverse”. Cryptic stuff; I’m none the wiser.

        I though Vernon was the political one who wanted to be Prime Minister/overthrow the HoC etc? I didn’t notice any “loops or phases”, or “history repeating”… but then I wasn’t paying close attention.

        I forgot about Lee Montague (passim)

        Vernon has a cycle that’s as predictable as clockwork. Meek, confident, cocky, challenged, meltdown and leaves for a bit. Happened at least 3x this year – DA

      • Aha, I see. I didn’t know that. As said, I wasn’t paying close attention.

        Still, I’m curious in what way I am perceived as an “inverse”? Surely, “meek, cocky… leaves for a bit” is by general consensus¹ an apt(-ish) description of my own presence on here?

        ¹ from my own perspective, I’ve never had any “meltdowns” (whatever they actually are). I simply don’t take any of this seriously enough for that to be possible, unlike one or two others for whom isac is self-evidently a “lifeline”. Perhaps this escaped your attention?

        It’s just a bit of fun… or at least, that’s all it should be (hint: your Honour).

        A slow Sunday all round, then. Hey ho!

      • There you go CS, new moniker for you!
        If your filling in for Foxy

        Verbal fox?

      • Thanks for the suggestion, MNC, but as you may have gathered from some of the foregoing a better moniker¹ in this connexion might be Dontgive2 Fox.

        I’d be perfectly happy to be caught speððing again, but he was rather comprehensively barred from participating some time ago, I trow.

        As a tribute to Speððing himself (Sir David, that is) I did once try «Whisky Sawėrs», but that went down like a hydrogen-filled dirigible also as I recall. Let me check again.

        ¹ no fellating expressed or implied, I’m pleased to note

      • CS@
        Its only one name your barred under?
        But can go on ISAC under any ?
        Why was you barred under the CS one?
        It was before my time.
        I sort of like ‘nosebleed’ .

        He’s got a VPN (Was it Belgium or Holland I forget) and a second chance. Unless he annoys the team again. – DA

      • Admin@
        Doesn’t surprise me.
        My mate caught a VPN and gave it his girlfriend.
        He had to take aunty bionics.

        You filthy little bastard CS!
        Keep it in your pants.

      • In response MNC (not that anyone gives a two hoots – myself included – but it is a “slow” Sunday my end), I don’t now fully recall the reason caught speððing was barred. Pissing people off (ie being perceived as “cunting cunters”, inter alia), altercations with Admin and subsequent “meltdowns” will all feature as cited reasons, but I have no recollection of the specifics. I think the real reason for the barring(s) was because Admin (correctly) realised I was a “bad fit” for the site and was likely to alienate regulars. Certainly judging by the animosity, they weren’t wrong!

        The first comment CS made on here was in early February 2019; this thread is near enough. Was that “before your time”, MNC?

        I don’t “do” blogsites (or participate on any other social media sites) but found isac due to Komodo. He was at that time a regular contributor to, which blogsite came to my attention after the Skripal affair in March 2018. Craig Murray is currently in HMP Edinburgh for contempt of court via his blog site, by the way.

        After that initial barring, I rather “went on the warpath”, invoking a cornucopia of identities. This has been perceived as “exploiting a weakness” in the authentication process on here, but in reality there is no alternative to such. If stricter verification were required, many contributors both casual and long-term would simply walk away (or never contribute in the first place).

        Although it would have been easy to change style and remain invisible, I never did. I am not (contrary to popular belief on here) a sufferer of some type of personality disorder, happily. As a result I have been barred on numerous occasions ever since, and for similar reasons.

        I suppose I find it amusing to be accused of Walter Mitty-esque behaviour on a site so rich in comedy Walts, especially when nearly everything I’ve said or implied over the last 2½ years (about myself) is close to 100% authentic. I also find it amusing to be accused of being “boring” by evidently very boring individuals¹.

        Regarding VPNs: it is necessary for me when the site rejects dynamically assigned IP addresses (“… being an asshole…etc”). This is because I exclusively post from a mobile phone Internet connection, rather than a fixed IP (ie broadband router). Just at the moment I am posting in plain from Vodafone UK.

        Any other questions?

        ¹ NB – paradox alert. This IS pretty boring I agree, but I’m simply responding to MNC’s enquiry. There is no actual requirement for anyone to read it and less so to reply – before someone complains/replies/kicks off – other than Admin that is – to whom my wholehearted and heartfelt apologies and thanks!

      • Id heard about you when I first started on ISAC, but in the context of you being a Troll.
        I wasnt entirely sure what constituted a Troll and was quite curious!
        So I asked Admin to allow some in which they did!
        Some where disgruntled lefties, but some came across a bit ‘broken’ and a bit sinister.
        You didn’t come across as a troll.
        You definitely get peoples backs up though!!
        I think its your florid descriptions?
        Sometimes a bit hard to follow the gist of what your saying
        (I dont mean that rudely)
        But you throw some good ideas out .
        I like that ISAC isnt a echo chamber,
        And people have different stances on different issues.
        Some thought provoking things pop up on here in-between the casual racism, impotent rage, and jokes.
        Long may it continue.

        Hope your VPN clears up!?

  3. Surplus populations of Gimmegrant should be processed and turned into animal feeds.
    I have time for animals , and rarely for humanity

    • It’s something that angers me more than anything else. Any kind of cruelty to a trusting animal is unforgivable. If I was physically capable and allowed to get away with it, I’d kick these people to death.

      • I’ve been re watching Dexter from the beginning, as I missed the first series. Very enjoyable hokum!?

      • Agree. Watched all 8 seasons a couple of years ago, best thing I’ve seen for yonks!

  4. Excellent cunting. Animals are innocent and never deserve to suffer. Even pests that need to be eliminated should be done so humanely.
    Where I live messkins and gangsta type cunts will fight pit bulls and use other dogs to train these vicious landsharks. It breaks my heart that these poor creatures fell into the hands of such loathsome cunts.
    They should be hung upside down and have wild hyenas tear them to shreads.

  5. Cruelty to animals is abhorrent.

    Eating them is normal though, but kill them quickly and as painlessly as possible, none of that ritual shite.

    • The sort of shit that goes on in abattoirs is equally bad and often far worse.

      • Abbatoirs should have live internet feeds so people can pick up on cruelty. There is absolutely no excuse for animals, particularly those which are to be killed for food, to be further mistreated. As a meat eater I am fucking grateful to the animal. As for ritualistic killing I’d be more than happy to see peacefuls hanging upside down from lamp posts with their throats cut so they can see how they like it. Either that or hanging the right way up with their genitals pulled off by the roots.

      • Agreed RTC. Having been treated to a tour of a Danish abbatoir, where pigs were gassed senseless before having their throats cut, I can state that I still have nightmares about it 25 years on.

        It’s the screaming of the pig behind the one getting its throat cut that still haunts me.

      • Used to live near an Diane Abbotoir when I was a kid and it was horrible. Had to go past it on the bus. Fucking foul.

  6. Any cunt who willingly hurts or imprisons a dumb animal should get a minimum of ten years with no remission. Anyone who willingly kills an animal should have their fingers cut off one by one without anaesthetic.

    And that ugly bitch who put that cat in the wheelie bin should have been kicked to Kingdom Come, the fucking cunt.

    • There were no reply buttons to respond earlier to MIles, but I’d just say this. I did admit that Mr. Farthing had sent an insulting (though in my view, justified) email to the helper of Mr. Wallace, but since most of those “special advisers” couldn’t advise a constipated elephant to take a laxative, I regard that as collateral damage. They are usually like “Sebastian” on Little Britain, grovelling little turds working their way up, their dream being to “advise” somebody even bigger.

      When you see some petty official contributing to destroying your life’s work, I think it is completely understandable, indeed, when I read on Thursday of that little turd, and the “new rules” dreamt up by that fuckwit Biden, senile old cunt. that prevented the animals and Mr. Farthing, leaving that day, knowing there was only one day left for the evacuation to get them out, I thought even more obscene words about them than Mr. F. himself did.

      Somebody in Wallace’s office no doubt saw fit to leak that email to the press, and I have no doubt, even now, that if it backfires on him (and remember in this country we love animals to the extent that firemen will go the extra mile to rescue a cat from a tree, or a dog from a burning house), there will be yet another “adviser” who will think of the mealy mouthed words Wallace will need to save him losing his job.

      Mr Wallace was a nobody before Afghanistan, and will sink back into obscurity when the fickle press move on to the next big thing.

      I see, btw, that the arch self-publicist, Johnny Mercer MP (not to be confused with the man who wrote “Laura”) has stepped back into the limelight today to accuse the government of being “shameful” over Afghanistan. “Shameful” is the word of the week. Idiots like Mercer need to remember with no backing from Biden, or any of our former EU allies to maintain a presence in Afghanistan, we would have been able to do nothing except to allow the backward bastards of the Taliban to kill off our soldiers. Most of the “shame” is due to Biden, but the old cunt is so ga-ga he doesn’t seem to realise it.

      The world needs more Paul Farthings, who put the welfare of dumb animals first. As I said before he is not importing potential “radicalised” suicide bombers like the government (aided and abetted by Labour) are.

      • The way you speak we’ll be changing the evacuation cry soon to cats and dogs first not women and children.

        Sorry to be so sarcastic Mr Boggs just the way I feel about it.

        No I dont like him.

        That I dont like -‘I will destroy you on social media’.

        And as Tugendhat the cats and dogs were given priority over the Afghan interpreters.

        What Wallace said as well- (not copied) that he was troubling other commanders on the ground ‘holding things up’ he said.

        I accept the point about ‘possible future suicide bombers’. But we went in there. Once again telling the natives all about democracy and a brave new world. And they believe it and some come on side thinking that The West is so powerful they will always be there to support us they will never abandon us but we do and now they have been left to pay the price.

        Just the juxtaposition in my mind really of the bombs going off down the road a day or two earlier with this ex soldier preparing his ‘Ark’.

      • Animals getting caught up in the shit mankind inflicts on itself. You want to take an interpreter and their family Miles?
        Animals have always had a rough deal from the religious cunts, the poor fuckers still get sacrificed by some backwards wankers, who never eat the poor cunts, just leave them to rot.
        Fuck them.

  7. I wonder what the fucking Taliban think of ‘Pen’ and his menagerie…it is a fucking war situation.
    What a weak pathetic spectacle we must present to them.
    Fuck me 13 American solders killed. And ‘Pen’ is making sure his pets are ready.

    • Any ex Marine who can employ 100 staff in an animal welfare home must have access to considerable funding…..CIA perhaps ?

    • Pen: ‘but we’re running out supplies?’
      Army operator: ‘but we’re very busy at the moment tending to the wounded’
      Pen: ‘but we are desperate for supplies and equiment’
      Army ooerator ‘but we are desperately busy ourselves getting parents back in touch with lost children’
      Pen: ‘Are you going to help me or not or do I have to go on social media when I get back?’
      Army operator: ‘Oh go on then what do you want?
      ‘A 1000 tins of Pedigree Chum, 500 tins of Kit-e-Kat (if no Kit-e-Kat Whiskas will have to do), blankets, bowls, rubber balls for them to play with on their long journey’

      • You really don’t like him, do you Miles?

        Just wait till some of those “poor refugees” we have allowed in without checks set off bombs – 100 or so dogs or one suicide bomber (and we know at least one violent and dangerous criminal slipped through the net in Birmingham last week, and you can bet there were many others). There will be no comparison.

        There are far more justifiable cunts to loathe than this man. Blair for example, who, in his effort to get up Bush’s arse, got us involved in the first place twenty years ago.

    • On this case Miles I must disagree, all those savages in the Afghanistan can fuck right off, I’ll have the dogs though, as they’re probably not Muzzie cunts!!!

      • Returning to my original “Reginald Maudling” comment above after chatting with DA so agreeably, Miles: I reiterate my agreement with your comments.

        It is interesting to me, having recently heard a little more about this than has been reported (see above) , that isac is a kind of microcosm of what is playing out in reality with this “Pen affair”. The “court of public opinion” is as influential as could be on this matter.

        There was only ever going to be one outcome once this found its way into a widely-diffused public aréna, even if – as you and Mr Fiddler have remarked – the extraction of the cats and dogs took place at the expense of other, human, lives.

        Nuts, certainly, but totally predictable. An argument, if ever there was one, for press blackouts I’d say. There isn’t much more to it than that other than glib trite-isms.

    • Pen has nothing to do with 13 American dead soldiers, that is ALL on the dumb cunt in the White House!

      • I would have thought that an ex-marine would be more interested in saving human lives than animal ones.

    • The stupid cunts who decided to side with the Allies as “interpreters” – they chose the wrong side and they will inevitably suffer the consequences. They knew the deal when they took the job. The animals had no choice and Arab types treat most animals like shit. I’m glad the cats and dogs are out and I don’t really give a shit about the Afghans “left behind” (i.e having to stay in their own shit-hole of a country and make the best of it).

      • For once, “tickies” are useful as a nice reinforcement of my “court of public opinion” comment above. Until Mr Coconuts pops by, that is.


  8. Gratuitous cruelty to animals is unforgivable, I quite agree..usually the sign of an inadequate.

    However as someone who has been around stock all my life, I am realistic..what some townie considers “cruelty”, I may consider a necessity…cattle are fucking big beasts who can be both obstinate and dangerous. If I’m trying to shift an animal from, say, one field to another and it decides not to go..well,I’ll hit it with a stick…I’m afraid talking nicely to it just won’t work. I’m sure that would appear cruel to people who know very little about stock but seem to live in some cutsie,fluffy place where Mrs.Moo lives happily with Freda Fox and Gary the Goat in some cartoon-style idyll.

    Too many people are happy enough to whine on about cruelty to animals but less happy to go without the benefits that come from cruel Mr.Farmer dealing with stock…by rights 99% of the population would be strictly vegan if they actually followed through on their unrealistic demands for “cruelty-free” farming.

    Most people who deal with stock know that cruelty is counter-productive anyhow…an unhappy animal does not thrive.

    Dealing with animals will always be “cruel” judged by the eye of someone who doesn’t understand the realities of producing a product that virtually everyone in the Country is ,never the less, still happy enough to enjoy.

    Spare me your hypocritical, babyish whining.

    • Exactly DF, I’m sure that CMs only friends are the silverfish climbing up the inside walls of his council house, the majority of the time these “farmer haters” are just jealous that they live in some urban shithole surrounded by effnik cunts, instead of nature and white people!!!

      Cecil and Ian chased a rabbit and ate it the other night, are they being cwuel Chris?

      • ‘Unconditional Love’ Mr Fiddler. That’s what the hounds give you?

        You just know what the extreme animal lover is going to say it before they say it. Something like ‘I don’t trust humans I prefer dogs its unconditional love’. Or ‘my dog is so non -judgemental of me…it makes a change from humans’

        So not grown up ascribing human emotions to animals.
        I hate that way of talking.

      • Unconditional Love’ Mr Fiddler. That’s what the hounds give you?

        You just know what the extreme animal lover is going to say it before they say it. Something like ‘I don’t trust humans I prefer dogs its unconditional love’. Or ‘my dog is so non -judg*mental of me…it makes a change from humans’

        So not grown up ascribing human emotions to animals.
        I hate that way of talking.

      • The Science of Staring Mr Fiddler.

        “Looking into one another’s eyes can increase hormones associated with social bonding,” says Laurie Santos, the director of the Yale University Center for Canine Cognition. One of those hormones is oxytocin, commonly referred to as the love or cuddle hormone.

        The love and cuddle hornone Mr Fiddler?

        ‘Numerous studies have shown that mutual eye-to-eye contact between two humans—a mother and her baby; a husband and his wife; two friends—can strengthen their bond and help infants develop early social skills. And Japanese researchers have found that when dogs gaze into their owners’ eyes, the look activates the same hormonal bonding response.

        Surely you would want some of that Mr Fiddler?

        ‘Of the dog-owner duos that spent the most amount of time staring at each other, the dogs experienced a 130 percent rise in oxytocin levels, and owners saw a 300 percent increase, the study reports’

        A 300 percent increase in your oxytocin level Mr Fiddler!!

        Now remember it is not staring at goats that makes this change but staring at your own hounds for hours on end. You’d be a much-changed man I think.

        No charge for this advice.

    • I agree. I have always said that if people had to raise and kill their own meat, they’d all be vegetarians. However, cruelty is unnecessary. Halal is cruel and is why we have the standards of animal welfare in this country that we do. Unfortunately, the barbaric mozzers get away with it, as do the Jews. I can accept Kosher as it is limited to Jews, of whom there are not a significant amount. However, the mozzers are making Halal a de facto accepted meat, even for non-mozzers. I even saw a burger van displaying the Halal symbol, despite most of their cusotmers being non-mozzer.

      • Halal slaughtered meat being served to the British public is a piss take too far.

        Enrichment on steroids.

        These cunts probably butcher their bread with rock hard butter just to be comfortable in the knowledge that it suffers before they eat it.


    • Most animals even domesticated ones avoid eye contact ,the dog however is an exception
      Approach any animal staring them in the eye and they will backup and fuck off or possibly eat you as you are a threat
      Birds are the same eye contact and they fuck off cause they think there you’re meal
      Next time you see a Fox Miles stay completely still and he cannot see as he only recognizes movement but he might smell you and then he will fuck off
      If you want to get close to nature , the less eyeballing the bette

      • I’m pretty sue a Fox can recognise a human standing still. They have binocular vision just as with most mammalian and avian predators.

      • They will not make you out if you remain still
        Ask any farmer ,hunter etc . They will agree
        I’ve had this experience many times when fishing or shooting.

      • Same goes for an otter , I’ve remained absolutely still and they continue to swim in the same patch sometimes very close 15 -20 feet away
        The minute you stand up or move on there gone in a flash.

      • My cats are more than comfortable with eye contact. In fact they regularly stare me out. If I blink they usually blink back. Copy cats.

      • They do that RTC
        If slowly close your eyes when staring in a cats eyes they will respond in kind
        I’ll never work em out though the young bird killers that they are
        They never never forget you either even if they come across like they don’t give a shit about you
        Had that experience saving some starving feral kittens once upon a time in the West

      • Cats show approval through blinking RTC, staring at you and blinking is a sign of affection.

  9. A good nom this!
    Im a animal lover
    And devout meat eater.
    I can see both sides.
    I feed the birds
    Track deer
    And have a fox that waits for me
    Every night for leftover food.
    Unnecessary cruelty is indeed a cunt.
    But animals can be cuntish too.
    Like Fiddler says a obstinate cow is a big fuckin animal and potentially dangerous.
    I dont think anyone right in the nut would condone cruelty to animals.
    But I once booted a Doberman in the ribs that was loose and attacked me, the mad cunt.
    And once when feeding apples to horses one nearly bit my tit off.
    The evil cunt.
    So sometimes they start it.

    • One of my rabbits once mistook my finger for a carrot, when I was holding the carrot for it to eat. Their eyesight is atrocious. So is their bite, it was a giant breed.

  10. Ben Wallace and successive governments are the Cunts in this.
    They’re wetting themselves over some fucking Afghans, when 454 service personnel have lost their lives and thousands have been injured, after being sent to fight a war that was unwinnable, given the lack of ruthlessness endemic in the West.
    All those lives lost and damaged, for Sweet Fuck All.
    That’s the fucking tragedy.
    Lions led by Donkeys, again.
    Any politician proposing to invade Afghanistan in the future, should be beaten to death with an AK.

  11. I would rather fly in a thousand cats and dogs than one bastard Peaceful sitting in a 4 star hotel, at my fucking expense, watching the BBC and learning how to hate this country.

  12. How can anybody get pleasure from abusing animals? No punishment can be hard enough for these lowlife savages.

  13. With you all the way on this one CM, I hate people who miss treat animals, the list is endless but pikeys and rinkydinks are at the top of ot, I would happily walk over them to save an animal and many other cunts like them…

  14. A lot of people unwittingly neglect their pets. If you are out of the house for 50-70 hours per week at work, travel, socializing etc and leave your dog on it’s own during that time, then you’re neglecting the dog. There are swathes of spastics these days who get a dog and don’t know how to look after animals. It has got really fucking bad in the last few years. It’s people seeing cute dogs on promoted YouTube videos and then lurching out of the house to get a dog with zero idea of what they are doing. You wouldn’t do that with a horse, but looking after a dog is the same thing in principle, it’s a sentient creature that has many needs and there are countless difficulties in the first few years – and beyond. But I have been seeing a lot of clueless gimps of late with puppies straining, running into me and my dog who is 14 and hates hyperactive puppies and the self-absorbed bellends just say, “oh, he’s just excited! He just wants to play! He’s only three months, derp derp derp” while my Jack Russell who 14 snarls at the puppy to fuck off, which is just call of the wild instinctual shit that animals do, but these biscuit-brained bints don’t see the potential danger of a dog flying all over the shop in areas where wee toddlers are about.

    There was a time when you hardly saw a dog in most cities, if you did it was an old man with a wee terrier that never barked and the jobbies always ended up in the dog-shite bin with the spunked-in johnnies.

    Meanwhile in Yankland, there are – get this – 6 MILLION dogs in shelters. That’s more dogs than the people in Scotland and we’ve got a fair few dogs, folks!

    So yes, animal cruelty is a cunt, whether it is intentional cruelty or through ignorance.

    • Agree that most pets are bought on an impulse
      The owners really haven’t a clue what’s required for the welfare of the creature
      You spot em a mile away

  15. I can tell you now, Paul ‘Penny’ Farthing is an out and out selfish, self serving cunt. Always has been, and always will be. He was a stuck up, dodgy cunt when he was a sargeant with 42 Commando. I remember you, you fucking wanker, so fuck you and fuck your stupid scabby fucking dogs. Give me a sharp Fairburn and I’ll sort the cunts out myself and smile while I’m doing it!

  16. Scum cunts who breed dogs in puppy mills and treat them like shit to make money, should be hung by a meat hook through their testicles upside down, have their throats cut with a rusty hacksaw and then ground into mince to feed to pigs.

    ….or burnt alive…

    either is suitable & just.

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