Boris Johnson (15) and his Old Boiler

What the fuck is our pussy whipped PM up to now? For the love of god are we not broke? No doubt princess nut job has her hand in this somewhere.

Can we not get life back to normal first before we end up spunking more money on this shit.

The boiler I have is 30 years old does the job reliably and keeps us warm in winter, if it goes wrong I can fix it. As for one of these Hydrogen boilers Boris stick it up your arse. Hydrogen has an explosive range of 2 to 80 per cent gas to air ratio. I don’t want a fuel leak blowing Cunty Towers to fuck.

Why don’t these political cunts work out the elephant in the room is over population, Fuck what Greta Thunderbox says cut the fucking birth rate, if it means banging peaceful bollocks between two bricks so be it.

Let’s get the population down, CUNTS.

Homeowners offered incentives to go Green

Nominated by: CuntyMort

61 thoughts on “Boris Johnson (15) and his Old Boiler

  1. Cant argue with that. Sounds like a plan to me. I’l supply the bricks, you can give the order to squish. Hell, we can even form an orderly IsAC queue and all have a pop. May i also suggest superglue as a cheap fast way of sealing the other genders birthing facilities?

  2. He is a grade one TWAT.Our country is heading down the toilet.He expects poor people to pay for these.TWAT.

    • A diesel Land Rover no less.
      Smaller diesel cars are available but hey, rules for thee and not for me…

  3. “Compared to boilers, heat pumps use a small amount of electricity – often achieving a 200%-600% efficiency rate because the amount of heat produced is higher than the energy consumed.”

    What utter fucking drivel. Clearly written by a lazy-arsed journalist who knows fuck all about fuck all and can’t be arsed to research.

    Gas boilers use very little electricity – sufficient to operate the control system and a flue fan. ASHP or GSHPs typically use around 6 KW for larger houses – a substantial additional load.

    The problem with GHSP/ASHPs are:

    1. Noise.
    2. Lower temperature water output (ideally suited to a new build with low air leakage and low U values due to high levels of insulation and low heat losses through glass. Ideally not radiators, but under floor heating.
    3. Up front cost.
    4. Annual servicing cost.
    5. Poor cold weather performance (an immersion heater would be needed for ‘topping up’ hot water temperature when the unit can’t cope.

    600,000 units will place a massive strain on an already overloaded grid, what with this and the other prong of the attack – electric cars.

    ASHPs are not suited to somewhere (probably) like Fiddler Towers – an older property with timber doors, floors and windows, high levels of air leakage and poor thermal performance.

    These are not the great panacea that the Government make out they are. Also given that the generation of electric in the UK is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels.

    • Logs..that’s what I use. There is an oil-fired central heating system but I only run it if I think the place could freeze up.

      I don’t care for an overly warm house at the best of times…sometimes go to someone’s house and wonder how the hell they can put up with the heat…no wonder that most of them are so often sickly.

      • Chuck another cyclist in the grate!
        Morning all.
        I wonder if Johnson’s old boiler squirts like a geyser. My great aunt used to have one, it was a toss up between being scalded, or overcome by fumes. But a handsome beast, unlike Carrie Pooter.

      • I use oil and logs too, Mr F. Logs are plentiful where I am and oil is currently cheaper than gas. I have a 2500 litre kerosene tank which I fill up in summer when the prices fall.

      • Me too Dick, I’ve only got a multfuel burner, with a boiler, which gives me red hot radiators and almost boiling hot water. I have an endless supply of hardwood scrap timber at my disposal. Smokeless fuel is £8.50 a bag, which lasts 3 days on it’s own, or much longer with a mix of timber.
        I’m looking forward to the day when the blackouts start, and I’m the only cunt in my neighbourhood with hot water and a warm cottage. The guvmint can fuck right off with all this net zero bollocks, cunts.

  4. I don’t think The Jellyfish is going to stand at the next election, he knows it and doesn’t give a fuck. The job is harder than he thought and it just doesn’t pay enough, especially when you are shacked up with a tart with expensive tastes who keeps popping out brats every five minutes. Eton isn’t cheap you know. Therefore he can spout whatever wokie bollocks he likes to please her indoors knowing some other cunt will have to sort it out.
    The cunt is basically having a laugh.

  5. Successive governments have a track record of making dreadful decisions in most areas but especially where technology was involved. ‘Buy a diesel car’ was the mantra a couple of decades ago. ‘Smart meters are the way forward’ came a little later.
    It is no use saying that the government will provide subsidies to help people install these dubious systems; the government has no money, it is taxpayers who provide the money. So what it means is that you the taxpayer will pay through the nose for an inferior solution and you’ll also pay for the system to be installed in the home of the feckless,unemployed fucker who lives down the road.
    The Jellyfish has never come up with a good idea and seen it through to fruition.

  6. Totally agree with CuntyMort’s cunting and the views expressed above.

    This drive for eco-freindliness is pie in the sky and plainly unrealistic. Unless they abandon it for a set of looser, non-binding aspirations, it will blow the Conservatives apart.

    • I reckon the Thunderbox gink will blow itself apart. It always has such a pained expression on its face, it must be terminally constipated or have a bumper crop of arse grapes.

    • And where was all this climate bollocks mentioned in cunt Boris’s party manifesto. No fuckin where. The latest expose from this cunt is to pay hundreds of millions to the fuckin taliban, to make them realise the error of thier ways. The only way of doing that is to stop a fuckin bomb on the rag headed cunts. Our political system is totally fucked, no credible option to vote for. Having said that they are all fuckin snakes, speak with forked tounge as the indigenous red Indians used to say, and that’s definately the case in this shit fucked world we currently live in.

  7. My mate has invited a few people over tonight for drinks to celebrate switching on his new boiler and heating system, it’s a house-warming…

  8. I’m just on holiday in the North of Scotland and no matter what you say about the Jocks, up here is beautiful. Went out yesterday to Loch Ness -the world’s biggest con. Full of Pàkis and Chinks. Were fucked, they’re just here to check it out before they take over. Average family size is about 12 people, travelling in either 2 or 3 cars or a mini-bus, I used to always love it up here as I was miles away from the influx but now even that is gone. Blair, Johnson, Patel, hang the lot of them.

      • “Ooh I went to the Tower of London and there were tons of Americans and Europeans there has it been taken over with these camera wielding forrens wearing Union Jack hats?”

      • I thought during a pandemic issue, that travel was a limited and just for a small amount of time, during one year, I could go somewhere in the British Isles and not have to hear foreign tongues.

    • And Rinky Dink’s walking about with their masks on. It makes no difference now due to you, you thick cunts. And they’ve always got that vacant expression on their faces. Remember walking across the Brooklyn Bridge several years ago. Four gormy dink’s were walking in the cycle lane. A yank on his bike screamed at them to move but they just stood there. He swerved to avoid them and came off his bike. “Goddamit didn’t you see me?” as he was sprawled on the floor. The same vacant expression on the silent dink’s faces and then they started taking photos of the poor bloke on the floor. They are fucking unreal. And don’t get me started on their road crossing abilities.

      • They were too far from a Huawei hive mind connection. If they get within 50 metres they start making trainers and cheap toys from anything in the immediate vicinity

  9. More airy fairy bullshit.
    Nobody will be dismantling their house to fit an expensive and inadequate heating system just because a fat cunt in London says so.

    Another perfect example of how far detached from reality our great leaders are.
    Just so long as the expenses keep flowing eh Doris?
    Fuck Off.

    • And the date for completion is invariably so far in the future that the politicians would made the decisions will be long dead and therefore unaccountable.

      • I hear it’s the same day the USS Enterprise is to be launched from Earth orbit.

    • Given that recent flooding in urban areas has been attributed to “over-tarmaccing/concreting”, I wonder what problems any widespread installation of heatpumps might cause. Surely, if they “suck” too much heat out of the ground, it.might cause problems with buildings’ foundations, and the greater the number of heatpumps, the less benefit (possibly) to each consumer. Also, it’ll take decades to discover any problems. Another diesel scam, methinks.

  10. But they are sorting the overpopulation out what do you think the covid vaccines are for just wait till after the next flu season. It will be like a season of the walking dead with only the unvaccinated left.

      • Over population, easy stop the cunts coming into this country and deport the fuckers who don’t have the proper paperwork. What a cunt of a country England is, brought about by years of useless cunts in government, leach lawyers and lefty Marxist cunts.

  11. If we totally fuck up the country we can save 1% of CO2 emissions. You know it makes sense. To the Chinese.

      • Me neither MNC except for maybe in my cup of tea.

        I take cold showers and the Mrs thinks I’m weird.
        It certainly puts a spring in my morning step.

      • We didnt know what hot water was in Cwmscwt. It was rumoured to go in the bath but where the fuck would we keep the coal?

      • Better get used to it Herman Jelmet, get used to a cold cup of tea, these cunts will probably ban kettles and open fires. Only way you’ll get hot water in the future is by farting on it. That said farting will most probably be taxed or you’ll get arrested for it.

  12. Johnson and his cronies ( having fucked the country ) do not want to be re-elected. They would rather someone else cleaned up their mess. Johnson is sure making sure he turns off the Tory Vote

    • The problem is, even post-Boris, I can’t see Liebore getting in. Maybe some sort of unholy alliance of greens/liebore/stinky rebellion…
      Hung parliament? Hang them all.

  13. This green woke lunacy will fuck up the Conservatives. It turns out that Germany powers it’s stations with lignite, a low grade coal precursor that pollutes like fuck. So why the fuck are we pursuing stupid policies that will further bankrupt us? Electricity supplies are finite and variable. The push to electric transport and heating is not and cant be sustainable.

    • It was the Germans who torpedoed the EU tradable permits pollution scheme. They won’t have nuclear power and the rubbish brown coal (lignite- O Level Geography 1968; I knew I’d be able to use the word one day) is awful stuff. However, the Germans decide what happens in the EU.

  14. Bravo CuntyMort, one of the best noms I have seen on here. Over-population is of course the main problem and it is simply exacerbated by foreign aid. Almost as significant is “I can fix it”. As has been alluded to frequently on here it seems a fair majority of people could not change a fuse. They are all heavily dependent upon and addicted to their electronic gadgets, cars and other technology but to most of them the principles of how they work is a complete mystery, they could be fucking magic! A neighbour recently had a new boiler installed by British Gas for a four-figure sum. His old boiler which is identical to mine was working perfectly and is now stored away as my spare. The power of advertising, eh? You can stick your heat pump where the sun doesn’t shine and as for electric cars? Think about it; it’s never going to happen.

  15. I was talking to a plumber about gas boilers being banned and he said the trade is achieving some push back on this. Good to hear. The representation of the motor industry over here just seems to suck this bullshit up like they are slurping a thick milkshake through a straw and making sure they get every last delicious bit in their greedy fucking gobs. The AA, RAC, SMMT etc. Load of cunts.

    Meanwhile, the minority business of assembling cars in the UK is happy to go along with this bollocks probably in the expectation of nice, fat, Government subsidies. At the same time serious car manufacturers are probably thinking “we’ll pay lip service to this bullcrap while we churn out as many traditional cars as our good friends in China, India, Russia etc would like…”

    Like keeps being said here the two elephants in the room are the facts that UK Net Zero will make sweet fuck all difference to the planet and the real problem with “pollution” is human over population.

    • The motor industry is best epitomised by the famous question:
      “Would you buy a used car from this man?”

      • I’d rather buy a used motor off Arthur Daley than Jellyfish Johnson.

        Carrie…….”My word is my bond sweetheart…..Err, now what about that blowjob princess”?

        Fuck off Boris you spineless cunt.

        Johnson’s sex life must be the most costly in history.

        It’s going to cost the inhabitants of this country a fucking fortune!

  16. Who the fuck ever proposed The Hydrogen Economy? Hydrogen is highly explosive. Remember The Hindenburg? A spark in a block of flats with a hydrogen leak would make Grenfell Tower look like a fucking sparkler. The cost of obtaining hydrogen from water through electrolysis would outweigh the benefits I think.

    • Boris wants HS2 to run to Saturn so we can lay the pipeline underneath the track.
      It’s all been properly thought out.

      • Yes, and we can solder some twin-core to the Saturn’s rings and zip tie it onto the bottom of the track.

        All the country’s energy problems solved!

  17. He can shove his heat pump up his dark hole, what a cunt!

    Gas is king for central heating, maybe when the boffins have sorted out producing leccy from fusion we can get cheap leccy and put in leccy boilers, until then he can fuck off.

    Is Greta going to COP26, hopefully mad bitch Nicola (daily briefing ffs) will have locked Scotland down and no cunt will be able to go, maybe do it all be video link, that will save shit loads of carbon producing air miles ?

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