Ben Whittaker. He’s a sulky Boxer

He’s no Daley Thompson let’s face it.

Ready for the next embarrassing Olympic cunt that is some cunt I had never heard of up until now Ben Whittaker, this wanker has thrown his teddy out of his playpen because he didn’t get a gold medal for boxing.

This fuck monkey looked like a total cunt on the podium, face down to his nuts, refusing to shake hands with his betters and generally acting like a petulant child, same as he did when he didn’t win at FIFA against his mates.

This cunt must have been trained by the other wanker David Haye, its been years since I saw a boxing bell end like this and that’s fucking saying something.

Arse boy got a silver but was holding it like he had a handful of used condoms, maybe his trainer or his dad wants to give him a slap around the chops.

This sad prick also wants to run for mayor of Wolverhampton, I know the place is an utter dump but they don’t deserve this whinging cunt as mayor to make things for the locals.

So bad loser Ben Whittaker you are now in the embarrassing Olympic wankers club with the knitting fa**ot and the excuse makers…. Cunt


Nominated by – Fuglyucker

Link kindly provided by – Dickie Dribbler



52 thoughts on “Ben Whittaker. He’s a sulky Boxer

  1. I kind of get being pissed off for not winning, but whenever I have been beaten I have figured I lost to the better Man.
    It’s called called dignity and respect.
    Learn some Ben.

  2. Hehehe ?
    What a mard little cunt.
    Doesn’t deserve Silver.
    His behaviour should have guaranteed his sending home.
    Funny you mention David Haye as hes planning a return at 40yr,
    I couldn’t stand him, still cant.
    David Haye
    Anthony Joshua
    Both mirror kissers and megalomaniacs.
    Id wish traumatic brain injury on them both if I was a spiteful man.

    • David ‘The Toemaker’ Haye.

      He can’t seriously be planning on coming back MNC.

      Fuck me he stunk the place out twice against Tony Bellend so what does he think he’s going to do at 40 odd.

      • Hes already braiding his hair and skipping in front of the mirror Herman.
        Saw it on the online news this morning.☹️
        Notice that they push diversity in Sport, even boxing,
        Yet dont seem to extend it to Tyson Fury?
        They seem a bit tentative?
        Thought they wanted Gypsy voices heard?
        Or did his homophobia and sexist views not hit the agenda?

      • Fury telling the BBC reporters to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and saviour must be one of the top trolls of all time.

  3. At least he didnt say he was cheated of it.
    I dont think he disrespected the winner.
    He just couldnt bring himself to celebrate.

  4. I saw the fight, or to be precise I saw the last round which was all the BBC wanted to show of it, unlike the women’s boxing where every second was broadcast multiple times.

    The judging appeared to be fair and the British guy lost, but he is of the snowflake generation where there are no losers, only winners.

    He has spent his entire childhood being told how wonderful he is and now is the reality that he is not the best.

    Instead of learning from his experience he has thrown a strop and it’s doubtful that we will ever hear of him again.

    He will not be the only British Olympic unsuccessful that will disappear into obscurity.

  5. The petulant twat should have transgendered and gone in for the womens light-heavyweight hitting, doh!

  6. Chippy coloured chap sulks and doesnt want to accept his silver medal. Bless him. I’m sure he’s a good sport and genuinely humble away from the glare of the cameras – Cunt!

    Reminded me of another certain bunch of chippy cunts who disrespected their silver medals last month as well.

    You didn’t win because you weren’t good enough!

    The new normal of British sporting failure.
    If you don’t win – throw your toys out of the pram and blame it on racism.

    Another boxer cunt who grates on me is heavyweight bum Dylian Shyte.
    This man is equally as ungracious in victory as he is in defeat. A true weapons grade sore loser chippy cunt.
    Frank Bruno he certainly isn’t.

    I wish nothing but bad luck on these so called “Brits”

  7. Did you see the frog twat?

    Was disqualified for repeated head butting and fucking threw a tantrum like Fatima Whitbread threw a Javelin.

    Staged a sit-in.

    Fucking snowflakes.

  8. Top athletes are all prima donnas these days. After the joints seize, the next career move is as some kind of media sleb, so they have to behave like actresses. Sign of the times. Or, in fact, defining feature of the times. Glad I’m not young and won’t have to see where it all ends up, with luck.

  9. The sporting world is full of crybaby cunts and quitters recently. Perhaps they’re a bit too pampered and overpaid. Time to put a halt to all professional sports for a few years and make them clear fatbergs from sewers with plastic straws., or paper, if they want to go green

    The Lord God Messi, Marcus Rashford, Naomi Osaka, Simone Biles and this cunt might learn a bit more about hardship.

    • Messi: It’s bollocks to say he’s not a good player, like I’ve seen some say, but…

      For fucks sake, what the fuck was he doing crying in public the other day? The cunt was just about to sign on with the scummy Qatari’s for multi, multi millions. And then you get all the journalists talking about how “sad” they were for him. Fuck off!!

      I’m fucking sick of men crying in public. Supposedly top athletes acting like little fucking babies. Fucking journalists interviewing them and trying to “emote” with them and “find a different side” of them.

      Fuck off, cunts!

      • I agree CD, he let himself down with his girly blubbering.

        However, Barcelona is more than just his home. He joined the club aged 11 and they have educated him and paid for multiple medical procedures while he was (unsuccessfully) growing up.

        Barcelona was his family.

      • If he “loved” his “family” at Barcelona so much, why didn’t he work for free for a year to pay them back?
        He would still have earned multiple millions from other sources.
        Ergo: Messi, like most footballerists, is a CUNT?

  10. Another tragic tale of a person of color not getting what they wanted because racism is baked in to every institution. It’s weird that someone in a sport that requires one to overcome weakness would be so weak. For fuck sake someone has to be second best.

  11. The sour little twats only hope now is the new face of Uncle Bens rice.
    Golden rice obviously.

    • I doubt Uncle Ben’s would go along with that. They’ve only just got rid of one black face cos they deemed it was waycist.

    • I’m keeping an old packet of Uncle Ben’s rice with the black fella on it, collectors item. I think its spicy Mexican flavour, so cultural appropriation too.

  12. He realised what a totalcunt he had been and tried to talk is way out of it. Too late sunshine, you have proven what a petulant school girl you are.

    • The Cubans are excellent boxers and must be on a tiny fraction of the funding that the UK boxers enjoy. Everyone is talking about him being an entitled brat rather that the actual winner.

  13. Yep Whittikaka hasnt done Blacks,Boxers and GB any favours here, still it wont be long before he,s doing yogert adds looking like someone had just shot their load in his face, then i think a little winge and a cry might be justified….pathetic cunt, grow up….maybe if your lucky you will get to suck the sweat off David Hays ball sack after his next effort…

  14. Boxing’s answer to Lewis Hamilcunt, another one who throws a paddy and sucks his thumb when he isn’t first. Mind you, out of a shit olympics full of cunts it requires effort to stand out. Top effort!

    • Boxers used to be role models.
      Joe Frazier=quiet,humble, dignified.
      Ali= humour, heart, and whether you agreed with him on issues or not, he stood his ground.
      George Foreman=menace, but not showy.
      Let his power speak for him.
      All black.
      All proper men.
      All people I respect and admire.
      These cunts today?!!!!
      Sulking like a tit?
      Men dont act like that.
      Put him in with the split arses hes obviously on the blob.

  15. Didn’t see this (fuck you BBC) but it doesn’t surprise me after those so called England cunts whipped off their runners up medals at the Euro final. They just looked liked bad losers and showed total disrespect to the Pizzabashers. Totally unBritish and that fuckwit Nosegate should have said something about it. He is such a cunt.
    Meanwhile old Simone “mental elf” Biles has unsurprisingly jumped on the wokie bandwagon. As soon as she gets home she starts mouthing it off about how great abortion is. Looking for a career as a wokie media personality and carefully ticking off the boxes.
    I will be interested to see how wokie the spaz Olympics is going to be. That sounds like a great vehicle to me.

    • Wokies will be hanging ‘Pride’ banners from any wheelchair whose poor user is not quick enough to dodge them. Oscar Pistorius is a cunt..

      • Ah yes poor old Oscar, another weeping crying cunt. It was all a terrible misunderstanding wasn’t it Oscar? Imagine if he had done that post Chicken George and his victim was black? They would have hung the cunt on the spot.

  16. I’ll duck to avoid bullets when I say this, but I saw one of his fights and he looked a classy boxer. Think Aldi Sugar Ray Leonard. Lacked power though, well it seemed that way to me. Still, made a twat of himself which seemed to be mandatory in these Shitlympics.

    Don’t think you’ve seen the last of him though. Probably do quite well as a pro.

    • MBE and OBE? You can bet some snowflake cunt is going to object to the medals because they have empire in the title, fuck the spooks, oven the bally lot of them

      • Like Sir Lewis Hamilton MBE. BLM supporter extraordinaire. Or Sir Lenny Henry. I bet they’re itching to hand they’re honours back.

  17. Somebody should tell these cunts that if it wasn’t for the British Empire they’d all be living in mud huts and chucking spears at each other. Wankers.

  18. Fucking brat. When a guy who came below you looks happy, you really do look like a spoiled little child.
    Fuck boxing too, it’s hard to tell them apart from rappers half the time, and is a great study in what giving a ridiculous amount of money to a moron.

    • Maybe he thought he won. I didn’t see it but I remember Anthony Joshua getting outscored by an Italian at the olympics and they gave him the gold medal anyway. Boxing judges are notoriously partisan and sometimes those in MMA aren’t much better.

  19. Looks gutted because he can’t pull the race card as 75% are Black, try harder you fucking loser.!

  20. Sportsmanship is everything. Eddie the Eagle Edwards was the Zenith of what being British is all about. Just being there is enough.
    It’s all about the Flag not about the chocolate token chained around your neck….
    What a spoiled Cunt…… well done to the winner……

    • Maria Whittaker, awesome betitted wank material!
      Forest Whittaker, wonky eyed actor
      Jodie Whittaker, shit Dr Who actor

  21. Bad loser and a bad winner too. In a previous round he won he did the ‘hadouken’ attack from Street Fighter. It was embarrassing watching it, a total child of a man.

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