BBC (51) Pisspoor Olympics Coverage

I’m really not sure where to start with this but I’ve just watched the Aug 1 summary of the days events and well…

The first half hour or so given over to speculation and nonsensical chit chat with the family of Max Whitlock ( who is clearly a phenomenal athlete btw) with Clare ‘tuppence’ Balding and some faux cockney dark key.

Then, fuck my old brown boots, the men’s 100m final, the blue riband event, given fuck all time. The men’s high jump (which ended in a wonderfully emotional tie ffs!) given the same treatment!

We then had Michael Johnson talking sense about how shit the British athlete in the 100m was and its time to cut back to the fucking bmx racing.

What an absolute bunch of cunt.

Nominated by: Kunte Kunty

62 thoughts on “BBC (51) Pisspoor Olympics Coverage

  1. I didn’t see any of the Olympic coverage other than the bits that were on the news, I don’t understand why the BBC had to send so many cunts to Tokyo, one or two would have been sufficient, the rest could have been in a studio in London.

    The value of the Olympics has diminished over the years, parts of it would be more at home in Its a Knockout.

  2. Not able to comment on the BBC coverage of these Olympic Games; I watched none of the events as I knew that the emphasis has shifted from the athletes to the message of wokeism spewed out by the presenters.

  3. A tad off track (see wot I did there), the BBC are presenting us with a three part drama on the reopening of the Stephen Lawrence case starring Steve Coogan.
    Dr Goebbels is alive and well.

      • At this point it’s clear the BBC are trying to turn Lawrence into ‘our’ George Floyd despite it happening decades ago and resolved. Stop trying to stir up shit.

    • That should slot in nicely with their climate change propaganda. What an eclectic blend of broadcasting.

    • Fuck me another one! What’s that now? 2 series and about 6 documentaries?

      Not one for a white child kidnapped, beaten, mutilated and set on fire by Pakistanis (Kris Donald( yet, I notice.


      • Funny today is the feast of Saint Lawrence.
        He is the patron saint of comedians amongst many other things. That must come from his famous joke when burning to death on the gridiron. ‘I’m done on this side, turn me over’.

      • “Rigby only had himself to blame” – will be the conclusion from a future BBC documentary!

        And that statement will be aimed at most other terrorist attacks that happened in the UK over the last 20 years or so, courtesy of the BBC

    • They filmed this old shite in the old police station in Epping – which has been closed for years as, I assume, there is now no crime.

  4. BBC is also presenting a shit-show about the ‘Landan’ riots….. for its 10 year anniversary ! Stirring up a hornets nest if you ask me. I watched none of the Olympics, had lots of paint to watch drying instead.

    • As in the Duggan riots? Fuck me, will they show him getting clipped by the po-po as he speeds off in a taxi to his local church fund-raiser?

      • Probably show him on the way to volunteer at the local orphanage, when 2 rozzers throw bananas at him, slap his mother across the face and then shoot the cunt whilst laughing their tits off.

  5. Watching sporting competitions is fine but unfortunately the events themselves are short lived. The hype that surrounds them seems to increase over time.
    Studios filled with ex and failed athletes, women in comfortable shoes etc. sat around a desk talking shite.
    Taking the cameras into the ladies changing rooms where they can be interviewed is much more appealing. I’d love to know what they were thinking whilst preparing themselves. Keep Clare Balding out of course, don’t want her becoming too enthusiastic.

  6. The Olympics? That was two weeks of a black gymnast refusing to compete until the last event and coming third? The BBC explained to me that this actually proved she was the greatest athlete ever!

    I did catch some of it, mostly during the news, I pondered why BBC news thought they needed multiple reporters to cover an event they had already sent dozens of presenters to cover.

    The Olympics is one of those events the BBC spends much time planning how they can spend the maximum amount of money covering in the most fawning woke manner.

    On a side note Does the term ‘team GB’ boil anyone else’s piss? Particularly as ‘team GB’ looks more like it comes from Africa?

    • SV@ – “Great Britain and Northern Ireland” pisses me off – they’re either British or not, so compete as team GB or fk off and compete as Northern Ireland.

  7. The IOC allowed satellite companies to bid for the rights. Disney (Discovery) won the bid. The BBC (and others) were limited to how much/what live coverage they could show. Hence hours on end of pundits talking absolute shite. I think the same might be happening soon with the World Cup too.

    Their coverage was shockingly bad (BBC). And it was the worst Olympics ever by some distance. Advertisers/main sponsors were kicking off by all accounts. Lost fortunes.

    The Olympic bid was always fought for viciously by many countries. Now, after that nonsense? I don’t think too many would be keen.

    But sport has gone down the shitter anyway with all this woke bollocks, so fuck it. I’ll laugh when these clubs, associations and TV channels go fucking bust.

    They’ve fucking earned it.

    PS- not sure if the nom meant this or not, but that Eye tie (I might cunt him and the other high jumper if I can be arsed) in the long jump was typical of the games. Pathetic. Rivals should fight to beat each other. Not deliberately share first place. If Coe and Ovett agreed to cross the line together to share gold, nobody would’ve cared about their rivalry. It would damage the sport and the spectacle itself. That Eye Tie shouldn’t have been going nuts celebrating. He should’ve gone to the other lad and said, “I appreciate it, but I’d like to deserve a gold medal, not be given it out of kindness. Please take that final jump and give it everything.”

    Reason? He’ll always be remembered as being given a gold medal as some cunt’s charity case. The IOC, in future, should (as somebody else suggested on this site) award two silvers if shit like this is pulled again. Nobody won in my eyes.

    But yes, shit coverage. Absolute shocker of a games.

  8. Didn’t watch a second of coverage. If I had watched any it would have been the dressage. I read somewhere that viewing figures dropped by 46% on last time. People are really only interested in their own imaginary battles with Covid 19, apparently. (Note to admin – this is not an attempt to undermine site policy, and is mentioned only in passing!). My reason for not watching, however, was because it would be BBC woke propaganda shit. As confirmed by this excellent nom from Mr Kunty.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. I am delighted to be able to announce that I did not watch a single nano-second of the Olympics?

    PS: Fuck the BBC


  10. Nihal is simply the worst thing on any form of media you would wish to indulge in. A massive sycophantic, soppy twat.

  11. As the bbc could only show two live events per day, due to the rights package they had, and mostly piss poor ones at that. Why did they still persist with their usual blanket coverage? All it amounted to was hours of waffle and pre recorded stuff. They would have been better off showing the live bits only and then saving the rest for the evenings highlights show. But no, they had to wring it out for hours with Balding trying her best to present with some sort of coherence and Alex Scott looking and sounding like an overexcited 12 year old who’s been given an audition for play school. Next time, if they have anything like the current rights deal, they should slim everything down and stop pretending it’s still a big bbc jolly like the old days. After all, it’s our money being spunked on this shower if shit. Not that it ever enters they’re heads.

  12. I was just surprised, when Laurel Hubbard was out of the competiton (the poor “girl” had forgotten to put on her jockstrap), the BBC didn’t invite her to be a pundit fot ther est of the week – that’s what they do with snooker players knocked out of the event.

  13. ‘like watching paint dry’
    Or like watching your old aunt knitting.

    Wait a moment that was part of the coverage wasn’t it Tom Daley knitting.

  14. The BBC would have you think that it was the women’s Olympics.

    They got at least 80% of the coverage.

    Men were just there to pad out things while there were no women to show.

  15. Some excellent British performances in sail boats and on bicycles.
    Not that I understood any of the rules.

    I did note the laughable coverage by the Wokies and Dark Keys of the Bolshevik Bullshitters Corporation also.
    Do they keep the Olympic presenters on a retainer just to wheel them out every 4 years?
    A mystery I don’t give a fuck about.
    I hope the whole rotten mess goes bankrupt.
    Apart from wimminz Beach Volleyball.
    That was OK.

  16. Discovery’s bid also covers the next games so the BBC will be in the same situation of getting Yank sloppy seconds. No doubt they will fill out the time with that Scott bitch walking around Paris on a cultural tour chatting inanely to filthy A-rabs and other immos.
    What the fuck have the BBC got left? Only Wimbledon and I reckon that will be gone soon.
    Wimminz football anyone?
    What a bunch of fucking cunts.

  17. The Wokyo Olympics have been a commercial disaster due to appalling viewing figures – when will it dawn on the NWO that the vast majority of decent normal people do not like to see soyboy bitches mincing around knitting like they are a lonely 7 year old girl, freaks pretending to be Women so they can cheat, athletes who hate their Countries but love the money and lifestyle their choice of job brings and deluded uneducated fuckwits taking a knee for a racist marxist anarchist rabble of thieves, rioters, looters, vandals, arsonists, terrorists and murderers?
    The Olympics were a required watch for me.
    No more – as with so many things in modern life the agenda is to steal, destroy and p*rve*rt everything which is good, decent, wholesome and enjoyable so they can slowly diminish the happiness and enjoyment of people – thus slowly breaking the spirit.
    All part of the plan.

  18. Modded?
    Wordpress is feeling fractious – jealous of my good looks and success with the laydeez I’ll venture! ?

  19. So the next big sporting event is the World Cup next year (and to a much lesser extent, the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham).

    no doubt the BBC will turn both events into the Woke Cup and the Wokewealth Games, probably declaring that the history of the commonwealth games was racist and extremely bad for BAMEs blah blah.

    But it doesn’t get round the fact that up until Chicken George choked, the BBC didn’t give two shits about how bad the Empire was, or any other Woke shite come to that. But here they are, sitting on their biggest of fucking big bandwagons telling us that we’re all racist cunts, while still insisting we cough up £157 per year for the privilege .

    To some extent the licence fee is good value compared to Sky and VM et al. And if people want to continue watching and supporting the BBC by paying the licence, that’s also fine with me. But given how the BBC want to concentrate on the future rather than the past, they also need to think that the licence fee is also quite anachronistic, and needs to be updated to a market where there’s far more choice!

    It will never happen of course, because the cunts at the BBC know full well they just cannot compete in the free market. Unfortunately, we have a weak Tory government who allows the BBC to criticise them over a broad base of issues, but doesn’t have the balls to tell the BBC to fuck off and tow the party line!

    As a consequence the BBC get an easy ride from the government in terms of reviewing the TV licence. If we had someone like Thatcher in charge, I’m pretty sure the BBC would be shitting themselves right now.

    As it is, we have a BBC distorting history, detesting the white working classes, being as objective in their current affairs as Osama Bin Larden was at teaching Christianity to members of al-Qaeda. And that air of smug self-servitude really gets on my fucking nerves!

    (Sorry for the long rant. In a particularly vexed mood this morning, thanks to fucking Microsoft)

    • Thanks, Vern. Will consider it. But don’t you get constantly hounded by them, and then get visited by cunts from Crapita wanting to come into your home and double check that you definitely can’t get live TV?

      • I defunded them last year. It was a bit of a ball ache to get my refund (but I made sure I received every last penny). I confirmed to them that I don’t watch live TV or iPlayer and they haven’t bothered me since. My blood pressure has decreased as a result of not suffering their Marxist propaganda and knowing I’m contributing nothing to Linekunt’s obnoxious salary. Starving the BBC of cash is the only way to affect them.

      • Techno@ – Capita run the enforcement side but have no legal power whatsoever – if anyone appears asking for “the householder” that’ll be Capita – if so tell them you do not give implied or agreed access to private property, make sure you film it on your mobile (vital) and demand to see their ID then tell them to leave or they will be removed.
        As an ex Capita employee I can assure you from personal experience that they are bullies and crooks (witnessed) with no legal right to question householders and no legal right to trespass on private property.

  20. I actually on this occasion refused to watch the Olympics out of disgust more than anything else (and the Euro Cuntchampionshits).

    All this money that suddenly appears to be put the show on, UK Olympic committees spunking vast fortunes for vanity projects. Isn’t it ironic how we find the cash for this but (cunting for Rashford due again….) but there are people who are genuinely suffering financially still because of Cunt flu and there’s no more money in the pot.

    Also, watching those smug BBCunts who probably think they are on the holiday of a lifetime, all paid for and so fucking many of them – cunts – hope you enjoyed your little vacation on behalf of licence fee payers.

  21. Michael Johnson just speaks the truth. Can’t remember which brit athlete the fat darts player Coc Balding was on about but he looked at her, squinted a bit then told the truth about the performance.

    • Michael Johnson is a genuinely excellent pundit if you are in to that whole running around thing.

      It is amazing that he’d waste his time talking to the intellectual lightweights at the beeb.

    • As is Rishi, talking bollocks about subjects he knows fuck all about. Wonder how he got the job?
      Paralympics coming up, my favourite event is one armed swimming. Was quite good at hopping when I was a kid. If only mother had let me saw a leg off I could have a gold medal, a damehood and a nice little earner every 4 years with the BBC.

  22. I’ve not really seen any of it since Big Daddy Hubbard competed in the women’s weightlifting.

    Watching a Godzilla film would be more in touch with reality.

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