Amber Heard (5) tells the world about her Baby

She gets right up your nose and some.

She’s had a baby, hope it likes drugs.

She’s had a baby via surrogate and she isn’t married, plenty of women have done that, yet she seems to think this is ground breaking. Listen to this cobblers:

“I wanted to do it on my own terms. I now appreciate how radical it is for us as women to think about one of the most fundamental parts of our destinies in this way. I hope we arrive at a point in which it’s normalised to not want a ring in order to have a crib.”

She can’t have a baby and get on with it, has to make it about some empowering women bollox and demonise the family unit. Seems to suffer from the same malaise as the Megalodon – can’t speak normally, has to talk in excruciating woke wibble.

Nothing wrong with being married and having a baby; more people do this than being single. Don’t demonise the family. Its not just The Guardian lauding her praises, same bs was in The Daily Mail.

On her own terms? Is that with the help of $7 million Depp had to give her? An enormous pile of cash she promised she’d give to charity.

p.s. She’s shit in Aqua Man.

Nominated by – Cuntologist

53 thoughts on “Amber Heard (5) tells the world about her Baby

  1. You are quite right, Cuntilogist: Ms (seen but not) Heard, has it all “Arse about Face”.

    Which describes her, to a “T”?


  2. Yet another batshit crazy Hollyweird loon. Johnny Depp was well shot of her.

    I do feel genuinely sorry for the baby, having that nutbar as a mother.


    • Shes whackafuckindoodle.
      She shouldn’t be allowed a pet nevermind be allowed a baby.
      Deeply disturbed like all those in Hollyweird.
      Too much money but lacking in brain cells and morals.

      • MNC@ – I was going to post something in a similar vein but your post nailed it so well I didn’t bother! ?
        But I would add – “Amber – why do you think anyone cares”?

    • Isn’t this the addled nutter who smuggled a parrot into Australia with that Depp actor ?
      Then they got caught and had to do a bizarre apology whilst quite obviously hammered on Valium?
      Then she shit the bed and ran off with a Dyke?
      Love Hollywood me.
      The rotten cunts.

  3. How typical of The Guardian to fawn over some faux strong independent woman type who in reality is a spoiled rotten batshit crazy bint.

    Brings a poor innocent child into the world to then drag up in a place like the Hollywood cesspit without a father either.

    How stunning and brave of her.

  4. This surrogacy thing should be banned…a woman only has 2 jobs in life…looking after their Man and giving him children. All surrogacy does is allow the female to skip one of their (not so onerous) duties and become lazy..and fat,probably.

    • PS….I don’t care how mental Amber may be…I’ll chuck one up her and if she then feels the need to have a shit on my bed…well,that’s a price I’m willing to pay…she can bring a lezza mate if she fancies too.

      • Morning Mr F….with all this “deepfake” technology, which I’m hoping will become available to the ordinary fellow (albeit one with a high-end computer), imagine a hardcore lezbo porn where the birds’ faces had been perfectly replaced with Amber Heard and Gemma Arterton!
        I doubt you’d get much work done that day!

      • Needless to say, if I’d been commissioned to make this porn for you, Mr F, I’d make sure to pop the fit birds faces onto a pair of black extremely obese wimmin!

      • I don’t need technology…I use my good,old-fashioned imagination…in fact,I’ve put down my bacon sarnie in favour of a good hard tug just thinking about Gemma and Amber….must say the waitress in Al’s Diner doesn’t look to impressed….expect the filthy tart’ll perk up when I invite her to come over and give me a gobble.


    • Good Morning Everyone,

      Internet rumours have it that Princess Megain did the surrogacy bit with Archie and Lilibet. Apparently a fake baby bump was found in her room in The Governor’s House after their tour down there in 2018.
      No doubt all will be revealed in the Tom Bowyer book.

  5. Ooh… how radical and empowering…

    If only men could give birth and be radical and empowered too! Hey, wait a minute… they can! Except some people insist that trans men are not “real” men, the bigots.

  6. Kids are overrated anyway.
    The little bastards.
    At 10yrs this sprog will be more mature,smarter, but just as puddled as Amber.
    I blame Johnny Depp.
    If hed of slapped her about a bit shed of calmed down.
    Maybe properly Tommed her rather than bumming her?
    Concentrated on giving her the right meds rather than putting on his mascara, maaan..

  7. When you look at the current male breeding stock which seems to consist of soy boys, bed wetters and cry babies then you can’t blame a girl for becoming a lezzer and not wanting a baby by conventional means.

    But getting pregnant with a turkey baster is not normal regardless of what spin she puts on it.

    • Couldn’t even be bothered to have the baby herself; probably thought it would ruin her figure so paid for one instead and then made a man bashing/family bashing political statement about it. Twitter crowd are likely crowing ‘stunning and brave’.

  8. I always confuse Amber Heard with Amber Rudd. Forever Amber though (old film illusion).

    I have nothing else to say, except we seem to have had an excess of stabbings and murders in Khan’s London this week – Chingford last night.

    That hook nosed motherfucker should be slung out as he can’t do his job.

    Sorry, a bit pissed off – Mrs. Boggs just blew off over the Weetabix, dirty old sow.

    Good morning everybody

    • Morning WC?
      Mrs Boggs farts a lot doesn’t she?
      Change her diet.
      Or brew one yourself and let fly right in her face when shes watching the soaps!
      Thatll show her.
      Id smear nutella on her knickers and hang them on the washing line so the neighbours think shes shat her keks.
      Marriage is phycological warfare as you know.

      • I like the idea about Nutella on her drawers, MNCm but rather than waste food I would do better to get a pair of AnalEase Dodd’s used bloomers – which would be more authentic with that authentic rank pong. I don’t think farting in her face during the soaps would help, as she looses herself in them. Last night she said she was “worried about Aaron”

      • I feel your pain, Mr B. Lady Creampuff’s bin burping a lot recently, though mercifully not over my Bran Flakes. Yet.

  9. The fawning Grauniad columnist Arwa Mahdawi is also clearly not too tightly wrapped either. She hopes that it will soon be normal for women to have kids without having to bother with marriage. Does she not see what goes on beyond her laptop in Islington? It is fucking worryingly normal in this country at least. There’s a plethora of single mums in the UK, most of whom live on benefits and bring up uncontrollable, chippy little shits who terrorise communities, schools and colleges. Many of them grow up with daddy issues and chips on their shoulders. And it’s not always the fathers fault by any means, as many of these wimminz are simply lunatic fuckers who are impossible to live with. If they wanted to give an example of an empowered wimminz to their readers, Amber Fruitloop should be the last person they listened to.

      • Hopefully her lesbo lover will step up to the plate and self identify as the baby’s father.

      • In her defence, she has good reason to be against marriage as her destiny was always to be the punching-bag of some stanley of her parent’s choosing.

  10. She should be seen and not Heard.
    Fucking skank..

    Depp’s a cunt too according to the inhabitants of St Vincent (cunts of the Caribbean films)

    • St Vincent? Isn’t that the current snowflake favourite dyke ‘singer’ (for want of a better word)?

      I bet that Billie Eilish cunt is also a tuppence flicker (allegedly and all that bollocks)…

  11. This woman is deranged.

    Typical of the decline of western civilization. All about the individual nowadays. Fuck society (and fuck the feelings of the kid too!) you must call them brave when, for example, two gays adopt a little boy.

    Within ancient texts, there is a chap I believe who championed all this individualist crap. Some say he is real. Some say he is a metaphor. I think that the Americans even made a church in his honour.

    Down the shitter we continue to go.

    No bloke will go near that tart now. Mad as fuck she is.

  12. Fucking hell you need a licence for a TV but any fucker can have a kid, if there is any fucker who shouldnt be allowed near kids its this fucking whack job, she is totally bat shit crazy and the last person who i would imagine would make a mother let alone a good mother, i didnt get the poor brats name but im sure its going to be India, Syria , Zanex or something equally pretentious, at least she wont be shitting the bed anymore alone.
    Johnny Depp must be laughing his bollocks off, thinking crazy cunt she be in the loony bin, not a maternity ward…..

    • I often wonder if there are any unfortunate waifs out there called Belgium or Brussels.
      No, thought not.

  13. “Women conceiving children alone”

    How the fuck is that possible?

    Besides, I’m a firm believer that a child needs a good mother and father to raise it.

    It gives the child the balance that only the family unit can provide. It gives the child the absolute best chance in life. This support then continues into adulthood.

    Wimminz these days just seem to try and reason with their kids when they are naughty. Or just utter empty threats at them.
    There’s just no discipline whatsoever with this modern parenting.

    My mum would count to 10 and if I was still playing up her Pirelli slipper would be across my arse.

    What the fuck is happening to this world, it’s gone very weird at the minute?

    I wonder if it will ever return to normality?

    Or will it just continue to get worse?

  14. The woman is a card carrying authentic deluxe psycho. Had she not been a ‘celebrity’ she’d have been sectioned and certified ages ago.

    I know Depp is a world renowned bird bandit, but he was crackers to dabble with this harridan. All the top fanny in the world at his disposal and he picks that?! He’s lucky to be alive, the daft cunt.

  15. I’ve noticed that beautiful women become uglier the more they embrace this Cultural Marxist, feminist bullshit.

    She was a cracker a few years back. Looks like a mad ugly fucker who needs a good wash and to lay off the class As now.

  16. Excellent cunting. A family unit is critical and she’s saying that a single woman who decides to bring a child into a fatherless home is the moral equivalent. This mental slag is selfish. It’s not at all about the child’s needs but her wanting this attention and motherhood. This child is doomed.

  17. Woman has baby. Well hold the fucking front page. No wait, woman has baby and gives it to another woman, who gives it a stupid name to show how special it is and wants the whole world to know. God these attention-seeking cunts bore me stiff.

  18. “I hope we arrive at a point in which it’s normalised to not want a ring in order to have a crib.”

    Or nine months of steadily increasing discomfort and inflation, with hormonally driven insanity, culminating in hours of intense pain. How nice of some little person to do all that for her.

    Some people should be prohibited from passing on their characteristics, and she’s one of them

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