Will Smith and Family (2)

The Smiths.
No, not the seminal 80s Manchester indie band,
Them I like!
No, big eared actor Will Smith, his daft missus Jada pinky and their puddled kids Willow and Jaden.
The Smiths are black royalty in the states, and beyond wealthy.
But you cant buy good mental health!
The kids are spoilt and puddled,
The missus is full crackers!
Shes just shaved her nut and making a big deal about it,
The public image is crumbling and something bads going to happen,
Can see it coming.
Too much money, detached from reality, these people turn my tripe.

Jada Pinkett Smith reveals she shaved her head before her 50th birthday..

Nominated by: Miserable Northern cunt

63 thoughts on “Will Smith and Family (2)

  1. I used to watch The Fresh Prince of BelAir about 20 years ago as my daughter loved it and remember how absurdly unrealistic it was even by Tinseltown and pre-woke standards. The viewer was supposed to believe that a teenager is sent to his uncle´s glitzy mansion in California from a ghetto in Philadelphia to escape the influence of gangstas. Not only is the house stuffed with all kinds of goodies but there are two sexy cousins ripe for the picking and a – a pervy (black) English butler called Jeffrey who dresses like Jeeves. Instead of looting the place, turning it into a drug distribution center and diddling the daughters during rap sessions, Will Smith turns out to be a cheery chappie who wins everyone´s hearts. Sure he does get a teeny bit naughty at times, especially when his cool cat friend, Jazz, all white teeth and sunglasses, is around, but overall he is as good an egg as Gussie Fink-Nottle. Yeah right?

    • Surely a wealthy black family living in Bel Air (83% white) would have a white butler to stick it to the honkeys.

      • The black butler was just ludicrous as was Smith´s risible Marcus Rashford-style goodiness. In one episode an English judge and his daughter visit the home and the girl is left alone with Smith and wants to go out and have a wild time. She even lights up a cigarette to Smith´s dismay who tut tuts and warns her that smoking is bad for her health. We are then supposed to believe he spends the evening showing her around the bars and discos of BelAir without groping her milky white body with his unwashed hands and ravishing her.

        File under Fiction.

        You do realise it was a show aimed at kids right? – DA

      • Aimed at kids mostly, but what about the episode where Carlton gets hooked on crack, sells his ass on Sunset Strip and is only saved from prison by his dad calling in Masonic favours? That was a weird episode.

        Ahh so that’s where the Carlton dance comes from, never knew. – DA

      • Been reading about our 3 penalty missers. All 3 are Christians and proud of their faith. Fair enough. But what bothers me they’re not being judged on their footballing skills (or lack thereof) but whether they are morally good people or not.

      • I mean all 3 a goody two shoes types.
        The way things are going theyll replace the the Golden Boot with the Goody Boot.

      • The worst film ever for portraying the black man as super duper good was ‘Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner’ with Sidney Poitier
        Not only is a doctor but in some of the dialogue we find out that he had the top marks in the country! And many other achievemnts are listed.

  2. My Dad, (peace be upon him) Used to say, all the money in the world cannot by style. By the looks of this family pic, he was indeed right about that – as well as a good haircut.

  3. I mostly like the products that Will has put out over the years. His rap music is actually my favorite of all the rap out there. Catchy. The rest is a load of cunt the size of the African continent. I think he stuck his cock into Margot Robbie during their filming together and Jada knows it. Just another Hollywood shit show this film is.

  4. Its called Scientology. The cunt actually thinks he is saving the world .Twat.

    • Word on the street is that Tom Cruise is trying to leave $cientology. Good luck with that.

      • Type in “Tom Cruise Scientology medal” and hit images if you want a laugh. Cruise is awarded a disc that resembles the lid of a Bournville hot chocolate jar, presumably for achieving Level 6 cult cunt.

        Will Smith deserves an award for being such a talentless turd.

      • CG@ – “The highest spiritual plane you can attain is just five million Dollars”..
        Only Americans could fall for this nonsense.

      • When I went to get my haircut and told the bloke I wanted it done exactly the same way as when Tom Cruise gets his hair cut, the barber put a small plank across the arms of the chair….

      • I’ve always wondered how L. Ron Hubbard pulled off $cientology. I mean, there must have been hundreds of dumb religions in the 20th century that sought tax-exemption status and got told to fuck off. I’ve read figures of around $30 billion would have been owed by $cientology over the years if they had been obliged to pay tax.

      • The story goes that L. Ron Cunt entered into a bet with fellow sci-fi writer, Robert Heinlein (a considerably more talented writer), to see who could create a successful religion.

        Heinlein’s contribution was his philosophy of free love expressed in his novel “Stranger in a Strange Land” which was a great counter cultural hit but did not form the basis of a new religion.

        Hubbard’s contribution was dianetics and the lunatic notion that aliens, called Thetons, came to Earth in the past to fill humanity with negative thoughts because they were upset by their defeat in an inter-galactic war.

        Diabetics was so revolutionary that Hubbard claimed that the first dozen or so people he showed his theory too went mad.

        Heinlein lost that bet while Hubbard went on to become a multi-millionaire cult leader and all round weirdo.

        Beats me how anyone can believe in that garbage.

      • L Ron certainly did win that bet, MMCM. I think he was less of a weirdo and more of a fabulous showman. His Dianetics is not so easily written off against Heinlein’s pure science fiction; Hubbard was nicely contrasted (eg with Heinlein, with whom L Ron was well acquainted, as you imply) to be more accurately described as a writer of fiction-science¹.

        His writing style is dreadful: in Dianetics, Hubbard’s prose is repetitive and uncompelling – and with his childlike grasp of anything of any remote complexity, it rapidly becomes a chore to read on. I did read on, and totally concur that it is pure mystical mumbo-jumbo admixed with poorly-regurgitated pseudoscience. He liked to think of himself as a kind of “psychic physiatrist”, but he was simply a ranting charlatan.

        In the “weirdo” stakes, however I think Hubbard couldn’t hold a candle to some real weirdos of his time. Real psychiatrists of that time like the John’s Cambridge-educated enigma William Sargant and of course the infamous Canadian Ewen Cameron² made Hubbard look the pure businessman he really was.

        Curiously, Hubbard’s genuine interest in photography resulted in some curious OCD behaviour. When his estate was settled in 1986, it was found that Hubbard had bought and archived two of every item of photographic hardware Nikon³ had ever manufactured and listed for sale since 1959. Everything from rare 8mm fisheye or exotic 2000mm f4 reflex lenses to 50¢ viewfinder caps for an F2… he had two of them!

        ¹ per S. I. Hayakawa

        ² Cameron in particular, but also Sargant were the real-world progenitors of The Bourne Trilogy. The 1940s, 50s and 60s were strange times and Hubbard exploited this cleverly and maximised his hand in his never-never world of pseudo psychobabble.

        ³ Nippon Kōgaku

      • Indeed CS. Even in the 80’s Hubbard was continuing to turn out turgid sci-fi novels such as Battlefield Earth – the main object of which was to continue his long standing feud with psychologists who had correctly diagnosed him as a madman.

        Heinlein also suffered a decline in the late 70’s and 80’s, with his rather rambling future history novels in which he usually appeared in various alter egos and which showed an unhealthy interest in incest. However, Heinlein’s worst is still far superior to Hubbard’s best.

        Anyway, according to the Church of Scientology Hubbard is not dead. He has merely translated himself into a higher mode of being to continue his researches.

        It occurs to me that if anyone were to write a book about Hubbard it would be dismissed as too outlandish and absurd.

      • No, no MMCM you appear to miss my point entirely.

        Hubbard was not any kind of madman, but rather a very successful fraud. My precise point was/is Hubbard was significantly less mad (if at all) than many of his critics, both within the “physicie community” of the time and wider literary criticism.

        Nothing changed though, and I agree a critique of LRH would now be tricky to justify.

      • I did get your point CS. Let’s just say that Hubbard was odd but smart. ‘Mad” might be a bit strong. I don’t believe he was a crazed lunatic. He “had issues” but was devious and smart with it.

        Heinlein I also think had issues. I could almost imagine Heinlein turning into a Hubbard. Perhaps his happy marriage kept him a bit more grounded.

    • I joined a cult once. We’d get out of our minds on drugs and booze and then smash up hotel rooms. I had joined the Keith Moonies.

  5. Supposedly, Will Smith had to suck Quincy Jones’ dick to get his shot at fame back in the early 1990s. His “music” sucked ass. He wasn’t a legit rapper, his rhymes were weak sauce nonsense – “Boom! Shake the Room!” not exactly NWA was it? And his TV show, The Fresh Prince of Bellend was funny as fuck at times, but still was still ghey. Then he became a “semi-serious actor” and to be fair, some of them were/are great fun, but he has made many wack films.

    But at least he isn’t on the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. Or is he… tinyurl.com/s9jz9tjx

    Oh, dear…

  6. Never heard of his Mrs, the head shaving stunt sounds like a formulaic Hollyweird cry for attention. The kids are clearly living off Will Smiths limited talent, I can only remember one of his sons films because it bastardized a childhood favourite, The Karate Kid.

    • I saw 5 minutes of that Karate Kid remake and it is unreal how bad it is. Ralph Machio did legit training for that movie back in 1983 but Will Smith’s kid just phones it in, it’s so comical. He’s 11, Ralph Machio was 22 in the original, I mean…? What’s next a remake of Rocky with Greta Thunberg?

  7. Will Smith is the most vanilla of black chappies – held up as a role model and a wee bit bland and goody two shoes –
    When in LA or Chicago just “held up”..
    But callin’ da powlees on da bruddas would be racist you see!
    Rumours that he pays to bum dead people are despicable – we’ll have none of that sort of character assassination! ?
    Hollyweird? – fkin crackers, the lot of them.

  8. For the purpose of balance I have to say The pursuit of happyness is a good film.
    And I very much wanted to mount Uncle Phils oldest Daughter in The Fresh Prince!

  9. All this whining about white privilege…

    Not a whisper about black privilege, is there? Will Smith and his mob, Beyonce and Jay Z, Denzel Washington, those Obamas, that dirty Bill Cosby cunt, and now the relatives of Chiggen Floyd George.

    Not forgetting that utter cunt, Megain Mantis. But calling out black privilege would be ‘racist’, wouldn’t it??

    • Oh theyre creepy
      And theyre kooky
      Mysterious & spooky..
      The Will Smith family.
      As families go only the Manson Family and the Addams family come close to this bunch.
      All puddled.
      All ripe for west coast weird shite.
      To much money you see?
      I see a unhappy ending on the horizon…
      Dont drink the Kool aid!!!

      • Look at her eyes in the link.
        Tells me everything I need to know.
        2000 light years from home.
        Same look on serial killers faces.
        Shes that looney tunes that Mel Blancs on her birth certificate.
        Type who sets fire to orphanages.

  10. Shaving a head? Cultural appropriation – Telly Savalas, Yul Brynner and UK skinheads may have something to say about this.

    Fresh Cunt of Bellend.

  11. Will Smith, the very, very, very poor man’s Eddie Murphy. Eddie has talent, this cunt is just a talentless pain in the arse going right back to the Beverley hills Bell Air shitfest. Best and funniest one I that was the butler.

    • I rather liked uncle Phil, mainly because he always seemed to be about half a second away from strangling Will.
      Sadly James Avery kicked the bucket a couple of years ago

      • Was one of the most racist anti white programes on the telly. Always putting the white honky down when they did actually make a very rare appearance on the show.

  12. Maybe she shaved her napper because she was looking for her pea sized brain.
    Useless twats.

  13. Will Smith is an irritating cunt. The sooner he has an encounter with an Aspiring Architect, the better.
    Send his family to the slave market.
    I have never watched an episode of The Fuckpig of Bellend.
    Good evening.

  14. Allegedly, allegedly, allegedly, Will Smith’s marriage is as open as his legs to ducky directors and other Hollywood pooferati (allegedly).

  15. Both Will and his missus like a bit of nudger.alledgedly.
    She knows what tramps cocks tastes like!
    He knows what Tom Cruises arse tastes like.

  16. They are a bunch of fucking wierdo, s Will should be proud, almost as strange as Harry and Megain

  17. I don’t know why the late gen X’ers and millennials of my acquaintance rave about the Fresh Prince of Hollyweird.
    It was a load of dated tacky shite. If they wanted a half decent story about a black family from the 90s they should watch Deep Space 9.

  18. At least we had proper stars in earlier days like Clint and Sean Connery. No poofery there.

  19. I’m off to watch Zulu with Stanley Baker and Michael Caine. Ah the good old days.

  20. Probably is a cunt but he’s not really on my radar, he’s Hollyweird which is almost possible to exist in unless your a massive cunt.

    PS I hope someone’s written a savage cunting for Tom Daley?

  21. Fuck it. I’m just going to create a fake email address to get round this moderation crap. Dunno what’s causing it but WordOppress can fuck off.

  22. I saw bits of a film that had Will Smith and his son in it, where they’re in a spaceship that crash lands on a planet. Will has to stay behind because he broke his leg, whilst his son goes and does something.
    Will speaks quite oddly in it.

  23. I read an article a couple of years ago about how the Smith family could slow down and stop time. Wankers!

  24. MNC I also like the “Smiths” and Morrissey , Will however can fuck off daft deluded cunt.
    Thought all that money and he lands Jada?? Maybe he could have looked at little more??

  25. Will Smith is a absolute cunt but I like Jada tho if for no other reason then her Fish Mooney character in the wonderful Gotham series. Probably the best live action batman since the Billy west era 60-70’s classic series

    There’s no damn reason Gotham can’t get another 3 seasons pumped out at very least but the fucking cocksuckers at Fox/ WB studios ended the show because it didn’t get popular enough. I blame that fucking stupid pennyworth show with Paloma Faith and hereby boycott any future batman shit because of it and robert pattison can eat shit and die! That new batman flick looks like a pile of shit

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