Fellow Cunters.
For your Cuntsideration: British Olympic selection.
Oh dear. I think I may have actually pissed myself reading an article about young “Sky Brown”-the Marcus Rashthoughts of the skateboarding world.
Sky who? She is 12 years old and likes to play with her skateboard-she will be 13 and a few days when she represents Great Britain in the Skateboarding event in August.
Blek Father, Japananese Mother. Born in Japan. Lives in California.
Well-you could NOT be more British than that, could you?
Skateboarding. For-Fucks-Sake?
Why not just give all the medals to Dark-Keys, Trannies and Gays, be done with it and cancel the fucking event?
The Japs (public) don’t want it.
The viewing public don’t want this rainbow, virtue signalling fuck-fest.
Bring back the good old days, with super-manly role models like Bruce Jenner.
Oh, hold on……
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
I hope that they have Bob Menery commentating on the golf.
Is Pole Dancing an Olympic event yet? I heard it was being considered at one point. That would boost the viewership a bit I think. Oh wait. They’ll be ghastly body positive OTWs (Other Than Whites) I’m sure. Nevermind.
Fuck the whole goddamn thing.
Stabbing? Drug dealing?
We have to include all the little darlings…
I prefer Betjeman’s “Indoor Games near Newbury.”
Th’Limpics is fucking shit and has been since they stopped letting all the loonies in who did drugs properly like East Germany and The USSR and we could all laugh at the 25 year old women with a beard and bollocks. These days, they’re not even bothering to do drugs and just letting blokes into bird’s events cos they feel like it or something.
Anyway, I digress, the only way to make it more interesting is to let proper blokes, not used-to-be-women-blokes pick the teams. We can all pick tge nicest looking crumpet from our countries , have them dress up in bikinis and high heels, possibly French Maids outfits to keep things diverse and inclusive and then get them parading around, bending over and perhaps massaging and kissing each other. Then we can all score them out of 10 or whatever, based purely on their looks and give the top three a medal or something. The whole thing would last one evening maximum thus keeping costs down for the host city.
I’m in training for the next Olympics…I’ll be entering the Transbender Gusset Sniffing Event. I’ve been practising hard every night. We dive at five.