Now here’s a story that you don’t see very often; in fact, they’re as rare as the proverbial hen’s teeth.
Three salt-of-the-earth lads from Yorkshire have been found guilty of committing serious sexual offences against a minor and have been ‘caged’ (as the tabloids would have it) for a total of 41 years. I know, it’s unthinkable, isn’t it?
These charmers have been named as Banaras Hussain, Talish Ahmed, and Mohammed Akrem. Beautiful British names, I’m sure you’ll agree. No doubt you’ll also be delighted to learn that we’ll be paying for bed and board (halal, I’m sure) for these three skidmarks for the duration.
Personally I’d like to fit each one with a concrete welly, fly them fifty miles out over the North Sea, and drop them off from a great height. Couldn’t have that, mind; it would likely lead to accusations of showing disrespect for their ‘cultural values’, not to mention their ‘human rights’.
Couldn’t have that, could we?
Nominated by – Ron Knee
Bin please
The Huddersfield three lack the comic book glamour of the Fantastic four and the charm of the famous five.
I wont be going to see it at the cinema.
Unless it’s a musical.
“Springtime for Unkle Tel.”
“Personally I’d like to fit each one with a concrete welly, fly them fifty miles out over the North Sea, and drop them…”
Well let’s not be too hasty here and waste an opportunity…
…another 21 o’ the fuckers similarly ‘counterbalnaced’… add in a pair of bulldozers and you’ve got a cracking Subbuteo game in the making. Just think of the ratings!
It’d revive the flagging fortunes of curling too.
Death is to good for these contemptible bastards. A concrete cell just big enough for a bunk and a bucket is all they deserve, for eternity. Hosed down with icy water at frequent intervals and fed bacon and pork pies for dinner, shit pies like Pork Farms. Then hit frequently until they bleed and pass out, revived then beaten again. Forever.
Abraded and dipped in vinegar regularly. Afflicted with chronic itching compounds. Make every moment a torment.
But they are wonderful for our culture. How dare you mock these upstanding pillars of a community that shuts the fuck up when every single time these third world subhumans wants sex.
Nitrogen (very environmentally friendly, don’tcha know), then Unkle Tel’s installation. (I wonder how long before the “o” word becomes a trigger??
I already smell an appeal on the horizon.
That’s not an appeal it’s the stench of curry oozing out of these 3 goat fuckers.
Castration for these sick bastards, Fuck all medical attention either. Come to think of it any of these kiddy fiddling fucks can try it on for punishment.
Are they all Barbers or Taxi Drivers?
Chilli Sauce boss man!
Another day another mass rape of white and Sikh children by backward , inbred savages. A stabbing at speakers corner here, a mass murder by bombing there ,along with an invasion on the south coast and any normal person would think we have a problem.
If only these psychos had been sentenced to 41 years (still wouldn’t be enough, imo) but they weren’t:
Hussain got 18 years = 9 years
Akram got 13 = 6.5 years
Ahmed got 10 = 5 years.
Must have been some pretty strong mitigating circumstances. Is it cos they is followers of the paèdo Mohammed?
Prophet Mo – someone’s 9 year old niece be upon him.
RTC@ – Maybe they helped the police identify members of “white supremacist organisations” – because we all know they are the REAL problem here..
Probably the age of child they like in each case. Sick bastards.
5 chamber then oven.
That is all.
Don’t waste the gas- straight in the oven will do…..
This has been happening for decades all around the UK and the real scale is breathtaking.
Politicians (with the exception of Sarah Champion), Local Authorities, Social Services and the police have done NOTHING as our children are raped and butchered by barbaric savages – because the children of rich white apologist appeasing liberals and the rich and privileged are never the victims – if the crimes happened in Kensington instead of Bradford I can fucking well guarantee there would have been action taken.
It is high time islam and muslims were removed from the UK, and treated like the enemy they are.
I seem to remember Sarah Champion being forced to resign from her role for voicing an opinion on what is a tangible fact.
The Labour Party are a complete waste of space.
Tommy Robinson was close to assassination. That’s why he said fuck it
Wasn’t Anne Cryer (MP Labour Keighley) on the case and lost her job for exposing it it 10 years ago? See should sue for compo. Never backed down – a rare Labour hero.
It was this that made me join the BNP back in 2000
“Wasn’t Anne Cryer (MP Labour Keighley) on the case and lost her job for exposing it it 10 years ago?”
Ahh the haughty moral rectitude of Ann Cryer, shame the fucking bitch was ten years late to this particular issue, she’d spent those ten intervening years religiously slagging us off as hateful racists for being the only party with the bollocks to call these fuckers out.
BNP racist? Who would have thunk it… ?
“BNP racist? Who would have thunk it…”
Putting aside the fact that this was (and remains) a religious issue not a racially specific one… It’s a lazy, undefined and meaningless descriptor coined by Trotsky specifically designed to kill discourse, which is why Cryer and her ilk are so quick to deploy it. I don’t acknowledge even the validity of the word.
There are another 29 of the cunts charged from the Halifax area, as well as a load of shit brewing in Bradford. And that’s just the ones I know about.
Where is the anger?
Over the last few years there have been dozens of cases about gangs and they are still coming, Rotherham, Rochdale, Leeds, Bradford, Dewsbury, Oldham, Kirklees, Telford, Keighley and probably more I have missed and each case with 10, 20 or more involved. All are ‘mainly’ men of Pakistani heritage.
You wouldn’t mind if they stuck to their own. Never see Pàki girls being abducted or molested.
RK@ – They are being, it just never gets reported to avoid “angering the local community”.
Poetic justice really.
Ok thanks VF. They are just sick 3rd world scum.
Only 3, it should be 3 of 300 (at least), I saw a news item the other day about an inquiry into the complete and utter fuck up in Bradford in sorting this fucking lot (Stanley types) sooner.
Obviously fear of upsetting community relations and sensitivities.
And our leaders still don’t understand why white people are ‘racist’, when you add up all the different grooming cases against ‘mainly Pakistani men’ it’s an epidemic and publishing some report that says Speedo types are mainly white doesn’t hide the truth about these cunts!
Link attached
They have to rape, ‘cos no woman in her right mind (even a fat, ugly one) would willingly have sex with a pākī, except one of their fellow pillar boxes.
A decent percentage of white/black/yellow young people are attractive in their 20’s and 30’s, but not so for a disgusting peaceful. They’re as ugly as they are hairy all of their worthless lives.
I’d never fuck anything I had to shave beforehand.
Thomas, how come when I write pakî (with a circûmflexed î) the moderator bloke goes apoplectic but when you write pākī, there’s nothing. Are you the Administrator?
Ironically, when I write pakî, apparently it’s offensive. It’s subsequently changed to p@ki which is exactly the same word.
Slightly confusing.
It’s almost like we volunteer to do this and can’t view every single post as we have other things to do. Well that or it’s a massive conspiracy. – DA
One of them is called Bananarse. They should stuff every banana from a whole banana plantation up his banana-arse and see how he likes being raped.
It’s a pity our justice system doesn’t send these evil peacefuls off to their 72 virgins.
People of
Love underage kids.
Just because those Darth Vaders they marry have tashs and stubble and stink of shite,
They prey on white kids.
Its in that book of magic they swear by qurry’un or summat.
Their filthy god was a wrong un,
Their prophet was a fiddleabout and so are all adherents of this satanic religion.
I know promoting genocide is forbidden on ISAC,
So I wouldn’t say thats the solution,
And thats final.
Always poetic MNC.
Hehehe ??
Like Wordsworth isnt it?
I am unable to state what I would do to the perpetrators.
A Chinese burn?
A nipple cripple?
Put chewing gum in their hair?!
Or maybe……
Zyklon B with a dash of new and improved Zyklon C?!!
Gets out stubborn stains and bring things up whiter than white!!
MNC@ – Methinks I could wax lyrical for hours about what I would do – but too busy ordering “new and improved” washing powder! ??
Londonistan by Melanie Phillips is worth a read. It explains how Islam threatened the UK with killing innocent people if they didn’t get their way.
I despise appeasement and the fact that’s it’s policy for local and central government.
All based on cowardice.
I couldn’t give a fuck about our alleged justice system and it’s paper shuffling ineptitude.
Every last one of these filthy cunts should be tried then hanged at once.
Immediate family and friends oven.
Wider family deported by force to Pakistain.
A country that continues to repeatedly allow this level of depravity should hang it’s head in shame.
How about decimation of the police and local government. That should do the trick.
Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil.
Hoo-ee, what a trio of cunts.
There has been so many of these organised gangs of mole sters in the past few years. They all seem to have something in common, but for the life of me I can’t put my finger on it.
Not to worry, neither can the media, the police, or the government.
Been like that since the late 80’s GJ, police, council the fucking lot basically looked away and let hordes of the filthy stinkers play. Police turn up at a flat cos a young girls is screaming and drunk as the proverbial. Flat is full of male peacefuls, girl gets arrested for being drunk or some other bullshit offence the peacefuls are all middle aged men. Social workers offering gurjurati courses to girls of 14 who they know are being raped, trafficked, so the girls can communicate more effectively with their “boyfriend” of 29. The whole thing has been and still is a total goatfuck no pun intended. The only reason the government took so long to publish the famed report on organised molestation gangs was not because there was loads of juicy stuff concerning peacefuls and the powers were worried about reprisals, in fact the report was a load of bollocks and would have served as a script for the telly tubbies basically peacefuls have a penchant for under age white girls no way it’s not them it’s nasty white men. How many organised gangs of white British fiddlers can you think of? Also pointed out the huge amount of media cover of peaceful grooming gangs was unfair. Fuck me we only found out after the cunts had been sentenced the media was so under the thumb. Anyway one can hope they get prolapsed piles and find solace in the arms of a muscle Mohammad.
Ugly, sub-human looking cunts.
Like an ID parade of Neanderthals.
They all look so fucking psychotic. Possibly because they’re their grandfathers’ sons.
As I have said before, it shows how low we have become in this country. Even just 40 years ago, the local lads would have kicked the shit out of these cunts and the coppers would have turned a blind-eye. Once in jail, their miserable lives would have not been worth living as the screws and lags would have given them just desserts. Again, no fucker would be screaming “human rights”.
The best and most cost efficient method for dealing with these 3 pieces of shit is a few hours torture then a bullet in the head.
Back in the day white families would say they dreaded their daughters returning home with blek guys. Now they seem thankful it’s not a Stanley in tow.
East is East and West is West.
And black is black.
I want my baby back.
East is East was a half decent film though.
And black is black
Why don’t we send them back
What I would like to know is where all the #Metoo and wimmin types are that fearlessly point the finger, en masses, at rich film stars, directors, etc.
Or are poor white children who are circle dicked by servants of MoreHamHead not quite as deserving of the exposure?
It could even be a class thing in a way, I suppose. The vicims aren’t part of the ‘luvvy’ circle so they’re invisible to #MeToo types.
Some liebore wimmin said it must be Co ered up for the sake of diversity…
The problem is, they don’t actually give a fuck about going to prison. Prisons are run by carpet kissers, special treatment, special food, drugs etc. For them it’s no different from the life they lived at home, with the exception of no underage girls.
If, however, prison was having to eat pork or be a vegetarian, no prayer room, sharing a cell with Brenton Tarrant or Anders Breivik types, no books about sky fairies and having to work as book binders for Dale Wintons new biography, they wouldn’t think so little of their sentence.
Personally, I prefer MNCs solution of finality.
This lot are like shit sticking on blanket….
Fucking useless home office…..
The one in the bottom right of that group of eight looks like Gollum’s ill brother.
What the fuck is going on with the authorities in this country? Why aren’t these cunts gone yesterday?
Pritti Useless fucking strikes again!
This is the problem with our system, if they have been stripped of citizenship and have dual nationality then it’s straight on a plane and shipped out.
A home office letter to Mr Stanley saying you have to leave the country is about as much use as chocolate fireguard.
I just watched the news and a report on RNLI, videos of RNLI rescuing migrants has generated £200,000 in donations, the country is without doubt Finished and Fucked
Well the RNLI will never get a broken button from me ever again, that I can say. They, and those making the donations, are facilitating illegal immigration.
The picture at the bottom of the article looks like two very ugly Matooska dolls being unveiled one after the other.
Their religion justifies ANY mistreatment as long as it’s to a non-moozlim infidel. So they should be let go as they were merely exercising their faith.
Funny how Yorkshire folk look down on the rest of the England. Yorkshire this Yorkshire that. Gods country. More Allah’s country.
Yorkshire is a cunt with nowt taken out…
Three more enrichers three more shining examples of diversity the diversity that is our strength. Fuck me will this shit ever end. Can we not have a little bit of a revolution?drag all these cunts out of their comfortable prison rooms and hang them from a big tree, keep it green so the eco twats will be happy. When the formalities are over break out the booze and party like we did way back.
Another example of why a hemp rope in prisons is a good idea
You know, not one of us can change this shit. I understand it’s nice to rant, but nothing we say will change any single point. FUCKING idiots wearing masks in shops today has reminded me of how fucking thick English people are. Fuck it.
I’d love to give them the Gary Lineker 5 star treatment. Stay in my house, full board. Big jacuzzi bath complete with electric heater or hair dryer thown in. Your choice.