Not very Bright Selfie Idiots

Selfie takers are now becoming a regular occurrence on ISAC these days but i couldn’t resist this one, natural selection has just sent 11 muppets to the afterlife for doing brain dead things, shocking.

Darwyn award for these useless cunts and just as well to, is it me or are the general world wide population becoming stupider [is that a word] , common sense is no longer common, any people who can think logically are going to be bred out in the next couple of generations and the god help us all, a world run by total fuckwits…..

Lightening Strikes in India

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

33 thoughts on “Not very Bright Selfie Idiots

  1. The world is already run by fuckwits. Look at the leaders of the freeworld, Biden and Johnson. Times like this I wish I lived Russia…
    Fuck em, fuck em all.

    • A request to Mr Putin to do us all a favour and invade Sweden and the turnips might be a good start. Here’s hoping.

  2. Only narcissistic cunts take selfie’s, or wimminz to show how fuckable they are in the mirror, the latter of these 2 is okay!

  3. Selfie-ing in a lightning storm is definitely not recommended.Look what happened to me.

  4. Most people are stupid. You only have to walk round your local supermarket to see Sheeple still wearing their masks and cunts that live in fear their Covid app will ping them and rob them of a holiday in Benidorm.

    • I’ve been watching their behaviour around me the last few times I’ve visited the shops. They seem to have a strange scared look about them as I walk around smiling. It’s like I’m the fucking lab rat that is being tested. Hopefully they’ll all just say fuck it, I’m not taking this shit anymore. I still have a tiny bit of faith. If not I’m going on a shooting spree with my evil fish fingers.

      • No one’s bothered one way or the other in shops round our way.

        Mask wearers don’t look at me in any unusual manner, nor I them. And checkout staff appear delighted to see a face they can read.

        Majority still masked up though.

      • It’s liberating Swinton watching these cunts hiding behind there face nappy’s
        While we swan around without a care in the world. I’m just waiting for one of them to chastise me over it.

      • Me too. My mrs is a Thai national. She works for a company that investigates fake products. The boss is a manc. They have had to WFH for a while now. But the new bullshit is dead people on the soi who allegedly died from the bullshit. PEOPLE DYING IN THE STREET. Get fucked. All fucking lies.
        Is it DCI who is lead to believe this shit.

    • Give it a rest, it feels like Groundhog Day looking at threads on here lately.

  5. The cunt in the photo looks like a pikey to me. Let’s hope the lightning fried the fucker like a Mars bar in a Glasgow chippie.

  6. Some people celebrate stupidity and fuck wittedness. It’s cool to be a half wit nowadays. Gormless selfie taking morons are part of that culture. Sad times, however when one carks it it does give me a giggle. There was a dim witted woman fell off a cliff recently in Australia taking a selfie if I remember, that was quality, at least the cunt won’t breed.

  7. 20 years ago, if you got caught taking photos of yourself people would of mercilessly took the piss.
    Now these young uns are all at it.
    Love themselves.
    But its good that nature in the form of lightning, gravity, angry animals etc
    If angered by them and seeks to teach them humility by frying, splattering or biting them.
    Well done nature!?

    • Narcissus stared into a pool of water and fell in love with himself, nowadays the modern equivalent are hit by lightening and fall of bridges for the validation of people they have never met …oh well.

  8. Just as Hannibal Lecter was a keen collector of church roof collapses I am delighted by Suicide By Selfie.
    If ever I feel a bit down in the dumps about being surrounded by cunts and uninvited foreigners I look up Koreans falling to their Selfie Doom off Beachy Head.
    Works fucking wonders.

    The self absorbed empty cunts.

  9. Never stop your enemy when they are making a mistake. Natural selection is just that. Sit back and wonder at its amazing power to rid us of weak DNA.

  10. There’s a cafe near me where narcissistic cunts upload photos of the new shoes they have just purchased and some cunt that goes by the name of fragrance Jeremy on youtube telling us mere mortals what’s the best aftershave to buy this month

    • That Jeremy Fragrance has 1.5 million subscribers – just for sniffing perfume. What an arse!

      I’ve just learned to make perfume; it can be done really inexpensively and it is about as simple as making instant coffee.

      • Never mind the YouTube channel, the name Jeremy marks him out as being a total cunt.

        I’ve just seen the thumbnails of the videos on his YouTube channel. He looks like the sort of guy who appears on posters in gay night clubs.

        A proper jism drinker he is.

  11. I am surprised these cunts can even find themselves to photograph.

  12. I read the article and it had the usual climate change rejoinder:

    “The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that deaths by lightning strikes have doubled in the country since the 1960s – one of the reasons they cited was the climate crisis.”

    A quick google of India’s population in the 60s 0.543 billion and the 20s…1.4 billion, well over doubled and getting close to tripled, so the per capita rate of lightning strike deaths is lower. And how is this linked to climate, let alone a climate crisis?

    Stupid cnuts at the IMD

  13. These struck by lightning imbeciles are the sort of narcissistic bellends who would stop to take a ‘look at me’ selfie at Hiroshima, if mobiles were around then. The kind of attention craving fuck who would try and get a picture of themself right in front of a mushreom cloud and/or nuclear blast.

    No sympathy whatsoever. Fucking cunts, the lot of ’em.

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