Madhusree Mukerjee

I read the description of the book and wanted to go to war with the author.

Madhursree Mukerjee and “Churchill’s Secret War”.

Mukerjee is an American Indian historian and the author of “Churchill’s Secret War”. The concept behind this mud raking tome is that Churchill was a racist and a war criminal in his dealings with India.

Mukerjee predictability founds her assertions on the Bengal Famine in which some three million Indians died. Instead of sending wheat to allay the famine Churchill reserved it for the British war effort and he was therefore directly responsible for these deaths, asserts Mukerjee. Mukerjee also argues that Churchill despised the Indians, regarded them as sub-humans and often displayed racist attitudes to them.

However, evidence ignored by Mukerjee shows that Churchill believed, based on his information, that there was no food shortage in Bengal, but a demand problem caused by local mismanagement.

The famine was caused by wartime supply issues, with most of Bengal’s boats commandeered or disabled, and uneasy relations between the Muslim government of Bengal and Hindu grain merchants, notorious for hoarding and speculation. In other words the usual Indian chaos of greed, internecine strife and inefficiency.

This provincial autonomy was given to the Indians by the British as a step to giving them the dominion status they desired. British colonial administrators would almost certainly have done a better job than these corrupt Bengali politicians, who remind me of the SNP.

It’s true that Churchill wasn’t a friend to Indian independence or to its desire for dominion status. He lost the argument on this though, so by the 1940’s he regarded the food situation in Bengal as a matter for its Indian politicians rather than Whitehall.

The idea that he had much influence on relief aid to Bengal is nonsense. The Indians wanted to run the show themselves and Churchill had more pressing issues to deal with. He did however appoint the efficient Field Marshal Wavell as Viceroy to address the famine.

The true facts about food shipments to Bengal are that a million tons of grain were sent when the war cabinet realised the severity of the famine. This was sent despite strict food rationing in England and severe food shortages in newly-liberated Italy and Greece.

Far from seeking to starve India, Churchill sought every possible way to alleviate the suffering without undermining the war effort. Churchill insisted that “something must be done.” Though he said “that Indians are not the only people who are starving in this war”. There was also a desperate shortage of shipping as the boats were tied up in the planned D-Day invasion.

As for Churchill’s view of the Indians, listen to the man himself – “The unsurpassed bravery of Indian soldiers and officers, both Moslem and Hindu, shine for ever in the annals of war. Upwards of two and a half million Indians volunteered to serve in the forces…. The response of the Indian peoples, no less than the conduct of their soldiers, makes a glorious final page in the story of our Indian Empire”.

On another occasion, he told the Spanish ambassador to London, “Since the English occupation of India the native population has increased by 200 million,” and he contrasted this with the extinction of American Indians. These were hardly the sentiments of someone willing to commit genocide by starving the Indian people, as asserted by Ms Mukerjee.

More woke grudges against a man who did more for freedom than a hundred thousand woke academics and embittered ex-colonials. Undermine a nations heroes and you undermine the nation itself. That’s what all this about. Mukerjee’s false narrative has been seized on by BLM and no doubt it’s what lay behind the vandalising of Churchill’s statue. Cunt.

Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

81 thoughts on “Madhusree Mukerjee

  1. Never let the facts blur an ideology especially if your making a few quid out of the results of your inability to carry out accurate research (ideological driven research must be different I suppose). Still having a problem with what British Leyland Motors has to do with masses of rampaging people of a darker hue?

    • So did my parents, who met and served in India after the war.

      My missus (of Indian descent) has great respect for Churchill and also believes on balance that the Empire had a positive effect on India.

      • The glorious Raj.

        From what I know of it the white people that gave ordinary Indians a hard time in India also gave lower class people a hard time here. It’s a class structure thing it seems, which the Indians are no stranger too themselves.

        I once had a curry with a beautiful Indian woman who ate every bit of it with a lettuce leaf and a chapati instead of cutlery and had cleaner hands than I did when we had finished.

        Good madras, RTC.

      • RTC@ I like Indians, but not muslim ones.
        My ex (looks just like Shilpa Shetty, sweey) has Family in Gujjarat – I asked her about the Empire and partition, her old Man blamed musloms for hunger and bloodshed – not Churchill or the British.
        And he was there.

      • Only 14% of Indians are Muslim. Hindus hate Muslims nearly as much as some posting here. ?

    • MNC , one of my ex colleagues was a Hindu. I realised that he was not keen on moose limbs because whenever they were mentioned he would shout out (regardless of where he was), ‘Nuke the bastards!’.

  2. Outstanding and well observed cunting. To say we were a little preoccupied is a bit of an understatement, yet as soon as was practicable, aid was sent. Churchill revered the Indian army, and it was used to great effect and made great contributions to the winning of the second world war, which has always been recognised.
    Cunts like this should not be allowed to attempt to change history unchallenged by fact.

  3. Another superb cunting MMCM?

    Churchill wasn’t perfect.
    He was, however, more perfect than any other world leader during the dark days of WW2.

    This native ‘Mer-e-kin’ should concentrate on running slots, flagging moccasins to fat tourists and smoke a fucking peace pipe ?

  4. Spot on.
    Another useless lying cunt who uses half truths and waffle to distort history to please readers who should be locked up for their own safety.
    Any cunt can cherry pick information to support a false narrative.
    Also note that this clown lives in Germany,which caps it all perfectly for me.

    Churchill had more guts than the entire roster of the BBC,Border Farce and Members of Partliament could muster in a thousand years.

  5. Mukerjee is actually a physicist and a staff writer for Scientific American. She’s also a Hindu nationalist. I suggest she sticks to physics in the future.

    Great cunting btw – DA

  6. It will be a best seller with the woke left statue destroying cunts, forget the defeat of Mr H, that was a very minor achievement.


  7. This fucking cunt lives in Germany? Doesn’t she fucking realise if it wasn’t for Churchill she wouldn’t be anywhere near fucking Germany? Thick cunt. Fire up the Tandoor, Unk.

    • Mardarse Muckypants can suck my dick.
      I dont care if Churchill was or wasnt a racist.
      Makes no fuckin difference to me.
      Winnie was a great leader and should be respected as someone who gave us hope in the darkest of times.
      This little twat is a professional reputation tarnisher and woke witchfinder.
      Churchill wasnt a wife beater though was he?
      Unlike that skinny, nappy wearing cunt Gandhi?!

      • MNC@ – And not a word about that greedy gluttonous fker Gandhi getting three grains of rice a day to himself as ordinary Indians starve!
        Never believe a word fatboy Gandhi says – how can anyone with the first names “goosey goosey” be taken seriously?
        This will never do..

      • Whining about rice Foxy,
        But not willing to buy chips?!!
        Price you pay for being fussy eaters I say.

  8. I don’t care if Churchill was The Grand Wizard of the British Empire and enjoyed hitting People of Colour over the head with a flaming cross..he still did more for this Country than any wobble-headed punkah-wallah will ever manage.

    Gandhi was a nappy-wearing old Cunt…shame he didn’t starve….anyhow, so what if there was a shortage of rice?..If the local shop ran out of rice and I couldn’t make myself a curry,I’d probably just have a nice piece of belly-pork instead.

    • PS…Ambrosia tinned rice pudding is vile,sickly pap…if the poor soap-dodgers run short of rice again,send them that shite.

      • You’ve been peeping again,haven’t you ?

        Morning All.

        Pissing down here today.

      • Copying your homework ?
        Morning Dick.
        Leathering it down here too.
        Just had a scope fitted on my BSA 2.2 air rifle,
        Going ratting.
        Let genocide commence.

      • @Mr CC

        How dare you! May your balls swell to the size of watermelons and explode.

        My little one was shot with an air rifle/gun, pellet stuck in his chest, cost me £200 in vets bills, not funny!

    • DF@ – Correct Sir Fiddler!
      Churchill had quite a big job to do to prevent the UK being annihilated, and Indian corruption, theft and indolence was a significant driving factor in the food shortages.
      Had Fritz taken over the last thing Indians would have been worried about is a lack of dinner.

  9. I wonder how the 80 000 British managed to subdue 300 000 000 indians at the hight of the Raj.

    • India has superpower pretensions and can’t get over the fact that they were so easily dominated by the British for 250 years. Indian nationalists are burning with indignation, the cunts. India will never achieve superpower status. It’s dogged by corruption, inefficiency, dirt and disease. Nothing against individual Indians though. I have always liked Indians and I think British Sikhs and Hindus have made a contribution to this country and are usually loyal British citizens.

      • Corruption is what weakened the Chinese Empire in the nineteenth century resulting in foreign powers grabbing land, e.g. Hong Kong and the Shanghai concessions, and ultimately leading to the revolution in 1912.

        It’s a pity the same thing isn’t happening in China now so that we could put an end to the evil CCP.

    • Smugcunt@ – They threatened them with bars of soap and inside toilets!

  10. Lazy ideological analysis spoon fed to a lazy generation of snowflake cunts. Thank goodness colonial soldiery stood firm, together, against the Japanese. India owes its independence to them all. I wonder if any of the cunts lauding this divisive trash have even heard of Kohima.

    • Theyd all be speaking Russian and would have suffered under Stalin if we hadnt been on the North West frontier for 200 years the ungrateful cunts.

  11. I often have this nightmare, where it is 1940, we are facing a terrible and sasistic enemy, Sir Winston is in charge in Westminster, but, whatever he decides to do, he is met with the opposition of Dame Keir:

    “Incompetent, duckie, you are weak. The Prime Minister should consult the unions before deciding on air strikes, and why should Bernard Montgomery be in charge in the desert? – we have some fine wimminz who should be doing the job, but they are being discriminated against. Angie should replace Monty tomorrow”

    Dame Keir, Lord Arsebandit-Mandelson and Adonis would be the first to embrace Germany

    • WC@ – “Nancy boys? We’ll boot them in the breeches – now who brought the elephant?”..
      “It’s got a name Winston ducky! Don’t listen to the awful Man Diane”!

  12. This is an outstanding Cunting! Educational and informative. Well done Sir! We’ll done.

  13. Bengal is a den of corruption.

    This manifests itself in the UK through the Bangladeshi community. Nowhere more so than the Islamic Borough of Tower Hamlets which is full of these corrupt little peacefuls.

    The problem will get worse again next year when the former Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, will again be eligible to stand for election. In 2015, he was removed from office by the Electoral Court after it found him guilty of corrupt electoral practices. He was also struck off the roll of solicitors.

    Andrew Gilligan used to write extensively about him in the Telegraph and his links to Islamic extremist groups such as the Islamic Forum for Europe which is involved in the running of the East London Mosque in Whitechapel. Unfortunately, Gilligan stopped writing about these matters after Boris the Bozo appointed him as London’s cycling czar of all things.

  14. Descended from a country that still operates a caste system and writes about racism. No irony there then.
    I have a few Indian friends all of whom are fine. One of them was telling me of the murders of 1990 and the stranded train. Not quite the same official story but sectarianism again.
    What’s orange and black and looks good on a Stanley?
    A Bengal tiger.

  15. A fine vintage of a cunting.

    Educated me as well as made me laugh.

    Good work Sir.

  16. If you want to see pure racism, look up Asians in Uganda, no wonder David Lammy Snr wanted them gone, makes white South Africans look rather inclusive!

  17. Gandhi was a creep and a sex pest. But Mardarse Muckyjeans doesn’t mention that, does she? Someone should tell Mardarse Madras that there were three other blokes around at that time. Names of Adolf, Josef and Benito. And they got up to far worse than anything Winnie ever did. Oh, but they won’t help the BLM publicity machine, will they? Also, there are no statues of them for trust fund antifa scum to vandalise either.

    As far as I am concerned Winnie gets a free pass regarding everything. What he did against Hitler has earned him that for all time.

    Superb nom and all. One of the best.

  18. Was brought up near a Sikh family when I was a lad. Top people and we had many a party in those days, and I even went out with their daughter (a stunner and she still is). They liked Old Winnie, but they passionately hated the peacefuls and Parking Stannits, who they say caused India no end of trouble. They also warned us in the 70s and 80s that the Parkies would do the same here in Britain eventually, and how right they were.

    The head of the family (who I still see) always used to say ‘We love British. You gave us cricket’). He also loved his chips, Boddies beer and his Rod Stewart/Faces records. A top man.

    • Yet to meet a Sikh I didn’t like. Proud of their adopted country and proud to serve in the forces.

      • I find tutoring Sikhs in their homes hard work; they demand to feed and water you as If you’ve not eaten for a month.

    • I like Sikhs too Norm.
      I never realised Indians like a drink till one gave me a bottle of whisky!
      Apparently India is the biggest growing market for whisky.
      The pissheads?
      Working on Dale st yesterday in the city centre,
      Fuckin nightmare for vehicles now in Manchester,
      Not long till Herr Lip pedestrianises it.

      • MNC@ – Indians (the human, non muslim variety) are serious drinkers, and the drink of choice for Men (especially older) ones is Scottish whisky.
        Bit strong for me TBH.

      • My late father-in-law was characteristically generous with the whiskey and lager whenever I deigned to visit.

  19. Yet another leftwing revisionist historian. Fuck off a have a long painful death you cunt.

  20. When facts are distorted and changed for the authors own narrative, it is dangerous times indeed. A race that feels its voice isn’t heard anymore, are becoming second class citizens, ruled by an out of touch Government, damned for having an opinion, debate long since gone and are browbeaten on a daily basis. I never thought this country would come to this.

    • BF@ – Your post could have been lifted from a Germans diary in 1935.
      This is exactly what the nazis did, and I would go further – they are repeating history disguised as “anti racists and anti fascists”, when in reality THEY are the racists and fascists but they seem to forget that this divisive evil does not end well.
      I am so peeved I am having my 1:30 cup of tea early!

      • As you say Vernon, history is repeating itself and the fucking idiots can’t see it. Very dangerous times ahead.

  21. The Raj was the best thing to ever happen to India. They are a burgeoning economy, a nuclear power and have their own space programme. All thanks to the British. As always it was the fucking Peacefuls who caused all the problems. Any cunt who has a problem with the British can fuck off home. We won’t be offended, trust me.

    • FtF@ – And we still send them 50 million a year in “aid” – they don’t mind “racist whitey” money do they?.
      Give me fucking strength

    • Always a pleasure to read a well-written and informed nomination, and Black Biscuit is correct about those who are only too willing to re-write history, and risk make themselves look stupid at the same time, if there’s a chance of making some money out of it.

  22. Apparently, Gandhi spent most of his life lying down, mainly due to calloused feet. He also had a delicate/fragile disposition and was regarded as something of a mystic. History also marks that he suffered from really bad breath.
    He was a…


  23. What an enlightening and erudite cunting.

    At first glance, the name looks like that woman who used to cook curries on TV back in the 1970s – Madhur Jaffrey. At lest Madhur was entertaining and rustled up some tasty Indian nosh. Unlike this bellend.

    This Mukerjee bumwart is of no real use to mankind. A history revisionist – trying to change the record of history that occurred whilst she was dodging wanks.

    Fuck her and the pontoon she floated in on.

  24. Well said. Yes Churchill was thanked by Gandhi for protecting indians in south Africa. He protected them against the Japanese, protected Punjab from the Taliban, protected Sudanese from slave trades. This bitch is a typical whining Indian tart trying to blame Churchill and the British for India’s incompetence. And farm land increased 8 fold under the empire and the population 3 fold. Churchill spent most of his life fighting for equality for poc so fuck off you lying bitch.

    • Dated December 2020? I think I’ve already read the same thing…here, more or less ?

      • Indeed. I’m just relaying to you things that I have read. I read Mukerjee’s book and was incensed by it. It seemed an agenda driven polemic to me. I also read the piece by the Critic author (but not on the Critic – from some other place). But his points seem to absolutely refute Mukerjee, much to my relief. Obviously this is a reflection of my reading. I am just annoyed at the continual defamation of Churchill.

  25. Yes spot on cunting. Bravo to M.M.C.M. A cunter’s cunting. Nothing like a load of hyperbole to get in the way of historical fact. May I suggest a Kick in her cunt for starters?

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