Madhusree Mukerjee

I read the description of the book and wanted to go to war with the author.

Madhursree Mukerjee and “Churchill’s Secret War”.

Mukerjee is an American Indian historian and the author of “Churchill’s Secret War”. The concept behind this mud raking tome is that Churchill was a racist and a war criminal in his dealings with India.

Mukerjee predictability founds her assertions on the Bengal Famine in which some three million Indians died. Instead of sending wheat to allay the famine Churchill reserved it for the British war effort and he was therefore directly responsible for these deaths, asserts Mukerjee. Mukerjee also argues that Churchill despised the Indians, regarded them as sub-humans and often displayed racist attitudes to them.

However, evidence ignored by Mukerjee shows that Churchill believed, based on his information, that there was no food shortage in Bengal, but a demand problem caused by local mismanagement.

The famine was caused by wartime supply issues, with most of Bengal’s boats commandeered or disabled, and uneasy relations between the Muslim government of Bengal and Hindu grain merchants, notorious for hoarding and speculation. In other words the usual Indian chaos of greed, internecine strife and inefficiency.

This provincial autonomy was given to the Indians by the British as a step to giving them the dominion status they desired. British colonial administrators would almost certainly have done a better job than these corrupt Bengali politicians, who remind me of the SNP.

It’s true that Churchill wasn’t a friend to Indian independence or to its desire for dominion status. He lost the argument on this though, so by the 1940’s he regarded the food situation in Bengal as a matter for its Indian politicians rather than Whitehall.

The idea that he had much influence on relief aid to Bengal is nonsense. The Indians wanted to run the show themselves and Churchill had more pressing issues to deal with. He did however appoint the efficient Field Marshal Wavell as Viceroy to address the famine.

The true facts about food shipments to Bengal are that a million tons of grain were sent when the war cabinet realised the severity of the famine. This was sent despite strict food rationing in England and severe food shortages in newly-liberated Italy and Greece.

Far from seeking to starve India, Churchill sought every possible way to alleviate the suffering without undermining the war effort. Churchill insisted that “something must be done.” Though he said “that Indians are not the only people who are starving in this war”. There was also a desperate shortage of shipping as the boats were tied up in the planned D-Day invasion.

As for Churchill’s view of the Indians, listen to the man himself – “The unsurpassed bravery of Indian soldiers and officers, both Moslem and Hindu, shine for ever in the annals of war. Upwards of two and a half million Indians volunteered to serve in the forces…. The response of the Indian peoples, no less than the conduct of their soldiers, makes a glorious final page in the story of our Indian Empire”.

On another occasion, he told the Spanish ambassador to London, “Since the English occupation of India the native population has increased by 200 million,” and he contrasted this with the extinction of American Indians. These were hardly the sentiments of someone willing to commit genocide by starving the Indian people, as asserted by Ms Mukerjee.

More woke grudges against a man who did more for freedom than a hundred thousand woke academics and embittered ex-colonials. Undermine a nations heroes and you undermine the nation itself. That’s what all this about. Mukerjee’s false narrative has been seized on by BLM and no doubt it’s what lay behind the vandalising of Churchill’s statue. Cunt.

Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

81 thoughts on “Madhusree Mukerjee

  1. Who the fuck is this wobbly head?

    ‘Land of hope and glory, mother of the… Shut up!’

    Fuck off.

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