Yesterday my granddaughter said to me ‘grandad, what’s a hypocrite?’. Well, we looked up the word so that she could get a concise definition rather than a ramble from me. This is what we found;
1. a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2. a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs.
This really got me thinking about just how much I loathe hypocrites. We all know the breed. It’s politicians who harange us to behave in a certain way, then do the opposite themselves.
It’s climate change warriors who preach about the dangers of global warming to the rest of us, whilst travelling about in gas-guzzlers, or on first class flights or private jets. It’s multi-millionaire football players who take the knee to an avowed Marxist BLM.
It’s terrorists who lob hundreds of rockets into Israel then bleat about being the victims of ‘human rights violations’ and ‘war crimes’ when the Israelis have the audacity to retaliate. It’s ‘woke’ wankers who burble about ‘hope not hate’ then pile ‘cancel culture’ vitriol and abuse on anyone not slavishly adhering to their snowflake agenda.
It just goes on, and on…Fucking hell, there are lots of these cunts about. Now in keeping with the ‘let he who is without sin’ philosophy, I’ll hold my hand up and admit that I must have been guilty of hypocrisy at some point, probably we all have.
How then can I justify criticising others for the same offence?. Simple; I’ll own up to acting the cunt on occasion, and give latitude to anyone who does likewise.
No, the difference is that I’m not trying to act like one of those sanctimonious cunts who talk down to the rest of us publicly about how we should think and act, while thinking that the rules don’t apply to them, or that they’re morally superior to the rest of us.
So stand up Matt Hancock, Flabbott the Hutt, Yasmin Alibaba and the rest of the race-baiters, Capt. Beaky and the boys, Emma Thompson, the Duke and Duchess of Netflix, Owen Jones, Steve Coogcunt,Tony Blair, John Major, Bono, Gary Lineker… Bloody Nora, there’s a million of you, and you know who you are.
Bow to the applause and take your place on the IsAC wall of honour; you’ve earned it.
Hypocrites to the left of me, hypocrites to the right. Cunts
Nominated by: Ron Knee
? Nice one Ron – a veritable cunting tour de force!
Thanks RTC. Must admit, my neck was up a bit that day.
Given recent events and developments I have no comment whatsoever.
This is an open-ended cunting if there ever was one. In fact this is the foundation for most cuntings. Hypocrisy makes a person or entity a cunt and is usually what triggers a nomination on this hallowed site.
Politicians are the worst. They say what they must to get our vote, then do what they must to enrich themselves in every way they can. The lowest forms of life on Earth.
The definition of a hypocrite is politicians and 98% of the remaining population.
How true.
I’m sure we can all think of one particular hypocrite who has recently left this parish.
Do you refer to Giovanni Tegano, the Sicilian mobster who died recently, perhaps General?
[note to Admin: < a href type embedded links appear not to work for the last week or so, hence the freestanding link. This is highly unlikely to be connected with "barrings" as mentioned in Special Announcement though.]
[[Further note: Kimono's suggestion of orphaned banned IP addresses (from statically assigned domains associated with specific ISPs blacklisted manually or automatically by WordPress) is at least one cause of that. A particular issue arises with mobile data, because Voda, O², EE, etc reuse a smallish number of dynamically assigned IP addresses. Try flushing the orphaned banned IP addresses, which should restore those used by mobile ISP providers]]
Thanks CS I’ll pass it along. – DA
They work fine for me CS/Les Dawson
mutatis mutandis
Did your granddaughter understand the answer
Surely the answer should have been ‘Any one of 650 cunts in Parliament’
Yes, but she’s only six and I’d have ended up having to explain what a cunt was..
Cunt = someone who usually but not exclusively resides in Islington ?
My dad had to do that for us when we were 7-9.
Daaaad what’s a cunt?
Erm, ah, it’s a ladies front bottom
I’ve come to realise that they know they’re hypocrites but don’t care.
No names, but oppressed victim on 300k+ a week? Taken in from a land his father was shot as part of endemic gang violence? Given home, education, opportunities, fame and honoured by HM Queen?
And we oppress you? It’s not enough? I have the privilege?
Get fucked!
If he ever has to give up football he could always join Tom ducky Daley’s sport, probably teach Tom a few manoeuvres as well.
Another superb word bequeathed to us by the Greeks. And, as the ancient Greeks said – es korakas – which means fuck off.
If only politicians and leaders took some sort of Hippocratic oath when elected to the most senior positions.
It won’t stand legally of course
But enough to hold them to account by the public
if they turn out to be total Hypocrites
You swore on an oath you fucker to do what is best for the people
Maybe you just can’t embarrass this particular breed of two faced
To quote Kevin Keegan, I’d LOVE it, absolutely LOVE it, if England win tonight, simply because this would certainly oblige Wee Jimmy Krankie to appear gracious and send her ‘congratulations’ to the team. It would be delicious hypocrisy; you can bet that she’d rather shit a broken brick than do that.
One of their national newspapers even had Roberto Mancini mocked up as Braveheart, desperate stuff Ron. Wee Jimmy squirming like a fucking maggot would be hilarious, of course that fat wanker Bloater Blackford will be smug beyond belief if it goes the other way.
Mancini as Braveheart? If memory serves me correctly, old ‘Braveheart’ got his arse handed to him (literally).
Speaking from considerable experience on the matter, I can say that rationality goes out of the window for many Scots where England teams are concerned.
If England wins tonight, they’ll focus on ANYTHING negative, no matter what, as a means to decry England and take the shine off the victory. If Italy wins, it’ll be a shitstorm of gloating. Not a happy prospect either way.
My choice of viewing would be her shitting a broken brick.
To me, a hypocrite is someone whom does the exact thing they dislike.
“Ooh I can’t stand people that leave litter about the place,” said Orinoco Womble after he threw his fast food rubbish out the car window and sped off down the motorway.
I think most of us would admit to ( Do as i say not do what i do )
But the Cunt that really is the biggest Hypocrite of all at the moment has to be Dr Shillary Jones who relentlessly tells us to wear masks but is seen at Wimbledon without one and walked in a Pharmacy without a mask . This fucker also tells the peasants to wear one in the sea FFS.
Fenton, Next time Dr Hilary goes in the sea, I hope the sea devils from doctor who get him. The can of can’t.
That crank needs the fucking rope, along with that university doctor cunt Crankparnia who is being given far too much airtime on radio stations without any challenging / opposing view.
I could wipe the floor with this cunt and any of his arguments but neither LBC or Talkradio will allow him to be challenged.
Yet they claim that they don’t have ex Pfizer’s Dr Michael Yeadon on any of their slots as they need someone with opposing views to debate him.
They are all fucking running scared and none will go on air against Yeadon after he challenged the so called experts Whitty, Ferguson, Van Tam who claimed he was lying to take him to court and prove he was lying.
The media are the biggest tool in the government arsenal in orchestrating this shitshow.
Dr Shillary gets a good roasting on ‘we got a problem’.
He said mask should be worn when swimming in the sea. FFS.
Worth a watch as this cunt is a true gold plated bell end of 24 carat proportions.
I may even construct a nom for the cunt he needs to appear on the wall.
Isn’t Branson doing some polluting while jetting off to space? I’m sure he’s an eco friendly nagging cunt.The least the toothy fuck can do is keep going and don’t stop at the moon.
I’m afraid the cunt has gone and came back safely.
It’s a tragedy.
I watched the live stream in the hope of seeing small pieces scattered across the Mohave Desert.
Branson Pickle if you will.
Sadly not to be, the gods of mechanical engineering failiure were smiling on the beardy one.
In the spirit of the header pic may I quote the great John Major……..
“It is time to return to those old core values, back to basics, to self discipline and respect for the law , to accepting responsibility for yourself and your family and not shuffling off to other people or the state.”
Top class hypocrite.
Top class cunt.
Send him a ‘ I bummed Edwina Currie ‘ t shirt.
The dirty hypocrite.
Well somebody had to do it…
Show me a hypocrite and I’ll show you an MP.
We’re all hypocrites if we’re totally honest, in some way or other. I know I am. I love animals but I eat them, knowing perfectly well that many will suffer a horrendous death, especially those slaughtered in accordance to some religious bollocks. So, I have to reconcile my hypocrisy almost daily.
However, my hypocrisy affects no one but me and my conscience, so it is irrelevant, unlike the cunts who’ve been caught out breaking rules they have themselves set, or have supported and pushed on the public.
Like Hancock, I too got my knob sticky with someone who wasn’t in my ‘bubble’, but as neither of us are married, no one else needs to know, or care. Throughout the pandemic I have seen certain family and friends regardless of whatever level of threat was at the time. The dangers were negligible, and for the sake of my mental health I saw each occasion as vital.
So fuck them basically. I’ve obeyed the mask bollocks, and my hands are always clean, I’ve been sanitising them for years as I work with dirty sniffly cunts who don’t, and I have to use the same computers and equipment as them, and funnily enough it works, because I’m rarely ill, and they are regularly.
Sort it out or there will be a general strike, let’s see the fucking BBC ignore that.
The likes of Hancock and Cummings devised the rules and were part of the government that made them law instructing the population to obey, which makes them hypocrites of the highest order.
I don’t remember you ever telling anyone to stick to the Covid rules, so you cannot be accused of hypocrisy in that respect, although like you I eat meat and care about animals so do feel hypocritical regarding the way they are treated prior to and during slaughter, and not just by religious nutters.
I know what you mean, I don’t think it’s possible to have a humane slaughter house. I could probably go vegetarian, but never vegan, that’s fucking stupid and extreme.
As for Hancock and Cummings, they’ve just made it easier for us proles to say fuck the restrictions. It still amazes me how some think one side is less hypocritical, less incompetent, and less corrupt than the other. Usually labour voters…?
I think it is possible to have humane slaughter, but only if the cunts working in slaughterhouses are humane themselves. Some of the footage I’ve viewed of gratuitous cruelty that often takes place in slaughterhouses is truly sickening.
But keeping sadistic psychopaths from working in slaughterhouses is probably as difficult as keeping paèdos from working in the Catholic Church.
Good nom. Let us consider it carefully. Finished? Yes?
Then I will confine myself to observing that, while most of us are rather against Central European immigration to the UK, you (sic) will readily give a free pass to Central Europeans actively colonising and monopolising Palestine. And indeed presenting said Central Europeans (for that is what most of the colonists were) as entirely innocent of forcibly dispossessing the original inhabitants – or at least those not favouring the correct religion.
And that’s with a kill ratio of 100 to 1 until the last lot of retaliation – think that was down to 20 to 1.
I maybe have a different take on who the professional victims are here.
Who said anything about giving a ‘free pass’ K? It was an example!
Looked to me as if you uncritically accepted that the right was exclusively with the Israelis, Ron. I, and probably you, know this isn’t the case. The last conflict was kicked off by yet another Jewish incursion into Palestinian residential areas part of a continuing and well-documented programme to grab them. I agree, firing stuff at the Israelis is not the smartest possible move, as retaliation is massively destructive, and intentionally overkill, but what else have they got? Fatah merely accepts the shafting being handed out 24/7, while Hamas and the Islamics can at any rate match the viciousness of the Israeli Right.
Apologies if I misunderstood you, but as a thought experiment, let’s say the UN decides the Poles are entitled to their ancient homeland in England, based on the Poles’ version of the Bible – it’s still a thought experiment – facilitates their migration here and turns a blind eye while they help themselves to everything they need, and behave – in Moshe Dayan’s words – like mad dogs, at any sign of resistance. Then remove the rights of any citizen not a Catholic, while giving Catholics at large the right to come in and take what they want.
Hi, komodo I flagged the string “thought experiment” as an unusual usage I made very recently (I’m sad like that, but it’s easy to do…..) Moreover, and I eschewed commenting at the time, but I also observe your “bread and circuses” coincides with a highly analogous stream of comments on Craigmurray’s limping site.
What do you think about CM’s impending incarceration?
No worries. As I say, I was just looking for an illustration at the time. Looking at it again, I can see how it can look one-eyed. If I was able to re-write the nom, I’d find a different example.
Sorry to hear that Ron.
Don’t apologise Ron. It was a good example.
@Ron – very gracious of you, and sincere thanks.
@ CS, “thought experiment” is a phrase I don’t see as unusual, as it is common enough in the scientific circles i which I have moved. I certainly didn’t steal it from you.
As to Craig – he’s probably right that the Krankie faction is as corrupt and unscrupulous as they need to be to take down a critic like Craig. Or you might say that the Krankie faction are aware of the political nuances of running an independence campaign, while Craig is something of a bull in this particular china shop. You may be better placed than I to comment on the judgement, but it looks like a stitch-up to me: the penalty is surely grossly excessive?
Craig may have forgotten – again – he who sticks neck out can expect to get it chopped. Is the game worth the reputational candle?
Also @CS:
The frequency of common cliches on Craig’s site is nothing to do with me. I hardly ever read it, and almost never contribute I would use this identity if I did, as always. Unlike yourself, I imagine.
Wimbledon, Wembley, Coronation Street all hypothetical cunts. Tyrone having an affair with the little Polish girl hasn’t even kissed her on screen now she’s pregnant must be another immaculate conception. Fuck them all.
Hypocritical cunts
Piano wire and a lamp post for these twats
Kerr Starmer at Wembley Euro Cup Final
Another freebie Told everyone to social distance but it’s ok for you to go fucking hypocrite ??
Evening komodo, ta for the reply! Surprised you responded, as you seem to have taken Lee Montague’s as a criticism; it wasn’t supposed to be.
Unsurprisingly, I’ve never seen “thought experiment” used on isac before (it may have been – let’s ask RTC¹) I used it the other day when discussing jumping up and landing in a slightly different location. I didn’t expect to see the expression ever again on here, hence my comment to you yesterday. Bit of a coincidence.
I’ve not commented on CM for around 2 years now and now only occasionally check to see what’s happening with this curious contempt charge. It wasn’t you who used “bread and circuses” but someone rather implausibly called Henry Smith who made the following comment the day before yours (comment at 12:51 on Euro Bank Holiday nom). Another coincidence but a bigger one; Nero aside, Henry’s subject and its analysis are remarkably similar to yours, as you can see.
Hey ho. Reminds me of when you wrongly thought I was “channelling” Bostick (or was it Habbabkuk?) ages ago; we all make mistakes.
¹ let’s not
Your obsessive interest in the coincidental use of cliche entitles you to a tinfoil hat. But what with the price of tin these days I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with Baco.
Considering I first came across you at Craigmurray’s blog, I think you might do well to dispense with the Alcan millinery references. They’re pretty well all a bit nuts on there, some proper loons.
I certainly wouldn’t call mine an “obsessive interest” in coincidental clichés. As said, and Nero¹ aside, the subject matter in that thread on CN was pretty well identical to yours. It seemed (it still does if I’m being honest) reasonable to assume you had seen it on CM’s blog and reproduced it on here. If you didn’t, it is a bloody big coincidence – and if you did there is scarcely a reason to deny that you had!
As for the expression “thought experiment”, I wouldn’t call that a cliché. Perhaps you subconsciously read what I wrote the other day and unwittingly re-used the expression. Who knows?
I’m always taken aback how defensive and thin-skinned some on here seem to be. I wasn’t even having a dig at you, just making an observation.
¹ ie the use of the cliché “bread and circuses” isn’t why it is a coincidence, it’s merely what drew my eye to it.
1. If you insist on needling people, you can only expect to be needled in return.
2. What you condescend to call a cliche is no concern of mine.
3. “Bread and circuses” is now a cliche, and has been since Roman times. Even in Latin.
4. There are tinfoil hatters even here, and I find no incongruity in bracketing you as one.
5. I am – if only slightly – interested in your take, as a soi-disant legal practitioner, on Craig’s current predicament. As requested, I gave you mine.
Make up your mind whether you want a conversation or my contempt.
6. No, I can’t be arsed putting the e acute in cliche.