GB News

Won The Apprentice, got knocked up and left the job immediately.

A few days ago I cunted the news (and whining minorities), as sly news and the beebistan were spouting a load of woke shite….
At the end I said, and I quote; “that’s the last time I watch the fucking news”.

Well. I lied.

When I heard GB news was launching I thought “yippee” and tuned in.

For the first couple of days it was good. Didn’t watch it much as I’m a busy man, but Andrew Neil seemed good and I didn’t see any race or gender bollocks.

Just as I thought though, it was too good to be true….

Just turned on and it’s Michelle Dewbury talking to Yasmine Ali Bah Bah Brown (that Groaniad cretin) banging on about the benefits of poovery. They discussed about how much they both love the noofters and something about effnic pooves…. (I’ve zoned out by this point, fantasising about busting a cricket bat over both their skulls).

Next it’s about armed forces week. Some retired/retarded ex army bloke banging on about diversity, recruiting more wimminz and more minorities ….. blah blah fucking diversity gays wimminz blah blah blah….

…. that’s the last time I watch the fucking news.
I mean it this time.

…except Andrew Neil.

Nominated by: DeploytheSausage.

After all the nominations from yesterday, we’re adding an extra Brucie bonus post today and tomorrow. Enjoy! – DA

112 thoughts on “GB News

  1. One of those wiminz who is eminently fuckable-until she opens her gob?

    GB news is more even-handed than over UK stations, although I prefer Tucker Carlson on Fox News and Sky News Australia ?

  2. I wish the news was that the header pic bit of crumpet was nestling in my bed.
    I can but dream….

  3. I like Michelle Dewbury, and ive watched GB news.
    The sound technician must like a drink!
    Its a bit amateur hour but rather that than Sly News or beeb.

    Not far enough to the right for me, I prefer news from some compound in the woods in Idaho.

  4. Andrew Neil is spot on.
    Having watched a bit of GB News I think I prefer Channel 5 news as I know it will be total shit.

    GB News seems to have an identity crisis.
    Let us just say all TV news is contemptible simplistic garbage.
    Why not fetch out a news channel solely presented by all the Page 3 girls that were sacked as per woke drivel?

      • …funded by the (Robert)Shillman/(Robert)Mercer/(Nina)Rosenwald Alt Media group via among others the David Horowitz ‘Freedom’ Centre through their “Shillman Fellowship” and “The Rebel Media” / Infowars cabal… nuff said.

      • MNC@ – I was just trying to find out if Tommy Robinson or Katie Hopkins were trigger words for WordPress, it seems to be in a bit of a mood today!

      • Its wordpress time of month Foxy.
        For fuck sake dont ask if its put on a bit of weight…

  5. When “woke” is the new center ground, any normality is lost, only left of “woke” is allowed now, its a fucking disgrace cunters, it really is piss boiling!

  6. Andrew Neil is the best thing on it by miles.

    That and Gloria’s luscious knockers.

    Andrew Neil was the last good person to be on the BBC for years. Lunacy to let him leave. – DA

    • ‘Lunacy to let him leave ‘ no, the cunts pushed him; all part of their master plan.

  7. Hmm, Tommy Robinson/Katie Hopkins do not appear to trigger WordPress so no idea why my post disappeared.
    I will try again with a slightly abridged version – GB News is shit.
    So disappointed.

    Your post didn’t disappear, it didn’t even hit the WP filter. It wasn’t deleted either, try again to post it. – DA

    • DA@ – Thanks, will do, not a clue where it went (it did not even contain my customary vile vicious vitriol! ?)

  8. Bad news Mr Sausage. Brillo’s just gone on holiday for a month.

    Btw, can’t stand how the red white & blue background thing shifts about, extremely distracting… and the music between items and the during the weather is the same shite pumped down the phone when my GP surgery keeps me waiting for half a fucking hour to speak to one of their useless fucking receptionists, the cunts.

    • So Brillo Pad sets up a brand new TV station then promptly goes off on holiday. Who does he think he is – George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan? I always thought he was a slimy toad.

      • Brillo is James O’Shithead’s premier bête noire, Mr P, so you’re in good company.

  9. They’re all the same now, opinion-based talking heads. The BBC is the worst as evinced during the Brexit referendum and subsequent four years’ rancour and 4:1 pro-EU guests on QT. The days of balanced interviews have long gone. Follow the same, safe rules:

    ~ Don’t say anything negative about Muzlîms.
    ~ Don’t report on any child-grooming.
    ~ Get in digs at Brexit.
    ~ Positive stories about Paxtan or its people.
    ~ Nothing patriotic about Britain.
    ~ Employ people so you have a whole salad of colours unrepresentstive of Britain.

    You might as well change the language to some mónkey one like Urdu, Farsi, or Polish.

  10. “Scorching Summer Reading for Open-Minded Readers”, said the magazine’s front page. Quick riffle through it; I hadn’t seen it before, and parted with six quid, not without a tear, but with a smile already beginning to break through. It’s called “The Critic”, it appears to be written by ISAC regulars, and it’s monthly. It’s been going for 18 months and I’d never noticed it before.

    I may buy shares in it. It’s what the print sector has been waiting for, and it damns wokery on every page, with energy exceeding GBN’s.

    Try it if you can. And send copies to the Grauniad and BBC.

    • I’ve read the Critic. It’s a good magazine. Better than the dreary Prospect. Counterpoint is quite good as well.

  11. Let’s face it, they are never going to win over some people, not by being impartial anyway. They will need someone like Alex Jones doing the news and Piers Corbyn presenting the weather. Some have already said it’s just more MSM ‘shills’ because they didn’t cover the anti lockdown protest (they did, as did others) and for trying to be impartial. The tinfoil mentalist in work says RT and the Iranian news are far more reliable, totally missing the point that they are both state run propaganda mouthpieces, but because they spew anti western drivel and nothing but sweetness and light from their owners, it fits in well with his self loathing paranoia.

    • I think it’s fair to say RT and Press TV are more accurate than our media when it comes to putting an anti-US/UK slant on a story. RT is particularly fond of divisive issues, such as Scottish independence and, incidentally, Brexit, which are firmly in the ‘Don’t Approve This’ camp for UK media. But look in vain for anything rubbishing the Russian or Iranian regimes. Read both, I say.

      Nothing to do with this post, but if anyone is finding themselves auto-moderated by WordPress I think it’s in relation to your browser cookies, rest assured I’ll try to sort it out. When I have time. -DA

      • Considering you claim not to own a TV or watch, you seem to have a remarkably detailed knowledge as to content of the various channels K, even commenting on the adverts in some of your posts. Do you have someone watch it for you… CS perhaps?

      • I’m going by internet content, RC. Both PressTV and RT have web outlets. I may occasionally comment on an advert, but you can rest assured it wasn’t on TV if so. The last one was in the Times print edition, as I recall – I only buy that occasionally, at that.

        I have been to Üsküdar, whence this charming song:

        Üsküdar’a gider iken aldı da bir yağmur
        Kâtibimin setresi uzun eteği çamur
        Kâtip uykudan uyanmış gözleri mahmur
        Kâtip benim ben kâtibin el ne karışır
        Kâtibime kolalı da gömlek ne güzel yaraşır….

        When I want CS to monitor the media, I sing it and he comes immediately.

      • Distinctly remember you posting that there are no adverts on TV featuring Caucasian families anymore. Will get back to you if I can locate said comment.

      • If we are in nitpicking mode, RTC, you will recall that (as I remember) someone instantly contradicted that assertion, supplying evidence, and proving that I was uninformed on the topic. Might have been you, but I really can’t be arsed checking. M’kay?

      • Sooo, lemme see…First you call me out for not being au fait with TV advertising, then you claim I’m too familiar with the ads! I suspect there is an ulterior motive. Like to tell me what it is?

      • I see no contradiction, but please yourself. Methinks you doth quibbleth too much.

      • I might point out that I didn’t start the quibbling here.

        No pleasing some quibblers.

        Next quibble, please.

    • Agree, it’s about as good as an impartial news/current affairs TV channel is ever likely to get. And it’s very early days, hopefully they’ll get rid of some of the dead wood like Dewbury in time.

      Till then got TalkRadio, have it on in the background much of the day – Julia Hartley Brewer for breakfast, followed by Mike Graham, Ian Collins, Kevin O’Sullivan, James Whale – an oasis of common sense in an ocean of broadcast mediocrity and wokery.

      • Julia Hartley Brewer 😉 😉 now there’s a rack I’d like to examine in detail…..phwoarr !

  12. It didn’t take GB News long to turn to Garbage News. Although, we should not be surprised. How else would they get an OFCOM licence if they were to broadcast anything over than state sanctioned propaganda, wokery and the like? At this rate their ratings will crash and burn, unless Michelle gets her baps out.

    The closest any broadcaster comes to telling the truth is Talk Radio but even they don’t ask too many difficult questions or stray too far into questioning the narrative, in case, they risk their licence. Also, they got banned from Youtube in January for broadcasting the views of lockdown sceptics. For the best part of a year they have been asking the same questions about the lockdown insanity, but never seem to get closer to the answers. I’m sure the likes of Mike Graham and JHB have an inkling of the agenda driving it, but just don’t dare go there.

    • Talk Radio is great. I always listen to it whilst out and about.

    • This.

      If you don’t tow the line that OFCOM sets out then you don’t get to have a license to broadcast. There is no chance the ruling class would ever allow a station to seriously challenge the establishment’s current pet projects (covid, wokery, diversity, etc).

      The truth is if you want the news and information then you have actively participate in the search for it. If you only want to consume without thinking, then there’s plenty to choose from!

      JHB, Tom Harwood, even Andrew Neil, all shilling for the establishment like good little talking head corporate whores. I heard Neil saying there should be consequences for those who don’t take the vax.

      Fuck them all. Bunch of cunts.

      No serious questions about vax safety. Only one narrative allowed. That’s not journalism, that’s state sanctioned propaganda.

      • Bullshit.

        And Neil never said that, unless he was referring to what someone else said.


        “..but if you don’t get vaccinated and you’ve been offered, then consequences follow..”

        Seems he’s more than happy for the arbitrary condition of vaccine status or medicial history to be used as a condition for use of businesses or services.

        Fuck him. Establishment shill.

        I’d just like to remind all that we have rules, banter is fine, a replay of yesterday’s shitshow isn’t. – DA

      • I was surprised when I heard it. Not that I know much of Neil, but he’s involved with the Spectator and I presumed of conservative leaning too, which makes that statement of his dubious.

        He would know you can’t discriminate on health grounds and is smart enough to know it’s a slippery slope of big state power overreach when opening that box.. something all conservatives should naturally oppose.

        The tone of his statement betrays him, it sounded forced, and is at odds with his persona (imo). Which begs the question of why he said it – intentional shilling, old age, or duplicitous in his persona?..

      • Chunky, on the subject of the Vak-zine I had noticed that JHB generally sticks with the script. Although, this morning she was speaking with a doctor and came out against the idea of jabbing kids, as did the doctor. Mike Graham has dipped his toe in the shark infested waters regarding adverse reactions by having the odd caller on his show to talk about their experiences.

        Even if a mainstream hack wants to open up the debate, it would be career suicide to do so. Same as for members of the medical profession. When it comes to shilling for the V word, that prize without a doubt goes to the BBC , Sly, C4 and all the daily rags. That may change in the near future if enough of their colleagues/friends/family get ADE’s in the autumn/winter along the lines that professors Geert vanden Bossche, Mike Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi and nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier are predicting. Not too mention hosts of other doctors and scientists.

      • Frankly the Big Chucky Cunty, people are fed up of the bloody argument and people want to get on with there lives and start looking after the country and peoples welfare. Whilst Chinese build empires and let people die in the street we are arguing about who should have it or not. Pathetic and weak, if I die from it I don’t care it’s boiling my piss now, I’ve read every conspiracy theory and frankly half of them are based on old data. Your choice but you are going to stand out like a sore thumb soon if you don’t have it unless you live in a tent in the woods.

    • Talking of Garbage News, have just seen this as a leading item on the BBC Word “news” site written by someone called Megha Mohan who is the BBC´s “Gender and identity correspondent” whatever the fuck that is.

      “More than 200 high-profile women have signed an open letter asking for concrete action to tackle abuse on social media platforms. The letter – signed by women including former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard, ex-US tennis player Billie Jean King and British actresses Thandiwe Newton and Emma Watson – has been published at the UN Generation Equality Forum. Ms Gillard told the BBC: “As prime minister of Australia, like other women in the public domain, I regularly received highly gendered and ugly social media, including the circulation of pornographic cartoons.”

      Whatever happened to real news?

      • “More than 200 wimminz have signed an open letter demanding that anything resembling truth or fact is branded as racism or white privilege”..

  13. I expected great things of GB News. Unfortunately it’s yet more of the same bland, left leaning (less than the MSM but still there) drivel as all the rest with the added bonus of irritating brain dead gobshite Alex Phillips.
    Very disappointed – when are they interviewing Katie Hopkins or Tommy Robinson?

  14. Yasmin Alibaba…………NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The world’s most punchable face.
    How to lose a million viewers to win one Grauniad reader…

  15. GB News. Some shonky presenters. Bad picture. Bad sound. Dark sets. Looks cheap. Comical fuck ups every hour. And yet……..1000 times better than BBC and Sky.

  16. TFI Global is quite a good news site, as is Sky Australia.
    GB News sound quality is sometimes still a bit iffy, although far better than previously.
    The Woke Watch section is good for a laugh. Dewbs and Co just about to start, and the blonde bird with Simon McCoy was looking tasty today.

  17. Can’t say I’m surprised unfortunately. Never checked it out properly because I expected this.

  18. Most of the time Dewbury is ok, must have been trying to appeal for some more viewers.

    And yes I would do her every which way till Tuesday.

    • She got the gig cos she’s cheep, sadly you don’t qualify on any level

      • Imagine devoting your free time to trolling on an obscure internet forum. ?

  19. I was quite glad Yasmin Alley Cat was on. Let us see what a cunt she is. She won’t be on again but I like GB News for making the effort to get these cunts on and then allowing them to destroy themselves. A Neil and that cunt who is behind XR being a case in point.

    ‘Dewbs’ is a dirty northern whore. She gives me the ‘orn.

    • I like that they give jobs to what the more cruel amongst us would term ‘has beens’.
      Rod Hull & Emu -lighting
      Frank spencer- sound technician
      Mr Bean – technical grip
      Barry Chuckle- breaking news.
      And so forth…
      But even if they have Davros and the Daleks as hosts its still better than that twat Kay Burley.

    • If Dewbs stays in post, I’ll have to get a large idiot’s lantern for the bedroom. She really is spectacularly luscious.

  20. Michelle Dewberry has got a cracking set of pins.

    She had a very short skirt on the other day with some black tights on,- all very tasteful.

    Her presenting skills, are, however somewhat questionable.

    As soon as she opens her potty mouth, I cannot help but imagine her getting fucked in the tradesmen’s entrance down some back alley in Cleethorpes, – still munching on a kebab.

      • MNC, you’re welcome.

        It’s just another one of my many warped fantasies that is never going to happen.

    • “She had a very short skirt on the other day with some black tights on,- all very tasteful.”

      I had to Google that. Phwoooarh!! I’m off for a quick milk. And there’ll be fuck-all tasteful about that…

  21. Isn’t Dewbury shacked up with that mouthy cunt Simon Flashboy Jordan? I believe they have a brat between them. I’d like to know what journalistic qualifications she has other than media connections and a fine pair of titties.

  22. I have a real dilemma, gentlemen.

    Looking at that photo, I decided that, yes, I would almost certainly enjoy putting my penis into the vagina of the lady in the photo above.

    My dilemma is this.

    Would I still do it, if she’d only agree to do it live on air in the studio, with Andrew Neil wanking himself off as that lady above (I can’t even be arsed scrolling this page to check her name, I’ll call her ‘jugsy’) and I got down to it?

    It’s a tough one. Even a sit down and a cup of tea left me in a confused state.

    • Possibly we should refer your dilemma to Cuntstable who is always to be relied upon for an objective assessment.

    • Nowt to ponder Cuntybollocks.
      The viewers spurring you on,
      The hot lighting making the sweat drip from Michelles pert nipples,
      And as the rythm of animal lust speeds up,
      And Michelle wriths and squirms under you,
      You cant hold back any longer,
      Andrew Neil sticks his finger up your hoop!

      • FFS Admin, there are ‘contributors ‘ to this site who are frankly of dubious character; I hope that you are prepare to deal with them in an appropriate manner.

        Try not to wank too hard to the previous post. – DA

  23. If GB News doesn’t have a diverse crowd on they will be immediately accused of being far right, only this time with some substance to those claims.

    Brillo is the only chance we have some impartiality in a UK-based media outlet!

    Good evening and fuck off!

    • so?

      It was always going to disappoint its viewers by not being ‘far-right’. The whole purpose of the channel is to herd the natives into safe, centrists, civnat talking points.

      If GB News truly reflected the mood of the nation they’d be broadcasting live hangings of stanley pee-doughs

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