I bet you thought I’d post the picture of the crying German child didn’t you? I have some standards you know.
An emergency cunting please, for the latest shitty “social meeja” bollocks.
It seems the sight of 22 millionaires kicking a ball around, occasionaly falling over then putting on a hammy display of agony, as would befit an Emmerdale Farm actor, is too rich for the blood of the proletariat, and they need, – nay, DEMAND – an “emergency” bank holiday on Monday 12th July to recover and be with their fam-i-lees.
Why, for Gods sake?. Surely the past 400 plus days has been a permanent holiday for many of them, and, even now, they are refusing to return to their offices.
Production and output is down, yet they need yet another day off, because watching others do physical exercise (for which they are paid handsomely) is too much for them.
This is one of those occasions when we need another Kweer Charmer warning, backed up by his yappy little lapdog Jon Ashworth, and driven home by the Mince of Darkness, Mandy, but all is silence…….
To think, in the RN we didn’t even get Sundays off and even in civvy street we never got the never ending public holidays regarded now as a right, not a privledge.
Nominated by – W. C. Boggs
And who says we’re not topical?
We are now a nation of lazy, Covid-loving cunts. Fact.
Perhaps it’s to make the country more appealing to those from sub-saharan Africa?
Every day has been a bank holiday for the last 14 months, hasn’t it?
At least for all those cunts on furlough who want to see lockdown become permanent.
Talking of Furlough did you know that, were State Pensioners to be given £2,500/month, that would be the equivalent of a 333% increase in their pensions? All this talk in the media of “making the older generation pay” and “the State Pension triple lock” is unaffordable overlooks the fact that a “triple lock increase of 8% “ would be 8% of fuck all.
The way I see it, this bollocks will continue until furlough ends.
The odd protest one Saturday or Sunday a month isn’t enough, we need people who are able & available out on the streets of every town & every city and not just weekend days but every day Monday to Friday.
They currently bus police in from areas around UK to London for these weekend events. We need them forced to stay in their own towns dealing with local protests to put the pressure on also leaving London overwhelmed.
I’m nce the government see unrest across the UK in every town Monday to Friday, they will pull that furlough scheme and any rules keeping employees from returning to the workplace.
Only then will this nonsense end.
We should not have a bank holiday because we have won (if we win) a football match. Never heard anything more ridiculous. No thought for industry let alone small businesses that are already finding it hard to cope. There will probably be a demand for a bank holiday if we lose – a National grieving day. Johnson must be of his trolly for suggesting it.
Boris will say and do anything to get votes. Like all the other cunt party leaders.
The man is a fucking disgrace, how we have this pathetic lying wanker as a prime minister sums up the state of the country.
Where’s the Battle of Britain bank holiday?
Spitfire bank holiday?
Lord Nelson bank holiday?
A holiday because of some puffs kicking a ball about?
Perfect for modern Britain.
Also, where is the BRINO bank holiday
You mean benders (of the knee)
I favour a wanking bank holiday. 365 days a year in other words; one day off every four years.
And our bin Doris the snake day?
no chance with the company i work for, extra bank holiday the gov said for 75 years ve day, answer was fuck off, mind you when we were to get one for the 50th ve day they said fuck off then too, the fucking cunts
I’m sure all fellow Cunters will join me in wishing dear old Dickie Branson all the best, with todays launch.
Bon voyage !
Lets hope the cunt crashes into Davos.
Good call, Smug.
Good call ??
More movie bullshit for the gullible masses… https://youtu.be/4WmHrUzRnZk
What pisses me off most about this pile of shit football bollocks which seems inescapable, as it’s all over the fucking news rather than the shit part before the weather, is that I couldn’t see my father yesterday, as the stupid cunts at his care home double booked the hour a week we are allowed to see him. I was fucking furious, as this hour is now only half an hour because you have to have a fucking test and wait half an hour before they ok it, even though the results are pretty much instant. This is on top of a load of stuff the useless cunts do, like finding it difficult to tell the time, and it can take up to quarter of an hour to get their attention and finally bring my dad out. They stopped all visiting last September, as a precaution against the residents getting covid, yet he did anyway, which he survived but a couple there didn’t.
So, when I see all those football wankers crowding the streets and terraces, it pisses me off that the rest of us can’t get on with our lives.
Those that are most at risk have been offered both jabs, so it’s time to say fuck it and open up fully. If it’s ok for football, donkey racing and fucking tennis, it’s good enough for the rest of us.
I wasn’t allowed to see my late wife’s mother on Wednesday. Due to Covid restrictions haven’t seen her since December 2019.
Now 90 and on her deathbed, despite having both Covid vaccinations and happy to have a test at the care home, told politely to fuck off. Thanks for that.
At least my daughters (her grand daughters) were allowed in.
The way care homes implement their fucked up, small minded restrictions, which differ from week to week are fucking ridiculous. And, you don’t know what they are until you arrive, and they finally answer the fucking door. That the people who are unfortunate to be where they are, and seeing someone from their family is probably all they live for doesn’t seem to matter to the pen pushing shit streaks that are endemic in society today. I pick my mother up to take her to see my dad, and it’s a forty mile round trip which I made for fuck all yesterday because of their staggering incompetence, but that is nothing to the disappointment of both my mother and no doubt my father, not to mention mine at not being able to see him. His dementia is so bad these days that you need regular contact or he starts to forget who you are, and time is not on anyone’s side.
I forgave them for his catching covid from the staff, because they no doubt caught it from their brats who were all in school at the time, and all hospitality was non existent.
But now I’ve had enough. They moaned that they couldn’t get a welcome pod that was like a portakabin that provided a prison type visit experience, where after being tested you could sit one side of a screen where the resident was the other side. They’ve had one now for months and no one uses it, or is offered to use it, instead you sit outside in the staffs smoking area which fucking reeks of ashtrays and is covered in litter while my deaf and ailing father tries to work out what you are saying because your face is covered with the mandatory mask. Outside.
It’s a fucking disgrace Gutstick. Absolute cunts.
Wall to wall footie. Il laugh my bollocks off if they loose. Il be mildly pissed off if the kneeling cunts win.
I’m sort of on the fence, Smugs.
For taking the knee, England deserves to lose… on the other hand, if they win it will totally piss of the Scotch Nazis…
Then again, the Eyeties take the knee too, don’t they?
So on balance an England win would be better… except Wokegate will be an even more insufferable cunt than ever!
Fuck it, this football supporting malarkey is a more complicated business than I first imagined.
I don’t think there was any kneeling in the semifinal between Spain and Italy.
Southgate is still trying to claim the knee gesture isn’t political, so why adopt a gesture that is political, it’s like trying to reclaim the Straight arm salute from the Nazis.
Me too. I never knew how many “die hard” Engalnd fans there were until last week.
I wonder how many meaningless England friendlies these cunts have watched recently .
I always said that any major tournament win nowadays would be unbearable compared to 1966 .1. Because of social media and how it allows morons to disseminate their pathetic fucking views and 2. Because the England team is full of absolute cunts.
And what’s all this ‘Sweet Caroline’ bollocks got to do with the price of fish?
Fucking MOR shite sung by a Yank crooner.
England second top scorer isn’t even English ?
@Rtc They have robbed the song from Northern Ireland who sang it at Euro 2016. Glasgow Rangers fans from Northern Ireland started singing it at matches over last season too albeit with some altered lyrics… https://youtu.be/jPkNBo4_rpM
I’m hoping for an England defeat. I despise the knee taking, can’t stand Sterling, Kane, Rashford, Maguire or Grealish amongst other current players and that self-righteous cunt Southgate makes my skin crawl. He’s seems the kind of cunt who would play teachers pet at school and snitch his classmates in for crimes such as running in the corridor or wearing the wrong coloured socks. I hate the media wankfest, despise the way a win will be milked for all its worth by politicians hoping to manufacture their own ‘Cool Britannia’ agenda, hate the plastic fans, the celebrity hangers-on etc, etc. Fuck ’em all.
Good afternoon, chaps! Is this a private club where you have to be voted in, or can anyone rock up and comment?
We welcome all, but sometimes WordPress auto-moderates comments – DA
A warm welcome, Foghorn. 🙂
Foghorn Leghorn rocks! He don’t just talk to hear his head roar!
Pay attention to me, boy.
Thank you. I’ll try not to be too outspoken. Seems some people don’t like to hear the truth these days.
Ah say Ah say Welcome foghorn, it’s you’re round.
Alternative facts and lies are welcome too, so long as they support what some of us want to believe is the truth.
The truth is out there.
It’s not on the BBC that’s for sure.
England to win the Euros ? If they do, they do. They’ve had enough opportunities since it started back in the sixties. This isn’t the World Cup, so how the fuck are parallels being drawn with the real heroes of 1966. There are so many reasons why this England squad has reached the final, the majority of which has made it an easier path. England have played one game away from home, they have had the luxury of using up to 5 substitutes, had massive support behind them in a tournament that really shouldn’t have gone ahead. Don’t get me wrong I’m English and a football supporter, but from the start I hoped this bunch of cunts would do the usual piss poor effort. They have exceeded expectations, but for the public to give them godlike status is embarrassing. I for one cannot wait for tonight to be over and we can get on with life. Knighthoods, honours and a public holiday will probably be granted if England win. What a shitshow, it’s pathetic. I just hope the cunts get thumped and everybody gets a fucking grip. Come on the eyeties..arrivederci.
Agreed. So much of a shit show I won’t be tuning in. Same as for all other matches.
Mrs Stroker is on a win win situation, she has drawn Italy in her works sweepstake. And has been cheering England on. She watches every single match that she can when not at work, and always on her own.
Frankly couldn’t give a toss who wins today, gave up very early on when players continued taking the knee and being told I am a racist and must be educated by the jug eared shit pants Lineker.
And fed up with the woke “supporters” who feel they have to join in and scream and shout just to feel they belong to something in their otherwise shallow and meaningless pathetic fucking lives.
Fuck off.
Like most I suspect, I’ll never understand why they went with the ‘taking the knee’ bollocks; whatever Capt Beaky says, it was inevitable that it would be associated with those maniac BLM cunts and their sinister agenda. It would have so easy to come up with a simple gesture like linking arms, which everybody could get behind.
Talking of ‘win win’, the wife’s promised me a ‘celebration’ if England wins, and ‘consolation’ if they lose. And she’s a Scot! What a woman!
Bank holiday? Who gives a shit? I’m retired.
@Ron. Last night, I suggested to Ethel that we indulge in a spot of the old ‘ in out ‘.
She laughed in my face and told me to ‘ Fuck Off ‘
If this carries on, I shall have to consider an away match.
It’s very bothersome.
Good afternoon.
Commiserations Jack old son.
I’m like a caged wolf already, but she’s making me wait. I’m fucking dreading it going to extra time…
Fucking hell… I’ve seen it all now!
Lady Creampuff has stuck a photocopy of the England flag in our front window!
Oh, the shame…
An England flag in the window?
NF meetings next, slippery slope.
@ RTC;
My brother-in-law sent me a pic this morning of houses in Edinburgh with Italian flags hanging out the windows, together with an ‘everybody here hates ya!’. I’m praying for an England win for no other reason than not having this normally most amiable of blokes on braying ten seconds after the final whistle. Win and I won’t hear a peep of course.
It’ll also mean that the ScotNazis will slowly simmer in their own bile, in itself a magnificent outcome.
I predict a tense, negative, dull game, but I’ll settle for that if Capt Beaky’s boys scuffle it and get me off the hook.
I’ve switched off from football in general due to this political intervention that the governing football bodies values more than paying fan opinions.
I as a Scot was so happy to see Scotland knocked out after their political submission stunts.
If England take the knee tonight, I will be booing the cunts and any goal scored by Italy will be celebrated out in the garden with a succession of loud blasts on my Vuvuzela which I acquired free in 2010 with a copy of The Sun during South Africa world cup campaign
Is there any way you can rig up the vuvuzela to some bagpipes for maximum effect Bob?
I would like to hear the wops singing “Bella Ciao” to their defeated opponents at full-time:
Bread and circuses. Distracts the hoi polloi from matters of real concern, like immigration, how broke we are going to be in the wake of Covid, and how the required austerity will be administered by the fat greasy bankers. Like how the last thing on earth this country needs is one day more idleness. Like what a shower of incompetent and corrupt cunts we get every time we are allowed to vote, and what isn’t being done to keep them in line. Like how our armed forces will shortly consist of 1 rowing boat in Regents Park…like…like…
Emperor Nero has decreed the Games will be held. And hopes there will be no food shortages.
Spot on Komodo.
In years time they will look back about the sudden and rapid decline in this country, and why wasn’t something done about it.
The answer is it makes no ducking difference who we vote for, they are all incompetent self interested cunts who don’t give a flying fuck about the indigenous population who vote for them and pay their salaries.
Its too fucking late now, the damage that has been caused is irreparable and it is heartbreaking to see.
I like to have a day out on a bank holiday. Last bank holiday we visited a postcard museum. It was okay. Nothing to write home about….
JR, you never let us down!
My wife thinks Sheffield Wednesday is a bank holiday in Yorkshire.
It’s a bit piss poor even for Doris. Grasping at votes here aren’t we flab boy!? It’s a game ffs.
He needs decapitated and his head kicked around for 90 minutes before finally being stamped in and crushed like a ripe melon, left in the gutter as we all fuck off home for tea.
So the lazy cunts want a bank holiday because they will all be in bed with fucking hangover, how very British.
What is wrong with these cunts can’t they celebrate without necking15 pints.
If England win it will be yippee for a week or so then back to the grim reality of a country going down the pan. The next thing will be the 4 day working week, that will be a laugh when there are millions of people working 6 or even 7 days to make a living.
Spot on SOI, and none of the thick cunts can see it coming. Boris will have us all back in lockdown by the autumn, blaming large numbers mixing throughout the summer at large events that the mop-headed cunt has allowed to go ahead.
I put in a Nom about the country in chaos Rob, in the above I should have added the millions working 6 or 7 days to make a living and keep the bone idle in benefits ?
It makes me laugh when I see the media intellectuals talking about a 4 day week, they should try scratching a living on minimum wage and having to work 60 hours to make a decent wedge.
This 4 day week shit has me scratching my head.
Surely in a global economy we are competing against everyone else?
Do we think the Chinese, the Koreans and the Japanese are working 4 day weeks?
Are they fuck? They’re working minimum 60 hours a week and we’re talking about dropping a day.
Utterly stupid.fucking cunts
@COTL Just think of the extra day saved where our industries don’t pollute the environment.
It gets the UK closer to imaginary bollocks climate change / temperature decrease figures / targets that our cunt government have commited us to without consent. Meanwhile the ch*nks run amok exempt from the UN, IMF, WEF etc bullshit laughing their arses off as they expand their operations into Africa where Mtembe and famileee are being abducted into a new slavery programme.
BLM will rue the day they fucked about pulling down statues while this happened.
Watch them come begging for whitey intervention come 2048 when statues of Mandela & Co have been replaced by ones of chairman Mao. You think displacement of Africans to Europe / UK is bad now? Mao will give them to of reason to flee or should I say try to escape?
Absolutely spot on, sir.
If I hear one more wanker say “it’s coming home” i’ll fucking………
On balance I think it’s going for a cheap weekend break in Tuscany.
I’m retired so think they should ban all bank holidays. My pensions are not going to pay themselves. Lazy cunts.
The young have suffered enough ???
The young who Greta tells us we have turned to in desperation for all the answers we need in how to avoid a climate change catastrophe? The catastrophe that strangely exists in THEIR heads and not ours. Cunts.
Not interested.Bore off.Not a chance
Euro success = woke success.
It has to be a bank holiday along with immediate knighthoods for all involved.
This bollocks passes for culture.
Agreed, hope it goes to penalties and after 6 hours they are still deadlocked and collapse with exhaustion virtue signalling ass wipes.
We just added Juneteenth over here in the States. Funny my phone autocorrects it so I guess it’s not in the Google Word Bank yet.
The next day off that will be added for gubment and bank employees will celebrate something un-American and non-white. Fact!
The last 2 have.
Edward II banned football in 1349. He may have been a “gay” but he was right. The yobs were kicking a pigs bladder about instead of training for archery. Fuck all as changed. Cunts.
1349… the year of the bubonic plague pandemic…
Spare us Wokegate getting a knighthood, Liz should just kick him in the bollocks instead.
Apparently there are calls for Southgate tube to be renamed “Gareth Southgate”… I kid you not.
I have no interest in football, but if an England win causes von Der Liar’s and Campbellend’heads to implode, so be it.
As for a Bank Holiday…. pffft, after years of lockdowns??
No, he deserves a knighthood. The true mark of a CUNT is having a knighthood, with a few honourable exceptions.
I have bet 100 pounds on England to lift the trophy, odds are evens.
It is money I can afford to lose. The 100 pounds I am set to win will not act as adequate compensation for all the hysteria and madness that would follow an England win, but it will help.
I don’t begrudge the lads a win,- but I do this modern, hysterical, something-for-nothing society.
Get fucked and get back to work you lazy fuckwits, the holiday is over. Cunts.
Read it as Eubank. About to say his holiday didn’t go well he drowned…
If I was that kid I would be more worried about the x million sex offenders Merkel let in.
Did you hear about that daft bint who threw a sickie to go to Wembley last Wednesday and was seen on TV by her bosses who fired her the next day. It didn’t really help that she was right behind the goal either.
“I was honest about why I did it…” ?????
We are fucked as a country.
There’s no work ethic anymore, everybody wants something for nothing.
People have had a gap yah where they’ve been paid for doing absolutely nothing. What a surprise, none of them want to go back.
The retail, restaurant and pub trade (and others) are crying out for staff, but people don’t want to do the work.
The service industry is one of our biggest industries in this country.
It’s going down the toilet.
There are parts of country where if you do well in school and work hard, its seen as a bad thing and children are bullied for it. It’s something I encountered as a child. I thought it was bullshit then and I think it’s still bullshit now decades later.
I see it on here occasionally as well and it might be banter, but it reminds me of it.
This guy was a modern day prophet https://youtu.be/ahF8VtPx5h4?t=10
I just know I’m going be a cantankerous old fuck like this in about 30 years
Fuck it all what’s the point. Going to listen to Tom Waits.
George Carlin; good watch 🙂
You are not alone Harold.
Stop press! I don’t think it’s going to happen.
In other news , live at 23.39hrs tonight there is ,somewhere in the uk ,some pillow-biter lying face down with an angry cock thrusting in and out of his hoop.
I don’t know where , but my guess is that it’s happening in London ….or possibly Brighton.
Ping pong on grass is now over. Return to the number of cases, 4th wave and your Covid passports and never ending Covid news.