Emma Hayes

If you thought women commentating on men’s sport was annoying, just wait until you get a load of this ‘un. Her main problem is that she can’t shut up for five seconds. She’s a ‘co commentator’ for footy on ITV, and their role is to chime in (for an ‘expert opinion’) when prompted by the main commentator. Well that’s the way it’s always seemed to work. Remember Motty or Bazza saying summat like “They’ve gone to 4-2-4. Jimmy Hill.”?

Well those days are over. Now it’s ‘The Emma Hayes Show.’

Yes, this ‘un just jumps in as soon as the commentator pauses for breath. Every time. It’s incessant. And she’ll go on and on. And on.

Likes to throw obscure stats around too. “1.8 expected assists per game”. The sort of shite any cunt could write down and bring with them to the game, after a five minute Google search. This makes her ‘a knowledgeable pundit’ according to the (woke of course) media. Bollocks. Ask her about the weird stats she throws out about North Macedonia’s right back after the game. Not a fucking clue I wager.

And get this quote from her too.
I think I know why the main commentators haven’t told her to shut up for two seconds. Or her boss for that matter.

“When the football world is ready to adhere to the diversity codes, so that BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) communities, plus women, get the opportunities in football, then I’ll see that as a step forward,” she said in February, responding to a report that linked her with a job at men’s third-tier club AFC Wimbledon.”

Fucking hell. Has she seen the ‘French’ team lately? She needs to look at a photo of the France team in World Cup 86 vs World Cup 2018. Daft fucker. We’re not far behind them too. I’d say BAMEs are over represented in English football by percentage of population anyway.

And the studios are now full of clueless women causing real football fans to turn off. Box ticking shite. Commentate on your own (women’s) sports.

I was busy and recorded a Euro 2020/2021 game between Spain and Croatia. Turned out to be a classic. Alas, she made it completely unwatchable with her constant wittering. Had to skip through to the goals. Unwatchable.

I’m sure she knows more about the sport than many, but fuck me..it’s not sexist to say she needs to stop commenting on absolutely everything.

Since that game I’ve had a song that I can’t get out of my head.

Oh you won’t stop talkin’
Why doncha give it a rest
You got more rabbit than Sainsbury’s…


Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

70 thoughts on “Emma Hayes

  1. Football commentary for years has been a fucking joke. Now with no’tails thrown into the mix its fucking insufferable. I don’t care for “the footy” as its a cheats charter and “look at my hair do”.

    • So true shut the fuck up ladies you absolute cunts ruining football and cricket with your constant screeching , GO AWAY !

  2. Top of my shits list these female commentators. Just shut the fuck up and make the tea. Cloughie will be spinning. It’s the same with cricket I have to mute it when these so called 140 caps for England tarts come on. Stopped watching cricket now and on the point of doing the same with footie.

  3. Ghastly tittle tattle mouthed raddled old hag ? Sounded like she was reading from an autocue and has no natural charisma or spontaneity. Sounded like Alexa was commentating ?

    Fuck off!

    • Good Afternoon TBRILW

      She is Alexa but without the charisma. All these fucking female commentators drive me bloody mad with their inane comments, although I would happily slip Alison Mitchell (cricket) one.

      • Good afternoon Mr Sock.

        Cricket wise I only occasionally watch the 20/20 and the World Cup and have no knowledge of Alison Mitchell. I will however now be keeping my eye out for her.

      • Sorry have to disagree, she’s. Fucking hopeless, before being lassoed onto TMS to meet the BBC,s wimins quota she was a pitchside reporter at poofball matches. Suggest she fucks of back there its were she belongs withe rest of em, including that cunt Robyn what’s her name

  4. Look forward to the Olympics.

    There will be annoying women and fat tongued black people commentating on every sport, wait and see.

    White, male and superior through an in depth knowledge of the sport?

    No fucking chance.

  5. I’ve not heard this one because I don’t watch football on ITV, but I can imagine the screeching sounds. Women should not commentate on men’s football, I don’t care how politically incorrect that is. I was listening to a game on Radio 5 Live a few days ago and the obligatory female commentator annoyed me so much I switched to Talk Sport. It’s more than flesh and blood can stand.

    • Exactly. There may be a time and place where men have to listen to clueless entitled opinionated harridans but it’s fucking NOT when watching men’s sport

  6. She’s shit but the black woman on itv for the euros is MUCH worse. So much so her fellow commentators just ignore her as she points out brilliant comments like “that’s a corner” “he kicked that well” “he’s scored *checks Wikipedia* 3 this tournament”.

  7. Angered to find out when driving that the commentary on the Czech Republic vs Denmark the other night on BBC Radio 5 was by two women.

    Switched immediate over to Talk Sport, who disappointingly weren’t covering the match.

    Decided to go with nothing instead.

    It’s almost as though the BBC is going out of its way to antagonise and piss off the licence fee payers because they know the government doesn’t have the backbone to change their funding.

    Women commentators should stick to inferior women’s “sport”.

    • @WS

      Fucking hell that’s serious shit mate.
      I agree with you when you say they’re deliberately going out of their way to piss the licence fee payers off.
      The levels of piss boiling inclusivity obviously knows no bounds.

      Having said that – the biggest waste of box ticking, incoherent fucking space is Rio Ferdinand in my opinion.
      He’s a fucking cunt who can’t speak English who seems to start every sentence with “Listen!”
      Well Rio – Listen to me – Fuck off!

  8. I have absolutely no interest in footie. I hope the kneeling cunts lose 5-0 in the final. I heard on the radio some dumb fuck paid £5000 for two tickets to the next match. What a mong. Women have no place in sport unless they are holding up the round cards in boxing, which is also another ruined bunch of bollocks.

    • As the very wide Sean Lock rightly says “A woman’s work is never done……….perhaps that’s why they get paid less”.

      • The reference said “you will be very fortunate to get Ms x to work for your firm”

  9. I think I heard this wind bag the other night . Well it was some gobby tart and by fuck she would not shut up.
    As for equality the England team looks more like Nigeria as does the French team. So long whitey you ain’t needed no mo ya kno what a meeeen bro? Innit,bangin and so on…..
    The England team should be sponsored by KFC.

  10. Have to disagree with the narrative to the nom pic.

    Our national sport is cricket.

    What’s more, I don’t think cricket is infested with wimminz commentators or wimminz teams – yet.

    I bothered to look it up and you’re right. It is cricket. What the actual fuck? I updated the pic caption for you. Happy now? – NA

    • Wimminz in the commentary box have been there for quite sometime. I don’t watch it anymore on TV. I used to travel abroad and watch it but since the last fiasco with Robinson that’s in doubt.

  11. Sooner listen to her any day than that gobshite Graham Souness ??
    Footballs not coming home with that team
    Yep England they were ok ??
    Makes you want to reach into the telly and fucking punch him ??
    Scotland such a wonderful place why don’t you fuck off back??

  12. That picture… Karel Poborsky has let himself go, hasn’t he?

    If we must have wimmin pundits and commentators, they should at least look dobable. Alex Scott is useless, but at least one can watch her with the sound down.

  13. It’s wimmin pundits on men’s sport that turn my piss nuclear. Especially rugby. How the FUCK do they know what it’s like to play at that level? Your ‘opinion’ is fucking worthless, sweetheart.

    Three sugars and don’t spill any in the saucer

    • Have to say DCI, you are on top form today. Your earlier comment re CPR with a sledge-hammer was classic.!

    • Inappropriate experts indeed. It’s like the sex education class we had in year 8. Delivered by a nun!

      Sister Margaret was a dear old soul and tried her best but James put his hand up and said “sister what exactly would you know about this?”

      • Over the years on the idiot lantern I have been offered advice on how to run my marriage by a nun, Prince Charles and Andrew Neil. Andrew should stick to the job he is exceptionally good at. The other two are a waste of space. We have been married for forty-seven years.

  14. Who the fuck is this tart, never heard of her and she looks like a man.

    Go love, mine’s tea with milk, no sugar and when you’ve done that I’ll have a bacon sarnie.

  15. Go make me a cuppa love and get the fucking washing in, there’s a good girl. Fuck off talking shite ya daft cunt.

  16. I suspect this irritating harpy is a fucking rubbish cook.
    The telltale sign of being clobbered by the Ugly Stick can also be detected.
    Therefore this cunt is utterly useless to anyone.

  17. I wish Stan Collymore would discipline her, let him knock some of her teeth.
    She’d soon shut up then, the fucking ugly old trout.

  18. But, but, she is the Chelsea Manager. They won the Champion’s League. Brenda Foster is also doing well at Leicester City.

  19. Sport used to be the only thing where someone with nothing but talent could do well and get rich – and it was colour blind, “quotas” do not win games, good players do, of any colour.
    The inclusion of Marcus Rashford in the England squad shows this is not now the case.
    And, if “wimminz are as good at football as Men”, as has occasionally been asserted – when are they playing the England “Mens” team?
    Emma Hayes is clueless, does not comment from a position of skill or authority and never, ever fucking shuts up!

    • Great point Vern, sport was a meritocracy but even that I feel is under threat.

      They had a female American college football player come and kick off one of the games last season, the kick was some shitty pea roller but was lauded as “ground breaking” and she was nominated as ‘Player of the Week ‘ on some sports show.

      Its all about lowering the bar and celebrating the mediocre.

      • LL@ – Sport is where the alpha always prevails – the weak, lazy and useless don’t like this as they can never win.
        So they engage in madness.

      • The best wimminz team in the world would be laughed off the pitch at Spotland (Rochdale AFC)

        Maybe the Matildas should stick to waltzing rather than football with boys ?

  20. I couldn’t give a toss about sport but even I can see that this whole equality bollocks is ruining it for the fans. Brilliant at sport? Unless you are black, gay, or a wimmin you can fuck off.

  21. 1966 World Cup Final, 120th minute…

    Ken Wolstenholme: “Some people are on the pitch…”
    Emma Hayes: “Typical male yobbos ruining it for everyone. This reminds me of the time that…”

    The 1970 World Cup was when the “panel of pundits” was brought in for the first time by ITV to do something the BBC wasn’t doing. “Big Mal” Malcolm Allison was drunk and smoking cigars. But I think it was the 1978 World Cup when they brought in a co-commentator who would briefly chip in their view to Hugh Johns (great commentator, died in 2007) and they’d be speaking from experience and be concise, ie. Jack Charlton for ITV. But it was always best when it was just ONE commentator, there’s never a need for paying another person to hum and haw over an dodgy offside or the striker missing a sitter when they are already 2-0 up.

    But yeah, Hayes the Harridan is the Joe Biden of commentators, it’s just waffling word-salad from someone out of their depth trying to sound authoritative and failing on live TV.

    • I honestly don’t know when the co commentator became a thing.

      The earliest footage I’ve seen of one was the 1970 World Cup final. I think it was Hugh Johns on commentary, with the great Sir Bobby Moore as the co commentator. I’m sure I heard Sir Alf Ramsey co commentate on a few games during World Cup 74 (Scotland’s games, the final and opening match I’m sure he did – I collect old games/original high quality footage from an online seller). Ok think 78 was when they started using them at most (but not all) live games.

      But you’re right. I recently watched Euro 1980. Not a great tournament, but the game between West Germany and Holland was a perfect example of good commentary. It was Barry Davies with no co commentator. He only spoke when needed, didn’t just speak the bloody obvious and used received pronunciation and a wide ranging vocabulary.

      How times change. I wonder what he makes of all this bollocks nowadays?

      • You’re right, Bobby Moore briefly chips in a few times in the 1970 final. I used to have loads of old World Cup and Euro matches on DVD and they are great to watch and see how the game has changed.

        I’ve never seen that Germany v Holland Euro 80 match, but I read a few days ago that they kicked lumps out of each other. The Dutch hate the Germans a millions times more than the English. Wim van Hanegem who played in the 1974 final lost his father, sister and two brothers to the death camps and wanted to humiliate the Germans. Remember Frank Rijkaard gobbing on Rudi Voller in 1990?

      • Yes thank you. It’s good but a lot of the games are in ‘foreign’ lol and the picture quality isn’t always great.

        I buy stuff from ‘gr8footy’ (almost everything in English with some in really good picture quality for the age of the games).

        Haven’t bought for a while but I’ve got the entire 74 and 78 World cups in English (some full shows from ITV too from world cups).

        Some really good stuff on there. I dunno how he gets it, I wouldn’t like to ask (sometimes you get mic checks etc from the commentators it’s the TV station video coverage I think).

      • CG, you’re right about the Dutch and their hatred of the Germans. I assume it’s the same with the Czech’s, the Polish, the French and of course the Russian’s, too! It does make me laugh when England play Germany and some fans start acting as if the English-German ‘rivalry’ is somehow unique due to the war. Most countries in Europe hate the Germans,
        or at least used to!

  22. Now that dim, uneducated, old fashioned blokes like us have been introduced to the superior knowledge of da Wimminz and da people of colour I look forward to that ageing white privileged bigot Gary Linekunt being replaced in the near future. He is standing in the way of da progress and shit innit?

  23. That’s the cunt is it? We watched the Croatia game too, she couldn’t shut the fuck up. It was beyond annoying and spoilt the game. Fucking rattling like a bunch of keys in a Land rover door pocket. What an annoying twat.

  24. Women pannelists really piss me off. I mean they are treated as if they’ve played at the highest level. I see the ex players on the panel trying not to cringe when these splint arses start vomiting thier verbal bollocks. In wimmens football yes but that’s the equivalent of a average Sunday league man’s team. Also this fat cow who was touted as a manager for a pro men’s team (can’t remember which club it was, I think league one club) actually had the fuckin gaul to say that it would be a step down from managing Chelsea tarts team!! Well what a load of fuckin bullshit!! Reality is she’s to fucking scared to try because she knows the men players would not play for this useless twat who’s done fuck all in men’s football. She has a very high opinion of herself but not enough to venture into men’s football where he would fail miserably.

  25. Football’s coming home? How can it be coming home, when the game is already dead?

  26. Contract to terminate her taken out. Shouldn’t be long now ?

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