Diane Abbott (13)


Really she should just sponsor this site.

Hands up if you think that Flabbott the Hutt is, shall we say, a couple of aces short of a full deck. Mmm… that’s all followers of IsAC then.
Things just go from bad to worse for poor old Flabbott though. She’s starting to make ‘Sleepy Joe’ sound intelligent, and that takes serious talent.
Flabbott is a fucking idiot. Have a little listen to her latest statement on Labour policies.


(it’s a short clip)

I rest my case, ladies and gentlemen (and anything in between) of the jury.

Nominated by – Ron Knee

71 thoughts on “Diane Abbott (13)

  1. Well that made for uncomfortable listening.

    Just imagine if a career politican with the cognitive functions of a Diane Abbott was the recently elected leader of this country.
    That’s basically what millions of Americans are experiencing as we speak.

  2. She has got to be pissed up or been at the Jenkum, how can this person be in a paid job.?

  3. How she keeps getting elected is the 8th wonder of the world. Mind you I have heard the postal system in her borough is second to none, allegedly.
    Who’s more stoopid though, her ( loosely termed I might add) or her “cough” constituents ?

  4. It never ceases to amaze me that this is a woman who could have been Home Secretary.

    It used to be said that in some constituencies you could pin a red rosette on a monkey abd it would get a 10,000 majority. No racial slur intended but in Flabbott’s case the monkey would be a better choice…

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