This will mainly apply to the UK part of the equation.
Now when I was a kid, I feared the Law, not because I had done anything wrong but they were to be respected, a clip round the ear or a I will be talking to your parents was more than enough.
Then the world changed, human rights were miss interpreted and chaos took over.
I have a friend who is a police officer, I genuinely feel for him, Trust me I do.
Everyone has their rights, on the odd occasion he takes someone down they tell him all about them, no thought for what they had done or the victim but there rights are paramount.
We have lost the happy medium of the local bobby and the clip round the ear and moved into a world of special target ops to remove elements from the community when in reality, should things have been like they were “back in the day” we would not have this problem.
I write this post in regards to the Police constable who was held down by two men and had his throat cut by a third when making an arrest today.
Nominated by lord benny(not quite deceased, but close)
Link helpfully provided by RuffTuffCreampuff
A vile world we live in now. Eye for an eye in my book. Lets have 2 Police hold the throat slitter down whilst a 3rd doles out justice to avenge, and then repeat on the other two pieces of scum vermin.
We have lost the happy medium in almost everything, not just the Bobby on the beat!
Political opinions, opinions about any form of race, opinions about any form of climate change, opinions about BLM. If you dare vere even slightly from the deviously written Marxist script, you are a far Right thug, end of.
The words “happy medium”, “moderate” and “middle-of-the-road” will soon be removed from the dictionary and cease to exist!
Fuck off!
“human rights” are not human rights. They are instruments of control born in the Soviet Union. A thousand years of English common law, a free society and a police force of the people where they live is freedom. We have lost it all after 45 years in the eu and the importation of people who live in this geographical location but have no interest in where they live, together with the cunts in every institution from the judiciary down who hate the actual people of these Islands.
It was very sad when Doris Stokes passed away.
Yes, i saw the tears in young Bens eyes.
Didnt see that coming.
Not to worry, Miserable, we’ve still got Derek…
“Awww hey like,
Dis is der all knowing spirit of Dek Acourah!
Dis dat ISAC?
Buncha bleedin tories.
Youse lads should vote dat Labour.
Gizza quid like!!’
MNC@ – Console yourself Sir – Doris is being showered in Derek Acorahs ectewplasm..?
The abolishment of corporal punishment killed discipline in Britain. Now, they do what they want and they know they can do it. A couple of years ago I saw a sadistic little cunt viciously tormenting his little sister. The mother told him off, but the little twat simply responded with ‘Are you gonna hit me? I’m only a kid. I’m only 10’. He knew he could get away with it and it was a classic case of the tail wagging the dog.
But kids like that satanic feral little cunt turn into adults and they have the same attitude as life goes on. They terrorise other kids and parents. Then they move on to teachers, then it’s coppers and anyone else unfortunate enough to cross their paths. Never said no to, never had a clout (even when it’s deserved) and are entirely used to getting their own way and a punishment-free life. The entitled snowflake generation is bad enough. But the monsters and psychos that this country now produces are also a huge part of the problem.
That nobody in power can see this is beyond me. Hardly setting the world up for a new order if they are allowing kids to do what they like and expect them to listen to any fucker as an adult.
Believe me, they can see it, but choose to turn a blind eye. Bastardverminscum.
I’d have twatted the little cunt and told Social Services they could have him when they called. See how he liked foster care.
Or a kiddies’ home.
“Leave your little sis alone, or Jimmy Savile types will get you.”
Completely agree, but they pick on the wrong person at some point. I was having a chat with an old school friend that I hadn’t seen since school a few years back. We got onto the topic of the nutters at school. There was one lad who would behave like a cunt – ‘You can’t hit me I’ll call the police’ to teachers if he was being a complete cunt. Then he’d bully younger kids and girls, steal bikes the lot. Right gobby cunt and his brothers were just as bad.
He was suspended a few times, but his mother was a pain who thought the sun shone out of his arse and by all accounts, they made it difficult to expell him completely.
Anyway, it turns out he gobbed off to the wrong person one night in a pub and got beaten to death. As in actual death. He was about 28 by all accounts.
Sasha Johnson may be another case of gobbing off to the wrong person too.
I love a happy ending ?
The dearth of the local policeman and the closing of police houses to save money.
Crime trebles in the area, more money needed to fight it.
Which genius thought that one up then?
NOTHING done about the savages due to cowardice, appeasement and piss poor “leadership”.
Time to deport – permanently – any foreign or dual national who commits a crime, their assets should be seized to cover the cost of prosecution and sentencing and a whole life sentence should they dare to return.
The sooner this Country gets people in with a pair who will do the hard work necessary the better – get rid of the weak gutless traitors.
650 gone at the next GE would suit me very well.
Now I grew up in a village, the local copper lived in the Police house ( I went to school with his daughter) .
Now although long dead in my mind the man was a legend,
His hobby was rescuing Badgers, strange hobby but with Motor Transport gloves you can do it.
He also rode a non issue horse, yep he fucked the bike off and rode a horse round the village.
He was also a diplomat, he would approach the local riff raff in a kind way and say, look there have been a number of complaints about XYZ I like you and well, if I am not seen to be doing my job the townies will come up and knock seven bells out of you.
i dont want that and you dont want that, so peace reigned.
Decent bloke, mind you I also know the “Threat he used” again decent bloke, but fucking awful kids.
Naturally, the BBC will not be reporting the throat slitting atrocity. Especially if it involves our foreign friends.
Also, the high-ups like Cressida Dyke and Co will be more concerned with BLM and ‘hate crimes’ on social media. Blighty is buggered.
Great cunting and oh so very true. Sad because what it has become a real genuine shame and we are all worse off because of it.
Good cunting. Sign of the times I’m afraid. The oooman rights of the accused are more important now – another legacy of the Great Satan Bliar.
A mate of mine was nicked recently and is now in prison.
He’s got a phone with him so he managed to send me a photo himself banged up.
It’s a cellfie….
I think we are losing the happy medium full stop. Political views seem to shun the middle ground as extreme measures seem more attractive to those who consider themselves disenfranchised.
The middle ground is never going to be the best of both worlds, but it isn’t going to be the worst. Hardly rocket science but both left and right, be careful what you wish for.
There used to be 10% left wing, 10% right wing and 80% central.
Now we have 1% of fascists, racists and nazis calling 99% of the politically central fascists, racists and nazis for disagreeing with fascism, racism and nazism.
The cops should be issued with deodorant not pepper spray – that’ll terrify the smelly no good lefties!
We are all turning into woke central.Boil our dinghy rider friends in horse piss
Fuck happy mediums. The fucking birch would sort it out and no mistake. No one was ever the worse for a good thrashing in my day. Six of the best from the Headmaster. Cuffs around the ears aplenty from parents. Fucking good job too. While we are about it, bring back the rope too, for cunts like that fucker who butchered poor Sarah Everard. The only way back from the mess we are in is violence towards all perps, and plenty of it. Otherwise, vigilantes on the streets will be needed to dispense people justice. Black balaclavas and baseball bats all round. That will sort the cunts out. Of course, I am not advocating this. Just saying.
PS Some excellent cunting going on today.
“The fucking birch would sort it out and no mistake. No one was ever the worse for a good thrashing in my day.”
Quite so – and extend it to those bloody rubber boat invaders – a dozen strokes of the whip for the adults – and if a boatload of kids – to the eldest fucker, and turn them back to France.
It should also be given to all rappers and woke MPs
If this happened 50yrs ago itd be a national outrage.
Youd know all the names involved.
Theyd be infamous.
And hung.
Why dont we know their names?
We remember others,
To cut a coppers throat?!!!
They should hang alongside the people who are downplaying it.
Hemp solves all misdemeanor.
Quite right, MNC, the big drop. It’s the only way. On the other hand, hanging, drawing and quartering was popular and for a good reason. The fuckers never did it again. Brilliant, let the public enjoy the spectacle. They could sell pies too.
And Bovril 20.
I like Bovril & a pie.
Id be a fuckin season ticket holder!
Albert Pierrepoint should be on every teenagers wall instead of che Guevara.
Absolutely spot on.
I also can see the advantages of gassing all the bad eggs.
Wipe the British slate clean.
A line in the sand.
At Dover and along the south coast.
I think in times gone by law and order was very much dealt with much more appropriately than now.
Kids respected the Police as the consequences of being carted home to face Dad were not to be sniffed at.
Plus of course if you did turn to a life of crime then you might end up getting a good hiding in the back of the police van and if a right bad egg then a head first trip down the back stairs at the station might have been in order.
Now it’s all a shitfest of appeasement and political bias.
No going back,which means this country is finished.
Yep that went on when I was a young
Used to quiet the out of control cunts for months
They had to rinse and repeat of course
“Carted home to face Dad”, yes indeed. A retired police officer of my acquaintance told me of an occasion where he arrested a young man for D&D after he had told him repeatedly to shut up and leave the scene and the man just carried on gobbing off. At the station he was asked who he wanted informed of his situaution. He responded with a smirk and the name and rank of his father, a senior army officer. My acquaintance phoned the army officer, conversation briefly as follows;
“Mr****, this is police officer****, sorry to tell you sir, we have your son in custody.”
“On what charge please?”
“Drunk and disorderly sir.”
Brief silence.
“Well you had better keep the little bastard in overnight officer. Thanks for calling. I hope he hasn’t spoiled your evening.”
When my acquaintance repeated this conversation to the man in the cell he visibly turned white with the realisation that a night in the cells was nothing compared to the roasting he was going to get in the morning.
That’s because some Fathers of fucking apes know it’s the right thing to do
There was no golden age, no happy medium. All that’s happened is the fantasy world has begun to rapidly disintegrate as several systemic issues converge.
The police were always full of shit and crooked. Just like our political class, our top ranking military and intel, academics, and so on.
The morality, the ‘upstanding niceness’ that defined early 20th century Britain was a facade built on top of bullshit. Just like our yank cousins and their conquest across the plains to establish America, wiping out the indigenous population to establish a more civilized way.
Fuck it all. Lies can never be permanent.
Afternoon Chunky,
I disagree.
As a kid in the 80s we had a local bobby we all knew him,
He was a right cunt but we respected him.
If we didn’t respect him we got rabbit punched in the guts,
That will adjust your view at 14yrs.
I was told ‘all coppers are bastards’ by my peers,
They were full of shite,
Why mostly dead or on extended holiday at Strangeways.
A society without law and order is doomed from the off.
MNC@ – Our kid used to have a RD250 with race pipes – the local copper called round and told him if he rode with that speed and noise through the local villages again the copper would have his bike scrapped.
The copper knew everything and everyone – be right with him and he’d be right with you.
Our kid then got a 350 race bike ?
I remember getting taken home by our local copper, and as sacred and humiliated I felt in the police car, I was far more scared of being presented to my dad, and the copper knew it too. He practically told my dad to go easy on me and my brother, because he knew my dad wouldn’t take any shit from us. Now, many parents would tell the copper to fuck off, then wonder why they can’t get their kids to listen to them.
Our local copper, who ‘nicked’ me, was firm but fair, and lived in the community, and had the support of the community. He had a couple of adults going up to him in later life thanking him for keeping them on the straight and narrow. That’s unthinkable now.
Sorry to contradict the Matrix type hypothesis above, but as someone who grew up before the internet I would say hand on heart that our society was far superior to what passes for it now. My generation fucked it up by mollycoddling their offspring, giving them ‘everything I didn’t have growing up’ except discipline. Subsequent generation hasn’t seen the error of our ways and have gone even softer on their brats, to the point where they can do absolutely no wrong.
Adults I knew growing up were far far more content with less, happier, and nowhere near the neurotic pill popping cretins that bleat and moan about fuck all, because they knew what a hard life could be, either by living it, or seeing it for themselves.
In my view the police started to go off when they got rid of smart uniforms, white (or blue) shirts and ties. No visible tattoos allowed either. These days they turn out in black shirts, short sleeved to reveal their revolting inkings and body vests. They look like a musclebound bouncer in a shop premises “night club” (the sort drunken whores go to on hen nights), and so all respect for them has disappeared – that and taking the knee and joining in on Homosexual “Pride” days.
When they changed from a Police Force into a Police Service, they were fucked, WC.
Honest law abiding citizens should not have to fear the police. Only criminals should. Instead, we had heavy handed policing against peaceful people protesting for their freedoms during lockdown, being cuffed and beaten. Old grannies harrassed in their gardens for having tea with a neighbour. This shit has been repeated across other cuntries such as Australia, Canada, Germany and Netherlands…and India too.
In the UK if you get burglared or your car stolen, the Old Bill may, if you’re lucky, give you a Crime Report so you can claim on your insurance. That is it. Get mugged or beaten and maybe they show up after the perpetrator has fled the scene.
The police are becoming State thugs, militarised and there to police your thoughts and words. Not to stop what 99 percent of us call real crime.
Well, get used to it, it is not going to get better. As for sympathy for rank and file officers….they have a powerful union, the Police Federation. They could collectively put a stop to this. Unfortunately, some of them like the power and abusing it against us. Much easier than doing real police work.
Days of the Happy Medium went out with Dixon of Dock Green. Catching villains went out with The Sweeney.
I was brutally raped after being sent to jail. I’m not playing Monopoly again
Was it Miss Scarlett from Cluedo, with a strap-on?
From Dixon of Dock Green to doxxing by dick greens.
The way we were…
A young CS there!
Chubby brown joke springs to mind, a Vicar was being questioned by the police about his conduct with a kids choir,
Police: “Did you fuck those kids?”
Vicar: “You didn’t hear them sing, they needed fucking!”
Half the latest coppers are either bad bastards, slips of girls and fat peacefuls to meet the agenda, the good but fair coppers are a dying breed, or need to be marine trained in a increasingly sick and violent society, with mentally derranged civilians of all ages, something in the water me thinks!