Bruce Springsteen – Vaccine Bigot (2)

Bruce Springsteen is a cunt, isn’t he.

Have you had the Oxford vaccine? What, both of them? It doesn’t matter, you are barred from watching this multi-millionaire socialist still singing about the “working man.”

The NHS has stated the AstraZeneca vaccine is ‘safe and tested and will protect you against serious illness from Covid-19’. Not for this sweating rocker with bleached teeth. The AstraZeneca vaccine isn’t decent enough for his concerts.

Perhaps this old hypocrite should concentrate on hobnobbing with Barack O’bomber or making shiploads of dosh from appearing in Wrangler Jeep adverts. I’m sure he’ll keep singing about capitalism and Reagan’s trickledown economics though like he’s gargling barbed wire.

? Cunts like us, baby we were born to run.

Vaccine Discrimination

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

Seconded by: Miserable Northern cunt

Capt Maggie permitting,

Id like to second this nom.
Ive always hated Bryce Springsteen.
His music alone is enough to trigger my inner and outer nazi.
Just weary meandering shite.
But his faux Woody Guthrie,
Blue collar working man bullshit sends me full Pol Pot.
Hes a fake cunt!
Never grafted in his life!
Whats in your lunch pail Bruce?
Fuckin Caviar?!
You poseur cunt.
Only song he ever wrote was any good was ‘Because the night’
And that was only good because Patti Smith did it.
Bruce had done it, itd be unlistenable.
Take the bandana from your back pocket and garrot yourself you champagne socialist twat.

Thirded by: Cunty Gordon

Used to love him, but he has became a colossal bellend in recent years. He was recently nabbed for drunk driving his motorbike but he basically got let off being New Jersey/New York/USA Royalty. Any other peasant would have been in the dungeon.

Americans on the left and right love The Boss despite him being as far left as you can get so why the Republicans and moderates listen to his empty rhetoric is beyond me. Aren’t rebels, ie. rock stars supposed to hate politics and politicians? In the 70s, 80s they did. They never even cosied up to Bill “Suck my dick” Clinton the sax player in the 90s. But when Obama came along the dick sucking was unreal. I’m a Dylan fan and seeing Bath House Barry give the Weirdest Guy in Showbiz the Medal of Freedom, I was like… huh? Bob looked like he usually looked, of course, his “this means nothing” face! The original troll. Obama gave other sycophantic bellends medals but I must have erased them from my memory. Gloria Estefan? James Taylor? Stevie Wonder? Robert De Niro got one, he’s a sexual degenerate.

I’m starting a nom for “Heads of State are Cunts”. At this point it’s obvious that all of them are in the “big” countries, not just some or half of them, it’s 100%.

65 thoughts on “Bruce Springsteen – Vaccine Bigot (2)

  1. Blue collar, Bud drinking, bland bar room bore.

    Rubbish singer and guitarist who always seems to be sweating bucket loads. He’s popular because of his good old all-American image but his songs are crap and he’s nowhere near as popular out of the US as he is in it. His guitar sounds like a bin full of rusty screws and his voice is like a distressed hippo taking a shit.

  2. Hypocritical cunt. Just like our very own Billy Bragg who goes on about the working class, and occassionally graces us with his presence in Essex, telling us plebs how we should love all immigrants. But he lives in a big house in white Dorset. Perhaps Springsteen and Bragg could actually shut the fuck up and practise what they preach?

    • Our Billy ‘ the voice of the working man’ Bragg who’s career I follow with a deathly passion was apparently trying to sell it in 2019 for 2.4million. I’d post a link but I’m a techno Luddite.

      The locals said he was spending more time in Australia. I don’t know if that is true but I ask all snakes, saltwater crocs and huntsman Spiders to target the Champaign socialist wankstain with immediate effect.

      • Lock the cunt in a packing crate with a Sydney funnel-web spider. Record the thumps bangs and crashes as he tries to escape and use them to remix one of his shit songs.

        Then set fire to his guitar.


      • Fiddler@
        I tickied that comment even though you have seriously bad taste.
        You should be ashamed of yourself.,?

      • Don’t care….I’m going to uptick it myself 57 times…not that I’m bothered about “tickies”,of course..


      • ….and later I’m off to an imaginary drink imaginary whiskey with my imaginary landlord friend.

  3. Years ago, where I worked the bosses son was always trying to get me into Bruce Springsteen.
    He knew I liked music and went to gigs and wanted a fellow appreciator of insipid, boring yank shite, -heavy on the sax.
    He offered me a ticket to see the cunt in London☹️
    Id rather nail my cock to my leg.
    Only bloke id go to see Springsteen with is Mark Chapman.

  4. Some Republicans and Tories like Springsteen because of ‘Born in the USA’. Thet think it’s a patriotic song.

    It’s anything but, of course, the thick cunts.

    Never liked the cunt. Insufferable dickhead champagne socialist, and all of his songs are fucking shite.

    Yes, he is being fucking ridiculous with the vaccine shite. I hope he gets ebola instead, the massive cunt.

  5. I would always vote for rounding up these hypocritical elderly pop songsters like Springsteen, Dylan (especially), Geldoff, Rod Stewart, putting them in an underground cell with no windows and let them all suffocate each other with the smell of their perspiration, shit and piss. Geldoff’s filthy old keks would probably do for all of them within a few hours.

    If there is any room left, put Branson, Philip Schofield, Grieve, Bercow and Cliff Richard in with them. Slower than Unkle Terry’s oven, but the screams and foul oaths and curses would be entertaining to listen to.

    They all “sing” as if they had just been hit in the bollocks.

    • I like Dylan’s music. But he is and always has been an insufferable cunt.

    • Add Hancock to the list and Clegg and Starmer and corbyn……oh ffs. It’s never ending. Going to need a bigger cell

  6. Champagne Socialist
    Boring fucking shite music
    Con-a-virus bigot

    Shove your certificate of vaccination up your arse while you’re at it hypocrisy ridden you yank cunt.

  7. Boring as fuck, saw him in 1985 live at Wembley, left after 20 minutes, rather spend 20 watching Dianne Abbott fingering herself,

    • ‘ rather spend 20 watching Dianne Abbott fingering herself,’

      Do you have pictures? Asking for a friend.

    • I wouldn’t need 20 mins watching Dianne Abbot.

      I would blow my load in seconds as soon as she parted her big bleck sweaty lips.

      Would be like peeling a dropped slice of warm pizza off the carpet. Complete with sweetcorn and meaty bits. Yum!

  8. Doesn’t he call the Vietnamese ‘the yellow man’ in one of his songs?

    It would be a real shame if he got cancelled by his own mob for such disgusting racism, wouldn’t it?

    • Theres no ‘rock anecdotes’ about him either?
      A sure sign of a wanker!
      No debauchery, cars in swimming pools, drugs, dangerous practical jobs,
      Hes as boring as his music.
      Utter twat with big white choppers.
      Oi Springsteen!
      Red Rum wants his teeth back.

  9. Streets of Philadelphia sound like it’s sung by homeless man under a flyover after a couple bottles of Bell’s, never got the hype around this vakzine názi cunt!!!!

  10. Never rated him. Hyped as “the new Bob Dylan” in 1973, utter bullshit.

    Not surprised at this latest cuntishness. Why anyone would want to attend his concerts anyway is beyond me.

    Born to be a cunt.

  11. Isn’t there a certain type of chap who carries around a handkerchief hanging out of his back pocket?
    One can only imagine the sort of disgraceful sexual peccadiloes in which he indulges.

    • Elton John undoubtedly has brown and yellow flags sewn to the back pockets of his strides.

    • Definitely a wrong un.

      Probably like to lie under a glass coffee table, cock in hand, while male midgets squat and poop on the glass.

      I know I just made that up, but what a fucking degenerate he must be to make me even think that he probably enjoys that, the dirty bastard.

      Fuck him!

      • Indeed, CB.
        You’d not be in the least bit surprised if an underage rent boy was “accidentally” Barrymored at one of he and David Furnishes degenerate soirées.
        Wasn’t there some sort of super injuction about that a few years back concerning these two dirty buggers?
        Something about olive oil and a paddling pool?

      • Olive Oyl? What the fuck did Popeye have to say about it?

        “Ugh-ugh-ugh-Oil’s felch ya, Olive”

      • I was on about Springsteen.

        Dame Elton? One’s mind cannot even begin to imagine such depravity.

  12. He as always been a cunt. Sent money to the miners during the strike. Never liked him never will.

  13. Old Brucie is a fully paid up member of the ‘working mans club’, so he says. Although, working people pay taxes, which he didn’t until he was already famous and the IRS (US taxman) came after him. Yet, he’s always harping on about higher taxes being good…yeh, only if he doesn’t have to pay them.

    Also, all his laments about the plight of the working classes and their prospects. Then, he buddies up with arch-globalists, Killary and Barry O’Bummer who were happy seeing American jobs offshored even faster than before to China.

    A has been well past his sell by date, squeezing the last dollar out of his dumb as bricks fans, drinking their pisswater Coors Light.

  14. Posing fucking cunt, the male equivalent of Hanoi Jane. I watched a couple of minutes of his interview with “old friend” Barry O’Bummer. Well, not so much an interview more a cocksucking and arserimming session. A bigger pair of lying, posing, fake multi millionaire socialists you won’t find anywhere in a hurry.
    Burn the cunts!

  15. A fully baked shithouse if ever there was one.
    How anyone could take these cosseted lying cunts seriously is a total mystery to me.
    Fuck off and have your teeth done again.

  16. I’ve always hated ths tedious cunt.
    Fuck off you lefty draft dodging piss stain.
    Another nappy wearing lefty shiting himself about covid.

  17. apeared on stage with hilary killton to endorse her, says it all a monumental hypocrite cunt. always thought his music was shyte too

  18. Talentless pretend commie.
    With a mansion.
    And a fortune.
    Coldplay Mao.
    Fuck offf Bruce

  19. I don’t like the cunt for the reasons MNC gave, his fake blue collar, working down the docks, Union man tripe. Like the majority of labour politicians, trying to appeal to the working man by pretending to know what it’s like. Saying that, the only die hard labour voters are just like them, freeloading cunts who’ve never done a days work ever.
    Fuck off Springsteen, you silly cunt.

  20. Bruce Springbean? He slipped off my radar years ago when last seen joining in a steelworkers strike frontline picket! Fucking idiot, best he slips off my radar again!

  21. I remember when he refused to play at Sun City in South Africa, Sun City were glad of that, thankfully it was mostly shit acts like him that wouldn’t play there!

    • CQ@ – Was “working class hero” Bruce too busy avoiding the draft and his tax liabilities to play Sun City?
      Or did he just not fancy the idea of being mugged at gunpoint and having all his stage equipment stolen?

      • Apartheid apparently VF, at least he would of been safe from being murdered by gangs of Bantu cunts in the 80s!!!

  22. I like his early stuff and his Live At Hammersmith 75 CD and DVD are really good to be fair. The problem with money and fame. Most actors musicians polititians etc probably start out with the best of intentions. They don’t have a pot to piss in and write/talk about their own surroundings and struggles to which folk can relate. All of sudden they find fame and fortune start mixing with the great and good, buy a big house in the country away from their beloved town/city and leave their “roots: behind. After that everything they say and do bears no relation to real life, they start to believe their own hype and spout a load of crap. The love of money is the root of all evil.

  23. Cunts like Springsteen, Bragg and Geldof really bring out the Adolf in me. Born to run, or in his case, Run off from the Draft. A champagne socialist preaching to the great unwashed. Fuck off you fucking prat.

  24. Is Bruce donating all his money and his homes to the communist party then?
    Going to live in a communist Country?
    Didn’t think so.

    • One covid expert was asked on the radio which was the best vaccine. He replied “the one they offer you”.
      Nothing wrong with AZ, I’ve had two, and if they’re giving booster shots after september I’ll be right there with my sleeve rolled up.

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