Brandeis University Trigger Warning

Brandeis university in America has banned the phrase “trigger warning” as it’s a… trigger warning that re-establishes gun violence . I swear I’m not making this up.

Also banned are the hateful words “picnic” which apparently is black lynching. “Rule of thumb” for wife beating and “take a shot at it” gun violence again.

2021 everyone! It’s great!
University Triggers Backlash

Nominated by: LazyBiscuits 

Supported by Komodo

Supplementary to the above- senior Brandeis academic reveals her insanity:

University White Hatred

51 thoughts on “Brandeis University Trigger Warning

    • The poor loves are having heart palpitations about Niger, pronounced froggy Neejair at the moment. Its Niger wether they like it or not.

  1. Talking of triggered…..which one of you meanies sprayed “Jesus loves sinners” graffiti on the new Rainbow crossing in Bristol and made all the fairies cry?

    As for these Snowflake yanks, fuck off!

    • B&WC has a second home in Bristol …who does he think he is, an MP?

    • I googled that rainbow crossing and graffiti. Haha fucking brilliant.
      Now been cleaned off. Maybe change the Look both ways sign to Goes both ways.

  2. Cunts who agree with this shite should be dropped in a fucking warzone. Too fucking soft.

    Or maybe sent to tag along with an ambulance crew or murder detective for a year?

    Let them see some real fucking stressful and distressing stuff and they’ll drop this woke shite in an instant.

    • Yogi bear used to steal picnic baskets, the ursine racist.
      Do picaninnies picnic?
      Rule of thumb is not unless theres banana butties.

      Thinking of you George?

      • Don’t mention the banana butties. That ‘no tears but dab eyes with hanky’ little speech his (now) multi millionaire bother gave, is still one of the most moving things I’ve ever seen.

        And anyone who says it was the worst acting in history is a ghastly racist, of course.

      • Talking of bananas, did you know that bananas are closely related to humans? They have 60% of the same DNA as humans. Banana butties are tantamount to cannibalism.

    • That’s the problem. We’ve had no war for 76 years so people are looking for their own little wars to validate their bland lives.
      Now if we had a real war and drafted these cunts they would soon get things in perspective. That being the case I vote we invade Ireland or Russia or north Korea.
      Why not? It was sharpen attention and we would all appreciate the basics on life again after we had won- cause we always win in the end.
      Open fire.

    • ‘Or maybe sent to tag along with an ambulance crew’.

      These wet cunts would never ‘work’ again if they witnessed some of the shit we see. Cracking leg compound fracture – lower leg at a right angle to the top and a not-breathing baby, the other day, anyone? Yes, you at the back with your BLM t-shirt drinking your soya latte. No? Thought not.

  3. They’ll learn nowt if they keep fainting after being assaulted by words.
    Shitty pigs.

  4. Don’t think I’ll take a shot at going to Brandeis University. Sounds as if it’s no picnic. My rule of thumb for a University is that it mustn’t be woke. The banning of words is always a trigger warning for me.

    Students at Brandeis are being sold down the river. Brandeis University certainly sounds like a ni###r in the woodpile.

  5. These students should play the white Man..
    I fucking doubt they would beat him though!

  6. As Adam Faith said in his dying words (about Channel 5), “Is all shit isn’t it”.

    Some people have more time on their hands to waste with this sort of drivel.

    America gun violence is out of control in the USA, but those in power don’t really give a fuck. After all, its part of their constitution.

    The NRA are despicable cunts.

  7. Sounds like the cunts are devouring each other.
    As always.
    Bring it on…

  8. Picnics equate to lynchings?
    Never really had that?!
    Worse ive had is a wasp mithering.
    And that was at the Aryan Brothers of Missouri annual picnic.

    • Had picnics as a child, down the beach
      Remember one particularly well
      My mother scalded the bollocks of a neighbors child with a flask of-hot soup
      They ran him down to the waves to cool his screaming
      It was about 1972
      So know solicitors to worry about
      It was an accident my good mother plead

    • It’s like a party, hang a N, have a picnic, sing some songs, a nice day out for the Klan.

  9. Well in that case knitting should be banned. It is intimately linked with the French Revolution and the women of Paris knitting between executions.

    Executions of the past were always very public affairs. Loads of spectators. Often I would have thought picnicking.

    • They haven’t gone that far back yet Miles
      Only a matter of time though
      We will witness shit the like that has never been conceived
      In fact “ they” will get such a grip our reality is endangered
      I love to say something profound
      But I’m sick to the stomach
      I tend to be more alone
      I don’t mind
      It’s just easier

    • A family of oysters picnicking on the beach when baby oyster goes for a dip. On his return he asks mum for lemonade. Your father’s drank it all she says.
      What about a sandwich then? He asks dad. Nope your mother’s eaten all those he replies.

      Well you shellfish pair of bastards.

  10. Wonder who does their laundry Sicky?
    Cant see many being that keen nowadays?
    Say what you like about the KKK but their whites are really white!
    Rather than chewing gum grey like my undercrackers.
    Wonder if they do it themselves and if they take commission work?

    • I think they still use black people to do the laundry MIs, they aren’t all bad really.

      • Warwick Davis was in the klan.
        He had to use table linen instead of the robes an hood.

    • Just the right amount of starch makes um crisp and clean.
      Yes Sir two bags full Sir

  11. Bloody hell I have enough problems with wasps, nosey bovines, stinging nettles and such on my picnics without having to string up some black geezer. My spare time is not endless silly woke wankers.

    • Picnic used to be code for open air shagging. Well, it did for me.
      Happy days, long gone.

  12. It will be immensely entertaining in a few years time when these super sensitive creatures have achieved ascendancy and their toilet won’t flush or the toaster breaks; they will be clueless as FaceTime won’t offer solutions.
    Sit back, popcorn, beer, enjoy.

    • Ya and YouTube will be charging for relevant info.
      Spastic Society is where it’s all heading
      Sad thing is many will sign up

  13. Orwell had it right……language controls ideas. If you can control language you control ideas. Once you have a stranglehold on ideas then you change the language to fit the ideology.
    What you call this African shithole makes no difference in itself. But if you are engaged in an ideological struggle it’s a fucking big deal.

    • Personally I think Huxley was right. The more information you have the more it confuses and distracts people. Unlimited information causes unlimited confusion. It’s another method of control that’s far more effective.

      • Was happier when I knew fuck all
        I’m being serious as well
        To much information
        Not that many pay attention
        It’s the devil that you don’t know

  14. China can’t be far away from world domination, now.
    Don’t want to trigger anyone, but ……
    Get To Fuck.
    I’m voting for sanity and fucking off to bed.
    We’re all doomed.

  15. This is about disappearing up your own woke arsehole.
    Trigger warnings are the woke’s denial of history and literature. Ooh, nasty things happened. Avert your snowflake eyes. So when ‘trigger’ becomes taboo they are fucked. And so is Roy Rogers.

  16. A young black uni snowflake with a dog shit degree in engineering has just been employed by my now fully woke engineering company, and the cunt didn’t even know what a washer was, obviously management material with a safe place office.

    • …fully woke engineering company? Can’t see that lasting long. Time to move on, perhaps. Before they ban shafts, ball bearings and sockets

      • What if you manufacture”ball-screws” or “stuffing glands” or “20mm nipples”? Yer fucked, the PlumbBase trade catalogue would be classed as an obscene publication for a start, the plumbing trade would be shut down overnight.

  17. What a steaming pile of rhino shite.

    Some chinless cunt at Brandeis is clearly being underwoked and overpaid.

    Is there no end to this abject fuckwittery?

    • Sums it up Paul if I may
      Haven’t seen a man or woman In years
      Just some makey uppy fuckwits spreading the hymn sheet

  18. “Whiteness is the norm”

    Clearly she hasn’t been to London, Bradford or Rochdale in the past 15 years.

  19. Never heard of this epitome of academic excellence.
    I reckon that their degrees are printed on Bronco or Izal.

  20. The thing is, the real workers carry the company while management fuck around with being all diverse and wokey. They will learn it’s the workers not the woke that keep the business alive.

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