Batley School Protests

Laurence Fox and The Reclaim Party held a public meeting in Market Square, Batley on 24/06/21 to discuss the recent outrageous scenes outside a Batley primary school.

Which was besieged by a hate mob of muslims who decided it was acceptable to threaten and intimidate an educational establishment and its staff to the point where the teacher who gave “the lesson” is in hiding, afraid for his life and that of his Family and in all probability will need lifelong police protection – for the “crime” of showing a pre-approved image of the prophet muhammad.

The Labour candidate and seasoned party veteran with around six weeks membership Kim Leadbeater was invited, and did not bother attending. The Conservative candidate was invited, and did not bother attending.

I think this is a good indicator of how much of a fk these two care about the constituency and its people – but not to worry – good old democratic Kirklees Council tried to ban this public meeting, in a public place, stating “A spokesman for Kirklees Council said it had taken the decision on the grounds of public safety and potential disruption”, and further stated that The Reclaim Party “had not asked permission to use the space” – well sorry Kirklees Council but it is a taxpayer funded public fucking facility!

But there seemed to be none of this concern when a baying mob of savages are gathering outside a school screaming death threats.

Kirklees Council also conveniently forget to mention that just behind the speakers was Batley police station – a massive historic building worth a fortune which has just been closed and sold to property developers for around a third of its value for conversion into luxury apartments.

Nominated by: Vernon Fox

Links courtesy of: Dickie Dribbler

Seconded by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

Shakeel Afsar – Muslim “crybullies” and the cowardice of the political class.

I’m not sure who I’m Cunting here as there are so many cunts involved. However, Mr Afsar can be seen as the cunt around whom the whole sorry farrago revolves. It’s a farrago that neatly demonstrates the many failings of multiculturalism and the failure to promote our traditional values of toleration and free speech.

Kim Leadbeater the Labour candidate at Batley and Spen and no stranger to cuntishness herself, was accosted by the enraged Mr Asfar outside a local mosque. Mr Asfar launched into a harangue against her. He complains about parliament allowing the LGBT ‘indoctrination’ of children (I agree); and he demands to know if Labour will support Muslim parents who disagree with the current teaching of sex education in schools. As Leadbeater was chased into her car by Asfar, he shouts ‘we are going to chase Labour…..You are the colour of red, you are the colour of blood’. I agree with these sentiments as well although I would not put them that way.

Afsar continues to lecture anyone who will listen, complaining that British Muslims and Kashmiris have no one in parliament to represent them (you’ve got to be kidding). By now, he is standing in the middle of the road and blocking a bus. He then says, ‘I’m upset, I’m upset, I’m disconsolate’, and then complains that Labour has been ‘ripping the rights’ from Muslims. No – Labour only cares about Muslims and dark-keys.

Then to cap it all the allegedly distraught Mr Asfar walks away, with a smile bursting across his face. He’s a “crybully”.

Crybullies are the latest cunts. They pretend to be distraught as a bullying tactic to get their own way. They proliferate in all classes of the permanently offended – wokies, Muslims, dark-keys, Scottish Nats.

After Afsar’s confrontation with Leadbeater, Labour has rallied behind her, and criticised Afsar. It has also started to criticise Islamists involved in other incidents in Batley and Spen.

So those who failed to stand up for the Batley Grammar teacher, and defend free speech, have finally decided to speak up for liberal, democratic values in the face of an Islamist mob. But only when they are the victims

They don’t like it up em, these politicos. They can’t tolerate an Islamist mob crybullying them. But if it’s anyone else, like that poor teacher in Batly and Spen, they run a mile and refuse to defend him.

Many of our politicians are cowards and cunts for failing to stand up for our values. Shakers Asfar is a cunt. Leadbeater is a cunt. And crybullies are cunts.


74 thoughts on “Batley School Protests

  1. Given the huge amount of miitant Muslim scum in Batley and Spen, I was astonished that “openly lesbian” Kim Bulldyke Leadbetter managed to scrape in with 323 votes which deluded Dame Keir described as a “magnificent result”

  2. Batley was a clusterfuck of the mental classes recently.
    Carpet kissers, lefties, actors, gorgeous George,
    It was the perfect storm of daft cunts.
    I wouldn’t vote for any of the cunts there, all should of been gatling gunned.
    Labour held on by a small amount and jimmy Hill chinned kim Leadbelly got in.
    Its gonna kick off there,
    The camel jockeys hate cartoons of sacred Mo.

    • I read that as Jimmy Hill literally chinned leadbelly at first. Then remembered he was dead.

    • Lock up the people who protest over a flipping cartoon (the loony bin preferably) and put the children into care.

      Hold the line during the inevitable backlash, then they’ll stop with this nonsense.

  3. All the cunting mainstream parties bow down to the peacefuls nowadays.

    They all put muzzas up for election in many of the peaceful areas. This means turning a blind eye to peacefuls when they:

    Intimidate schools/teachers.
    Form rape gangs (aimed at white girls).
    Avoid paying tax.
    Fiddle benefit claims.
    Refuse to stick to any covid restrictions and refuse vaccination, and then moan that them getting covid is the honky man’s fault.
    Turn areas into 3rd world shitholes
    Form Sharia courts
    Only donate to Muslim charities (some of which have been found to be linked to terrorism).
    Only vote for one of their own.
    Commit postal vote fraud.
    Go stabby stabby on the non muzzas and gays (mental illness lol)

    What a fucking great benefit all this has been to this once great country.

    Our leaders couldn’t give a fuck. They know the country is finished and it’s easier to keep promoting this ‘diversity is our strength’ bollocks and stay on the gravy train for life, than it is to actually name the problems and fix them, the fucking cowards.

    My next ballot paper will have “ALL CUNTS” written across it.

    • “All the cunting mainstream parties bow down to the peacefuls nowadays.”

      Saying that on Wireless 4 this morning 0710-0758 there was a programme called “Sunday” a rather pious magazine show and they had a Muslim football spokesman on there predicting the onslaught of Muslims into “the beautiful game” and how the other footballers will have to observe their courtesies – like not putting a bottle of beer on a table where a footie Muslim player was sitting. The laydee presenter lapped it up, and no questions asked which might have embarrassed him.

      I would have asked when we would be seeing the first 11 year old WAGS.

    • UT@ – unless action is taken that is exactly what we will have – this jihad will never stop.

  4. Stout action needed to stop the hostile takeover of the dirty, dim and dangerous.
    Jo Cox killed by an extremist – bad.
    Kim Leadbeater chased around Batley by a violent hate mob (Afsars behaviour was the tip of the iceberg) – fine, apparently.
    Appeasement of savages is never a good idea.
    We need islam gone.

    • Jo Cox’s sister will do exactly the same thing as Jo Cox did about the mass rape, blasphemy law and cousin marriage happening right under her nose. Fuck all.

      • Just in case you think this won’t continue, thousands more of these Britain-loathing, Allăh-believing smellies are arriving every month, dinghy’d in by the French and British.

  5. This the picture of the prophet Muhammad the teacher showed.



      • Blashemer!!!
        Curse of a thousand sand flies!
        Thats the prophet Muhammad that is Spoons.
        Anatomically correct rendering.

    • Dog forgive me, MNC. A thousand apologies. I hope they don’t come after me with stones.
      “All I said was that piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah”.

    • MNC@ Fk me MNC – you’ll have to go into hiding now!
      If in Batley just make for the soap factory – guaranreed free of peacefuls! ?

      • Foxy@
        Fuck em.
        Im a equal opportunities offence giver.
        Cant take a joke?
        Go shit in your turban.

    • I rather like George Galloway…he knows he’s a Cunt and,indeed, takes pleasure from,and “ownership of”, his undiluted Cuntishness…plus he puts the shits up any mainstream politician who crosses his path. His policies may not be to everyone’s taste but at least he’s not frightened to say what he stands for.
      I actually believe him to be one of the cleverest political operators on the go.


      • DF@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – George Galloway is definitely a “crafty one”!
        I think politics is more a case of the oil and sewage rising to the top as opposed to the cream.

      • Agreed. Can’t stand the cunt, and he’ll work for any foreign power who will pay, any recent immigrant who will vote for him, but he’s one hell of an operator!

  6. All this craziness going on in the world, can’t they just have a nice cup of tea and a sit-down? It’s not a cure but I think a cup of tea and cake would be a start.

    A bit like that snickers advert where someone is all het up about something, eats a snickers then calms down.
    I’m a bit like that if I don’t get enough sleep. I do like a nap now and again just to recharge myself.

    • Spoons@ – A nice cup of tea, a sit down – perchance an Eccles cake , watching the packed deportation ships leave for foreign climes with their cargo of evil human detritus.
      Bliss I say, bliss! ??

  7. She said she would be happy if she could be half the MP her sister was…sword wielding maniac?

    Good mourning and fuck off!

    • Does that mean she’ll also join Slob Geldof on a nice expensive boat, to give the finger to struggling British fishermen?

    • TBRILW@ – Given the penchant for waving around and using swords by our peaceful chums Ms Leadbeater needs to walk on eggshells to avoid being exactly that.
      How can this level of intimidation, threats and violence be acceptable in the UK with nothing done about it?

  8. I sat through a massive scam case in 2019/20 involving these cunts (Somalian) who set up a learning centre in a 2 up and 2 down place in Rusholme. The scam was simplistic and 2 twats raked in >1m.
    They basically employed 20 cleaners for this tiny place moving their benefits from jobseekers to tax credits which then opens up other financial benefits such as council tax and housing.
    All they had to do then was sit around until the newly qualified teachers finished their work and then fuck off home.
    The two masterminds and I use that term loosely then fled the UK.
    Added to all this the 20 women some of which pled not guilty had to have interpreters.
    What a fucking shit show this country has become?

    Maybe they were masterminds!

  9. “It’s a farrago that neatly demonstrates the many failings of multiculturalism and the failure to promote our traditional values of toleration and free speech.”

    Instead of happening in Batley, if this had happened in Somerset, would it be known as the “Wells Farrago?”

    • “…demonstrates the many failings of multiculturalism…”

      More to the point multi-cunturalism has yet to pin a single example of what WE might call a “success” to its battle flag. It’s has been a ceaseless and deadly enemy to all whites which has brought not a single benefit to us, it offers only persecution, usurpation, impoverishment, misery, death followed by racial extinction.

      “…and the failure to promote our traditional values of toleration and free speech.”

      Disagree strongly; it has been the remorseless promotion of this mythical unmeasurable abstract “tolerance” (somehow deemed the unique preserve of the British??) that has actively facilitated our decline. We were never a ‘tolerant’ people, we were aggressive, expansionist, outward looking and never ones to shy from a row. You fucked about with the English/British at your peril in full expectation that a price would be exacted.
      But that was the trick of the Frankfurt School theorists, they took that word/abstract, (which was indeed a part of our character but only a minor one) put a poison barb on the end, and fired it straight back at us. They’ve effectively weaponised it.
      The word allows them to claim that we should now “tolerate” those despicable/ruinous/depraved/bat-shit mental social policy directives that they would never have the bollocks to ask us to openly condone or approve!
      It also opes up whole new vistas of relativisms, value judgements, semantics, nuanced discourses and convolutions of language for these lefty cunts to bitch and quibble over and for their deliberations to fill the airwaves and front pages. Totally irrelevant distraction and reeking fucking horse shit all of it particularly when you’re talking about the physical eradication of one’s race or whether mincing transexuals should be teaching in nursery fucking schools!!!


      Fuck right off!

  10. If the lefty teachers unions had a shred of integrity, they would have come out on strike until that unfortunate teacher had been fully reinstated and given an unequivocal apology.

    But the Müzzies vote Labour, so that wouldn’t be on.

    And why haven’t the police arrested that menacing fascist mob outside the school? No need to answer that. It’s one law for the Peacefuls, Pikeys, XR, BLM, anyone associated with UEFA, the ruling elite, and another law for everyone else.

    This Country Is Finished.

  11. Lawrence Fox is an ok guy, and his heart may be in the right place, but he’s no politician. That should be a bonus, but unless you can play them at their own game, you will never win. Because of that, his appearance in Twatley, twinned with Kabul by the look of it, made him look like an agitator, and easy for the press to dismiss him as one, which of course they did.
    For me, when he apologised for his remarks regarding an Indian actor shoe horned into the film 1917 for diversity sake because some historians said there were Indian troops involved in WW1, he lost a bit of respect.
    If he had looked into the history itself, he could have avoided apologising and proved his initial concern. Yes, there were Indian troops, but they would have been in self contained regiments or battalions, and not mixed throughout the army in general, just like regions of the U.K. had ‘pals’ battalions, where they were made up of men from particular areas. So, if there was an Indian, there would have been many more, and the guy being on his own, with a fucking English accent was wrong historically, and purely for the sake of diversity.
    And, if he had watched the film, there is a scene at the end where the runner makes it to the battalion that he’s been sent to warn of an ambush. When he finds them, they are all sitting around waiting for the order to attack, and as the runner moves through them, there are a couple of black guys dotted around, as if it was an army from a long standing multicultural country, which it wasn’t at the time. It annoyed me because those guys were not there for historical accuracy, as there was the occasional black soldier in the British army, but not many, and that scene suggests otherwise, and is purely for the sake of diversity. It’s not racism to point out these issues, it’s just plain wrong, as if the guy turns up in a landrover or a mondeo.

    • @GJ
      According the idiot lantern, Anne Boleyn was a sub-saharan don’t you know.

      Yeah of course she fucking was.

      This bollocks with diversity quotas in a historical context is what it is – utter fucking bollocks, and should be confidentially called out as such without the need for apology.

      • I know, and that’s why I was disappointed that he apologised. He could have challenged the historians and asked the see documented evidence that there were mixed race platoons, regiments, battalions. There are thousands of images from the First World War, and only one or two might show mixed races in uniform.
        It was a great opportunity to make the point about diversity for the sake of it rather than reflecting history, and it went begging.

      • in the film deadpool 2 the caracter Negasonic Teenage Warhead is shown with a lezza partner. i thought at the time that this was totally irelevant to the story and indeed the said lezza did nothing in the context of the story and was only shoe horned in so a fuckin gay could be in it. fuck me you can never get away from it

      • HJ@ – If Anne Boleyn was sub Saharan the Crown Jewels would have been popped for fried chiggun, weed and shellsuits.
        Was Anne Boleyns Sister called Tenpin?

  12. It would appear that as the UK descends or disappears up its arse into a chaotic 3rd world/woke infested broken down unrecognisable shithole, mob rule and a de facto Islamic blasphemy law are here to stay.

    Seems we’d better get used to it because it does appear that the institutions of this country lack the spine or the will to defeat any of this evil cuntishness.

    Unrelated but I just cleared a bunch of auto-modded comments and am working on the new noms now. – DA

  13. It would seem that the simple solution would be to park an immigration control van outside the school, accompanied by half a dozen DSS fraud office officials.

    • Odin@ – many a true word said in jest – they might want to move on to the taxi drivers and takeaway staff next, then check out how many of our peaceful chums are claiming benefits and especially Family and disability benefits.
      Shifty, shifty, shifty – with no pun intended the honest are being “bled white”.

      • Indeed Vern; a diversity audit of the Nation’s taxi firms should be instigated forthwith.

    • Get HMRC outside there too. I’m sure they can pick a few of the peacefuls for tax evasion.

    • That is a fantastic read, RTC. Reminded me slightly of Enoch Powell.

      It would seem that left wing terrorists have always have used the word “racist” to silence any opinion they don’t agree with, no matter how sensible and constructive and Honeywell was right about everything he said.

  14. I saw a couple of YouTube vids on this election campaign and was struck by the number of Peacefuls who were disillusioned by the Labour Party. The reasons for this were based around Labour’s failure to recognise Peaceful issues such as the Palestinian and Kashmiri situation. They were particularly pissed off with Starmzy saying that Israel had a right to defend itself. That’s heresy to those cunts. They were also livid that they imported this lezza in as a candidate and ignored several Peaceful Labour councillors. As you would expect it was all about them and what they want. This would explain how Galloway did so well, nicking Peaceful votes (especially the bent ones I imagine) away from Labour. A Peaceful political party can’t be far away. Labour can’t lick the Peaceful arse and the bender/ trannie arse at the same time. It’s too much of a contradiction and the Peacefuls are beginning to see it. You can’t expect THEM to change, just ain’t gonna happen.

    • That maggot Galloway has been sucking up to the peacefulls for years. Remember him grovelling to Saddam Hussein? The tinfoil loony in work was singing his praises a while back, saying he’d vote for him, and I said regardless of what I thought of the despicable cunt, he’d make a shit MP, because all he cares about is Palestine and other similar causes, and wouldn’t give a shit if the street light worked or the bins got taken away. Same goes for Corbyn I suppose…

      • As long as slippery little worms like Galloway are around to split the loony left/peaceful vote then so be it.
        Galloway is piece of shit.

      • Galloway is an uber cunt, who parachutes himself into any by-election where there’s a large muslim vote to be had.
        An arrogant, loudmouth narcissist, always trying to claim that he is the poor, innocent blameless victim. He probably got that trait from the Palestinians, who seem to be the only people/issue which he promotes when campaigning, knowing that that will get him votes. On the last two occasions when he was voted in, all he did was to promote himself, his latest book or speaking tour and, yes the Palestinians – but did fuck all for those who were stupid enough to vote for the cunt.

    • …wait a minute… I’ll just check… ahem…

      FUCK ISLAM!!!!!

      Yup, all good here.

  15. You’re always going to be wrong with the muzzies
    It’s like a square peg in a round hole
    Shouldn’t be teaching anything about their beliefs in a school because you can’t win.

  16. Peaceful’s make up 70% of the entire intake at The school in question:- what used to be known as “Batley grammar school” it used to be a fee paying school but since the introduction of academies and so called free schools it this is no longer the case. As a result standards have fallen and the numbers of white kids has dropped dramatically.

    Just a stones throw away is UBHS (upper Batley high school). Peaceful’s there make over 90% of the intake. Most working class white parents send their kids across the border to Leeds a couple of miles up the road. Morley a prime example. Called locally “White flight”

    There is no such thing as multiculturalism. Once a school reaches tipping point it becomes a peaceful school. Once a country passes tipping point it becomes a peaceful place.

    There cunters is the future as things stand. And it’s not orange it’s a cunt. A massive cunt.

    • 90% peacefuls, it must fucking stink, I can’t imagine what it must feel like for white kids going to school in England when they are are a small minority. The constant jabbering of P*ki lingo, fuck me the white kids would need counselling.
      In a few years it will be 100%, a fully segregated school, teaching Islamic law and the Mohammed’s work of fiction.

  17. Batley and Spen is highly illustrative of what is to come in this country in not too many years.

    The recent shenanigans there act as an Amuse Bouche to the Main Course shitfest, that will unfold when our peaceful brothers have the upper hand.

    Some may argue that they already command the balance of power,- but we are someway off that yet.

    I know it’s a cliche, but I do worry about what my grandkids are going to have to suffer throughout their lifetimes.

    Forget the climate crisis, forget global warming and all that codswollop. This threat is real and poses a major threat to our way of life.

    If only the BBC, and the rest of the MSM were as enthusiastic in reporting this threat. Instead of peddling this nonsensical climate crisis rhetoric.

    I propose now that there is a ‘Peaceful Crisis’ and action is needed urgently.

    Once this crisis properly takes hold, a few diesel exhaust fumes or a drought in May will be the least of anyone’s worries.

  18. Islam and its followers have no place in western society, it doesn’t even function in Islamic shitholes so why do the woke left idiots think it can work here.

    The Batley grammar school fiasco just shows that peacefuls cannot integrate, how the fuck can it be legal for cunts who have no connection to the school to just turn up and cause such disruption, if parents have an issue they the can either remove to kids from the school or approach the headmaster or governors.
    Rag heads from Bradford and Rochdale who were outside the school should have been arrested, probably fucking rape gang leaders as well.


    • Soi@ – Had that gang been white the police would have had no issue steaming in as a gang of leftists shouted “arrest those filthy gammon waycists!”.
      Appeasing monsters NEVER works – and it shows how well funded, organised and premeditated these muslim groups are when they can bus in professional agitators with no connection to the local area to intimidate the school and community.
      If we carry on apologising for breathing and looking the other way as wrong is done this will eventually end very, very badly.

      • It’s a fact that anyone who tells the truth about the peacefuls is branded racist but for some reason issuing death threats is fine if they are peacefuls.
        The only cure for ‘community sensitivities’ is a fucking bulldozer

  19. The continued appeasement of these psychotic murderous scrounging rapist soapdodgers is sickening.

    It is now 20 years since the 9/11 attacks. Yet the muslamist human filth are bigger and more indulged than ever. 9/11 should have been the trigger to wipe them out. Never mind pointless invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. All the peaceful cunts in Britain should have been shifted for good there and then. Had they been, Lee Rigby (RIP) would still be alive and the Westminster killings and the Manchester Arena bombing would never have happened.

    Then you get the apologists and fuckflakes ‘But… But, they’re not all bad’. Maybe not, but there are many that are. Too many for my liking. Last week those daft bumble bee stickers and the crappy ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ made a comeback for the anniversary of the Arena mass murder. What the fuck is that going to achieve? Piss all, just like the last time. And there are still no arrests at the mosque where that murdering cunt came from and Operation Augusta is still under the carpet after being swept there. Stick it up your arse, Burnham. You Judas cunt.

    We don’t advocate race war here – DA

    • What I had in mind was deportation. I did write that should have been shifted after 9/11. Shifted as in moved. It’s a nice thought that Drummer Rigby and all those people in London and Manchester would still be alive today if this awful religion and its fanaticism wasn’t embedded in British life and society. But, sadly, that’s all it is. A thought.

      It’s the peacefuls and BLM that want a race war. I just want Britain to be safe to live in.

    • “…Never mind pointless invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq”
      Oh they had a point Norm, in the case of Afghanistan to secure the opium/heroin trade via the CIA (they’ve gotta find the covert funding from somewhere ’cause Congress won’t/can’t do) and co-opt the muhadjadin from the ranks of whose mercenaries they created Al Quaeda
      In the case of Iraq, it had fuck all to do with securing oil exports to the US but everything to do with securing Israel’s oil supply (77% of which comes from the kurdish region) and removing another obstacle to the Greater Israel project and neatly teeing up Syria.
      Colin Powell you lying fucking murderous tool!

      “We don’t advocate race war here – DA”
      Nor do I but I didn’t detect that in Norm’s post, but on that subject I do know one ‘country’ that openly does and it ain’t Lapland.
      That’s where the ‘grammar of leftist intolerance’ has brought us, how it manages to skew every argument or mere comment. Discussing the very real, and I’d say imminent, possibility is a long way from advocacy DA. To supress it is in fact extremely dangerous in the same way and for the same reasons they effectively banned the BNP. In doing so they deliberately ‘took the batteries out’ of the socio-political fire alarm.

      If I were supressing anything I would have edited or deleted his post. Instead I reminded people of the rules of the site and it stayed up. Believe me that is in the rules. If you wish to discuss the subject I’d suggest do it in a more… creative way so we don’t get in trouble under the law. – DA

  20. Title should read “Violent hate mod of peace besiege school in Batley”.

    • Well put and That should have been the headlines on every national newspaper
      Stick it back to em.

  21. Your god has got to pretty shit to get offended at cartoons, in fact if he’s that shit why believe in the cunt.

  22. Labour are the biggest pile of cunts on the planet
    I’m surprised Labour didn’t put Shannon Matthews up for election at Batley and Spen so desperate we’re they to keep the seat
    Labour are a bucket of shit and hypocrites Rachel Reeves on Sky News saying it was a great result for Labour in Batley & Spen you just couldn’t make this rubbish up ??

    • Because they all make rubbishy uppy
      Shit is what we get , maybe deserved
      All countries are in the same boat
      It’s a charade believing that political parties are looking out for the public’s interest
      I need to believe in rational thinking
      Sadly this no longer exists in the west
      We saw the best of it though
      We won’t see it again because of super Cunts

  23. Any Muslim cunt protesting should be immediately taken to a local airfield, flown up into the clouds and pushed out, minus a parachute.

    If these cunts don’t like it here, fuck off – simples.

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