Barclay’s Bank


Following on from Deploy The Sausage’s distressing experience with Barclays failing to release his mortgage funds in a timely and professional manner, these legalised crooks are now telling me not to misgender woke flakes:

What fucking business is it of a financial institution to tell me I can’t refer to a female as she/her or a male as he/him, when that’s what they are?

Totally out of order.

Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff 



58 thoughts on “Barclay’s Bank

  1. Go woke go broke. Barclays was founded by Quakers. Now they quake before the woke mob.

  2. No big surprise any more; they’ve all jumped on the woke bandwagon for fear of being cancelled via social media.

    I hope the banks realise this is a two-way thing? When they send me letters or new credit/debit cards will they just assume I am a Mr? Will they identify me as a male or go the neutral route and not bother with gender titles?

    And what’s this “micro aggression” bollocks? Fear of hurt feelings for fuck’s sake? I bet the bank will soon take a different tone when you default on your mortgage/credit card repayments!

    Is this the start of the Brave New World? Well they can shove it up their arseholes (or is that too micro-aggressive?)

    • Not keen on being lectured on morals by of all people fuckin bankers!!
      Like being lectured on childcare by the mcCanns.
      I get confused with this pronoun he/she, they/them, Arthur/Martha shite,
      So I dont misgender I just use the catch all term ‘cunt’.

      • It’s another one of those tail-wagging-the-dog scenarios. The majority have to comply with the minority on pain of being cancelled!

        I suppose if you’re a Barclay’s customer and you complain about all this woke shite, they might close your account and give you a shit credit rating, as well as them forewarning the other big banks of your transphobic attitude, resulting in you not being able to open a new account with anyone!

        So yet again the Big Woke Squeeze turns a little more on the silent majority.

    • ‘Microaggressions’ my fucking arse! Some ditzy cunt gets the impression that you’ve as much as glanced in his/her/they/its direction and comes over all ‘offended’.

      Him/her/they/it; ‘you’ve *sob* microaggressioned me!’
      Me; ‘well here’s a macroaggression. Fuck off, you snowflake cunt!’

      Don’t you just luurve being hectored about morality and behaviour by a fucking bank!!

      • Couple of weeks ago Ron, I heard some silly tart on Radio4 state flatly, without qualification; “People have a right not to be offended”. Sometimes I despair.

  3. Yeah all the buzz words are there. It’s an obvious marketing strategy. Banks always go after the young as people rarely change their banks during their lifetime. They are assuming that the young are all wokie fuckwits. Well, probably the ones with money are and they are the cunts they want. I’m sure they’ve done their market research, they don’t come up with this wokie bullshit by accident.

  4. I borrowed money to start up a herb growing business.
    Things haven’t gone to well and now the bank are calling in the bay leaves….

  5. Ever get the feeling the Boomer and Gen X generations are slowly being air-brushed out of existence?

    Adolf, Stalin and Mao would be proud

  6. A friend of mine has never been able to get a bank account because he can’t remember his mother’s maiden name….

    • It’s a good thing that Afro-Caribbean people are not asked for their father’s maiden name, isn’t it?

  7. It’s always about preferential treatment isn’t it!? I don’t draw attention to myself because I’m a white hetro male so shy the fuck do they? Why do we have highlight differences? Surely if you didn’t mention it and just got in with life that would be enough!? No? And what the fucking hell is micro aggression? Is that a term for some precious wee soul who takes offence at anything?
    A fucking cunt awful bank telling us what to do. My piss is on steam mode. I’m sick of this busy body do gooding never ending fucking lecturing . Any cunt tries to tell me what to do and I’m hitting the fucking roof.
    I’d bet 90% of the inhabitants of this once glorious isle are sick to the back teeth of this virtuous,self righteous, nanmby fucking pamby horse shit.
    Barclays you cast iron gold plated cunts, FUCK OFF.

  8. Bollocks to lgbblah blah blah. Im sick of their flag and their bullshit. Some cunters might have seen the San Francisco gay chorus. “wel convert your children” Its dressed up as “a satirical swipe at anti gay sterotypes. ” . What a surprise it turns out at least five of the chorus have convictions for molestation of minors. The lead singer starred in a musical about batcha bazi, or the rape of boys in Afghanistan. Fuck your “pride”.Cunts.

  9. When I used to work in a bank we had someone come in and demand we change their pronoun from mr Smith to Mx Smith. We asked IT how much it’d cost to add this to our ancient systems. It would be £100k. No change was made.

    • Mind you we also spent ten million quid trying to outsource an IT project to India which failed because it couldn’t cope that women existed. They actually coded a database that could only recognise one sex fucking idiots

      • Hahahahaha! As someone who’s spent 20yrs on IT projects (mostly outsourced to India), I can well believe it.

  10. I’ve tried watching those vids. Makes me a little nauseous. It’s not the fact that they’re gay, black or trannie, it’s the way Barclaycunts deem it worth bothering with.
    It’s all about the money honey!
    In the last one the trannie states you can be a trannie but identify as straight.
    Can’t get my head around this bit.

    • I think these cunts don’t know themselves either. So instead they want the best of both worlds. Be a trannie but identify as Straight, Super Straight, Gay, Lezzer, or anything that takes your fancy – bit like the old Pick ‘n’ Mix you used to get at Woolies back in the day!

      I think today I will identify as Emma Watson!

  11. They’ve fallen a long way since being known as “Boerclays” back in Rhodesia, I use to bank with them as no other cunt would lend to me, fucking turncoat cunts!!!

  12. Once digital central currency is established you’ll worship whatever or whoever they fucking well want, or you want have access to your money at all.

    It’s coming. And on that note, suck my fat one. Fucking banking cocksuckers.

    • Absolutely true. The cunt in the street is being levered and squeezed into a system which suits the suits (even better – weren’t they creaming off enough value beforehand?) The New Feudalism: everyone’s in hock to their financial lord.

      Just as well* it’s still difficult to get firearms in this country.

      *Debatable, for sure.

    • I agree with you on this one Chunky.

      A few years back Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of England, scoffed at crypto-currencies, as did others.

      Fast forward a few years from then and he now wants a global crypto-currency. Why the change of heart Mr Carney?

      China and a few other countries are not so keen on Bitcoin exchanges.

  13. Just looked at the Barclays link.
    What a crock of shite.
    I remember when I wanted to cancel my credit card with them and was addressed by a manager as “Mate”, which sent me off on one. Never experienced such fucking rudeness from a bank.
    Perhaps I should sue them for retrospective hurty feelings! ?

    • Emails from Chinese suppliers often begin “Hello dear”. Somewhere in Shanghai there is an English teacher with an evil smile.

  14. I’ve had enough of this pronoun bullshit.

    Yours sincerely,
    Hard Brexit Cunt (Pronouns: I, my)

    P.S. The noise at the end of those nauseous videos in that Barclays link was just pathetic.

    • But for all these woke snowflake cunts, the pronoun they actually prefer is “me, me, me”!

      • It started with the hipster gays and its been intensified to extremes with the liberal elite and their spoiled satanic rich lgbtzqt approved brat kids

        Thank god we don’t live in a normal Christian society anymore

    • I never had any. Anybody who needs to tell me what pronoun I should be using about them is hardly likely to be somebody I give a flying fuck about.

  15. This goes well with that Branson nom . He’s bought clydesdale and now the staff all dress in t shirts and look like they are on the way to the beach. They all walk about carrying laptops but there’s no one behind the counter. Thanks Branson you’ve fucked up my bank.

    • Keep it quiet in the UK, don’t want anyone questioning the cross channel taxi service courtesy of Uber Border Force

  16. Why is the word Q u e e r under moderation?

    Can’t you remember Stanley Holloway’s song “My word you do look quee r”. Played on the radio when I was a kid.

    WP auto flag that word. I deleted it as it was an incredibly terrible post. – DA

  17. I suppose “The Gay Pound” simply wasn’t enough for these despicable corporate cunts.

  18. I went into Barclays the other day.

    The manager walked over to me and said, “can I help you sir?”

    I said, “yes, – I would like to check my balance please”

    He pushed me gently on the chest and remarked, “yes, – that’s fine sir!”

    • Wasn’t in Backlay’s, but another bank
      An assistant greeted me
      Can I be of help Sir, I was outraged
      How dare you address me as Sir
      They, it , ran off in a state of tears
      After been left on my own ,for some considerable time
      A group of assistantships approaches
      The leader uttered ,how shall we address you
      I replied ,you can call me Cunt but don’t treat me like one.
      Haven’t had a bother with the Bwank since

  19. Banks +the a-gender*? This is a coruscating concatenation of cunt.
    Komodo (it, lizd)


  20. I work in this industry and by far the worst bank to deal with. Abysmal. Call centres in India don’t help.

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