Adverts (2)

I would like to nominate the double woke hypocracy standard that is the latest type of advertising.

The way that someone of a darker shade is included in every ad, every film no matter how ridiculous, think recent Ann Boleyn and many others, then you can’t call Uncle Ben’s rice, because that’s waaaaayyysist and sends the wrong message and show coloured people in a negative light, so now it’s just Ben’s rice FFS.

So the flip side of this coin is we have coloured fuckwits who say things like nie pounds nigny nighhh, so the gobshite fuckwits speak that’s completely unintelligible fuck muppery that puts on good image on the latest woke ads and people think ads like KFC, Go Daddy website company and the the latest Olay for chimps ad.

How does going on the telly, talking like a fuck wit that never went to school and generally looking like a cunt improve the image for coloured people, this doesn’t help, doesn’t sell products and if Uncle Ben offends WTF are ads like the above supposed to be about….woke ads for cunts or not for cunts that is the question…..

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

Apologies the last cunting didn’t show up in the search, enjoy a bonus new one. – DA

77 thoughts on “Adverts (2)

  1. Not a coloured gentleman but an utter, illiterate freak.

    Your in the drivin seat now, bri’un.’ advertising used cars I think. Called Clark?

    Freaks must also be woke I suppose.

      • I hate the fucking cunt with a passion Ruff Tuff.

        Very distraught only the other day to learn he has split up with his husband. ???

      • I could happily carry out CPR on that cunt with a sledgehammer, whether he needed it or not.

      • I reckon Rylan got his giant molars caught up on his ‘hubby’s’ banjo and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak.

      • How ugly is the plastic cunt? It looks as if it is straining to pass a large constipated stool.
        On the other hand it should have no difficulty curling one off with its gaping dilated raggedy bumhole.

  2. The propaganda on adverts (not that I watch them, I just put the mute button on) would put Joseph Goebbels to shame. The constant browbeating, Chinese water torture that is the UK today. This is not a free country anymore. Anything that doesn’t fit the narrative is quickly deemed racist. What with Lockdowns etc, 1984 is indeed alive and well.

    • Agreed.All those in the SAGE and Onion party need to be hauled in front of an independent Judge and throw the book at them.After the 19th I am not wearing a mask.All of our civil liberties are being stripped from us.People will keep rebelling.Throw them in the tower for treason

  3. My wife said to me the other day “why are there so many black people on British TV adverts”.

    The last black person on a Chinese tv ad was for washing powder where he went in the washing machine blek and came out white. Brilliant.

  4. It really is a rarity to see an advert that doesn’t contain some ethnic, it seems that the people who make adverts are afraid to make an all white advert in case it gets criticised.
    Fuck the cunts.

  5. Have NEVER been influenced by an advert to buy ANYTHING.

    In fact they have the opposite effect and just make me fucking angry.

    Seems to me the only TV adverts on now are for online fucking gambling, over 50’s fucking funeral plans, cheap mattresses, Cinch (with the Cunt Rylan Clark), banks, Africa handouts, and multi coloured woke propaganda type bollocks.

    YouTube is becoming unwatchable due to the increasing number and length of the adverts.

  6. Top cunting and extra points for the Ryland Clark-weirdo mentioned in dispatches. That fucking ad he does on the radio has led to me throwing things at the fucking speakers.

    In fact any radio ad deserves a cunting of its own. The fuckers selling PPE and trying to make it sound like it’s a Government or NHS ‘official’ announcement grips my shit. Personal PPE or some such, 5 face masks and a free bottle of sanitiser… in order to comply with Government regulations…. Shove the masks and sanitiser up yer arses.

    And any cunting gambling ad with Harry the bastard Redknapp or playing Sweet Caroline.

    Fucking retarded.

  7. I thought Uncle Ben was a rich gentleman farmer? He looked pretty dapper and well off to me, his fizzog beaming out from a packet of rice. In what way is it waaayyycist?
    More fucking idiocy courtesy of wokedom.

    • I really cannot understand the wokelogic behind the deletion of the word ‘Uncle’ preceding Ben’s and the removal of the smiling black chappie, who I presume is/was Uncle Ben.

      Now if the rice was called Uncle Tom’s, I could sort of understand the deletion of the word ‘Uncle’ give that this name is used as a pejorative against black people. Having Uncle Ben depicted as a smiling, jolly black man – what the fuck is wrong with that?

      If I were black I would be a little taken aback by all this hogwashery.

      • According to Mars (who own the product), Uncle Ben was an African-American rice grower known for the quality of his rice. Seems like a positive description of a dark-key to me, and not racist at all.

      • I have a black friend, Mogs. He is Zimbabwean and he doesn’t all subscribe to this woke reparations bollocks.

      • Although the word “uncle” was used in the Deep South to avoid having to call a dark-key “Mr”. Ok – so they could have changed the name to Mr Ben or, more accurately, Misstah Ben.

  8. The only thing adverts do is annoy and put me right off whatever shite is being plugged.

  9. It’s simply conditioning intentional or out of fear of being described as racist.
    A fucking disgrace.
    If I want to see a load of minority cunts dicking about then I’ll put Planet of the Apes on or Carry On up The Khyber.
    Absolute fucking cunts the lot of the fawning spineless halfwit pigs.

    • As an alternative you can tune into BBC Parliament Freeview channel 232 to watch Live House of Commons, House of Lords,

      Another load of minority cunts dicking about.

      Fucking wankers.

    • I bought the original Charlton Heston version recently. Brilliant. What is he says..
      ” Get your filthy hands off me you damn ape”
      ” you cut up his brain you bloody baboon”.

  10. Ads are generally just used to keep the corporate brand in the mind of the viewer, irrespective of what they are selling.
    But I am glad for the informative side of adverts as otherwise I would have never known 90% of the UK population is either black or in a mixed race relationship.
    And lives on takeaways.

  11. Sambolyn was a ridiculous low of wokery. I just sit their with my mrs at advert time………Black……black…….black….white. Never buy any of it.

  12. I remember back in the 90s, Errol Brown advertised Cadbury’s High Lights drinking chocolate on TV.

    Fuck me, the wokes wouldn’t have let that one if the advert were made today on the basis of the suggestion that Errol’s skin shade was somehow akin to that of the product he was advertising.

    I suspect Errol would have probably have told them not to be so ridiculous (he was far too much of a Gent to swear).

    • He was a good man and sadly missed. He would have laughed his bollocks off at this wokery.’ Brother Louie’ pointed out that prejudice cut both ways.

  13. UK adverts are just like post -1980 Rhodesian adverts, even the racial makeup is the same, and the poor level of English, spot whitey so to speak!, at least there aren’t any party political broadcasts claiming you’ll die in a car accident if you don’t vote ZANU-PF (yes it was a real advert cunters)

    • Not sure you can get yellow ones on our local stores, I have advised Mrs Stroker to play the race card, especially as the last time I checked Asians made up 57% of the world population.

      Here in Ipswich 57% of the population is made up of Eastern European’s. Made that bit up but it sure seems like it.

      • yep – only a million fucking Romanians have signed up to stay. Didn’t bummer Keith Vaz do some shit at Luton airport to make us think none were coming. As someone on youtube pointed out, we have foreign doctors treating foreign patients in hospital and foreign criminals being tried by judges who are clearly foreign. What a fucking country the UK has become.

  14. With the fucking government now the largest advertiser, thanks to the Covid fiasco. the ads are crap. The government was happy to splurge tons of cash on its propaganda and thereby ensure that the media, including newspapers followed their agenda by peddling fear to a shit scared public. Of course now, with Terminus Day (I know, fucking nonsense) approaching, I will be interested to see if they leave the media high and dry without taxpayers money to replace other revenue sources (many of which have been fucked right up the arse by the very same Covid wank/project fear).

    As a nipper, I always liked the ‘Hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face’ Fairy ad. I loved all those hot housewives in rubber gloves. I seem to remember Katie Boyle was one. Much better than the shit baby cartoons they serve up nowadays. Fuck off.

      • Roundabout 1970s, Burberry used to take out ads in all the weekend colour supplements.
        Gorgeous birds in trench coats, nudge nudge wink wink, say no more!
        Latest TV ad that REALLY boils the piss is, IIRC L’Oréal, some vacuous, fuckwitted bint who dyes her hair ginger (Wtf would anyone do this??), “She does twirls (?), she does backstage (??!) with the girls.”
        Such poetry… McGonagall would’ve died of shame.

      • My pleasure, RTC. Agreed, she was fucking gorgeous. We used to win when she presented the Eurovision Song contest! No wonder, phwoarr!

      • Dolly birds in trench coats, HBH… The Sunday supplements were rich hunting grounds for young shavers. I need a lie down.

  15. The amount of Blacks and BAME in adverts is shocking. These people must feel a bit embarrassed to be used ONLY because they are BAME. It is not a true representation of the amount of BAME people in the UK. I don’t know a mixed race couple. I don’t have any Black friends or work mates but it seems, according to the adverts that they are all over the place. What a fucking joke.

  16. And you in the UK are having to pay for this fuckwittery.

    Mrs Cunter likes to follow the activities of Coronation Farm and Emerdale Street, so we have both Spanish and English TV systems.

    Products available in the UK are mostly available in Spain as well, so up to about a year ago the same adverts were used with Spanish dubbing.

    I suspect that the exact same adverts are shown in many different countries with many different languages dubbed.

    But now the UK have a completely different cast of black people on their adverts.

    We don’t get them.

    The companies involved have to make one advert for the UK market and one for the rest of the world.

    Someone has to pay for the extra costs involved, and that’s you.

    • The African cosmetic shops in the UK used to sell a mercury soap to lighten skin. Darkies actually want to be whiteys. Like the apes on Planet of the Apes wanting to be humans.

      • Yeah, it’s true. There was a documentary on the BBC a couple of years ago about this. Funny how a lot us whities like a tan.

    • SB, whenever I scroll down pages of ISAC website, and I spot your avatar of the lady in a towel and face mask, it always makes me laugh. 🙂

      • My girlfriend’s daughter used to swear by Blue Power™ Carbolic soap from Jamaica, Samuel. Trouble was: the bath tub turned pink with prolonged usage, so I have tried to discourage her. Nice smell though, very like Wright’s Coal Tar (which no longer contains aromatic¹ hydrocarbons) but a devil for staining things.

        ¹ ie organic chemicals containing benzene rings, like phenol, naphthalene, cresol… and, errm, benzene. Removed from soaps & cosmetics due to perceived risk of carcinogenesis.

  17. As previously noted, several times, to persistent incredulity from some, I don’t have or watch a TV, so I can only comment on other outlets. Which are exactly the same. Sound cunting. But if the radio’s anything to go by, New English Lite, consisting of glo”al stops, African inflexions and weird vowel sounds, has spread far beyond the ad agency sewer.

  18. What would be useful (apart from woke cunts being wiped out by rabid Badgers) would be for these geniuses of advertising to attend a short course in demographics so that their wankoff adverts actually relate to the population of the areas in which the advert is seen I live in an area that is 99% white some are Polish some Lithuanian but white. Nearly all of the visitors and tourists are white to see any one of any darker hue is unusual. Makes my piss boil when every fucking advert is of some kind of ethnical utopia, every person is of a darker hue. The vast majority in England are white, why this constant drivel attempting to reverse what is a mathematical certainty England is still mainly white (until 14.30 bst 28th August 2023)

      • Good man VF if we could cross them with African Honey Badgers we could rule most of the World!!

  19. Gene, you could print some off and hang them about the place. I wonder how long it would take someone to realise.
    Or pass one to a colleague, “Ere I got one of these leaflets in the post…” 😀

    I could do with one of these…

    I like the 500cc GT sports conversion package hehe 😀

    • To quote a particular piss-boiling advert about burglar alarms:

      “Gundo it, right now”!

  20. Why do you need a commentator for anything if you are watching it?

    Stupid cunts.

    • Ah bloody hell. Posted this in the wrong nom! Meant for the daft football commentator.

      • Cuntologist@ – Still 100% correct though!
        Given that football is now an advertising forum for racism.

    • At least if you attend the match in person you don’t have to put up with cunts like Jugears Walkers spouting bs for 40 minutes before kickoff, followed by a hyper-excited commentator who sounds like a children’s’ TV presenter and an hour’s post match post Mortimer.
      You get to hear the crowd booing the team taking the knee, and to witness at first hand the throwing of bananas onto the pitch accompanied by primitive chants which to my uneducated ear sound
      like people trying to imitate some sort of demented primate.

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