(I suppose Plod had to beg with a “please” and “thank you” to encourage these cunts to move on – DA)
Pikeys are getting more daring.
Windsor residents, and no doubt the Queen, were stunned to see a group of 30 Pikey caravans take residence on Windsor Long Walk right in front of the Queen’s private quarters.
They refused to budge but were eventually persuaded to move, no doubt to trouble some other poor buggers who don’t happen to be members of the Royal Family.
The audacity of these morons, parking right in front of the Queens residence! The Long Walk is open certain hours to the public so they were being blocked as well.
Is nothing sacred to these feral scum?
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Link behind paywall.
Amazing how quickly the Old Bill can act when the rich are threatened. Take a stroll near Parliament and Westminster Abbey and count the armed police.
Ho hum.
Think about it…
(Have updated the link with an open-access one. Cheers – DA)
I was just about to say the same thing….Police tell landowners that there’s nothing that can be done until the Pikeys pitch up on royal property….they hardly had time to shite in Prince Edward’s mouth before they were persuaded to move along.
Good Morning,Evil One.
Good Morning,All.
“…time to shite in Prince Edward’s mouth…”
Once again, I stand in awe of your encyclopaedic knowledge of The Gayness, Dick.
Edward prefers golden showers.
Fucking right. If you’re rich you can soon get pikeys shifted from the vicinity of your country mansion…..ask Tessa Jowell!
Oh, you can’t she’s brown bread.
Or hang around outside Parliament for a while and a couple of plain clothes coppers will ask you what the fuck you are doing and move you on. Unless you are obviously posh, of course, and are protesting in favour of BLM, X-R or the fucking EU. That’s ok.
Pikeys, BLM, XR the fucking (barstard, cunting) EU. What an obnoxious list for a Saturday morning. Then mention the shitshow that is the G7 summit. Jesus H bleeding Christ what a cuntfest. I spat my cornflakes out!
Get these “Travellers” on a carpark or ordinary parkland near you, and the police and local council are at loggerheads on how to shift them because “they have rights”
At the same time there’s a sudden rise in crime near by the local residents, but Plod don’t see a connection.
A few more weeks of faffing about before the courts are called in so that the “Travellers” can be legally moved on somewhere else (no arrests for littering or vandalism of park of course)
6 months later the cunts return – rinse and repeat!
And yet if you’re rich or part of the Establishment… well, as David Cameron once said “We’re all in this together*)
If they sent in the inland revenue rather than the police they’d have instant action. You wouldn’t see the caravans for dust the cunts. It’s time we stopped free movement from Oirland.
You are joking they have surnames like the parking Stanley’s. For murphy read khan. Get real
HMRC don’t scare them. They don’t have receipts or records of work to scrutinize. Most don’t even have road tax, or insurance or even a loicence. That’s why the police don’t even better there doing PNC checks as they come back having fuck all and they are travelling freely.
They are an absolute fucking nuisance should you get them pitch up in your neck of the woods however aside the cunts leaving a mountain of filth comprising of shitty nappies and filthy clothing and gas canisters I’m coming round to their way of thinking regarding our government & it’s departmental systems since the arrival of ‘the virus’ . It’s time we took a leaf out of their book and stopped acknowledging certain government departments until they fall back into line and get with the programme. Remember we pay these cunts and currently they are getting paid for fuck all other than total destruction of Britain.
What’s the point of being the fucking Queen if you don’t get some perks. If she’d had the pikey cunts publicly flogged the majority of people would have applauded her.
The problem here isn’t the Queen, the problem here isn’t even pikeys, the problem here is that people allow a few pikies to rule over them. If they were met with large groups of locals ready to do battle when they showed up they’d not be back to that town or village in a hurry.
If ever a group of people went out of their way to be despised it’s pikies.
I wouldn’t want the dirty bastards living near me!
Or those gyppos!
See those bastards down in Cornwall for the World’s Biggest Cunts Convention? 6000 fucking coppers in an area that normally only has 20. There won’t be any pikeys nicking their cars or dumping their shit all over the place. Wouldn’t it be great, Napoleon Macron and Uncle Joe go out to greet the media and a load of scruffy pikey kids start lobbing stones at them? “G’wan yer bastards!”
I would pay a lot of money to see that. ?
Those Cornish locals will be livid: they hate tourists and other “outsiders” with a passion.
And god help Biden if he asks for a Cream Tea and Scones with jam sitting on top of the cream rather than the other way round!
funny that, most of them being “outsiders” anyway. The amount of people I’ve heard going on about Cornwall for the Cornish, and even independence, who have only just moved down there! Silly cunts. Funny enough, it’s ok for the Cornish to hate “outsiders” but not for anyone living in a third-world, Asian inspired northern hell-hole.
They will probably even get free parking. Unheard of in Cornwall.
They’ll have been scouring the hedgerows for weeks weeding the cunts out to make sure none of them jump out in front of a limo demanding ransoms for parking.
‘Foive ponds”.
Especially since Biden thinks a Creamed T is a child of his favourite age group who’s attended one of his creepy cults bukkake I mean pizza parties.
Every Easter Bank Holiday, the Do As You Likeys infest the local common where I live. A sea of horses, scruffy dogs, litter and well-nourished teenagers in hand-me-downs roaring around on (no doubt half inched) quad bikes.
It takes the local Cuntcil about a week to move them on, during which time everything you value that is normally in a shed or garage is moved into the house temporarily.
This year the Cuntcil has constructed a Diddy Ditch and mound around the area. So far so good as there has been no infestation this year, but I have no doubt they will return.
If one is rich and important then one can have them removed reasonably easy and the police will magically act like they should do for all cases of infestations, not just those for their paymasters.
Oh yeah, they love horses,
They think they are entitled to do what they want.
Theives, dubious teeth, no respect for ordinary people,
The gypsies are well rid of them.
The Queen should have sent Prince Andrew to leer at them and invite the younger ones to a Pizza Express party.
Morning Dick.
Some of those gyppo girls are good looking little things arent they?
Bet Liz confined Andrew to his quarters?
Made him put his pants back on?
But to be fair, if they allow Meghan into the fold, gyppos are a step up!
Now old Lizzy is a widow it’d cheer her up to go to Appleby.
I’m sure Andrew’s not fussy. He’ll happily fuck a 16 stone Pikey woman with tattoos and two days stubble.
“Gypo’s are a step up” ???
He has some Ch a good time at pizza parties that he can’t remember anything about them other than he wasn’t a sweaty cunt while there because of the PTSD from the flying bullets from 40 years ago. I wish Simon Weston would go down his gaff, drag this cunt out and batter the lying cunt so hard that when he regained consciousness it was 2040
Just gas the bog-hopping cunts.
If Sparkletits and Hewitt had been here i’m sure they could have persuaded these poor, oppressed people to move on simply with their “kindness.”
If that didn’t work they could always play the fucking mental elf card as usual.
Pair of cunts.
The whore could have handed out bananas with messages written on by Sharpie marker pen. I mean she could have handed…..
I got a terrible shock while sitting in my caravan this morning….a strange little figure with a truly leonine mane of dirty blond hair pedalled up to my door.poked his head through and screamed ” Cuunnnntttttt” in my face ! When I had recovered from the shock I realised that he had also dumped a stained child’s mattress and some adult sized pair of heavily soiled y-fronts next to my gas bottles ! …It’s obviously not just the Pikeys who enjoy fly-tipping.( or disposing of evidence)
I’m really at a loss to know what to make of this genuinely bizarre episode.
How terrible for you Mr Fiddler. He didn’t look like this did he-
Bit more like this,Miles…..https://youtu.be/gOCNY9pJ850?t=29
A dreadful experience,I’m sure you agree.
DF@ – Am I correct in thinking this cove did not offer you a schooner of sherry before this outrageous tirade and fly tipping incident?
Some people have no manners or breeding Sir!
Warwick Davies is stalking the hell out of you right now. Have you considered getting a court order to cease and desist this behaviour?
I wonder if these cunts were vaccinated? And if so why?
Bet they didn’t observe social distancing or wear masks when they travelled to the Castle from whatever shithole they came from.
But no doubt the local council made sure they were put to the front of the queue and offered jabs regardless of age because they’re seen as yet another ungrateful “minority” who don’t contribute anything but expect everything
“Bet they didn’t observe social distancing or wear masks when they travelled to the Castle from whatever shithole they came from.”
Would you happen to mean “whatever shithole they left”? that was probably a nice place before they got there.
I don’t know I was walking along the road yesterday and a woman employee from the betting shop was having a quick smoke outside, dressed almost in the ‘livery’ of the company, like a uniform. She looked sad and weary. And I thought what unwholesome work for her, whatever she did in the shop, stuck with the many poor (I see in there) losing the little they have. Oh go out to the countryside and get some air I thought. I wanted to throw her fag away and just go from that place. But realistically… how could she I thought…
Her image has stuck in my mind from yesterday for some reason.
Now this Nom about ‘Pikeys’. Well, if she had been born into that community she would have no compunction about ‘moving on’ and doing something else.
Id sack her Miles.
Loitering about smoking?
In front of customers?!!
If I was her boss shed be called into my office and told shes dismissed.
Oy vey.
They should have invited Channel 5 round to film a new documentary.
Then run the Pie Key cunts over with tanks.
I think they should get that Stacey Dooley into their camp for at least a fortnight to get a real feel of the place and then she can report her thoughts and insights to the viewers properly.
Of course I keep forgetting Old Queenie is on her own now. I wonder if she’s notified the local council for a reduction in her Council Tax?
Is she still entitled to the winter heating allowance and a free tv licence? Perhaps she needs to set up a GoFundMe thing just in case she has to dip into her meagre savings come winter.
Am also surprised Sparkletits and Dirty Harry haven’t spoken out about the pikeys being evicted-by-force, and the Queen not having the heart to invite them to stay at the Castle for a few weeks/months/years.
After all, the libtards like Migraine Markel, are very quick to suggest we should do more to encourage these cunts to set up home here, and yet you never see any of them invite a bunch of dirty, drugged-up thieving cunts spend any time in those very same rich mansions!
The Nazis had a phrase….Lebensunwertes Leben…….meaning “life unworthy of life.” Could have been invented for the pikey filth.
I don’t think most people would lose any sleep about sending them down the “path to heaven”.
The Pikey’s said they were only “resting” on the Queen’s front doorstep and hadn’t intended to stay. In a pigs ear. If they could have got away with it they’d still be there now.
Now then, now then, we must remember that diversity is our strength.
MMCM, they wouldn’t have been able to contain themselves from shitting that place up, think of the bragging rights with the other Gypo cunts.
The bragging rights of managing to get in first and fuck the place up before Stinky Rebellion
Some Tory MP has accurately described the thieving and mess Pikeys bring when they visit his constituency. Racist, digusting, resign is the shout.
Pikeys should have been given more priority (by Hitler!)
With any luck, Plod will redirect them to Hug-a-DarkKey Lineker’s vast place whilst his back is turned presenting the footy.
Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate
Fucking sick of this respect/diversity shit. Why should we respect scum? Even my fucking money has this shit scrawled all over it. The ‘Diversity Built Britain’ fifty pee piece is total cunt. Diversity did not build Britain. A lot of fighting and fucking hard work built Britain. Not that these cunts know what the fuck that is. Fucking state handouts keeping them in their useless libtard rainbow heaven of gayness and drugs. CUNTS.
As for fucking Pikey cunts, Her Maj should have them fucking executed. That is the sort of approach that built Britain. Not venerating dirty fucking Pikey wasters.
RTC is right. This country is fucking finished. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
You need to get a Dremel and put them coins right when they fall into your custody.
They should send in a squad armed with flamethrowers. Clean the cunts out sharpish.
UT get your oven fired up ffs. I’d oven all these cunts instantly- pikeys, blm, antifa – on a high setting.
I think a very slow roast would be much more enjoyable, well it would be for me, fuck what the Pikeys, BLM and Antifa think.
A couple of years back, I worked with a 50 year old bloke from a very privileged background. Put on his Yorkshire accent, a bit like how Owen Jones does. He went to some of the most expensive schools in the country and despite this, did his ‘degree’ in ‘Cultural Studies’ or some shite.
He had dreadlocks from his 20s to his 40s too (stopped due to losing his hair) and smoked a lot of green stuff. You know the sort. A cunt.
Anyway, I recall pikies coming up in a conversation (not from me) and a bloke moaning about having to put his mower and mountain bike in the house due to the cunts turning up in the area.
This prick went nuts, said he’d done loads of voluntary ‘work’ with pikies (or ‘traveling and Roma communidee’ as he called them) while at university and how oppressed and kind they are, blah blah.
Didn’t appear possible to the cunt that they put on the nicey nicey for some free labour from the local university (as well as an opportunity to sell them drugs – he mentioned he and others bought some ‘great skunk’ and speed off the cunts). He also said he was a volunteer to help them to read and complete their benefits forms. No wonder they must’ve seemed friendly to him, the thick cunt lol.
In real life, of course, he’d never had them park up in his area before.
My personal experience of pikies?
When I was about 12 or 13, three mates and I were assaulted by a gang of the cunts when sledging. Completely unprovoked. There were about 10 of them all much older, probably 15-18 year olds. It seems a pikie slaag was egging them on to beat us up for ‘a laugh’.
Had them trash the local area where I was living once. They nicked from sheds and kids in the area were beaten by their feral filth. People’s dogs went missing, probably stolen to be used as dog fighting bait or sold on if a pedigree. Took the rozzers weeks to move them on.
Personally, I’d treat them as vagrants and put them in prison for not legally renting or owning the land they’re on. You know, like for the rest of us cunts? The fuckers contribute no tax whatsoever but claim every benefit under the sun (a lot of the benefit fraud is committed by them). They expect free NHS care, education (up to about the age of 11 anyway) and no doubt were grasping for their vaccinations (I bet the government sent fucking medical staff to them too. No travelling 50 miles and waiting in line all day for these cunts!).
I’d make it illegal for them to have a cash only business. This is due to them taking the piss for years. I’d do the same for peacefuls too while I’m at it. Black cab drivers making £40 a week before the pandemic? Fuck off lol!
I’m against a cashless society as a principle, but I’d bring it in for peacefuls and pikies. They’ve taken the fucking piss for far too long.
They’d soon fuck off somewhere else too.
Fuck off.
Excellent post ???
Windsor castle.
Foreigners wallowing in state funded benefit heaven?
Ugly inbred cunts?
No respect for honest, working folk?
Grasping, grabbing, ungrateful fuckers?
Yes-the Royal family are cunts.
How well I remember these pricks from my childhood days in the early sixties, raised in the shithole that was Clevedon Road in Balsall Heath (a fucking dump in Brum’s inner city, for those unfamiliar).
It was a real shithouse, a proper slum; Edwardian terraced houses with no bathroom, outside bog, one cold tap in the kitchen, some still with gas lights, you get the picture. Half of these rathouses had gone, flattened courtesy of the Luftwaffe’s urban redevelopment programme, and the cunts were forever turning up and pitching their vans on the bomb sites.
There’d be fighting, thieving from washing lines, feral packs of dogs and filthy kids roaming about, huge bonfires of rubbish and what have you. When they eventually moved on, the place was covered in rubbish, heaps of scrap metal and rags, and shit. Needless to say, the Council and the rozzers did nothing; we were just penniless working class types with no voice.
Happy fucking days.
I can identify with all that Ron. I was raised in the poor end of Walsall not so far from you in the same kind of conditions except our terraces were Victorian rather than Edwardian but I can’t remember anyone still having gas lights. Anyway, welcome back and I hope your health is improving.
Morning arfur.
Yes slowly and surely I feel as though I’m getting back on my feet. Good news on Friday; Doc phoned me to say that ECG results back and not as bad as feared. Still got to go for a bloody scan at the end of the month tho. Bit of a bastard; fucking back problem for months, then kidney stones, then some sort of heart blockage diagnosed. With one thing and another, things have been a bit of a cunt of late!!
Glad to hear things are looking a bit brighter Ron. I had kidney stones and to quote the consultant “It’s no great thing in the overall scheme of things”. Five years ago I had six stents installed(?!) and I can assure you it was not nearly as traumatic as you might think. Apparent permanent fix and no symptoms since. It so happens my elder daughter is a doctor so if I may be able to give you any useful inside(!) information, don’t hesitate to give me a shout on here. I check ISAC most days.
If anyone tries to sort out this filth there is always an army of bleeding heart libtards on the television grinding on about “human rights” and then getting into the legal system which moves so slowly the pikeys will have died of old age before moving them is authorised. To me, the obvious answer is to target their vehicles. None of them are taxed or insured and many of them breach the construction and use regulations. If I was stopped in such circumstances my car would be taken away by plod on a flat bed truck and I would be walking home, that is unless I was given a free lift to the local custody suite.
And don’t forget the constant romanticising of the scum on tv – My Big Fat Pikey Wedding, etc, etc.
Yeah, tell me about it MMCM.
The only time a TV programme should be made about these pikey cunts is when they are being bulldozed over the White Cliffs of Dover so that they land on a flotilla of Peaceful dinghy dossers!
Gas them. Or give ’em to the Guards as target practice.
What the fuck has happened to dear old Blighty?
I’d be fine if the royals had to put up with them like the rest of us are told to.
You see I’ve just heard that former wimnin’s cricketer, Ebony Rainford Brent, has been given an MBE today by the Queen. She has a cushy job ‘commentating’ on men’s cricket on Sky.
Was she any good? Batting average of 24 bowling average over 50. Very average. But she was part of the wimmins world cup winning squad in 2009.
But so we’re many other honky players who’ve been ignored. In fact, the only other member of that squad who also got a cushy commentating job , is(this time with the BBC and various overseas networks) Isa Guha. Yes, a dark key too.
One could almost think they’re getting preferential treatment, careers and awards because of black and brown privilege?
And the likes of Rainsford Brent (with the help of privileged cunts like Michael fucking Holding) have the cheek to rant about privileged whitey?
No, sorry the royals can fuck right off. If I could, I’d choose not to donate any if my tax to the cunts. I’d demand all their assets are sold and the proceeds divided out among the tax paying public.
And yes, the dark keys know exactly what they’re doing and are getting actual privilege and advantage over honkies now. What do we call that again..? Wasn’t it ‘institutional racism’ or something, I can’t quite remember?
Fuck off.
I’d over the pikeys to pitch up in David Lammy neighborhood. Bet the cunt wouldn’t be sitting quietly & happy behind closed doors like the smug bastard currently is now while wolfing down his toasted artisan bread topped with melting brie.