The MOD and how it is making the Chinks and Russkis piss their pants. And not with fear.
The Ministry of Defence’s new £110,000-a-year diversity chief is taking aim at ‘sexist’ ranks in the armed forces including rifleman, airshipman and airman.
Samantha de Forges, who was appointed in the new role in February, is leading a review into military titles which will happen next year.
The head of the Royal Navy, Lord Ian West, who may be forced to give up his title, last week described demands to change ranks as ‘ultra, ultra-woke pressure’.
Why in god’s name has this nonsense penetrated the military? If a woman serves in the Navy then call her a seawoman not a fucking seaperson. What the fuck does it matter? Why are we paying this pointless cunt £110 000 pa?
There is bullshit talk of a ‘welcoming and inclusive’ culture. Women have served for decades without this rubbish. But wait, perhaps this is a prelude to swelling the ranks with gays and trannies.
Our enemies will think twice before taking on our ‘welcoming and inclusive’ armed forces.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Helpful link provided by:Cupid Stunt The First
The chinks in the russkis have been pissing themselves about England for years so this will just add to the hilarity! The icing on the cake for them will be watching the Cuckland football team take the knee tomorrow in an act of absolute submission in front of the whole world and half a stadium full of booing fans!
The shame of it all!
Good moaning and fuck off!
MOD will be competing with the fucking BBC to show its diversity. Well guess what, trannie troops will be of fuck all use when Vlad’s cossack hordes roll across Europe to smash our weak as fuck ‘civilisation’. What next? Fucking Gucci heels and Chanel lippy? Still, I suppose our ‘soldierettes’ will be more sensitive to the needs of others.
Maybe all is not lost. Samantha de Forges looks a bit like Henno. Fuck right off.
Don’t be too dismissive of trannie troops. They combine the strength of a male with the temperament of a woman. If the Russians and the Kitchen Sinks wind them up too much they might be in for a nasty surprise.
On a serious note, this bitch will never get close to an army training ground never mind a frontline. It’s a fucking disgrace that this left-wing bitch is on £110,000 whilst an army private earns £20,400 for putting his life at risk.
So rather the Russians firing nuclear weapons our way, all they have to do is shout hurty words and the MOD and our defence forces will collapse with mental ishoos and hurty feelings!
Never mind the nuclear deterrent, just make sure our defence forces have a good diverse mix for the New Woke Order
Just what we need. Woke armed forces obsessing over “micro aggressions “ and scared to fight because war is “structurally racist”.
It’s only just gone 9am and am already pissed off with all this diversity shite, and everyone bending a fucking knee!
What this site needs is a sexy bint on the sidebar. A new one every day/week, just to raise our spirits (and horns, no doubt!)
*Just women okay! (pref 18-30) No wimminz, old hags, Jess-Phillips lookalikes, transformers or anything remotely weird. Diversity doesn’t apply on ISAC surely! Just get those tits out for the lads!
Techno, you are all sorts of a sexist phobe. Shame on you.
So you wouldn’t letch over topless pics of Ann Widdecombe in sexy undies? Pah!
Well it’s not a fucking coincidence that these civil servants suddenly want gays, trannies and other “sensitives” in the military. Exactly the same shit is happening in America. They are weakening and destroying it from within. I blame that cunting film with that little fa**ot Tom Cruise. You know the one…..”you can’t handle the truth.” That was a while ago…..a classic wokie film before the concept had been invented. It’s all happening very quickly but it’s been a long time coming.
Who’s that cunt on the right in the header pic? Is he going to a fancy dress gig or summat? All those “medals” for doing what exactly? fiddling expenses? Hiding in the toilets? Doing the washing up?
And anyway, doesn’t his rank suggest he is white privileged and elitist? The Mound of the Hound of the Baskervilles (bint on the left) will soon strip him of his rank for the greater good of diversity.
And to think this fat cunt on £110k earns almost as much as BlowJob Boris, and as much as I despite him he has far more on his plate than this cunt with a made-up job title!
Don’t ask doris to fix it he wants us all to be more feminine and gender neutral. He should give us all a lesson and show us how to do it. No doubt he would refer to the John Inman hand book on warfare or direct us to the Carry On video on how to storm fortifications in the wee small hours, narrated of course by Charles Hawtrey.
It’s a;l coming true…
What’s the point of a military that can’t stand up to a few cunts of Twatter.. Anyway the whole things pointless as we’ve already been invaded. Useless cunts.
What a fucking joke our armed forces are becoming.
We have new tanks that soldiers can only spend two hour in because the noise and vibration is so bad, ships that have engines that cant handle the warm seas of the equator without overheating, new jump jets that need constant Control, Alt, Delete together them started and now our soldiers are gong to resemble the Aint Half Hot Mum concert party.
Fuck me, I hope no one tries picking a fight with us or we’ll be fucked!
With the Green Agenda rolling on it will come as no surprise that the likes of Princess NutNut and Greta Thunderpants will demand that all military aircraft, tanks, ships are grounded until they become zero-carbon friendly.
Moreover, expect the Health & Safety Executive to get further involved suggesting that all military vehicles and our arsenal of weapons all carry handling instructions with special emphasis on safety.
They will also suggest our warships should be resprayed from the traditional battleship grey to some pastel-friendly colour, with a mural on the side with fluffy rabbits, rainbows and everyone holding hands!
It’s on its way – the “environmentally friendly bullet” is already here. I kid you not:
Kills people whilst fitting in with the “green agenda”.
It’s gone we’ll beyond the point of “you couldn’t make this shit up”. The only remaining question I suppose is how long the Commies will wait before starting a ruckus and wiping us out. We are fucked.
You want to see what is happening in the US. Military history now consists of white man bad, heterosexual bad. Xi and Putin must be quaking in their beds at night. Marine officers are resigning….
The leader of the free woke world.
We are fucked well and truly.
When I joined up it was taboo to engage in fudge packing and snappers were rounded up and discharged dishonourably .
It’s fucking compulsory now.
If I were the Argies i’d be thinking about paying a little visit to Las Malvinas in the near future. The Jellyfish may think he’s Winston fucking Churchill but he ain’t even hard enough to wear Thatcher’s bra and bloomers. (God, what a horrible vision I just had. I need a lie down)
If the Argies tried taking the Falklands now we’d not be taking them back. Big difference between the forces of ’82 vs today. There are still some great squaddies of course, who joined for all the right reasons (to defend our isles and shoot some fuzzy wuzzies), but there is a woke management lot protecting their pensions and making our lands vulnerable. Gays and peacefuls in the forces together? That’ll work out just fine lol.
I bet even the fucking Frogs could take us over now in about a week. It’s only the nukes that makes us a bit of a threat really.
Nukes, or sending out Jess Phillips, Flabbott, Butler, Anal Ease Dodds and Emily Thornberry, if it really gets hairy
I dunno. I bet Dame Elton’s gaping ringpiece could be put to good use in an enemy minefield. He could simply shuffle along on his arse and any mines would simply exploded inside his huge cavernous poop shoot. He wouldn’t feel a fucking thing.
I think the Taliban or Isis would run for their fucking lives too, if they saw a bunch of limp wristed gays running towards them shouting, “Coo-ee! Hello boys, we’ve got some hot man pork injections and vaccines from Israel for you!”
I keep being told that Philip Schofield is the bravest man in the world too, so I’m sure he must be useful as well?
Fuck off.
The Taliban/ISIS would soon surrender if we promised them big council houses, lots of benefits and a choice of under 13s to groom!
Good thinking. The Pink Beret Brigade (known as the “Fighting Izzards”) would put the fear of god into the enemy. Everybody dreads the prospect of hand to hand combat with stilettos and Louis Vuitton handbags.
“They don’t like it up ‘em Captain Mainwaring”.
“I’m afraid our lot do Corporal Jones”.
What a load of bollocks, for £110,000 we could have a couple of snipers on border force vessels to discourage the invasion.
Now that would be money well spent.
Put the money towards a helicopter gunship for the Border Force. I’ll dust the mothballs off my old flying suit and crew the fucker for free on days off…
If you click on the link and scroll down you get to this story with a picture of three red hot chicks….
Warning you may get the horn.
That picture of those three failed life forms… I just haven’t the words. No, I’m defeated, baffled, horrified…
Yep, the horn.
Which one Cuntstable ?
Officially living in another dimension so don’t give a fuck anymore
What are the armed forces defending anyway? A country that hates white folk and praises Marxist terrorists. It is everyone’s duty NOT to join the armed forces. They’ll be used against the majority whites one day.
I’m done with supporting these cunts.
Fuck off.
Probably sooner rather than later.
Afterall, it’s for Queen.. and then country. Whatever the monarchy desires comes first; be that securing oil reserves, selling weapons to tinpot dictators, or cropping Afghan poppy fields.
The establishment of this country doesn’t give two fucks about its citizens beyond tax collection.
TBCC@ – ????????????????
What worries me most about this story is, what the fuck is an airshipman?
When did we replace our strike fighters with fucking Zeppelins?
When you understand that we have been invaded by a hostile alien force and their agenda is the destruction of everything that makes Britain Britain it does all make sense.
At this rate the fucking Belgians could invade and have us eating waffles within a week.
A disgrace.
That doesn’t exactly sound like a bad thing I like waffles and I’m quite fond of Belgian ale
More men get killed in our armed forces ….. SEXIST!!
More white males get killed in our armed forces…… RACIST!!
Utterly fucking ridiculous
What next Maybe our soldiers will be forced to take the knee before combat?
Instead of “present arms!” the order will be “take the knee!”
Whist wearing some virtue signaling equality T shirt ……..
like the England cricketers who managed to get off their knees only to be shoehorned into the aforementioned t shirts ………..
“By the left, Quick Kneel”
Fuck. Right. Off.
You take an oath to serve HM Queen. Your commission comes from The Queen. About time she said ‘Enough is enough’.
No longer applicable, DCI – the Queen has been cancelled!
Fucking students. Some of them are as big a bunch of useless cunts as those that make sweeping, uneducated generalisations on a subject. No names mentioned…
Just round up all the Knee-grows from Londanistab and drop them in a war zone-tell them that the enemy have “dissed dem pussy an’ shit!” and arm them with weapons of “Sash” destruction.
Heavy casualties guaranteed. Simians wipes out? Win-win for dear old Blighty??
Didn’t you cunters see the ad for the army with the peaceful praying while the other white soldiers looked on? And it said ” this has belonging” .
Fuck off.
Hang on…
This person is *gulp* white!
Some fucking diversity!
Get a fucking lesbian, vegan, one-eyed cycling person of colour in, and do the job properly.
Put a fat ugly lesbian cunt who hates men in charge of your military and I’m absolutely shocked that this would happen, completely an utterly shocked I tell you!
It took Hitler’s firm just six weeks to take the whole of France in 1940.
If that exact same Nazi mob was around now, I would say it would take them about a fortnight to take the entire UK in 2021. And sadly, no, I am not joking.
One can imagine it now. Rommel and Goering hatching their schemes and plans for an invasion and/or Blitz. While Butter Mountain de Forges would be dithering about what colour uniforms to wear, lambasting the Paras for being ‘sexist’, or deciding on putting the trannies on the front line so they feel ‘included’ when Gerry turns up. Pure fucking comedy. Black comedy I might add.
Good old Monty (Python, that is)
Yeah with the same weapons not new technology. We’re fucked.
France did make an effort to keep the Krauts out in WW2 (the built the Maginot Line defences – hence the delay in the Krauts taking over as they had to take a little longer to travel around the obstacle ?). Without any effort at defence it would only have taken a few days at most I reckon. Up against a bunch of raving poofters even less!
I can’t wait for the first hissy fit over mismatched camouflage patterns…
“And I really can’t see that helmet going with those trousers”
We’re doomed…
(copyright John Laurie)
People should not be running the military unless they have served in the military.
“Quick Mohammed – let’s begin the invasion”!
“Ooh, I don’t know Abdul – the enemy are wearing rainbow ribbons”..
Rough Men do what gentle Men dare not so gentle Men can sleep safe in their beds and wake up to criticise rough Men.
Pray we never run out of rough men.
“Pray we never run out of rough men”
You are for Phillip Schofield and I claim my five gerbils 😀
TBRILW@ – Unfortunately someone known as “Fat Reg” has waddled off with all the gerbils!
Fk all point going to Barrymores pool party tonight now ?
The military is for the purpose of efficient death and destruction. Anything beyond that is bullshit and should be scrapped. The mission: to win.
The personnel: the toughest, best trained bad-asses on Earth. Women need not apply.
Any questions?