My old stomping ground of Birmingham, was awarded to host the 2022 Games back in the mid 2010s. At first I thought this might be a good idea given the cultural diversity of the city, as well as giving Birmingham a much-needed economic boost, along with the nation as a whole.
But even back then there were rumblings that the Games generally harked back to Britain’s colonial past, and of slavery and “institutional/perceived racism”, with some critics suggesting the Games are anachronistic and just not fit for purpose in a more “diverse and culturally enriched” 21st century.
Given how woke this country has become over the last 2 years, I can only guess when the Games do start next year (Covid restrictions permitting), there will be lots of protests going on probably before, during and after the event. With calls for it to be scrapped completely.
Personally I don’t see the point of the Games (or the Olympic Games, come to that). Most of the athletes are probably on drugs; and given how transsexuals can now identify to whatever gender that will give them the best chance of winning, it will mean the Games becoming even more devalued.
You can also expect to see the BBC and other MSM broadcasters place special emphasis for BAME athletes and the hardships they faced at the hands of all those nasty white imperialists/supremacists centuries ago. (Oh and expect to see lots of BAME pundits in the TV studios, just like what we have now with football, cricket, rugby etc.)
And don’t be too surprised to learn of Commonwealth athletes (and spectators from abroad) suddenly claiming asylum or simply disappearing into the streets of Birmingham not wanting to return home. They claim asylum because they fear for their lives back home (mostly BAME countries), and want to live here (a mostly racist country according to BAMEs). Go Figure!
Hopefully by then there will be no more bending of knees or Black Power salutes by woke athletes – but I wouldn’t bank on it!
Nominated by: Technocunt
The Commonwealth Games, one of the dullest events in the sporting calendar.
The Europa League of athletics.
Its basically England, Australia, Canada who win everything.
The rest is a multitude of Bongo Bongo land outfits who would get humiliated at my 10 year old lads sports day.
Bring on the swimming events!!!
Obviously, they let the dark keys wear armbands. Otherwise, they’d be digging mass graves in Birmingham by tea time on day 1.
Fiddler has kindly opened up his modest hunting lodge to host the shooting and archery events. I think it is just a ruse to shoot any disorientated dark key armed with a gun and claim he was being robbed.
I’m surprised they haven’t introduced a handicap (can you even say that now) whereby those disadvantaged by colour will be allowed a head start.
Just listening to that cunt Southgate on the idiot box. What a fuxking tool he is.
The aussies get so excited about this its fucking embarrassing to come from the same planet as them
Olympic Games – Commonwealth Games etc. are all just fronts for bent politicians to pay off the favours owed by awarding contracts at inflated prices to those who’ve slipped them a brown envelope over the last few years.
Fuck all to do with sport.
A shit heap of a “games” in a shit heap of a city.
Perfect for each other, one would have thought.
That article is astonishing. Basically the BAMES want to run the whole thing, give out all the contracts to their BAME mates and probably want to win all the fucking medals. Stick it up your BAME arse.
Like the Olympics, these are the worst “sports” either to do or watch. Throwing things, running and jumping, leaping over a pole, twirling a baton. It’s gayer than rugby and just as dreary to watch. Scrap the anti-drugs rules & gender definitions and just pile everybody together. Include new sports like British Bulldogs with knives and Scooter Drive-By Stabbings, have Men vs. Women vs. Trannîes vs. Loonies vs. Disabled all off their noggins on amphetamines, powder, and Spice and only award one medal given by our new king, young George VII.
American blacks win all the olympic fast medals and heavy weight boxing (including Joshua) because they were bred like race horses for 200 years. Ethiopians win all the distance medals because of genetics. White men are the best at Chess. Its all “racist” im afraid. And really really boring.
I like Birmingham it’s one of the few cities you can walk from a billion quid area like the renovated town centre to the desolate slum of Digbeth within 2 minutes.
To be fair digbeth is due to have a £1.5bn makeover. Which will mean moving all the riffraff further out towards existing shitholes like Winson green and handsworth.
Last time I went was for a gig a couple of years ago. It’s an odd mixture of craft ale microbreweries, old school digbeth types and tramps.
Hasn’t been the same since the Dubliner burnt down the second time.
The Commonwealth Games. Or ‘The Shitlympics’ as I call it.
Watching some Kenyan play a Bangladeshi at crown green bowling.
Fuck off.
Not so hasty fellow cunters – I predict the trans UK team of boxers comprising Lady Veronica Fox, Madam Fiddler and young Miss Miserable doing particularly well in the laydees heavyweight division! ??
And of the Commonwealth games are – yawn – “racist” etc then every chippy import is welcome to fuck off back to the third world and engage in their sports of indolence, scrounging and whining.
Respect MY Country or leave.
I am so downbeat about absolutely everything.
If there was a event for pessimism at the Commonwealth Games, I really wouldn’t fancy my chances.
Big Mal@ – I was entering the event for indecisiveness, but I am now not so sure..
Birmingham should definitely host the Commonwealth games!
Black Sabbath and Slade should provide the opening entertainment.
BSA should be issuing commemorative bullets.
Slavery? So what?!
“For those in the front seats clap along!
The rest of you just rattle your chains!’
I am changing my event to the sport of ‘tanning’.
Hoping for bronze.
Well, speaking as a trans-melaninial, I`m all for them.
And another thing, whatever happened to Greco-Roman wrestling?
I must admit, I loved the sweaty entanglement of oily men groping each other in somewhat disturbing ways.
You may want to consider getting a new username. It triggers the word filters – DA
I read New Zealand are entering a tranny in the weightlifting.
It’s a ‘male to female’ tranny. Just thought I’d best point that out, seeing as we get so many sports people who are ‘female to male’ trannies, right?
Still, I don’t think she’ll win a medal. I doubt her snatch will impress the judges.
I’m really looking forward to this. It’s well and truly bound to stir up the shit!
Not even worth a “clean and jerk” Cunty?
I’ve probably had far worse.
Yes Cuntybollocks you make a good point. Why aren’t there more ‘female to male’ trannies wanting to compete? It would make you suspect that strength has something to do with it. I mean If this ‘transitioning’ is all real and fair and above board why isn’t there two way traffic and women turning into men. In fact I have never heard of a ‘female to male’ tranny athelete requesting they can compete as a man.
Indeed. If one were cynical, one could think that the men in sport who ‘identify’ now as women, weren’t good enough to make the grade as male athletes. You could even believe, if cynical of course, that they have found a way to get any easy career and potential fame and fortune?
I think this sort of shite helps to wake people up though.
That’s right you get marked down for an untidy snatch.
Will everyone take the knee?I guess yes and a Black Panther salute.Lord help us
I’m waiting for the magic moment when some virtue-signalling cunt goes down and fucks a cruciate for his trouble.
That would be fucking hilarious. And it’s a real possibility with some of those soft ‘made of glass’ cunts too
Give it a few months and all those testosterone addicted Bulgarian “female” athletes from the 80s will be wanting their medals back. #justice4theeasternblock.
I expect it will be a Cunts Festival like almost everything infected by the virtue signalling mob.
Make it much much more popular by making full Russian steroids mandatory for all competitors for 12 months before it kicks off.
Plus everyone must wear a rainbow wig.
This is where the well known countries of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man all have their own teams.
Not really trying to pad out a pile of shit are they.
I expect the U.K. athletes’ll be at a disadvantage due to them still having to wear masks and go straight into isolation if a single person anywhere in the Country has as much as a tickly cough.
# Save the NHS…get vaccinated…hide away for the next 18 months.
Fucking ridiculous.
Indeed. Once Chimbo Ngembo is seen buying some Strepsils (actually, he’d probably steal them) then the entire nation will be forced to wear hazmat suits, while staying at home for five years, in case some goat botherer in Blackburn catches it.
Look at Hungary. Vaccinated about half their country and then seen cases come crashing down like blighty.
Difference can be seen at the footy. Hungary full stadium. England reduced to 20,000 or so.
I had no problem with people getting vaccinated….but what was the point if it means that we must still endure an endless round of “lockdowns” ?
Apparently 85% of people now have antibodies so we have presumably reached “herd immunity?
I started out thinking that the whole “Covid” thing was a vast over-reaction…changed my mind and agreed with the initial measures and vaccination drive….now I’ve had a gutful. Our politicians boasted that we were one of the leading lights in the vaccination drive and we’d reap the benefits as we “opened up” before most other Countries….fucking rate we’re actually “opening up” we’ll be lucky if we’re “free” in 20 years time….and yet the planes keep landing,the dingy-surfers get picked up,football fans gather in their thousands,G7 leaders hug each other….and all the while we are told to keep cowering away in our bunkers.
Fucking enough is enough.
With you there DF.
I think the vaccinations have and are doing their job.
If they’re locking down because some people don’t want to get vaccinated, then that’s bollocks.
Personally, I think the government don’t want to be called the ‘r’ word when the peacefuls and dark keys croak in large (ish) numbers.
If that’s their real reason, they can fuck off.
Once everyone who wants the vaccine has had it, then there is no excuse in not letting everyone take their chances.
Research should (and will) still continue to find ‘better’ vaccines (100% nukes the cunt virus and all variants into extinction with no side effects please), but lockdowns? Huge restrictions?
For those not wanting a vaccine? Bollocks to that. And I’m sure most anti vaxers agree…maybe not the peacefuls though.
Ivermectin: trialled and used for many years-proven 100% successful as a prophylactic against covid.
This is all about vakzine sales?
I see people rioting soon if Bojo extends his “extension”.We need a strong leader not the Jellyfish.We are truly shafted.The SAGE and Onion party are in control.Gas them all.Weak.Weak.Weak.
The first sign of anyone taking the knee, and the tv in this house will be turned off and the Commonwealth Games boycotted.
Nobody will know if the crown green bowlers are doing it or not. They’ll have to shout “Hurrah for the n i g no gs!” or something so we know for sure.
Plane loads of umbongos will land to take part with no chance of winning a thing, then they will go missing when it’s time to fuck off. The biggest wolligog event will still be the 22 mile dinghy dash across the channel..
It’s the new marathon; the 22mile paddle between Calais and Dover.
What country do we allocate the medals to tho, seeing as no cunt will own up as to where they’re actually from?
The dinghy riders evading the torpedoes.Fastest one wins a free trip to Umbongo land
I wonder if Sasha Johnson will be competing in the disabled category?..
She’ll shit herself every time the starting pistol goes off… ?
If coming first meant a lifetime of benefits rather than a cheap and tacky gold medal, the umbongos would win every friggin event!
Give it five minutes and we’ll be letting Syria and Afghanistan in but then towing them over the line when they try and get 85 of them on a lilo in the two man rowing or whatever its called and then we’ll have some silly cûnt starting a fundraiser for one of their kids who needs a new bicycle or something or fucking other.
Thank dog I no longer pay rates to Brum. And as for the sad fucks who follow sport…
Inn this age of inclusion there should be events for men, wimminz and the Alphabets.
I have made a suggestion to the he Olympic committee about a lesbian tuppence licking
triathlon event for wimminz between 18 and 21
Good nom Techno.
First Commonwealth games I can remember was probably the best one.
1986 in Edinburgh – boycotted by nearly all of the African/black countries in protest at apartheid/racism.
Ended up being a practically honkey only games.
Great days.
Have they built a stadium for this cunt festival? Or are they just going to use some school playing field? Might as well, no cunt will be allowed to attend anyway.
Oh the Great and Good’ll be there in force,Freddie.
Sir Q*eer Charmer won’t miss a chance, most of these cunts will be future Labour voters once they have disappeared into their various communities.
I doubt if Sir Que*r will be Labour leader by then. The lefties are baying for his blood. If he goes down in Batley he’s in big fucking shit.
*It makes a difference for comments appearing and them being automatically moderated by software – DA
So I must avoid qu**rs. I’ll bear that in mind, thanks Admin.
I wonder if the javelin event will be banned on the basis that it can be construed as perceived racism (spears, animals, jungles, umbongos hunting)?
Woke logic dictates that being too competitive is bad, so how long until all the Soyista cunts moan about these events? Personally don’t care, find athletics dull, but I’m a cunt.
I bet if you started a Twatter account moaning about competitive sports that you’d be massive in time and ready to launch your own Technocunt Fragrance.
‘you’d be massive in no time’ not ‘massive in time’ I despair at my ineptitude/early onset dementia/finger fungus.
Authorities ar still attempting to locate all the bastards that vanished after the Olympic games in 2012. Think one was a complete football team from an African wonderland.
What is the point of commonwealth games anyway?
Surely one of the events must be based around the husband of that old bird off TVAM’s Daybreaking GMB? Perhaps some fucking thin and confused looking Ugandan or Mozambican has to guess how many times she’s mentioned him having barflu on the box since last Sping? You get a gold medal for getting within 10, a silver for within 20 or a bronze for just turning up, giving it a go and taking a load of drugs.