The Australian trade deal

It’s bollocks. We lose totally.

The food standards in Australia for raising meat is disgusting and illegal here. They’re going to flood the market with cheap product that’ll fuck over our farmers who can’t match it as they raise their cattle properly. What do we gain from this? nothing and we have a great chance to lose a lot. But it’s “amazing” according to Boris who doesn’t have a fucking clue.

Who wants chlorinated chicken? Or battery farmed pigs?

Only thing worse would be accepting meat from the USA and if that happens I’d almost consider becoming a vegetarian and I hate vegetarians.

Trade Deal Embargo

Nominated by: Lazybiscuits 

85 thoughts on “The Australian trade deal

  1. The UK has some of the highest food standards in the world (DF will be able to give a more professional insight on this) – why would we accept inferior produce?
    I have been checking out the fine print (a joyful task ?) on the “trade deals” Liz Truss has been doing, they do not seem too heavy on details, just assumptions and promises.
    And talking of deals, after 5 1/2 years we still have not signed off on the EU surrender deal – time to walk away now and trade on WTO terms.

    • And Liz Truss.

      A formidable winning combination if ever there was one!


      • RTC@ – As it would appear with most of the Johnson administration – more spin than substance.
        And there is a huge difference between an international trade deal and a free trade agreement.

    • “It’s Boris Johnson, what would you expect?”

      Frankly, I expect the prick to spontaneously combust and take that toothy tart with him.

      Boris is not fit to govern his own bowel movements.

      Morning Ruffers.

  2. The alleged high food standards in the UK is just a smoke screen.

    Although many farmers and slaughter houses are forced to comply with the various rules and regulations about animal welfare, there remains a huge and growing market for meat where the animals have not been slaughtered according to any civilised procedure.

    Kosher and Halal meat.

    Large institutions such as schools, hospitals and prisons only serve halal meat as it keeps their ordering easier.

    There are branches of McDonald’s that only sell halal meat and the number of those branches are on the increase.

    I suspect that KFC is just the same.

    There is no point in giving a farm animal a pleasant albeit short life if it has to endure a horrible, barbaric death.

    • It appears to be a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’.
      We have strawberry punnets on sale with the name of the farmer and yet many of us eat meat unaware that the animal died an horrific death.

    • That’s what happens when we accommodate the filth, ban the barbaric practice and they might fuck off somewhere else.

      • DEFRA have some nerve accepting this stone age method of slaughter that puts the animal through horrific and completely unnecessary distress before it dies. There are clips of this on Youtube, not nice at all.

        Still someone in the gubbimint has given it the green light to appease our peaceful bretheren. All in the name of some medieval k1ddly fiddler More-Ham-Head.

        Piss be upon the filthy cunt.

    • I’ve said this before: the only animals that should be slaughtered with the halal method are halal butchers themselves. These bastards are a stain on humanity.

      Fucking superstitious nonsense!

  3. You may be pleased to hear that Aussies sure treat their illegal immigrants rougher than Britain does as well.
    Arrive on a boat? Go directly to Manus or Nauru

  4. Australia sells mainly to Asia. If you don’t want their meat don’t buy it, it’s all labelled with the place of origin. Chlorine washes off and I believe our salads are drenched in it already. Also I’ve been to the states and eaten their turkey and chicken. I’m still here and it’s as good as ours. And their fruit is better.
    It’s amazing how many Americans and Australians seem to survive their poor quality food standards. Or maybe they’re not that bad.

    • Exactly.

      The UK government are always going on about how they are, or how they will be the world leaders in this, that and the other.

      They don’t take into account that it is the consumer that ends up having to pay for their arrogance.

    • Yes, the meat is perfectly safe to eat.

      It’s not the chlorine itself that is the problem, it’s why the chicken has to be chlorinated in the first place, e.g. low animal welfare standards in the U.S. that is the issue.

      Keeping chickens in large flocks in dirty conditions makes it much more likely that bacteria will develop and spread Chickens are fed antibiotics as a preventative measure to help stop infection and chlorine washed after slaughter to kill off any remaining bacteria.

      This does not support a good quality of life for chickens and reliance on antibiotics in farming means these lifesaving drugs become less effective for humans.

      In this country we have higher standards of animal welfare, negating the need to chlorinate the meat. Also it comes at a financial cost, which means cheap chlorinated chicken imports place our farmers at a huge disadvantage.

      • There’s a horrific documentary on Netflix called rotten that shows how chickens are bred and slaughtered in the USA/Brazil. They can’t even stand up for most of their lives.

        Think kosher/halal deaths are bad? Imagine living your entire life crammed into a barn unable to move and even stand up. That is barbaric.

      • The chlorine is largely a necessity due to supply chain distance. Chickens going between Nebraska and say, Florida, possibly in multiple trailers and with varying temperatures at loading/unloading etc, it’s just an extra measure as back up in case of flaws in the cold chain.

    • Nah aussies won’t eat that shot, we export our own meat and only eat imported british meat! Except the cow brains…

    • You have a Japanese wife don’t you? If I could eat Japanese food I would go veggie, delicious stuff. Apart from natto, nearly threw up when it was served for breakfast once after a night out.

    • As a “hated” vegetarian, do you not give a flying fuck about animal welfare?

      • Live on cheese, do you Willie?

        “Many’s the long night I’ve dreamed of cheese—toasted, mostly.” (Ben Gunn)

    • I don’t hate vegetarians, my best friend has been a vegetarian for 30 years since he was 9 years old and I don’t hate him (obvs). It’s vegans who are the cunts.

  5. Lots of inbred, animal-murdering farmers will be fucked over. Oh boo hoo. They could use the spare time to look for a proper job but they’ll probably just fuck their sister more often. We get Brexit and these ham-faced cunts suffer. Win-win.

      • ‘animal-murdering…’
        Yes I was walking in the fish market other other day and yes I suddenly realised the Cod and the Skate laying there on those white slabs…I thought these fish they had wives and children back in sea…and they’ve been caught in a net and murdered for our consumption.
        Yes laid on those white slabs in rows like a little mortuary tables (it reminded me of) and everyone just walking passed showing no respect.
        Then I caught the dead eye of a Pike and that did it a surge of emotion hit me and I went over there Capt and I grabbed that fish and held it and shouted ‘Who’s murdered this fish?’ Who murdered this fish?’ And all the shoppers looked on strartled.
        Eventually the fishmonger (fishhater he should be called) ‘we get them from the Grimsby’
        And you know Caot I made him yes made him get in the car and drive to that dreadful place of Horror (especially for Plaice). And I went and upturned the tables and shouted at them -‘Fish murderers! Fish murderers’. What do you think about that Capt? You would have been proud of me.

      • ‘animal-murdering farmers’
        Murder is a very serious offence Capt.
        If farmers are murderers like Myra Hindley shouldn’t they be arrested?


      • Pike from Grimsby? But they’re freshwater fish, full of bones, don’t taste of much and rarely if ever sold here for those reasons. Might have been a hake I suppose, more edible, and otherwise vaguely alike…

      • I wonder if a lion tracked a gazelle today in the Serengeti and chased it and closed in on it and took a bite leaving a gash in its neck but still the gazelle managed to get away thank God.
        Would that be classified as ‘attempted murder’?

      • @MilesPlastic

        I don’t know of the dietary lifestyle of Captain Magnanimous but vegans certainly tend to be melodramatic and hyperbolic when referring to animals.



        the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

      • Thanks TITS. It just irritates me.

        More yes the ‘premeditated killing’ bit? So the lioness stalks her prey. (maybe an antelope this time.) When does the ‘premeditation’ start? Obviously not the first sight of him. But at a100 yards away? or at 50 yards away? When does ‘malice aforethought’ kick in?
        What about a ‘crime de passionelle’. That’s I suppose when the big lion wants to breed with the most beautiful lioness. And has to fight his rival. And the animal police turn up.


    • I also like Chris Packham CM

      The world would be a better place if more like him.

      • Sorry , but I can’t stand the arrogant gobshyte who’s done very very well for himself courtesy of tthe BBC.

      • He’s knowledgeable about his subject but ruins it by being up his own arse. I don’t like him because he hates cats. Cats don’t give a fuck which is the only viewpoint that makes sense on this planet.

        I can imagine him at school, having his bag thrown on the roof of the gym on a daily basis and mocked due to his tiny cock.

        Fuck him.

  6. To be honest I’ll wait and see how it pans out.
    I do know the Australians know nothing at all about sausages so that’s a concern,the loud cunts.
    I also note these much lauded trade deals never include a reduction in duty/tax to be paid so wine etc is going to be no cheaper.
    I was hoping for cheap bourbon to coming flooding in from the Yanks but no such luck naturally.
    Trade deal my arse.
    Fuck off.

    • Yep, with Unkle Terry on this ie wait and see.

      I’ve heard that thanks to several years severe drought etc the Aussie livestock quantities have been hit for a bigger six than David Warner at the SCG. They don’t have enough to meet local demand yet alone afford the cost to transport stuff 12,000 miles.

      As for the wine, existing tariffs are only around 2%-5% so that’s no different than a few days currency routine fluctuations. Fuck All.

      Aussie and Kiwis probably not well- disposed of towards us either having shafted them circa 1972.

      So as ever, the so called Aussie Trade Deal is all Blancmange piss and wind and worth maybe £100m pa tops. All bullshit and no genuine substance although it’s worth it just to piss off the EU.

      • It’s worth an additional 0.01 – 0.02% of GDP over 15 years…

        The EU must be laughing their heads off.

      • @Ruff Tuff

        “The EU must be laughing their heads off”.

        They probably would, if they had a sense of humour.

  7. I’m a fairminded cunt, so let’s remind ourselves that when we joined the EU ( maybe earlier, when we joined the EEC) we fucked over the Aussie and Kiwi meat producers big time. Most of the UK’s lamb and butter came from the Antipodes, and perhaps we might have been able to improve their supply methods if we had remained major customers of theirs.

    Nor is the situation quite as bleak as the ever-unhappy British farming lobby suggests. Chlorinated chicken and hormone-fed beef were banned from import last year; in any event if you’ve been eating bagged supermarket salads, those were probably chlorine-washed, and chlorine is of course added to tap water. The problem is not the small quanity of chlorine involved, but livestock reared in poor conditions whose meat requires disinfection. Australia is no more prone to this than the UK, and their stock rearing standards are reasonably high. The carbon footprint of their cattle is actually smaller than ours.

    Naturally UK farmers, some of them used to massive subsidies from the EU for producing fuck-all, are bitching. But if they can’t produce a better-value product than something grown in an arid country and shipped expensively halfway round the world then perhaps it is time they reconsidered their business plans.

    • I bought a packet of chicken pieces admittedly on a £1:00. But I could taste the chlorine.

      • Did you buy it in America? It is currently illegal to sell chlorinated chicken (in any form) in the UK.

      • Chicken tastes like ammonia/chlorine when it’s going off, you should’ve brought it back!

      • For a quid it would have been over the due date and well on the way to ammonia

  8. We wanted lions instead we have donkeys.Totally fudged.Clueless government as per usual.Inept.Lord help us all.

  9. My neighbour plays guitar in a tribute band who are all committed vegetarians.
    Soy Division….

    • I saw them before lockdown as a warm up act to Status Quinoa and Bill Kaley and His Comets.

      • 10 years ago, myself and friends from my AA group formed a band – “Piston Broke.”

    • Its rumoured that even that fat fucker Meatloaf was a vegetarian for a while.
      They reckon there was a period when he wouldn’t go near a sausage.
      “You took the wurst right out of my mouth”….

    • I was once in a tribute band called The Prevention.
      We were hoping to be better than The Cure.

  10. What has historically pissed me right off is that these ex colonial convicts have for years been able to come to the UK and work and live freely here (I live in an area of London where there’s way too many Australians and South Africans) – but can we do the same there, no fucking chance.

    Now these cunts want a trade deal. What is interesting, post Brexit shite, if you have noticed we are trying to do trade deals with all the countries who were ex colonies so I imagine a big thought process all the whitehall bigwigs dreamt up consisted of “let’s just approach all the commonwealth countries and do deals with them”.

    What this translates as it let’s do a trade deal as long as our citizens get freedom to move the UK – fuck off.

    • I would 100 times rather Australians than Somalis and Albanians. Can’t quantify how many times rather I would have New Zealanders than Nigerians. Cunts they may be but they’re our cunts, basically.

      • Absolutely and totally agree – we have shared common interests and values (and they speak English and drink beer) but my point is that the irony over the last 30 odd years where they have been able to easily settle in the UK but we can’t in their countries.

        Anyway, I don’t like bit nasty spiders so won’t be going soon!

      • Point taken, CM, but they have an immigration issue too Which they are dealing with a bit more robustly than our spineless politicians. Sure, we should lock out anyone without a reciprocal agreement, as well as the culturally alien sc*m we’re welcoming now, but honestly…Boris? You serious?

        Our fault, not theirs.

  11. Couldn’t give a fuck about this “deal”, farmers won’t lose out in the UK, sorry to disappoint the Vegacunts on here, go back and watch your staged vegan videos in your sticky spünk soaked armchairs you envious cunts!!!!

  12. The UK only have stringent Food standards now because of all the fuck-ups here in the past, BSE Anyone?

    You get what you pay for, pay extra, buy local, eat well!

  13. If you have ever bought a packaged sandwich with salad in you have eaten chlorinated food. It’s no big deal. Animal welfare standards are a concern but we cant insist on harmonising standards EU style.
    And give me Aussies every time over most EU cunts.

  14. I don’t like the deal, but knowing Steve Bray, Nancy Adonis and Bercow the clown will dislike it even more than I do – well, that’s good enough for me.

  15. DA@ – Is there a sober Australian?
    With apologies to my Antipodean friends! ?

    For the sake of anyone reading this who didn’t see the original comment. An Australian came on to go bleh bleh pommies don’t know food using no grammar and I deleted it as they seemed rather drunk. I usually don’t delete posts as I’m nice. – DA

    • If I was been suspicious I would’ve said it was just you, DA, stirring the pot and having a windup 😉

    • If some Australian actresses are anything to go by, all the British immigration over the last 50 years has improved their gene pool since the prison colony days. Just look at Margo Robbie and the poor man’s Margo Robbie Samara Weaving and you’ll see what I mean.

  16. Got no sympathy for British Farmers. They moaned like bitches during Brexit.
    Fuck them.

  17. Never seen a poor farmer. Have you? All those expensive machines and Range Rovers.

    Does it mean Oz wines cheaper? Margaret River wines, very nice.

  18. All part of the big plan to fuck over British farmers so the land becomes available for building.. Apart from towns people trying to escape the benefits of diversity the main reason for the insatiable desire for housing is the millions of fuckers turning up every year and their prodigious creation of offspring. A suggestion, social housing on Hampstead Heath likewise a few blocks in the Royal parks should keep the immos happy for a while and may slow my “village” from becoming a medium sized city in the next few years.

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