Southern Cunts

After the Amersham and Chesam bi -election a lot of self serving shite has been said about the South being ‘left behind’ while all resources are focussed on the north.

Addressing concerns the government’s focus on the so-called former red wall seats in the Midlands and North of England has left people in traditional “blue wall” Tory areas feeling left behind.

I dont remember these car dealer, stockbroker and likewise cunts being concerned when Thatcher ripped the heart out of the Industrial areas of the UK. Perish the thought that beastly Northerners should get decent transport and infrastructure investment. None of which has actually fucking happened.

For the Home Counties I hope we can ship in millions of peacefuls, let the road system clog up, provide shite rail links and erect wind farms everyfuckingwhere so these soft, stuck up Southern cunts get a taste of what being left behind is actually like.
Let the fucking Lib Dems sort that out for them.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

133 thoughts on “Southern Cunts

  1. “South being left behind”?
    Walk around Castleford, Sheffield or any former mining area.
    Thatcher destroyed the North of England because she wanted to break the communist stranglehold on the big unions and industries, and turned the UK into even more of a two tier Country with a virtually unregulated financial wild west in London (the “big bang” computerisation of the LSE also quietly swept away a raft of regulations).
    The North has been hammered by the south since the days of “the harrying of the north” in Norman times – the amount of per capita public spending on London as opposed to the rest of the Country is just ridiculous, economic and fiscal madness and wholly unsustainable in a balanced economy.
    I wonder how much tax I am paying to fund TFL this week?

    • the south are so weak, need a good northern spine and learn to say everything twice. that way when it is said ‘those gimmigrunts are groomers’ it gets heard.

    • The Labour party closed more mines than Thatcher and the Unions boith sides of the pond killed their own jobs when cheaper skilled workers could do the same job in ship building and cars in South Korea. It no good crying over the past. its history. I live in London and am moving out. Cities like London and New Yorks days of pulling in the young could be a thing of the past . “working from home jobs” will be sent to India. Who Knows. The thing is to be positive. Im thinking of moving oop north. The city of London pays for the NHS on its own.

  2. Hahahaha….well at least you’re not bitter 😀

    Hopefully the North-South divide will continue to increase to such a level Northerners will have to produce more children simply as a cheaper alternative to turkey at Christmas. (Blackadder-ish)

    Fuck off!

    • TBRILW@ – We are currently feeding up tiny Tim Scratchitt for your Christmas dinner – but t’ whippet keeps stealing his dinner! ?

  3. I live in the south, and r.e. the comment:

    “For the Home Counties I hope we can ship in millions of peacefuls, let the road system clog up, provide shite rail links and erect wind farms everyfuckingwhere”

    it’s already happened. We have loads of the fuckers here – the local hotel was full of them a while back, but have since mysteriously disappeared (wonder if it had anything to do with a local election?), the roads (I use the term loosely as they are in such a bad state of repair that they are just above cart tracks), the train is over-priced and erratic and, although no wind farms near me, we do have fields covered in fucking solar panels (cash to the local land owner of course).

    I have family in Newcastle, and the north has been consistently failed by all goverments. I always said that Boris the clown had to repay the people in the north and midlands who voted him in – but I have yet to see the industrial revival happening (a few fucking wind turbines in Blyth doesn’t count).

    • Exactly. I live 4 miles from Chesham and Amersham. I’m not in the constituency but I know the area well. Half of Chesham is occupied by Bangladeshis and Mudslimes, crawling up the sides of the beautiful Chiltern Hills and crapping in the bushes. Amersham has its fair share of Parking Stanley’s as well. We’re not left behind – we’re drowning in the excrement.

      Anyway, the result in Chesham and Amersham has more to do with relaxation of the planning laws and HS2 more than anything else.

      North and South. It’s all one country – England, the best part of the UK, the most successful and influential country the world has seen. Half the worlds geo-political fuck ups are a legacy of our Empire – just goes to show the mark we left on the World. The World owes us for Shakespeare, Milton, Newton, Darwin, afternoon tea and cricket. North and south – what does it matter?

      Sorry MMCM I was attempting to remind people of banter/rules and this got messed up as I’ve just woken up. Apologies – DA

  4. It had to be done. The commie cunts in the unions were running the country not the elected government. Didn’t labour close more pits than the conservatives? And how vicious was Scargill? Him and his bullying flying pickets. Vile cunts. I believe it was cheaper to import coal than dig it up. Nationalised peeeesh. Crap goods, cars, made by subsidised lazy cunts all being egged on by the commie unions.
    As for the south they have fuck all to moan about. I’ll bet londonistan has more spent on it than the rest of the country.
    There are cunts on all sides of politics and us suckers in the middle. I’m sick of it.

    • Uttercunt@ – Communism was destroying the UK in the 70’s – I still recall “winters of discontent”, electricity rationed, bodies unburied, rubbish piled up in the streets and the BL workers being on strike on what seemed to be a weekly basis – Thatcher took them on and beat them which was necessary and needed, but did a hell of a lot of damage along the way.

      • Yep I remember all that too, Vernon.

        Then of course the 80s, Arthur Scargill, a truly strategic mastermind who couldn’t lose 😀

      • I come from Barnsley. I was stood behind Arthur in the bank one day. He turned round and gave me the most disturbing look.
        Our house used to be where the Briish Communist Party would meet (Barnsley branch I suppose). (My mother used to be the mail). Arthur was the Chairman I think.
        I now live in a village in Barnsley where there was a colliery accident with many dead in the 30s.. A Mr Scargill is mentioned. That would be his father.
        We used to walk to a pub in High Green. ‘That is where Arthur Scargill lives’. Big house, set back, open fields, deer roaming.
        During the Miners Strike I was in Barnsley College just opposite the NUM building on Huddersfield Rd. The morning when they was a great crowd of people in the streets. I saw the ITN cameraman being chased away.

      • errata;

        My mother used to get the mail

        Arthur was the Chairman at one point I think.

        A ‘Mr Scargill is mentioned in the history of the if what happened which comprises part of the memorial.

      • Fuck me

        A ‘Mr Scargill’ is mentioned in the history of what happened which forms part of the memorial.

  5. I’m a southern cunt and millions of peacefuls are already being shipped in. They occupy the best jobs, they’ve bought second homes, theyre diddling the system and their kids are mainly the private schools. Dunno what it’s like in the north but Mo will soon be there don’t you worry.

    • I to am a southern cunt, born in Hertfordshire, lived till leaving school in Middlesex. Joined army as a junior trooper and mixed with lads from all over U.K. learnt a lot from them and am sure they learnt from me. Various bollocks and in 1990 moved to a small village in Lincolnshire. Moved to another village in 2007 love Lincolnshire will hopefully end my days here. There can be no denying that the North has been neglected compared to the wondrous bounty bestowed on London especially in areas high in peacefuls. Not that long ago I can remember the shite housing that the “working class” had to put up with in many Southern counties. Soon, to hear a London area accent you will have to visit Lincolnshire. London and the Home Counties are great if you are well paid or immigrant on full benefits. As for me I stay here till the cuntish tsunami washes against the boundaries then I’m off again.

    • Our top “local” school is Colchester Royql Grammar, about 20 miles away, rated recently as the 8th best school in the country.

      Families come from far and wide to get their children in, property prices increased significantly as a result as it is a state school and non fee paying.

      Whitey badly outnumbered, mainly made up of Mudslimes, Indians, Chinese, and other imports.

      Ipswich School is a very short walk away, here we have those with the money, a significant proportion of scholars are Chinese, they have their own boarding house.

      Our son attends the local state school, he will do well because he is highly disciplined, bright, and works hard at everything he does (apart from housework).

      He also knows through his badminton that there are some very competitive young people out there, (some privileged, some not) who work and train hard to get ahead of him in life.

  6. Its hilarious. The woke party of the working class, otherwise known as the Labour is now the party of Chipping Norton and Eton. The “conservative” party is the party for woke wankers and the green party. What the fuck is going on? Its all in flux. Wonder whats going to happen when China invades Taiwan?

  7. Some Southerners are fine.

    The vast majority are complete cunts.

    I think for the benefit of the few “good” indigenous Southerners, it would be irresponsible to give all Southerners a generalised Cunting.

    Why are Southerners so suspicious when you attempt to speak to them in public?

    I understand not everyone wants an in-depth conversation with a stranger, – but a simple “hello” or “are ya ‘reight” always results in a exchange of suspicion and bewilderment on the part of the Southerner.
    Some react as if you were going to attempt to remove their hand with a rusty tenon saw.

    Furthermore, if you ever broke down, needed a hand, lift, etc, or assistance of any kind, the average Southerner wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

    Somebody in Burnley for example would give you their last pound if they thought it would help you on your way.

    Apologies to the good people of the South, – you are a small minority, and your numbers are dwindling as every day passes by.

      • There are definitely more shirt lifters in the south than in the north, it’s a fact.

      • Can’t drink either.
        Shandy or kopperberg.
        Pink gin fizz with a cherry on a stick was Ronnie Krays tipple!
        Chase me!

      • I don’t doubt it. 95% of the bummers originating from the North and only coming here because we have clothes and shoes 😀

      • Pink gin fizz with a cherry on a stick, it’s the only drink you can get in Brighton ?

      • Have a bottle of scrumpy MNC. That will soon sort you out. Or black rat.

    • As a Southerner who is in the complete cunt category I can confirm everything you said is true 😀

      I stayed in Blackpool for a weekend not so long ago and toured many a pub with some friends of mine from there. Without exception it was one of the friendliest places I have ever been, I hated it 🙁

      Fuck off!

      • Probably only fair-weather flashers too, Miserable. As soon as the autumn chill returns they pack away the old raincoat until springtime returns.

      • We have bigger dicks in the south. The women have bigger knockers as well. It’s a fact.

      • I love a Pink Gin Fizz but I only ever drink one when I’m sitting down to urinate.

  8. Yer all either soft Southerners or Jocks to me…and I don’t much care for either.

  9. Why are the ferret fondlers having a pop at the southerners, the problem is the government….

  10. Londonstabistan is already a foreign country. The official figures are 42% white British I think. That’s not counting the illegals of course. No cunt has a fucking clue how many of them there are. My eyes tell me, a fucking lot! White flight is a real phenomenon here. Eventually we’ll be all out of places to run to. The USA and Canada look like they’ve been wiped off the table at the moment.

    • Fuck off were full, just wait until bat flu kills off everyone in India then move there.

  11. Surely you fine gentlemen from the North would rather rub shoulders with us moustachioed gaylords from the South rather than have to endure an over-abundence/invasion of smelly mu$lim pædos?
    Us English honkies ought to stick together against those who wish to destroy us; no need for ‘divide and conquer’ beyond mere piss-taking.

    • My South African friends could not believe how us Europeans were always at each other’s throat’s. White having a go at White, thought we were mad. Stick together was their motto, mind you they are all Boers and spent many happy hours teaching me Afrikaans. We really do need to stick together now as we are being shit on from a great height. With you entirely Thomas the Cunt Engine.

  12. Red jeans or pink jeans.
    Hair gel.
    Gravy intolerance.
    Aversion to rain and a touch of snow
    Failure to say hello
    The nearer to France the worse it gets.

    • I’m nearer France than ScotchLand but both can fuck off. I’ve eaten neither a horse nor a deep-fried heroin haggis.

  13. Margaret Thatcher stopped being Prime Minister in 1990.
    Thirty one fucking years ago.

    And northerners still blame her for absolutely everything.

    Well you have had plenty of time to sort things out, so stop fucking whinging and actually do something positive.
    But of course you can’t.

    She was the last Prime Minister that the UK had.
    Everyone that followed her into her job has been a useless cunt.

    She would have had Brexit done in a week and the EU would have been shitting itself.

    • She was a cunt.
      And a southerner.
      Admittedly she pissed standing up.

      • Thatcher was from Lincolnshire. Isn’t that the North? Or the North Midlands, at least.

      • I live in Thatcher’s home town of Grantham, MMCM, and is East Midlands.

      • Ffs MMCM, you’ve mentioned “North of the Watford Gap ? That is like leaving the door ajar for Caught boring to to post a horrendously dull monologue trying unsuccessfully to convince people the phrase is incorrect ??

      • Oh no. Admin. Please delete my post. I can only take so many footnotes in one day.

    • the north will never forgive maggie for stopping mining, child-labour, northern-monkeys inbreeding etc. The North is a cess-pit of thick backwards cunts who actually hate this country and just want to suck off Geoff Boycott and Freddie Trueman whilst masturbating to Last of The Summer Wine. Cunts.

      We’re a forum that prides itself on free speech. However Seanie, your posts are consistently bad. In fact they’re terrible. So your card has indeed been marked. Step it up. – DA

      And since your latest epic retort was “retarded” you’re binned. – DA

      • now all of a sudden you have some quality control? Now you’re offended by “retarded”? YOu piss-weak cunt, you can give it but you can’t take it. This site is just for inbred racist cunts who hate EVERYONE: black, white, English, Irish, you cunts are just some sad bitter old losers.
        Fuck you and your shitty little site you jumped-up nobody cunt.

    • I actually blame almost all of Britain’s modern woes on Satan Blair and his acolytes like those cunts Suckdiq Khan and Andy Burnham. It wasn’t perfect under Maggie, but it was worse under Blair and has been ever since The stinking leeching tsunami from Eastern Europe for a start, and that’s just one lot the evil cunt let in. Closed pubs, NHS and schools overrun, military graves from pointless wars, peaceful terrorists, migrant rapists, smoking banned. Maggie’s not to blame for any of those. All down to the satanic cottager and the clowns who succeeded him.

      The BBC’s open hatred of Britain and the British people has also helped to dumb this country down and made people feel ashamed to be British.

  14. I’m not really keen on anyone.
    Recently I’ve had a dawning realisation that all immigrants need gassing.

    That’s a lie.
    Too much bureaucracy.Start shooting them then tell the rest to Get Out.
    Londonistan first.
    Thank me later.

  15. This nom is a great wind up!
    North vs south
    Instigated by a welsh cunt!!

    • On Korean IsAC, the fat yellow despot of the north would have invaded the decadent south by now.

      • Korean ISAC would be great LL!
        Its the last bastion of free speech!?

      • “The fat yellow deposit of the north?”
        Sounds like the nasal deposits left by the Chinese fish fryer at my favourite restaurant after a heavily sweating night hanging over the deep fryer.

    • Good afternoon MNC, how the devil are you?
      Do you have any chums who are shandy-drinking Southern n0nces?

      • Afternoon Tommy,
        I know a cockney type!
        And he wears a flat cap,
        Makes a effort to fit in?
        Hes sound, straight from central casting as a cabbie or barrow boy.
        Thats it though.
        If im honest Thomas I dont mind southerners, take as I find,
        But do enjoy a wind up!!?

  16. I’m sorry Northerners, but any region which considers it acceptable to put gravy on their chips deserves to be consigned to oblivion. A disgrace.

      • I’m being kind MNC.

        Note that I’m saying nothing about other objectionable Northern habits like calling bread and sandwiches “barm cake or cobs”, saying “us” instead of “me”, calling grumpy people “Mardy”, the council the “corporation”, drinking Boddingtons, calling tea a “brew” and calling women “luv”.

        No sir. You’d never find me casting aspersions on my northern compatriots.

      • Obviously MMCM has never tasted corporation Pop, it was all the rage when I was a kid ?

      • Boddington’s is for unrefined Northerners, reprobates MNC.

        I had you down as a Robinson’s man. Necking down Old Tom.

    • I put gravy on me battered fish too MMCM.
      Some other fine delicacies :-
      Lettuce on toast.
      Fried bread sandwich
      Shit wi sugar on
      Chips mash and crisps
      I don’t mind a Savner, loud cunts though when they’ve had a shandy Bass.

      • Shit with sugar on, Cuntington?

        You must be talking about Sainsbury’s donuts ?

    • I have to agree with MMCM here. I lived in the Greater Manc area for just over 2 years and I have to say that I found it very confusing as a small town boy from and English/Welsh border town when I had to have a Somalian guy explain to me what a “barm cake” was.

      Fuck you Northern cunts.

  17. I wondered what happened to my post ?

    It was an accident, I added it to another of your posts. Least I’m honest – DA

  18. Used to be that Northerners drunk piss weak ale with half a pint of head, but in greater volumes. Proper Southerners (not in London or Brighton) tended to want full stronger beers but probably drunk less.
    Reality is that there are some decent people wherever you go. The main divide ha as V always been class. London, Brighton and Bristol full of metropolitan wankers, but they certainly don’t represent the bulk of Southerners. Of course race and religion have caused even greater division.
    The average working class white male northener isn’t that much different from his southern counterpart.

  19. From the good six fingered folk of Somerset to the cobble hoppers of Durham,
    From the cleft palates of Gloucestershire to the tracky bottoms of Liverpool.
    We are all English
    All one people.
    Lets bomb Ireland

    • MNC@ – Sir Fiddler is attired in his Dick Dastardly outfit and warming up the Lancaster as we speak! ??

    • you stupid stupid cunt. Lets plant some semtex up your mum’s cunt so she doesn’t birth any more like you how about that?

  20. This is a bit of a wind but I saw some Amersham cunt saying they were being left behind and the North was getting everything, when so far, the North has got fuck all. Except fucking turbines. Everyfucking where. Benefitting land owners and power companies.
    I am a Welsh cunt doing missionary work in the North.

      • Go Home!
        Ringland needs you!
        What is the true origin of the name Ringland?
        1) There are more couples married or engaged than any other area in the UK?
        2) Ringland is the birthplace of JR Tolkien?
        3) Ringland has more split arses than anywhere in Wales?

      • Fucked if I know Bertie. I know it’s a shithole, and not thanks to any peaceful influx.

  21. I love up north, id rather live up north than down south. So many fucking cunts who live down here. It’s just greedy wankers. I want a house I can’t get one because greedy trousers want it all for their selves. No good being the richest person in the graveyard.

      • I’m sorry but having 10x your wages when you can buy something up north for 4x is just wrong. It just feels that everything is completely out of touch so you don’t even want to be ambitious. Greedy trousers is in response to the tight fisted bastards who don’t want to spend anything and save everything.

      • “tight fisted bastards who don’t want to spend anything and save everything.”

        Yorkshiremen or Scotchmen?

      • Ah okay, I get a greedy trouser reference now.

        Never stop being ambitious. If you are not ambitious you will just make do, get nowhere and never meet your full potential.

        As for being the richest person in the graveyard, If I can’t take it with me, I am not going!

  22. Banter aside, I feel genuinely sorry for our southern brethren in these times.
    Anyone desiring a food parcel
    (2 oxo cubes
    Black pudding
    Barm cake
    Some taters
    See Admin.

    Ciao cocker!?

    • I’ll take it all except the tripe, MNC.

      I’ll send you back some Qinoa Tartlets and a few avocados.

      Fair trade ?

      • Aye that seems fair enough.
        How do you skin a quinoa?
        They like them Guinea pig things?

  23. I moved north because I like it up here and Devon was out of my price range thanks to Home Counties bankers buying up everything for use as second homes…..cunts.

    On a side note:

    Clement Attlee’s Labour government closed 101 pits between 1947 and 1951; Macmillan (Conservative) closed 246 pits between 1957 and 1963; Wilson (Labour) closed 253 in his two terms in office between 1964 and 1976; Heath (Conservative) closed 26 between 1970 and 1974; and Thatcher (Conservative) closed 115 between 1979 …

    • And yet the developing world is still crying out for coal. Something we have plenty of. I never understood why our mining industry had to be closed down.

      • It had to be closed down as it put too much power in the hands of the plebs.
        Old King Coal, you couldn’t fight wars or run industry without it.
        Good evening.

  24. Areas of the south suffered under Thatcher.
    Kent coal miners the forgotten victims of Thatcher. As for the North nothing but a breeding ground for white Yorkshire teen girls who open thier legs for a kebab and some cans of stella. Peacefuls love a slice of Yorkshire teen puddings. Build a wall and keep the north and south apart both are cunts. I grew up in the Midlands. I sit on the fence…..

  25. I have lived and worked all over the UK and can honestly say you have Londoners and Home Counties folk who are motivated and talk about nothing but money, 24/7 and decent folk.

    Dorset is the friendliest county, I reckon-or it was.

    Midlanders are pretty straight.

    Cheshire men are thick of arm and thick oh head.

    Scousers are optimists-tell you a good joke whilst introducing you to “Stanley” and relieving you of your wallet.

    Yorkshire and Cumbrians are a bit dour, but decent, hard working folk. Except Sheffield and Kendal-they are smug cunts who think they are the aristocrats of the North.

    Cornish and Manx are similar-suspicious and superstitious.

    Essex is full of East end blitz scum. The biggest cunts I have dealt with have been Essex born & bred.

    Kent & other Estuary types-generally decent types.

    For me there are two types of people: decent & cunts.

    I cunt, cunts?

    Quite like Derbyshire myself, don’t live there but it’s nice – DA

    • Evening General. We are lucky at IsAC to have benefitted from your life experiences. Could you state your CV briefly to tell us what areas you’ve worked in during your career?
      Either that, or tell me to fuck off. I’m sure you won’t do the latter!

      • Certainly Bertrand:

        I left school and spent three years ploughing pussy 24/7.
        After bumping into my old career’s teacher and subsequently ploughing her, she told me I had a “generational” talent and should consider a career as a high class male escort.
        My cock is known the “length”, “breadth” and “depth” of this sceptered isle.
        You name her, I have ploughed it.
        Except mingers.
        That’s my strict company policy.

        Never worked in Liverpool-they don’t tip well and I am allergic to shell suits?

        Isn’t that the plot of Midnight Cowboy? – DA

      • Indeed Admin-I look good in suede cowboy jacket and hat. Unfortunately many high class hotels have strict dress codes?

        Stay away from that Andy Warhol and his parties. – DA

    • Derbyshire-working class, solid-just watch out for bearded giants in long coats ?

  26. One can get on one’s bike and move to any town in England. Where I live is like 1950s.

      • I loved Shropshire when I visited.

        There seems to be plenty of green and pleasant land still about. Just don’t live in London, Essex, Surrey, Leeds etc.

  27. As I have said before, fuck the north. Full of hirsute flashers, transplanted sheep shaggers suffering from inappropriate horn and sociopathic gentleman farmers with an unhealthy fixation on Gemma Arterton’s backside.

    And fuck the south too – Freedom for East Anglia.

  28. Most people in the UK are decent.
    Big cities like London arent friendly but then cities aren’t conducive with community spirit.
    I find Geordie, scouse, Brummies all dead friendly.
    But wherever I am Im homesick unless I can see the Pennines.

    • In London, avoid any eye contact, if anyone speaks to you just say fuck off, watch out for dusky cunts on the tube with rucksacks.

      Other than that it’s great ?

    • “the Pennines” being your nickname for your mum’s tits?

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