Sinead O’Connor (3)

Sinead O’Connor is a potato munching duff paddy bomb slinging cunt!
1. She is Irish (i.e backwards like all the Irish)
2. She has a slaphead.
3. She converted to the hell cult of Islam
4. She self harms like a total attention whore.
5. She swears cos she thinks it makes her look hard.
6. She has now wrote a book about how much of an annoying cunt she is called “Rememberings” which sounds cuntish
7. She looks like an uglier version of the ugly shaven headed annoying cunt Rose McGowan
8. She of course claims she has been raped dozens of times like a typical #MemeToo cunt. Even though she has always looked like a BLOKE!
9. She changed her name to something muslim like Shamima Bin-Mohammed Bombem.
10. She will most likely wear a suicide vest at her gig and blow everyone up.

Fuck of and do a benefit gig for ISIS you skinhead cunt!

metro – sinead to-boycott-womans-hour

Nominated by: Kendo Nagasaki

70 thoughts on “Sinead O’Connor (3)

  1. Post women, poroto wimminz twat. Its the road to ruin. She only had one song for fucks sake.

  2. Ive a grudge against Sinead the puddled cunt.
    Not because shes irish
    Not because shes a mentalist
    Not because she changes religion more than her undercrackers.
    Because the first time I heard her sing years ago when she was starting out,
    I heard her sing ‘mandika’
    And was mesmerised by her voice!
    No one like that then,
    And I told people in the pub id heard this girl sing and shes great!
    She’ll be big, a talent
    So what does she do?
    Since then a load of shitty pop ballads!!
    The bald cunt!
    Made me look a right twat.
    She needs electro convulsive therapy, strap her down Terry.

    • Did she have to wank Prince off for ‘Nothing compares to u’?. The filthy little fentanyl loving big lipped midget.

      • The best song Prince wrote for someone else and also sang himself is Love Thy Will Be Done. Sounds better than when Martika sang it. What the fuck happened to Martika? I would have given her one in her prime.

  3. I read somewhere someone suggesting that she’d be a good entry for Eurovision. The reply was that she’d probably be favourite to win with the judges, until she started throwing her shit at the audience.

    Mad as a fridge full of baboons’ arses.

  4. For heavens sake Sinead, make up your mind. The Catholics are too rapey, the Muslims are too…, well, take your fucking pick. Why not convert to Judaism, something non political, nice and peaceful that is rarely in the news.

    • LL, id of sworn shed of picked Hari Krishna!
      Wouldn’t have to change her haircut or anything.
      Dont see them much nowadays?
      Hari Krishna!
      Yeah happy Christmas!

      • Or the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Fiddler, lots of self-flagellation for the many sins.

  5. I liked him in the 70s as the lollipop licking detective but after that he seems to have gone over the place and lost his marbles!

    Who loves ya baby!

    Fuck off!

    • The Proclaimers ~v~ Skiněad

      The Proclaimers are Scottish cunts. Skiněad is an Oirish cunt.

      The Proclaimers are dreadful Christian bores. Skiněad is a Catholic nutter.

      The Proclaimers are woefully ugly. Skiněad is a Scary Mary.

      The Proclaimers orangu-gingas. Skiněad is willingly bald like uncle Fester’s furious sister.

      The Proclaimers are anti-English and pro-Scotchland. Skiněad is anti-English and a a Fenian turd.

      The Proclaimers’ music is formulaic dogshit that sounds like a couple of Scotch bufties gargling TCP in a pub that smells of vomit. Skiněad’s only decent song was written by the feller who died of a big disease with a little name. The rest is angry crap sprinkled with teenage politics and sounds like a fresh amputee wailing.

      • Cap:
        The Proclaimers 500 Miles is quite often played at the end of the night in Pubs & Nightclubs in Scotland.
        I have seen them live at festivals and they are a one trick (song) pony.

  6. She punched a song from Prince and became famous for ripping up the pope’s photo, what else………. I couldn’t give a flying fuck what she does. Fuck off back to Ireland with the scarecrow Geldof.

  7. Hahahaha convert to Islam because the catholic church is full of evils. Get a grip spud head. Islam is the most vicious discriminatory religion ever to be foisted on mankind.
    Attention seeking vapid little tart.
    S.O’Cunt you are a cunt.

    • Cars plows into muslim family in Canadia and it white supremacy with no evidence. This happens to non muslims every day all over the muslim world including in Kahns Pakistan. Not talkinfg about the bus driver but the Prime minister of the shit hole.

      • Jus remember

        Normal parents: Always two. No more, no less.

        Mudslims: 200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way.

  8. Now it’s turned into an ugly social justice warrior and mudslime to boot perhaps it’s very much oven time.

    I’d even sing Stone Dead Forever whilst ensuring the jobs done right.

    Get to Fuck.

  9. “Hates” Catholicism – then becomes a Catholic priest.
    “Hates” materialism – sat in her mansion with millions in the bank.
    “Hates” Islam – then moves from the boy bummers to the child r*pers.
    When is Shithead O’ Crooner fucking off to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan then?
    Publicity junky and nutcase.
    Islam, communism, socialism, marxism, leninism, trotskyism, fascism, nazis – dress them up how you want but they are all the same vile ideology of hatred, slavery and death with a slightly different PR campaign waged by fools like this.
    Shut the fuck up or move to a muslim Country Sinead.

    • She certainly looks like she smells like a Muzlîm.

      I can imagine a scene on a bus:
      Bloke: Excuse me, but can I smell your cunt?
      Skìněad: Most certainly not!
      Bloke: Oh! It must be your feet then.

  10. Hey this cunt should hang out with Demi Lavato! They could compete to see who is more fucked up.
    Nothing compares to you Skinhead O’Connor.

    • It would be one hell of a brave man who mounted Sinead – methinks she is morphing into a potato.
      Off you go to preach the “religion of peace” then daft bitch – but don’t be late back to the Husband/Brother or you will be “peacefully” gang r*ped and beheaded.

      • I don’t know no shame
        I feel no pain
        Cant… see the flame!

        Id of scuttled her when younger Foxy!
        Had a lovely innocent face back then,
        Sort of like a sexy roll on deodorant?
        And mentals are great fucks!??
        Kicking, biting, screaming,
        Shouting for help,
        Why I got kicked out of the pychiatric hospital.

  11. ? It’s been seven hours and fifteen days,
    since I put this hijab on. ?

    How long will it be before this heinous tart is being gang-raped by a group peacefuls in the back of the ‘community’ centre?

    Probably a long time actually, considering her astonishingly hideous looks.

    Throw her off the top of a minaret. Or lock her in that black box thingy-m-jig at Mecca.

    Don’t waste your gas Terry.

    • she looks like just the kind of beardless boy that the peacefuls salivate over

    • Dickvandyke@ – “I could eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant” – away from the Men and respectfully covered of course”..
      I believe islam is the closest thing we have in this world to devil worship.

      • Indeed Vern.

        She will probably be cooking the dinner.

        And, she won’t “be able to do whatever she wants”. Not even pray in the Mosque or go to a funeral.

        Islam…. makes the Western middle ages look modern.

  12. Being a peaceful type now how is she going to get a husband now? They only like young girls, goats, camels the slack fanny bitch, I bet you could fit Harvey prices who body up there, and I bet Harvey would shout while stuck inside , shouting hello you cunt

    • I think with some stick-on horns and a small beard, I think she would pass for a goat.

  13. She said at the time of her ‘conversion’ to Islam that she never wanted to spend time with white people again. Bit of hate crime/racism there…
    Certifiably madder than the world’s largest box of frogs.

      • Hello Jack!
        I won’t bore anyone with the tedious details, but since Xmas (in particular) I seem to have been snowed under with a succession of excrutiating health problems, which have really knocked me about. Seems like I’ve spent most of my time a) in bed b) at the GPs c)getting hospital treatment or d) actually in hospital.
        Bit of a cunt, and I’m still awaiting some test results (more possible hospitalisation!) but I’m trying to fight my way out!
        Thanks for asking!

      • I know what you mean, Ron. The perils of getting older.
        Never give in.
        Just soldier on.??

      • IsAC has been the poorer for your absence Ron-don’t disappear again?

        You owe us at least 10 editions of the ongoing Hewitt-Sparkles saga?

    • Bit of hate crime/racism? Imagine if she’d said that about blacks.

      Presumably her racial hatred includes the 100,000 white muslims in the UK…

      • “Never wanted to spend time with white people again”, I take she has moved into racial segregation in Bradford or Luton then?

        Nice to see you back Ron, Sparkle Tits and the Prince of Soy must have given you plenty of material during your hiatus.

  14. Bat shit crazy Irish wierdo, she should do us all a favour, go sing from the rooftops in downtown Baghdad, the rag heads will love her, I can see them shoving bits of potleg into their camel guns, that silly bitch would make the call to prayers sound good….

  15. Can’t stand the bitch.
    Time for another joke.

    A man starts to notice his man’s bit getting bigger and bigger much to his delight and his wife’s too.
    It just kept growing until it surpassed 20inches and his walking was affected, so he went with his wife along to a urologist who specialised in surgery.
    “Not a problem” he says “I can operate on this.”
    The man’s wife asks how long he’ll be on crutches?
    “Oh he won’t need crutches” he says.

    “Well surely he’ll need them when you lengthen his legs.,”

  16. A voice like a malfunctioning air raid siren and a face like a blind cobbler’s thumb.
    And thrice oven…

  17. I looked Sinead o’Connor up in the dictionary. Apparently she is a ‘person who is physically deformed and has learning difficulties because of congenital thyroid deficiency.’ Not the sort of person that should be the subject of a cunting, surely?

  18. Sinead O’Cuntnor is a Irish terrorist whore, the money she made from her song (nothing compares to PIRA cunts) went to the coffers of the IRA, she was married to one of the scum, then she got fucked off by the IRA, and her scum husband got a 9mm headache tablet, courtesy of the UFF. With a bit of luck the peaceful cunts will stone her to death (she could sing “sticks and stones”) it would be an Islamic No 1. Fucking Whore Cunt

  19. Worst of all the stupid cunt writes her name in old Oirisch and expects us all to pronounce it in Englisch.

    The proper spelling is Shin-aid.

    I say peel her then souse the skun rabbit in vinegar

  20. This serial liar and demented Fenian baldie fuck has also jumped on the BLM and Chiggen Fur-Loyd George bandwagon. Doing Cuntutbe with her sambeau mates from da hood. Probably got the cunts from an acting agency.

    I had the misfortune to encounter this goggle eyed potato headed gimp in Dublin in 1991. She had an entourage of eight or nine arselickers. All crawling around her jacksie and hanging on her every word. The toadies even followed her to the bogs and she reveled in the attention. One of the baldie dyke’s crawlers made an off colour remark about my Joy Division T-Shirt, and I basically called him a bogtrotting lapdog to a Fenian cunt. I also said even though he’d been dead for 11 years, Ian Curtis (RIP) still had more talent than that bald headed IRA loving nutjob. Needless to say, this got me thrown out of the pub, as the barman was also an O’ Connor lickarse. But I went out in style.

    I also still hate this bitch for her disgraceful cashing in on the demise of Prince (RIP) and the bullshit she came out with. O’ Connor is like a psychotic Femstapo Walter Mitty. The cunt’s remarks to milk publicity and praise the peaceful scum after the Manchester Arena bombing made me despise her even more. Fucking bitch should be in Broadmoor.

    • Islamic terror attacks are a bit of a baffler aren’t they.
      A halal munching pyjama warrior can commit mass murder with a quran in hand quoting various verses from said book yet according to Western politicians – the murders in the name of this religion actually have nothing whatsoever to do with the religion.

      I think it was uber cunt Obama who, after yet another peaceful mass murder a few years ago, said the murders had actually less to do with islam than any other religion.

      Talk about performing mental gymnastics to sustain a Liberal mindset.
      Stupid smarmy cunt.

    • Cudos Norm. I have cunted several celebricunts to their face over the years. I await their cuntings to reveal the details????

      • I also met Robert Plant in Moore’s pub on Grafton Street on that same trip. Now he was sound as a pound and not a cunt.

  21. Anyone for Ratko Mladić?

    He really is a cunt. I met him in 2001/2 when I was in Belgrade being a naughty boy. If anyone deserves a nomination as a true cunt, then Ratko is your man.

    Bit niche, I admit

    • Hahahaha your link is to the Guardian.

      Coincidentally enough I met him too. Top man actually with his heart in the right place! He didn’t reckon much on you though 😀

      • Slow burn, rather like those other “Captain Quimson” wannabe’s. ‘s.’ s. ‘s.

        Like Doctor Phibes (or should that really be Doctor Phones?) you are so on top of your game RTC.

        Tee Hee, as it were!

        I lime


  22. I knew someone who was the aunt of the nanny to Skinead O’Connor’s children. Mad as a bag of frogs (apparently).

  23. Daft fucking, dumpy diddicoy.

    It appears, at long last, a rat has gnawed that blackcurrant off her chin.

    This one has definitely lost her looks, probably through being a fruitcake.

    Fuck off.

  24. Fuck the Fenian cunt, I hope she has a long lingering death from camel VD.

  25. I had no idea she’d ‘done a Cat Stevens’ ! So if that was for attention/ publicity, it mis-fired in my case. Mind you there’s a lot that passes me by.

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