Rhiannon Spear is a member of the SNP (Scottish Nazi Party) and a councillor in Junkie City (formerly known as Glasgow). Additionally, she is the SNP’s national women’s convener (whatever that is). She is, like most members of the SNP, a spiteful little cunt.
After the UK, the most successful music producer in the west after the USA, once again scored nul points at the absurd Eurovision Shitfest Competition, Spear sent out a nasty tweet saying, “It’s ok Europe we hate the United Kingdom too. Love, Scotland.”
This resulted in a lot of ire being redirected back to her, quite rightly. But Spear was unrepentant and urged her critics to “have a word with yourself” and attacked UK Government policies. Presumably one of the policies she attacked was the over generous Barnett Formula which allows Scotland to misuse UK money on an industrial scale? No.
Eventually Spear was forced to delete her tweet – no doubt reluctantly.
This is what happens after years of giving taxpayer money and benefits to Scotland. When you pay people to be poor, you get hatred and resentment in response. No amount of English tax-payer subsidies will make Scotland prosperous or pull them of their national intellectual, cultural or moral decline. Instead, it creates cunts like Rhiannon Spear.
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
All sweaties are pennyless. It’s a well known fact.
Yorkshiremen with the generosity gene removed.
Likewise English are paedophiles and their national sport is recreational buggery.
She looks like a smarmy cunt. She is a smarmy cunt.
Take this bagpipe squawking, yeast infected spunktrumpet and give her the same treatment we gave William Wallace.
Film it & put it on YouTube.
Open the cider, sit back and enjoy.
What a lovely smug expression. Backpfeifengesicht!!!!!!!!!!
What a great word. Apt too.
I say remove all benefits to Scotland.Cut them adrift.Let them join the crumbling Euroland.Toodles!!!!
The all-too familiar paradox:-
Scots-only want a referendum on independence from England – seen as patriotic and a form of national pride.
England-only want an referendum on independence from the EU – seen as small-minded, bigoted, nationalist, racist and xenophobic.
England-only want a referendum on Independence for Scotland – see immediately above.
I just hope that when the Scots do go independent (which will happen sooner or later after x number of referendums), that they don’t expect any more money from England, and that Scottish MPs feathering their fat fucking nests at the House of Commons/Lords, can also fuck off back to Holyrood.
Oh and twats like her (it is a “she” isn’t it?), think that the EU will welcome an independent Scotland with open arms, no questions asked!
Dream on, ladies. The required tick-boxes to join the EU falls way short for Scotland. Plus there’s a bit of a waiting list for membership. So it could be a few years before they’re even considered. So how the fuck are they going to cope being in “limbo” from the former UK and pending EU?
Doubtless they would demand an extension period to stay creaming from the U.K. whilst they tried to negotiate sucking from the EU tit.
Without England to subsidise her, Scotchland would be a backwater with all the importance of Albania. No one would listen to the outpourings of wee Jimmie Krankie and her dwarfish cohorts.
I doubt that the EU would even want yet another net debtor member. They have given no indication that they do.
Scotchland is famous for whisky, midges, a toy town football league and a mythical monster.
Let them feck off if they can muster a majority and see how well Wee Willie Harris does as their entry for Eurovision.
I’ve checked her out on Google image search. A bit doughy-faced but I’d fire one into her.
Posh name and looks posh so probably is, the snooty fucking cow. I thought Eurovision was watched by chavs not haughty slags who walk around like they’ve got a permanent bad smell under their hooter.
Needs a kick in the cunt and a family of EU pretend refugees moving in next door. Horrible snooty bitch cunt.
What she really means is she hates England, I will celebrate when these cunts finally fuck off.
No more ‘Scotland’ in the UK Parliament, no more money being spaffed above The Wall….. just wait until they get their share of the a Covid bill slapped on Sturgeons desk.
Surely such “hate” is in itself a hate crime?
The Wokes are making a huge deal about hate, and yet typically it only seems to apply to certain woke-approved issues.
England hates Scotland – that’s a hate crime, they cry!
Scotland hates England – watch the tumbleweed scuttle past along with a bagful of “couldn’t give a fuck”
Hate only exists on the right, the left are exempt
I knew her dad Albert.
Lovely fella.
Hed be goose-stepping in his grave if he knew.
So she’s the Andy Murray of politics. Scottish when she chooses to be.
I’m no expert on the colonies but if and when Jockland gets its independence Krankie, when asked if she would adopt the euro said she’d stay with the UK pound. There’s a punitive answer to that.
Use your own currency and take the consequences.
Stupid fucking bint.
Please give these cunts what they want and tell them to fuck off on the way out.
Bit of a dark horse is Rhiannon, with interests in kinky sex and SM.
She could well have sold her chuff for Buckfast and baccie at some point.
Fucking priceless MMCM! Well done finding that one!
Thanks Arfurbrain. I didn’t have to look hard !
In other more positive news vaccine passports look set to be dropped. Allan and Helpuss will be crying into their cornflakes.
That’s a shame General.
Who’d have thought such an egregious idea would fall flat on its anus.
Honestly, I have no respect for anyone who wanted the idea. And that includes the two cunters mentioned.
The SNP seem to me in turmoil, is eating itself. That Joanna Cherry has just resigned from their NEC. Fast on someone who was supposed to be sorting the finances out. There has been a few resigned from their front bench. Loads of rumours of infighting. Also a few that joined Alex Salmond.
But they haven’t suffered at the polls much.
I’m surprised.
She looks like yet another dyke – there are so many of them laying down the law. She should join Labour then she could join the Lesbian Labour Ladies Wrestling Group, and have the pleasure of grappling with Jess Phillips.
I wouldn’t fancy been at ringside watching that – might get sprayed with crusty yeast flakes!
Crusty Yeast Flakes sounds like Kellog’s latest offering.
Mind you, he was into yogurt enemas…
Why don’t they ask the WHOLE of the UK if they like to break up the Union? I think there would be a resounding “yes” so the Scots can then leave. I like Scotland, and Lady C’s father was a sweaty, but I’m sick and tired of their whingeing. Like a spoilt child, we need to show some tough love and let them go and stand on their own two feet.
I hope they fuck off and join the EU. They are benefits dependent so the EU can have the fuckers.
And there must be a harrrd borrder. No way round it after the NI fiasco.
Let’s get on with the divorce for fuck sake. Scotchland is welcome to their Nazi party overlords
Despite the lipstick, she still looks like a grinning Goebbels.
How very dare she say United Kingdom song was naff. Yes, it was naff but she is a can of can’t for saying so.
Fucking hell. Aunt Sally has been left out in the rain too long. Her face has warped.
If these cunts manage to engineer independence from the UK, I reckon 3 things:
1. They will try to keep the pound as their currency and retain the use of the BOE.
2. They won’t accept their proportion of the national debt (per head of population).
3. They will expect England to continue funding them under the Barnett Formula.
4. They will fall flat on their Nazi arses.
Rhiannon Spear is an angry Jock tuppence licker and she can go and fuck herself with a double headed, spiny cactus.
Oops that is 4 things, not 3.
(Clearly the sight of the hag in the header pic has affected your judgement. Either that or you secretly fancy her – DA)
It could have been worse ?
I would splash my load up it. Provided it didn’t try to talk during the process, all would be ticketty boo.
Boris should say to the Scots Nazi’s 1 Fuck off 2 Fuck you 3 Fuck off again 4 Hurrah Then try Krankie and Blair and Brown for crimes against the people. Tower green heads off Hurrah.
A hard border with mines and a shoot to kill policy, similar to the East German border
None of these recent cunts are anywhere near as bigger cunt as Cody Lachey the dog touching Walter Mitty cunt.
Please publish my cunting of this cunt cos it took me a long time to gather all those links about that utter cunt.
(Patience, Grasshopper. All good things come to those that bribe the Admins with lots of dosh – DA)
She looks a strange young man. I am surprised RTC isn’t all over this boyish cherub 😀
Other than that she is the true face of Scotland and Scottish people with regards to their English overlords! Cut them off with independence and nay give em another fucking penny!
Away go pish up your kilt, Scotland!
Fuck off!
I heard that!
Curse your Isac omnipotence, RTC! 🙁
? Morning TBRILW.
I was just passing through.
Off to Sainsbury’s now. ?
She is being probed ?
From the picture in the article (probably photoshopped) I would but wouldn’t hang around after round three ?
Sainsburys? Another disturbing admission. However I wish you safety among the tattooed housewives and broods of kids and safe passage there and back.
Post something later to show you haven’t been sucked into the ravenous butt cheeks of a fat housewife with unfeasibly tight leggings 🙁
Fear not. Because we live in a relatively upmarket area, our local Sainsburys is mostly devoid of the chavy fat housewives you describe plus related sub-human detritus.
As is the local Iceland and even Farm Foods. We are blessed in this respect.
On the downside, Sainsburys incorporate an Argos store which today was strewn with bunting that read: “Proudly Supporting The LGBT Community”.
I’m no homophobe, but I couldn’t get out of there fast enough!
The weary traveller returns 😀
Ah, Well if you live in an upmarket area you have dodged a bullet with your Sainsbury by the looks of things!
By coincidence I have just been on a conveyancing solicitors website that had a flag with all the colours, with all the letters underneath, followed by the word “Friendley”, at which point I mumbled fuck off and went on to the next one! To the genuine Nancy with no axe to grind i’m not a homophobic either, however all the others, including the solicitors trying to cash in on it or promote it can fuck off!
And that is a rock fact
It’s a straight* case of cashing in, nothing more.
Very much doubt these virtue signalling businesses give a fuck about the LGBTQXYZ bullshit they pretend to celebrate.
Feel sorry for the staff though, having to work in such a sick environment. I’d take the company to court if they made me work under those conditions.
* Pun intended.
MMCM you are spot on. She’s a vile little troll and needs to be ovened. Cunt from hell.
Just another semi-foreigner with an inferiority complex. Usually they’re either scots or welsh, chip on their shoulder, ten a penny, immature, boring. Independence? Good idea.
Kind of done with these hateful parasite bastards now.
Dump Scotland out of the Union, remove all funding, support and co-operation and see how they like bankruptcy and the dark ages under the nazis of the SNP.
And don’t think of running to England whining to steal oor jobs and oil – I have had a gutful of every Jock in the world moving to England just so say how shit it is and how much they hate us.
Time to take the gloves off.
I wonder if she’s into face-sitting and arse-worship.
Looking at that photo reminds me of a lively Afrikaans expression: “moer-me gesig”, or “hit-me face”.
Can’t think why that popped into my kop
I find this tricky.
On the one hand I do want the SNP to get their way and fuck off sharpish,just so long as our money stops going over the border that very same day.
On the other hand I also consider them to be traitors and a stone in our boot,so I’d happily see every last one if them gassed.
Go stick a deep fried mars bar up your cunt you smug slag and any other sweaty sock who hates us in the same way.
Boris may be a joke but a least the leader of this country doesn’t look like a fucking Krankie:
Fan dabi dozi fuck off.