Rhiannon Spear – SNP Hag

Rhiannon Spear is a member of the SNP (Scottish Nazi Party) and a councillor in Junkie City (formerly known as Glasgow). Additionally, she is the SNP’s national women’s convener (whatever that is). She is, like most members of the SNP, a spiteful little cunt.

After the UK, the most successful music producer in the west after the USA, once again scored nul points at the absurd Eurovision Shitfest Competition, Spear sent out a nasty tweet saying, “It’s ok Europe we hate the United Kingdom too. Love, Scotland.”

This resulted in a lot of ire being redirected back to her, quite rightly. But Spear was unrepentant and urged her critics to “have a word with yourself” and attacked UK Government policies. Presumably one of the policies she attacked was the over generous Barnett Formula which allows Scotland to misuse UK money on an industrial scale? No.

Eventually Spear was forced to delete her tweet – no doubt reluctantly.

This is what happens after years of giving taxpayer money and benefits to Scotland. When you pay people to be poor, you get hatred and resentment in response. No amount of English tax-payer subsidies will make Scotland prosperous or pull them of their national intellectual, cultural or moral decline. Instead, it creates cunts like Rhiannon Spear.


Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

66 thoughts on “Rhiannon Spear – SNP Hag

  1. I think there isn’t any such thing as Scottish independence- England didn’t colonise Scotland (like Ireland) or annex it(like Wales) England and Scotland merged. Kingdom of Scotland merged with Kingdom of England and Ireland
    If Scotland is independent, surely that should be dissolving the Union?
    The union is UK of G. Britain and N.Ireland so if England and Scotland got divorced, who would N. Ireland be in a union with?
    I think the Scots should fuck off and e should cut the Ulster mob loose at the same time and save a few quid there- go and be Irish now. If the proddy Ulsterman can’t stand living in Ireland and insist on living in ‘Britain’ maybe they can move here , or better still , to Scotland….where they came from
    And I know what I’m talking about, I’m leader of the Wirral Independence Party

    • A carrot top – pasty skin – red headed Cunt
      SNP …… wankers !
      what’s more to say ?

  2. As a Scot living in England for over 20 years it’s stupid cunts like this which means going back to the motherland is near on impossible. The silly cunt cannot obviously add up….. if the hand outs are taken away what in the “wild wild world of sports” (to borrow a phrase) is the daft cunt going to run the economy on? Nessie hunting? Deep fried Mars Bars? Irn Bru sales?
    My sister and brother in law had to pay £25k in stamp duty on their new home, get fucked over as middle earners on 41% tax as a lower threshold and listen to SNP “pish” all day long.
    Third rate fannies are in the SNP, it’s like Americans…… educated ones have a passport…. educates Scots have travelled south of Hadrian’s wall.
    Boils my piss to see what cunts like this are doing to my country……

    • You can rule out any revenue from Iran bru sales as sTURDgeon and her sugar tax bullshit destroyed a traditional family recipe that was not very 100 years old and fucked AG Barr’s share price with the one stone. A truly dispicable cunt of a life form and the biggest problem in Scotland right now. What amazed me is how this ‘refugees are welcome’s touting bitch manages to fool her cult / sheep following with her lies. The foundation which the party is built on is lies after all how can a party who panders to the globalist action that is the acceptance of refugees/ immigration be considered a ‘nationalist’ party caring primarily for its own nation of people? She’s taking a leaf from the Labour playbook by flooding Scotland with unknown / undocumented migrant scumbags, giving them everything for free in return for their votes. Remember sTURDgeon considers that the day a foreigner arrives in Scotland, they are then Scottish and she gives them right to vote and further shape the shithole ensuring Scotland ends up in at like the Shitehole they all fled from. Meanwhile, hard working tax paying Scots have to suffer with every devolved government service the SNP have controlled and ran in to the ground through their inept management and the disappearance of Barnett formula money sent up from Westminster for such services. Sorry this post has turned into a cunting for the one us Scots know as The Turf.

  3. From Sicky’s link

    “Her post sparked furious backlash, with a flurry of social media users replying to her describing their outrage.”

    Y’ see this is what fucks me off, all these media ‘playtriots’ with their gas lit “outrage” and “backlashes” etc whning like bitches because some fucker said something ‘hateful’ about you. Good! it’s called free fucking speech and is to be encouraged so long as…


    What these ‘social media users’ should be screaming about is the ruthless censorship of the aforesaid social media (with the honourable and singular exception of IsAC) which selectively denies us that right.

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