Pure Chav Thieving Scum

I want to nominate the two cunts who left their two dogs locked up with the windows up ,

when returning to their car they found the police officers smashing the car windows in to get some air in the car, then the cheeky fat cunts complained to the police officers because they broke the windows to get in,

and here is the icing on the cake about the cunts they had the cheek to complain about the food they had earlier on saying it had hairs and was substandard, that was after the greedy cunts had ate most of it, and as these pondlife were leaving the restaurant they were seen taking money from the tip jar, what cunts,

I despair…oven please for the cunts. Couple who locked their dogs in boiling car were seen on café CCTV hours earlier ‘taking money from staff tip jar,

Cunts beyond belief

Two Dogs Rescued from baking hot car

Nominated by: Sidthesexistsforeskin

50 thoughts on “Pure Chav Thieving Scum

  1. Who are they?. I looked at the pictures and they look suspiciously Roma to me. Might be wrong but some of the cunts have turned their house over the road from me into metal business. Obviously the council refuse to do anything even though if I did it id be shut down within a week. Living in London im pretty good at racial profiling.

      • Ditto.
        That fat cunt has definitely got a look of the “John-Boy” about him.
        Fat Oirish cunts.

    • My mates dad is a high street manager of a chain pub and this is standard practice for these goons.

  2. I heard them speaking in the video, scum lower class oiks from the north who wouldn’t be missed if they were gassed!

    Erect a border style Mexican wall across the Watford Gap, entrance to the glorious South by invitation only where the poverty stricken can view our prosperity with envy and awe!

    Good aftertheLovehasgone and fuck off!

    • I’ve been to Southend. Ethiopians donate to the locals after seeing how they live.

      • The serfs from Essex can fuck off the north side of the wall as well!

        You’re welcome!

    • Sympathies to PC Benjamin Monk by the way! Guilty of manslaughter because he defended himself against one of the tanned who was wrecking the place up and making threats, which has now been conveniently blamed on the elf!

      Be prepared for more UK knee taking, handwringing and race baiting by the tanned and the left!

    • Zzzzzz.
      We all know your on benefits luv.
      That pink sofa still in the garden?

      • You are mistaking me with your entire ancestry!

        20 quid a day cash in hand and all the packing straw you can eat doesn’t make a working man, Abdull 😀

      • And a top up on your giro doesn’t make you a wealthy man.
        Shouldn’t you be out on the jetski about now?

      • East London is parking stanley central.

        It may be an accurate shorter version of Pakistani that isn’t filtered, but could you possibly get a bit more creative? Thanks and I do apologise for editing your post accordingly. – DA

    • This happened in Brighton-a fucking long way to come for a free breakfast?

  3. I would blowtorch these tarry fingered fat cunts and burn some lard off them, and that’s just for starters.

    I would then drag them through gravel and then gas the shit out of them. The Scum de la Scum.

      • I am. CG. I also thought about chucking these lowlife lardy scum bollock naked and covered in meat paste into a tiger pit.

        Or a crocodiles pool.

  4. Fucking dregs of human society cunts.

    Animal abuse is up there with pa*dophilia for me.

    Oven the cunts, then when theyre dead, oven them some more.

    *Software doesn’t like that word. Please don’t use it if you want to get auto-moderated. – DA

  5. A pair of obnoxious fat cunts who look like they belong on Jeremy Kyle Special about incest.

  6. These pair of fat space hopper cunts look to me like a spell in a hot car would be good for them, maybe sweat them down a little bit and save them stinking out a sauna in the process.
    As far as cruel or just fik as shit fuckmonkeys go, how brain dead do you need to be to leave dogs in a hot car, im glad the five-oh broke their windows and i hope said windows are now on back order for months.
    Then there,s pinching from the tip jar, we already know these pikey fucks are thick, inbred scum, probably brother and sister looking at them, definately from the shallow end of the gene pool, lets hope they dont breed and create more scumbag burdens on society.
    This is why going on cheap holidays or cruises is a bad idea, you end up lumbered with cunts like this, on the plane., coach, ship, life boat, life ring, talking with some mong accents like the dispicable cunts they are…….napalm the pigs, they will burn for weeks….

  7. Lordy crikey it’s a shit stinking pikey. Well two of the horse fucking scum. Literally a do as you likey

  8. It was probably a motability car anyway.
    A visit to the shower block would do these cunts good.
    No soap required….

    • I believe that the CUNTS’ car had no MOT nor Tax, so the police did nothing. Apparently, they haven’t been charged for any of the crimes they committed. Cultural enrichers have a permanent get out of jail card, so much for white privilege.

  9. They unfortunately represent a large swath of our society who are deeply in love with themselves. They don’t give a fuck about anyone else in the World so they become intolerable people (AKA Cunts). To them the Golden Rule is “Do unto others before they do it to you”.
    Entitled, thoughtless, worthless, conniving, CUNTS!

  10. They were probably pinching the tips for the Shove Ha’Penny on the Pier. Cunts.

  11. The problem is we have our own home grown scum but we still insist on importing it as well, this country with never learn….

    Entire areas surrounding city centres with be no go in the very near future, savage lands, white chav area, peaceful sharia area, blick drug area, Roma shithole area, be like driving through assorted war zones.

    Londonistan is already there, more or less.

  12. Find them and gas them.
    Burn their house down otherwise it will be given to an Afghan.

  13. I’d like to sodomize the pair of them with a splintered baseball bat and feed them to their own dogs. Filthy oxygen-thieves.

    • I nominate you as Justice Secretary in the IsAC government of the future. May your idea be rolled out to other dregs of society.

      • TEGC@ – JTC will be Justice Secretary in the soon to be IAC Government with a “no nonsense approach” to smelly chav felons – and we will have our bust of Winston back from those commie fkers in America to take pride of place in the House Of Commons! ??

      • VF you have no idea how much I wish an IAC government was a reality. I do suspect the UK population would shrink by some 90% once deportations and cooking sessions of cunts of all creeds in Terrys oven are complete. Going to be a big pile of ash to dispose of.

    • The police should have looked into who owns the dogs as these two common serfs probably stole them as well!

  14. Take their benefits off them and any other state aid, motability etc. That should see the fat cunts reduce in size fairly sharply.

  15. Roll up windows, handcuff to steering wheel, do not leave any water, return four hours later to see how THEY feel.
    Then jail them for five years each for theft and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.
    And not forgetting a lifetime ban on keeping animals or being photographed in daylight.
    These actions are known as “deterrents”.
    And they work – unlike tubby and scrubby the dog torturers.

    • Add two more to the list of scum bastards who should never be allowed to keep animals.

  16. As we’re on chavs….

    “Day 4476 in the Big Brother coffin and Jade still hasn’t moved”….

  17. If you lock 2 pikeys in a car on a very hot day it will take about 4 hours to remove them from the gene pool.
    However having the heater on full can reduce this time considerably.

  18. Trouble is cunts like these live forever. The Lord takes the good first. Fuck me I remember that from the belief daze.

  19. Trash. Pure unadulterated trash. I’d feed that fat pair of cunts to the crocodiles. Oh, how I would enjoy their screams of terror.

  20. Fat pair of cunts. Should be rendered down for candle wax.


    • A bullet in the head for them each followed by a sky burial, attended by a few dozen hungry vultures. Saves on a huge gas bill.

  21. I would like to superglue their malodorous bum cheeks together and force feed them massive portions of baked beans and sprouts washed down with lashings of
    draught Bass and bottled Mackeson.
    The resulting explosion would be heard from miles around.

  22. Complains about food… but are fat filthy fucking bastards. They complained because they were hoping for a free meal

    I don’t care who you are! you leave your dog in the car on a hot day with high hot temperatures like that You deserve to be beaten with a fucking baseball bat

    Thats animal abuse and a horrible way for a dog to die from extreme heat stroke and suffocation. Its like being slowly cooked to death I imagine

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