
Misspelling. It drives me fuckkng (sic) nuts.

This can be extended to mispronunciation.

I was reading an article and I just lost it. I’ve seen this quite often recently but it seems to be becoming ever more common.

Let’s start with ‘ etc’. For some bizarre reason cunts have taken to writing this as ‘ect’. No you twats that is short for electroconvulsive therapy. Something you fucking dimwits need.

Then there are words like Boadicea. This is now Boudica. When the fuck did it change and wtf changed it and why????

And there is more fellow cunters. Mumbai. What? What the fuck was wrong with Bombay? Changed for no good fucking reason at all.

How about if we extend it to non language like to ‘unfriend’ someone. What? More shite.
It seems more and more people are just making words up, misspelling them or changing pronunciation for no other good reason than to be ‘cool’ or ‘modern’.

How about ‘more clever’? No the word is cleverer. It’s connected to the number of syllables. One or two and you don’t need a comparative or superlative. eg professional is more or the most professional. Cold is colder or coldest. Get it?

It all seems to be exacerbated by dullards on tv who are often barely semi literate
Just fuck off you mongoloid puddle drinkers.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Get it? No? Why am I not surprised.

Nominated by: Uttercunt

71 thoughts on “Misspullinging

  1. The boo-dicka change happened in the 2000s don’t know exactly why but I think it might have been spread by popularist historian Simon Scharmer? It was always bo-de-seea when I was at school.

  2. The whole Boadicea/Boudica thing is probably some trendy, post-modernist lefty bollocks. They’ve dropped the Roman “Boadicea” in favour of the native Boudica (although it’s been admitted that this pronounciation is just a best guess).

    Next thing you know they’ll rename Arminius to Herman and Caratacus to Caradog.

    • As an eleven year old first year student at my grammar school, I was given a months detention by my history teacher.
      For having the temerity to disagree with her using Boudicca.
      Fucking bitch?

      • In my first day at school, the teacher says Mal, ‘where’s your pencil’.
        I said ‘I ain’t got no pencil’.
        She said ‘NO! I do not have a pencil. She does not have a pencil, he does not have a pencil, they do not have any pencils, we do not have any pencils’.
        I said ‘Get to fuck, who’s got all the fucking pencils?’

  3. What really pisses me off is the millennial word ‘reimagining’.

    I have never ‘reimagined’ the names of the countries in the British Empire:
    • Nyasaland
    • Northern Rhodesia
    • Southern Rhodesia
    • Bechuanaland
    • Basutoland
    • South West Africa
    • Gold Coast
    • British Honduras
    • Calcutta
    • Bombay
    • Madras

    And cunts who ‘unfriend’ other people never had any friends in the first place. Online friends are the modern equivalent of the imaginary friends that some mental children of my generation had. Perhaps unfriended online friends are the former reimagined imaginary friends of millennial and Gen Z cunts.

  4. That’s like the use of American spelling in English. Words like color not colour.

    Then computer manufacturers having ‘British English’ as an option. Listen up you cunts British English does not exist. The English language is called English for a reason, because it came from England.

    • Yanks are just cheeky bastards like. I guarantee you French Canadians don’t say French French and Canadian French – they just call it fucking French!

      • I heard somewhere once that French Frenchmen call Canadian French language “pig French”. presumably away from home it’s gets polluted by ameringlish and the French French are rather fussy about language purity.

    • Canadian French is VERY different from French French.

      I learned the European variety at school and spent some time in France.
      I liive in Canada – Drop me in Quebec and I’m fucked

  5. I hated England Language at school when I was a lad. Some spellings never made much sense, especially the idiom “I before E except after C” when trying to remember the difference between spelling “believe” and “deceive”

    Why spell “deceive” that way and not “decieve”? What difference doe it make and why spell it that way? The Americans are only going to bastardise (bastardize) it anyway!

    And what cunt came up with “Where”, “were” and “wear”? Why have 3 different words that are phonetically the same? Why couldn’t they have used a totally different word?

    Bunch of arse!

    • … “Where”, “were” and “wear”
      Very true Techno, but it’s great to confuse Johnny Foreigner, but still worse are the spellings and pronounciations of Irish names. ?

    • … and then there’s the silent letters!

      Silent B, for example – Tomb, Thumb, Dumb

      or the Silent K – Knife, Knickers, Knee

      If they’re silent why fucking use them?

    • “Where”, “were” and “wear”…They used to be distinguishable, and not so long ago. In Scotland, they still are.

      • Nun in bath. Knock on door.
        Who is it?
        A blind man.
        Then you may come in.
        Nice tits babe, where do want this blind?

    • @Technocunt shouldn’t that be where, ware and wear?

      Were rhymes with spur, not spare.

  6. Spelling, pronunciation, grammar…all gone to shit in about twenty years. For the coming trends tune into Radio 4 – no, not really. Not unless your bladder is attached to a refrigeration plant. I can’t speak for the spelling on Radio 4, but I imagine “reined in” , an expression from the horse era and which still has meaning, has become “reigned in”, as it has in the Guardian . “Toeing the line” as in standing smartly in an Army rank, implying conformity, has become “towing the line” – dragging a bit of rope behind you, with no contextual meaning whatever. Even the idioms are fucked.

    Old- through; new – three
    Old – s; new – th
    Old – th; new -v
    Old – because; new – becuz (flat u, better rendered with Turkish ı )
    Old – going; new – gaying
    Old – r; new – w
    Old -t; new – *

    * Gone. Some cunt on R4 this afternoon discussing the otherwise unknown work of a pair of female poets** was talking about “poe’ry” for fuck’s sake. This is the sacred repository of the English language on the subject of the English language?

    **Closet lesbos combining under the pseudonym ‘Michael Field’. completely derivative of Gerard Manley Hopkins only less concerned with the male form than the female one. Now you know.

    • What I wished to say, but was prevented to by over-zealous twts at Admin was well met, Sir and glad you’re back.

      To the over-zealous twats at Admin, this simply doesn’t end. Good luck with Dioclese’s embarrassingly naive strictures!

      Knobby Knowles
      KT 17

      (Welcome! – DA)

    • K….I think Admin removed some posts which makes things rather disjointed.

  7. God bless you OP! If I wasn’t pissed off my fucking tits I would have weighed in with some profound intellectual supportive narrative, but because I am pissed off my fucking tits I shall quietly go away.

  8. It was good when we had that nice fella on here who used to correct peoples spelling, grammar and word usage.
    I’ve heard that the reason the rules of English are inconsistent and illogical is because they’re based on Latin, whereas English emerged from a Romance language and a Germanic language coming together on on Island with a Celtic linguistic background.
    The rules where created quite recently-before that it was more random. Its often pointed out that, in the six surviving Shakespeare signatures, he spells his name differently in each one. None of them match the modern spelling Shakespeare.
    If you’re a genius you can discard the rules- Cormac McCarthy doesn’t use commas for example. No one calls him illiterate.
    I think these rules and accepted spellings only exist to make grammar nazi shit heads feel good by correcting and sneering at people who get things ‘wrong’, sort of people who say ‘actually’ or ‘I think you’ll find…’ a lot.
    Is your meaning is conveyed? that’s what matters

    • Eats roots shoots and leaves. Different meaning with punctuation. Great book by the way – worth a read (the above description is why Kiwis call Aussie visitors “Pandas”.

  9. English is no different to many languages where the sound of one word is the same as another with a totally different meaning.

    Wear, where, were.

    Hola….. Hi.
    Ola…. A wave.

    There are many hundreds of examples.

    As for having letters that are silent.
    C’est la vie.
    There can’t be many more languages with silent letters than French.

    The differences are the emphasis and the pronunciation.

    Foreigners are rightly proud of their languages. They are what defines them as a nation.
    They view fellow countrymen who are lazy in their pronunciation as being ignorant and uneducated.

    English people seem to rejoice in fucking up their language.
    So much so that it is rare to meet an English person who has more than the very basic understanding of any other language.

    • Indonesian: Bahaya = dangerous, Bahagia = happy. I well recall a South African chap attempting to toast the bride and groom in their native language, Offering his well wishes to the “dangerous” couple.

  10. i’ve gotten something. instead of got something. doesn’t sound right ?

  11. It’s all to make the thick cunt effnicks feel that they have a safe space free of the racism of correct grammar and mathematics.

  12. Cunts using ‘of’ instead of ‘have’ really piss me off. No one even bothers challenging their shit anymore. It is symptomatic of this cuntry’s decline.

  13. Sorry to go off topic. An I’ll judged comment on the ‘Freedom Day Postponed’ that I put on was taken off by admin at my request as I do respect this site. A certain member called it libelous what I had put on. I am one of life’s worriers and him saying that has made me feel really uneasy. Could I be done for this? Admin did put ‘allegedly’ on my comment before they took it down. Any advice from fellow cunters would be appreciated. Cheers.

    • Have to quite some court orders afore they got go you.
      Some persons have called for white people to be murdered on Twatter afore now without consequences.
      Try not to bother about it.

    • I am not the spelling Nazi but I think WordPress has bastardised “ill-judged”

    • Yep. Take no fucking notice! Nothing you posted was libellous, Bob. Admin decently removed it at your request and that diffused the situation.

      Boris is a proven liar, namely his Brexit promise to the DUP of no border in the Irish Sea. The rest of what you posted was metaphorical and there is merit in what you suggest about Boris being in cahoots with pharma companies, just look at Hancock’s insider dealing with the PPI equipment company and Boris ignoring it.

      Basically Dio the Diva seems to spend his time clutching his pearls and having a hissy fit if he reads something he doesn’t agree with these days. He also seems nonchalant about the rules he wrote about counting other cunters when it suits him.

      You’re a good poster, Bob, so sleep easy mate ?

      • Many thanks TBRILW for taking the time to reply. It has put my mind at rest. Good poster yourself mate, I love this site, I love the debate, the humour, the views. Cheers mate, all the best ?

        (Obviously if you get a knock on your door in the middle of the night, you don’t know us, right! Oh and can we get back on topic please? – DA)

    • I’m guessing that the Courts will be too busy listing my several years worth of “libels” to ever get round to you,Bob.

      Don’t worry….there’s a hell of a lot worse said on this and other sites and I really can’t see Johnson wanting the publicity of taking action against an allegation of “cocksucking” 🙂 .

      • If I was ordered to pay £ 5 compensation to everyone that I’ve “libelled” on here,even my vast fortune would be gone…

  14. Am glad I never had to learn English (French is enough of a cunt…). How many different pronunciations for – ough?
    Skelingtons have been rattling around since I was at 1ry school, mid – late 70s.
    But ‘muricanisms… aloominum? Wtf? I’ ll get my tin foil hat! And polish up my grammar-Nazi Jack boots…

    • When I was working overseas ( formerly southern USSR), the local lads, bless them, did their utmost to learn the english language to make life easier for us ex-pat folks.
      I was thrown a bit when one of the lads came back from shore leave and during a conversation he explained that a neighbouring farmer had been ‘pluffing’ in his field … Not wanting to discourage him, I asked him to explain the process of ‘pluffing’ … He said that the farmer had a ‘pluff’ attached to the back of his tractor to turn the earth. The penny dropped …
      Cough – coff .. Rough – ruff … Plough – ‘pluff’ …. ‘ough’ must be a cunt for anyone learning the english language.

      • I had a Polish workmate who once asked me to explain why the words though, through, thought and thousand all had a differently-pronounced “ou”. He thought there was some special, clever reason for it but I had to explain to him that the English language was just fucking retarded.

    • It drives me nuts when every fucking Yank says ‘nukular’ instead of nuclear. Dozy cunts.
      Oh, and while we’re about it, there’s their awful ‘off of’.

      • Totally inexplicable this one. Would these folks struggle to pronounce “a run of new clear weather” for instance? And whatever you think of Brian Cox at least he knows how to pronounce “kilometre”; It does NOT rhyme with thermometer! Afternoon Ron, afternoon all.

      • In Naaarge they say “Angular Railways” and “East Angular”…
        I still love the place.

  15. My posts are admittedly fucking terrible as I have a crack in my screen and only after I post the reply and it appears on a different part of the screen do i see predictive bollocks that has been inserted along with additional letters I continued to type after a total bollocks word was inserted

  16. America creep! what pisses me off is when they say ‘i just was going home’ instead of the correct ‘i was just going home’ listen out for it it’s every fucking where, even our own home grown mongs are at it?

  17. Read any Stephen King novel-shit syntax and grammatical errors galore, yet he is a Rembrandt, the way he paints colours (colours) with words ?

  18. Also, it’s news (n-yooze) not fucking nooze! What are you, a fucking Noo Yawk bagel fucking salesman? You stupid (that’s st-yoopid not stoopid) cunts!

  19. A note on the ruination of English by certain nations:

    There are but two types of English. British English, and English with spelling mistakes.

  20. English can be weird, but it can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

  21. Good nom.Then instead of than gets my goat. How can you make that mistake “ mines bigger then yours”. Also, been instead of being. An annoying cunt on here uses that one… see if you can find out who, mind you, this site is riddled with cunts who can’t speel ?.

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