Lori Lightfoot



You remember Lori……weird looking lezza Mayor of Chicago, the Yank equivalent of Suckdick Khunt but much richer. Lori has been cunted before so i’ll just remind you of some of her breathtaking hypocrisy.
Lori closed all the hairdressers in Chicago but , like the witch Pelosi, arranged a private opening for herself. Excuse…..”I am the public face of the city.”
Lori encouraged “mostly peaceful” riots but banned a demo near her home and had half the police force blocking all the roads leading to her mansion. Excuse…….”I have received death threats.”
Lori banned any gatherings of more than 1000 people (after Trump lost) but was seen cavorting among thousands celebrating Uncle Joe’s inauguration. Excuse…….”it was a moment of history”.
Now this mega hypocrite has come up with another couple of corkers.
Having been given a big wedge of money by Uncle Joe to fight the Corona Lori has decided that raaaaaay-sism is a public health issue and has allocated 10 mill for communidee projects.(ie going straight in to her mates’ pockets)
Secondly, Lori has decided that, from now on, she will only be giving interviews with “reporters of colour.” Whitey can fuck off. Can you imagine the outrage if The Don had said I will only take questions from white reporters, Rastus can do one?
This bitch is astonishing and makes Suckdick look like a rank amateur. The lefties in Yankland really don’t care anymore.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

73 thoughts on “Lori Lightfoot

  1. Another race-baiting scumcunt that needs fucking removing from the planet. Oven the human trash.

  2. When the shit hits the fan, this cunt would be well advised to beat it, sharpish.
    Maximum flamethrower.

  3. If that hideousity is her face I dread to think what her “toilet area” looks like!
    I imagine that she has one continuous festering trench with her pisshole,cunt hole and anus all merged together.

  4. What an absolute fucking cunt. How she’s never been cunted before I’ll never know (I hadn’t heard of the cunt).

    Looks like the drummer from Simple Minds. Ugly cunting harridan.


  5. Just seen a stream on the Daily wire, of an american dad tearing shreads off a lefty bastard school board pushing CRT (cunting rasta trash), they couldn’t handle the truth so they closed the meeting and told everyone to leave, well this chap wouldn’t leave and carried on mouth fucking them, so the police arrested him for tresspassing, what a set of cunts. Tell me why the police are stupid enough to take abuse from the left marxist cunts and then like a simpering lapdog bitch protect them from the truth when the going gets tuff. This dad was exercising his cival rights, and these cops broke it, they need to make a stand, with the people that still respect them before they become a man with no island, afterall the left want abolish them, that’s why freaky bitches like this get away with her shit.

  6. In terms of looks, definitely close to the back of the queue when ‘attractive’ was being given out.
    In terms of brains, definitely at the very back.
    Who the fuck voted for this awful example of the human species?
    I think those are the cunts that carry the blame.

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