This deaf cunt bitch is taking the government to court because it failed to provide sign language interpreters during No 10 Covid briefings.
Apparently the failure to convey vital facts led to “stress and frustration” and she wants compensation for her ‘injury to feelings’. She was up the duff at the time and the stress she suffered impacted on her pregnancy and her wellbeing.
I don’t know how as apparently she spat out a perfectly healthy baby and didn’t appear to have any complications. She must have been extremely disappointed though, as that would have led to an bigger compensation claim.
I’m assuming the stupid cunt is also blind as she could have had the subtitles on during the briefings or even read the reports on numerous websites. In response,
I think the government should hire a a sign language interpreter to convey this message for her: FUCK OFF, YOU PATHETIC MONEY GRABBING CUNT!!!
Deaf Woman Sues Government for Hurt Feelings
Nominated by Cupid Stunt The First
Jesus H. Christ-Britain’s unluckiest women: born deaf and fucking ugly?
Aren’t they all. I have a neigbour with such a fat arse her buttocks now go the wrong way. Everytime she sits down she falls in!
Ps: ginger too???
If she spooges her benefits on any digital platform she could watch the B (Blek and Efnic Minorities) Broadcasting Cunts News where BSL interpretators spent the whole briefings flapping their wings about like a fledgling ostrich.
And yes, I know ostriches don’t fly but they sure as hell flap their cunting wings when they get old enough.
Happy to appear for the defence where I will slag her off in BSL.
She’s agitating for British Sign Language exponents on every platform. Waycist! We must have Somali, Urdu, Welsh, Polish, Etcetera Sign Language interpreters too! And bigger platforms!
What do we want?
Eh? Can’t hear you….
You’re a cunt, but I like you!
It’s mutual. Sorry.
Apparently the BBC broadcasted the Covid briefings with sign language, so it made it unnecessary to provide a live signer . Perhaps the govt should have made this better known. This being the case, unless she has a great QC, I think her case will quickly head towards the shitter.
The govt. has taken reasonable steps to ensure that an interpreted version of the broadcast was publlicly available. I think the defence ends there. It should have been down to this woman to enquire with the relevant government information dept so she could have been made aware of this. Did she know? Did they know? She is on shakey ground, me reckons. That said, this is a taxpayer funded case, so it could go in her favour. Especially if she winks at the Judge.
If the CUNT can read British Sign Language, she can read subtitles. She must have a blind partner to have become inseminated!
I hope at least the kid inherits eyebrows from their dad.
It is because of people like this fucking mutant I have to channel hop to find a news that doesn’t have a mime juggler in the picture pulling faces and putting me off what is actually being said ?
???✋???? = Fuck off!
Fucking silly cow. Egged on by grasping fucking lawyers no doubt, hopefully not at our expense.
While on the subject. Has anybody ever tried to watch a signed tv programme? Fucking impossible. Usually recorded in the small hours. Are deaf people insomniacs? And why? Subtitles are available for most programmes and are far less intrusive.
I suspect it is at our expense, CC.
I think the chap behind the case may have previous form with Human Rights, Disabilty Discrimination etc cases funded by legal aid. A change in the law limited such funds available resulting in his original business going into administration.
However, it seems there is still money to be made in these claims so he has resurfaced under a new Ltd company pushing similar cases.
Interestingly, as well as being deaf, Rowley seems to have visual issues and struggles to comprehend written English.
She is also seeking compo from the Labour party (of which she is a member) on similar grounds to those she’s suing the government.
Wouldn’t it be nice if she lost the case against the Govt but won against her own party.
I wonder what benefits she’s on and if taxpayers also have to pay for additional childcare costs / specialist teaching so the child isn’t disadvantaged further by mom not being able to assist its reading development.
Fucking hell she should be happy she didn’t have listen to blustering Boris and wittering Whiity.
Switch to the BBC news channel, they had insert signer, she should think about the majority, having some cunt waving their hands around is distracting.
I have occasionally recorded programmes overnight, not realising they are signed, then had to delete them as I am invariably drawn to the signer, even though I don’t know sign language, and miss the fucking programme.
It’s an utter cunt, Mogs. They reduce the size of the screen only for people like us to see how an Italian would speak.
I’ve every sympathy with this woman. Apparently there have been no sign interpreters at any of the English briefings.
But here’s the rub – there has been one at every Welsh and Scottish briefing.
Once again, another example of how the English are being pissed on with less spent per capita on public services than Cuntstable country or Pollyland!!
Will it still stop you from getting a language interpreter if you are a non – native
gimmigrant? Will it fuck!
How does one sign in Welsh? Lots of choking on hairballs.
I decided to sue the Jellyfish as he is not fit to lead our country.Bin the witch.
What next, a signer in every shop, pub, restaurant. theatre and cinema? Just so cunts like “her” won’t feel left out.
People moan about anything these days, just desperate to find fault, the cunts!
My kettle died this morning after 2 years service FFS. Haven’t had a cuppa since last night. Perhaps I should let social media know, and perhaps the BBC because I am quite traumatised!
PTSD beckons. Is there no fucking gas in Cumbria?
Gas? Wassthat?
All I’ve got is a hamster on his wheel connected to a generator. Cunt just isn’t trying hard enough? Perhaps if I ask Flabbott to get onboard the wheel on the promise of a double chiggin burger? Hmmm
I am impressed by your green credentials Techno. Greta will be proud.
You’d need a fucking mill stream sized water wheel for Flabbot. And there aint enough chiggun past Kendal to offer.
Every freeloader in the world wants compo for hurty feelings from the bottomless pit of the taxpayers purse. Every p*ncing cunt in the country (and there are a shitload of them) has been “traumatised” by some made up bollocks or other. Another sign of our weakness displayed in 6 foot high neon lights. It’s no wonder the Channel is choc a bloc with an armada of grasping sewer rats.
The sad fucker who knocked her up would be more likely to suffer PTSD. Eeuurrgghhh…imagine what her fanny looks like…?.
Midwives and gynaecologists are very brave indeed. Or foolhardy.
Envisage being the poor sap who delivered Dianne Abbott’s baby chimp.
She’s deaf and the whoever slipped her a bone must’ve been blind.
‘injury to feelings’ my arse. I think she can smell the compensation.
I can all magune suing for negligence or something but ‘hurt feelings’. I thought it was a joke. You can actually sue for hurt feelings now.. Fuck me.
And the case is being heard at the High Court. So Monday we have a rape case. Tuesday a murder case. Wednesday hurt feelings. Thurs serious fraud. Fri embezzlement.
I don’t like your tone. Therefore I shall be speaking to my lawyer.
See you in court!
Sue for hurt feelings? Fiddler must be bankrupt by now.
Miles – I see that old Corona typewriter of yours is still under the weather. I think we need to club together for Christmas to replace those missing keys for you.
Disability seems to cause unfathomable cuntitude with some of the raspberry folk!
It’s late night, you’re half cut and looking for something to mong out in front of before you drop off. You look through the listing and there it is, a classic episode of the Sweeney, or maybe the Professionals. Fuck it, this’ll do, so you click on it and joy turns to tears when you see the demented cunt in the corner waving like a tipster on crack.
They must have equipment that has subtitles surely? I mean, being a deaf cunt it’s an essential, so why spoil a perfectly good programme with that stuff?
Get fucked.
Ffs has she never heard of the internet? You go on, type in uk government and I’m sure you will be directed. Give her fuck all but ridicule. Money grabbing swamp donkey.
On a completely different subject … recently the Admin advised me to change my username as it annoyed the `word filters`, apparently. So, reluctantly, I have. You can`t even have a good snigger these days without offending some cunt somewhere.
Welcome again. It’s more the hosting site it autofilters things like snig ger not for the word because it searches for words within words. You’ll also find that you can’t mention Terry Wo gan without it happening. – DA
What about SaCUNThorpe?
Great new name SS?
Thanks, C.G.
@Admin(s) – yep, understood.
Utter respect, Sam and DA and NA. They’ll fuck me and B&WC soon. At DA and NA, how is the word cunt OK?
If it wasn’t this site wouldn’t exist would it? – DA
@DA and NA Whatever magic dust you have, we are very grateful.
Had this deaf cunt came to the door once trying to sell me shite – right in the middle of Come Dine With Me!
She got really aerated when I told her I didn’t need or want any of her cheap (overpriced) rubbish.
Ended up giving her a short-arm jab to the belly and politely closing the door in her face. Never did find out who won that edition of Come Dine With Me, the bitch.
Even that dog looks like it’s pleading for help to escape this hambeast, she looks as though she wants to eat it.
Pity all the blind, deaf, crippled soldiers after the wars didn’t come up with this shit. Still they were honourable, not a thieving parasitic cunt. FUCK OFF.
OH FUCK OFF, this is all thanks to money grabbing cunts and worse vulture thieving shyster no win no fee cunt solicitors.
Fuck me she doesn’t know the meaning of being offended, upset, stressed, half hour with me and she would have a whole new outlook on life and i wouldn’t need sign language or subtitles, i think she would somehow understand exactly my point the gormless moose wearing make up, your deaf not blind ya cunt, dont you own a mirror?……you get the gist
She wants to worry more about laying off the pies (although I am quite fond of a nice warm Cornish Pasty on occasion).
Mmm.Im not convinced.
People say deaf, I call it for what it really is,
Sheer fuckin ignorance!
Just pisstakers.
Alright, maybe some have a build up of wax or something?
But its their own fault for having poor hygiene.
No, the deaf are mickey takers,
Bet they can hear a pound coin hit the fuckin pavement alright,
The grabbing bastards.
Talking of suing – just this on Ali Baba Beebie:
Creampie king, Lloyd Webber getting his knickers in a twist again.
This ponsy cunt (who creeps the life out of me, deffo wouldn’t let my girls near him) – not that he has ever been accused of anything, for the record, who I understand is worth avbout $1.2 billion should put his hands in his pocket.
Chinese man once say:
“Man with hole in pocket, feel cocky all day”.
What’s the problem with subtitles?
They’re shit on the radio.
Why do all deaf people talk like Sylvester Stallone?
And is it classed as a accent?
I was once on a train from Waterloo to Portsmouth.
A young deaf woman had an anxiety attack at Clapham.
They stopped the train but rather than take her off the train, they went to the trouble of taxi-img a member of BR staff who could understand international sign language.
3 1/2 hour fucking delay.
Fuck your Helen Keller-fuck you very much?
Was that South West Trains? They did my head in!