Goldsmiths College

Goldsmiths College are cunts.

For this.

Student Racial Trauma Extension

Students can apply for deferrals in exams and assessments if they’ve suffered ‘racial trauma’ but because this is self-certification, there are no limits to what bullshit students can claim.

Clearly this is only aimed at our non-white and diverse brethren. The new and entertaining GB News channel had a comment about a student who asked for extensions/deferrals due to her grandmother’s death and was only allowed to do retakes (which will probably limit her to only a pass).

What’s more Goldsmith’s is 47% white and 48% non-white (by identification no doubt – if I were a student I’d identify as a well-tanned honkey).

Fuck this shit.

Nominated by: Dark key cunt

And seconded by: mystic maven 

Dark Key Cunt, you beat me to it by about 25 minutes, but I’ll definitely second this nomination for Goldsmiths College.

Exam Referral Extension for Racial Trauma

Looks like it was touted by Sara Bafo, the ‘Welfare and Liberation’ officer,

Her twitter account boasts a Palestinian flag above ever post. I wonder if the Jewish students (assuming there are any in that cesspit) can claim racial trauma resulting from the likely antisemitism on campus created by her and her supporters.

49 thoughts on “Goldsmiths College

  1. Everybody is a victim at Goldsmiths.
    Racial trauma? Hahahaha ?
    What saw your grandad on a jam jar and now you need counselling?

  2. I suspect with a name kije ‘Goldsmiths’ there will have been Jewish patronage in the past.

    • Founded by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Miles.

    • I see Sara has ‘protected’ the Jummah prayer in the timetables. The Jummah prayer is at 12 noon for Muslims. ‘The Angelus’ is about that time for Catholics. The Jews pray a little later in the afternoon with the Mincha prayer. What about the poor Buddhists? Haven’t they got a special time? The Humanist will want time because the others have got times.

      • If they had any integrity the Buddhists would be setting fire to themselves.

      • Buddhists are supposed to set fire to themselves at 12 noon every day. Failing that, they have to stand and meditate on one foot for 6 hours.

  3. This is the inevitable rise of identity over merit. We will get illiterate black graduates who will be ‘entitled’. And only fit to worrk at the BBC or the Guardian.

  4. It’s no wonder ‘white working class’ kids don’t go to university, the places are run by woke, P*ki and umbongo cunts

    White girl ‘Can I have a deferral, my grandmother died’
    Fuck Off.
    Black girl ‘Can I have a deferral, I have had a racial trauma’
    Yes, take as long as you like.


    • Little Johhny and Winston sat in class. Winston asks the teacher..

      “Sir, can I have tomorrow off to go to my Nan’s funeral?”

      “Of course you can, Winston” says the teacher.

      Next week in class, Little Johhny puts his hand up and asks the teacher

      “Sir, can I have tomorrow off to go blackberrying?”

      Teacher replies “No, of course not Johnny”

      Little Johhny replies “Sir, that’s not fair, you gave Winston the day off to go black-burying!”

  5. Torch the fuckin’ place and let them be deferred for eternity. Load of old bollocks as per usual. Sick of it is an understatement.

  6. What a laughable basket case this county has become.

    The easily offended woke brigade where everyone is a victim is taking over and spreading their racism agenda faster than Covid.

    These universities and colleges are doing a great disservice to their students, with I suspect many potential employers taking note of establishments who promote this fucking nonsense and keeping well clear.

  7. Fucking bureaucracy – just give every dark key a brace of straight A+’s or A Stars or whatever they’re called these days.

    Then skip university (waste of time and taxpayers money) and give them all 1st class degrees in whatever subject(s) they fancy and be done with it.

    While we’re at it, indoctrinating primary school kids to go out and break the law protesting against Climate Change should be prioritised.

    Education in this country is fucked.

  8. The comedy at our universities continues unabated. At least it would be a comedy, if it weren’t so dangerous.

    Does a country the size of Britain really need 130 universities? Since the Universities explosion some 25 years ago the standard of university education had declined dramatically, with them all trying to out-woke each other to gain more students and therefore fees and funding.

    In 2019 nearly 550,000 students were admitted to UK universities. No wonder we have a drop-out rate of over 6 per cent as students realise that an expensive degree in “The Physics of Star Trek” or “Deconstructing the Canon of Lady Gaga” is not all it’s cracked up to be.

    The high academic standards of traditional universities has been debased to the point where university courses now offer media studies, counselling, fashion, hospitality leisure and tourism, youth work, floristry and, of course, “gender and race studies”. Does it matter if thicko students are able to defer their exams in such utter gobshite?

    The object of the universities is to become a sausage factory in order to generate as much dosh as possible whilst flattering the public with the delusion that society is becoming more highly educated.

    Well it’s not. These universities churn out morons who are even thicker than they were before they were admitted.


  9. These snowflakes are our future! But given they get “traumatised” (in other words scared shitless) over the slightest little thing God help is if war is declared!

    Expect the following:-

    Can’t access Facebook/Twitter – Social Media Trauma
    Can’t get a good 4G signal or internet is down – Telecoms Trauma
    McDonalds is out of stock of its chiggun burgers – FastFood Trauma
    Overslept due to partying – NotmyFault Trauma
    Broke a Fingernail while scratching arse – Incapacity Trauma

    Come on Putin, finish us off for fuck’s sake! It won’t take much I assure you.

    To misquote that classic Orange Telecoms TV ad strapline

    “The Future’s Black: The Future’s Fucked!”

  10. Whatever they want, they fucking get.

    Total cunts. PLO loving anti-white anti-christian cunts.

  11. Didn’t pass innit?

    “Dat be raycis n sheet. Gibsmedat extra time and second chance. I is so angry wid dee honky man, dat I is too upset to write, spell n sheet innit, blud? Gibsmedat first class honours already fam.”

  12. They’re lucky I’m not the head honcho.

    It would be a curt email and letter saying:

    “This is a academic establishment. Claims that racism is the cause for students submitting poor work or not hitting academic deadlines, is ,frankly, laughable.

    Those that have tried to tarnish staff and students with such labels in a cynical and ham-fisted attempt to excuse their tardiness, are now suspended. If you have received this letter or email, you are suspended until:

    1. I receive a full written apology from you for your actions mentioned above.

    2. You apologise to your staff and fellow students face to face after sending your letter to me.

    3. If you refuse to do the above by the last day of this month, consider yourself expelled. No course refunds will be given and therefore, you will not receive a student loan for another degree level course.”

    Good day.

    Lord Cuntybollocks BSE MFI STD
    Head Honcho, Cuntybollocks University

    But universities are run by cunts, so the thick dark key and peaceful students will just keep doing this until they get everything they want, the thick bastards.

    • If only it were so. Cambridge University is now run by a spiteful little man called Professor Steven Toope. He recently tried to make it a disciplinary matter for a don to look at a dark-key student with raised eyebrows. If I had a pound for every time a don looked at me with raised eyebrows then I’d be a very rich man by now. That’s what dons do.

      • It will come to a point where even raising your voice by an octave, or mispronouncing some cunt’s name, or only marking someone’s thesis with anything less than a “A+” and a shiny little gold star, will result in PTSD for the offended student, and instant dismissal for the teacher/lecturer!

    • Great idea but far too soft and long winded CB

      A simple letter just telling them to Fuck Off would be equally effective and save time.

      • You’re quite right of course, Mr Stroker.

        If it were my ‘yooni’ I wouldn’t send anything I think.

        Just have security on the door refusing to let the cunts in. They’d be handed a piece of paper with ‘You’re expelled. Now fuck off out of it, you little cunt ” on it.

  13. All this shit starts in pre school. There is no way our economy is benefiting from an “educated ” population. We are churning out morons to teach our children into idiocy. All this under a “conservative” government.

  14. Sadly it weren’t too diff’rent in maaah day.
    Only then mardy arsed cunts at uni were moaning about the paucity of student grants (if only we’d known how lucky we were), Franco and South Africa (of course Idi Amin, the Soviets and every other cunt got a free pass).
    Cunts then, cunts now. It won’t be too long before most of ’em are working at the Beeb and reading the fucking Guardian while sipping their chilled soy lattés all day.

  15. That nom pic

    Where’s a hijacked Boeing 767 when you could do with one.

    Racism Racism Racism.
    Every minute of every fucking day.

    Completely fabricated victimhood to further the most sinister and demoralising of agendas.

    Fuck off and die you cunts!

  16. Oh for the halcyon days of Rag week! When cheerful students would come around public houses selling home-made comics to raise enough money for a piss up. They had no racial worries, no gender worries and judging by the content of the Rag Mag, no woke worries!

    This lot of entitled millennial crybabies don’t deserve to be the next generation! I hope by the time we’ve finished all we leave them is a scorched earth!

  17. The Oxford Cambridge boat race will be outlawed next – too competitive. The stress of not winning will be too much for some of these delicate cunts. So best thing is to ban the race outright.

    As for athletics – all BAMEs and other “persecuted” people will be given a 50m head start in running competitions, and extra advantages in other events, such as the javelin – if some dark key only throws a spear at 60meters, an extra 60 meters will be added, and will be called “BAME Benefit”

    All non-compliant white honkies will either be banned from competing, or will have their hands/feet tied.

    • The BBC recently advertised for a solicitor. Candidate has to be BAME. Whiteys need not apply and can fuck off.

  18. The left infiltrated our education system years ago but it was far more subtle then , I remember my older brother coming back from university spouting lots of left wing philosophies and my dad stopping him mid flow with “ what on earth are they teaching you up there?”
    Our local council green run Brighton and hove have just introduced “ critical race theory “ to the school curriculum via the back door , no consultation with parents just slipped it in to classroom, catch em young when they are at the most impressionable and you’ve got them for life , I remember some cunt doing something similar in 1930,s Germany…..
    we’re living in truly fucked up times ……?

  19. Safety first.
    Dynamite the rat’s nest and hang the infiltrator so fond of the Palestinian flag.
    Build a memorial park to The Battle of Britain on the site.

  20. With reference to the photo what is the point of an “anti racism occupation”? We’re just going to sit around doing nothing until you stop calling us lazy foreign bastards. Bit of a self fulfilling prophecy innit comrade?

  21. Today is the 145th anniversary of the massacre at the Little Big Horn. I mention that because I feel like i’m surrounded by hordes of ignorant savages all baying for my blood.
    “Mistakes were made” as they said at the time.

  22. I see in the header it’s more gobby effnicks complaining about being in Britain. LEAVE you cunts. No one will miss you

  23. Uni is the best thing ever for both keeping all these pricks out of the job market and then, once they have their useless degrees, it’s great for knowing which CV’s to put straight in the bin.
    I’d much rather employ someone with a vocational qualification anyway. Better for the company and far better on a personal level.
    Dark1es with a degree though?! Never thought I’d see the day. Unless it was a degree in drug dealing or stabbing a fellow simian.

    • All the dark keys with business degrees run county lines gangs. International relations is networking in Colombia and accounting is money laundering.

      • Ho ho, yes indeed!
        Medical degree: where best to stab your rival.
        Telecommunications degree: calling out DeShawn in a drill rap Youtube video.

  24. When I was at university the student population was over 95% white. Never had any problems with uppity ch**os.
    I’d hate to be an undergraduate now. They would kick me out because I couldn’t shut up if these cunts kicked off and started complaining.

  25. The only ‘trauma’ they need worry about is the £30,000 plus student debt they have run up for their useless degree in 20th century lesbian poetry or gender studies. Not that they even have to worry about that really, since they all mental and clearly unemployable in the real world, destined to be the perennial student activist masquerading as grown-ups.

  26. The way to correct the university problem is remove ALL government money from the equation. No loans, grants, aid, or funding of any kind. Each uni has to stand on it’s own and provide the service that their alumni want. This would create more competition between universities and raise quality while lowering costs.

  27. It’s a pity there isn’t a sniper taking out those silver moons on the balcony. Barrett .50 pull trigger once those little cunts left would want their safe space then, covered in brain tissue.

  28. Probably doing those Degrees to put the country back on its feet…. Media Studies, Gender Studies and Basket Weaving etc.
    University in my book should be for Medicine, Architects and Engineering. Most of the other jobs should be apprenticeships whilst learning the trade on the job and college day release.
    “Everyone should go to University” said Blair. My God, the twat really is a simpleton.

    • Bravo, You had to be good to get into university in my day, or your parents had money. What’s wrong with a trade? l;ots of honourable professions to learn. Plus you get paid from day one.

      All these media studies crap courses should be banned. Fucking Bliar and his faction. Fucked Britain permanently. CUNT

  29. Once again, now universities are fiercely competitive boxticking idiot-processors run like extremely inefficient and wasteful businesses by and for MBAs, they feel they have no option but to woo the BAME/misgendered/younameit minorities. The name of the game is bums on seats, and keeping the bums there for the requisite three years. Bums which would be better helped by a smart kick into the real world. Goldsmiths is just the tip of the iceberg; this has been accelerating everywhere, even Oxbridge, since….aye, him…Blair. Who is now blairthering about even more universities teaching bollocks to anyone who can be lured in with unrealistic promises of employment. A first degree nowadays has no more value in employment terms than an old O level, but we don’t shout about that.

  30. I wonder how many white students are taking advantage of this scheme?
    Yep – that’s what I thought.
    On other relevant news, the guitarist from Mumford and Sons has quit after “dweadful abuse” after he “liked” a book by Andy Ngo on social media.
    On with the puttees and pith helmets – the nazis have risen, work to be done.

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